Trumps brilliant tweet [go back to your countries ! ]

she has said that is anti-American?

Ihan Omar said: "Right now, House Democratic leaders are not rising to the moment. Children are dying at the hands of House Democratic leaders own government, thousands are being held indefinitely in cages. They're being forced to sleep on the floor, and denied basic necessities like soap and toothpaste."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said: "I think that politically, this upper-middle class is probably more moderate, but that upper-middle class doesn’t exist anymore in America, and thanks to the continued deregulation of Wall Street, thanks to the continued gutting of working- and middle-class people, we need stronger champions." (referring to Israel)

“These are people that hate our country, They hate our country. They hate it, I think, with a passion.” President Trump said.

If these Congresswomen hate America, why are they even here?
I'm not collecting AOC quotes--she's off the wall so I'm not bothering.
Omar's hyperbole about the children in camps at the border hasn't got the real gut kicking anti-American feel I was looking for though. She is certainly not the only one describing the situation there that way.
I do want to thank you though. You got any more?

I would consider this anti-American.

There are a few things that we can do. One of them is that we can increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities. So, 70 percent, 80 percent, we've had it as high as 90 percent. Ilhan Omar

Somali community, which she talks about A LOT. Not "Americans". Look when you talk about Somalia a LOT, people say, Okay, go back there.

Many in the Somali community are excited to vote and support candidates who have shown an ability to lead with integrity and not use props and gatekeepers to get their votes. Ilhan Omar

What I always emphasize is that I am a representative who happens to be Somali. Ilhan Omar

Read more at Ilhan Omar Quotes

What's wrong with any of that?

Taxing people at 70-90% is a problem.

More pertinent to the OP, talking about being "Somali" is exactly the problem. Leftists don't get it because they don't have the American urge, see. But to Americans, this is very....strange, to say the least. She might be FROM Somali, but she is no longer Somali. She is an American citizen. She could not be in Congress if she were not.
do you know what fair share is? if so, could you define it here?

I'll need more context. The post I quoted does not mention "fair share" so you'll have to be more specific.
it mentions a 70%, 80% 90% tax rate. so what is fair share? you don't think someone making 1 million pays his/ her fair share of 20% like we do?
Yeah, but those super high taxes were only for income over a certain number of millions--not the whole thing of course. No one would even work if the gov took 90% of it. It doesn't seem fair to me that anyone no matter how rich would be taxed that much. There has to be a better way.
those people don't pay their fair share? how much does someone who makes a billion at 20% pay in? isn't it the same fair amount you do? 20% of a billion is how much? can you even do the math?

If they actually paid 20% it would be fair, but like I said, they often pay much less then that. Do you think that is fair? Why should billionaires get to pay less of a tax % than you do?

For example.

"I'll probably be the lowest paying taxpayer in the office. - Warren Buffett""

Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary
she has said that is anti-American?

Ihan Omar said: "Right now, House Democratic leaders are not rising to the moment. Children are dying at the hands of House Democratic leaders own government, thousands are being held indefinitely in cages. They're being forced to sleep on the floor, and denied basic necessities like soap and toothpaste."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said: "I think that politically, this upper-middle class is probably more moderate, but that upper-middle class doesn’t exist anymore in America, and thanks to the continued deregulation of Wall Street, thanks to the continued gutting of working- and middle-class people, we need stronger champions." (referring to Israel)

“These are people that hate our country, They hate our country. They hate it, I think, with a passion.” President Trump said.

If these Congresswomen hate America, why are they even here?
I'm not collecting AOC quotes--she's off the wall so I'm not bothering.
Omar's hyperbole about the children in camps at the border hasn't got the real gut kicking anti-American feel I was looking for though. She is certainly not the only one describing the situation there that way.
I do want to thank you though. You got any more?

I would consider this anti-American.

There are a few things that we can do. One of them is that we can increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities. So, 70 percent, 80 percent, we've had it as high as 90 percent. Ilhan Omar

Somali community, which she talks about A LOT. Not "Americans". Look when you talk about Somalia a LOT, people say, Okay, go back there.

Many in the Somali community are excited to vote and support candidates who have shown an ability to lead with integrity and not use props and gatekeepers to get their votes. Ilhan Omar

What I always emphasize is that I am a representative who happens to be Somali. Ilhan Omar

Read more at Ilhan Omar Quotes

What's wrong with any of that?

Taxing people at 70-90% is a problem.

More pertinent to the OP, talking about being "Somali" is exactly the problem. Leftists don't get it because they don't have the American urge, see. But to Americans, this is very....strange, to say the least. She might be FROM Somali, but she is no longer Somali. She is an American citizen. She could not be in Congress if she were not.

She's allowed to mention Somali. LOL. She said that Somali's are excited to support candidates who show the ability to lead with integrity. There is nothing wrong with that all.

Do you not want to be able to vote for people who lead with integrity? LOL.
An American President telling American citizens to leave it they don't like it.

In a normal world, this would be insane. In this world, it's just another embarrassing moment.

There is nothing wrong with what he said. He is saying that if you don't like America, then leave. Clearly these folks don't like America. They don't believe in the country. The only reason this is news is because the leftist are complete idiots and control the media narrative.
An American President telling American citizens to leave it they don't like it.

In a normal world, this would be insane. In this world, it's just another embarrassing moment.

There is nothing wrong with what he said. He is saying that if you don't like America, then leave. Clearly these folks don't like America. They don't believe in the country. The only reason this is news is because the leftist are complete idiots and control the media narrative.
Had Obama said this, you folks would have completely lost your shit, and you know it.

Of course, Obama would never say something so childish, unpresidential and undignified.
How, in the face of Trump's racism, can anyone be "appalled" at what four freshman congressmen say?

The appalling thing is some people are clapping Trump on the back for being a racist dick.

Please quote the most racist Trump quote.
The most racist?

Very few ne people on both sides?

The judge is Mexican and can't render a fair verdict?

LeBron James, Maxine Waters and Colin Kaepernick are 'low IQ individuals'?

shithole countries?

Go back to wherever you came from, you pesky colored women?

You're not trying to suggest aTrump is not a racist, are you?
Ihan Omar said: "Right now, House Democratic leaders are not rising to the moment. Children are dying at the hands of House Democratic leaders own government, thousands are being held indefinitely in cages. They're being forced to sleep on the floor, and denied basic necessities like soap and toothpaste."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said: "I think that politically, this upper-middle class is probably more moderate, but that upper-middle class doesn’t exist anymore in America, and thanks to the continued deregulation of Wall Street, thanks to the continued gutting of working- and middle-class people, we need stronger champions." (referring to Israel)

“These are people that hate our country, They hate our country. They hate it, I think, with a passion.” President Trump said.

If these Congresswomen hate America, why are they even here?
I'm not collecting AOC quotes--she's off the wall so I'm not bothering.
Omar's hyperbole about the children in camps at the border hasn't got the real gut kicking anti-American feel I was looking for though. She is certainly not the only one describing the situation there that way.
I do want to thank you though. You got any more?

I would consider this anti-American.

There are a few things that we can do. One of them is that we can increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities. So, 70 percent, 80 percent, we've had it as high as 90 percent. Ilhan Omar

Somali community, which she talks about A LOT. Not "Americans". Look when you talk about Somalia a LOT, people say, Okay, go back there.

Many in the Somali community are excited to vote and support candidates who have shown an ability to lead with integrity and not use props and gatekeepers to get their votes. Ilhan Omar

What I always emphasize is that I am a representative who happens to be Somali. Ilhan Omar

Read more at Ilhan Omar Quotes

What's wrong with any of that?

Taxing people at 70-90% is a problem.

More pertinent to the OP, talking about being "Somali" is exactly the problem. Leftists don't get it because they don't have the American urge, see. But to Americans, this is very....strange, to say the least. She might be FROM Somali, but she is no longer Somali. She is an American citizen. She could not be in Congress if she were not.

She's allowed to mention Somali. LOL. She said that Somali's are excited to support candidates who show the ability to lead with integrity. There is nothing wrong with that all.

Do you not want to be able to vote for people who lead with integrity? LOL.

She has made many anti-American statements. She was elected because her district has a very high Muslim makeup. I guess Democrats are fine with having people from other countries come to our country and instead of assimilating, attempting to change our culture to their home culture. I am not fine with that. Most sane Americans aren't either.
What's wrong with any of that?
do you know what fair share is? if so, could you define it here?

I'll need more context. The post I quoted does not mention "fair share" so you'll have to be more specific.
it mentions a 70%, 80% 90% tax rate. so what is fair share? you don't think someone making 1 million pays his/ her fair share of 20% like we do?
Yeah, but those super high taxes were only for income over a certain number of millions--not the whole thing of course. No one would even work if the gov took 90% of it. It doesn't seem fair to me that anyone no matter how rich would be taxed that much. There has to be a better way.

And the only people who think that the rich would be taxed for 90% of all of their money are people who don't understand how tax brackets work or listen to too much Fox News.
I still think it's obscene to have tax rates that high for any amount of money.
An American President telling American citizens to leave it they don't like it.

In a normal world, this would be insane. In this world, it's just another embarrassing moment.

There is nothing wrong with what he said. He is saying that if you don't like America, then leave. Clearly these folks don't like America. They don't believe in the country. The only reason this is news is because the leftist are complete idiots and control the media narrative.
Had Obama said this, you folks would have completely lost your shit, and you know it.

Of course, Obama would never say something so childish, unpresidential and undignified.

Obama(and his wife) wasn't fond of the US himself, so no, he wouldn't have said this.
An American President telling American citizens to leave it they don't like it.

In a normal world, this would be insane. In this world, it's just another embarrassing moment.

There is nothing wrong with what he said. He is saying that if you don't like America, then leave. Clearly these folks don't like America. They don't believe in the country. The only reason this is news is because the leftist are complete idiots and control the media narrative.
Had Obama said this, you folks would have completely lost your shit, and you know it.

Of course, Obama would never say something so childish, unpresidential and undignified.

Obama(and his wife) wasn't fond of the US himself, so no, he wouldn't have said this.
It's like, incredible.
Ihan Omar said: "Right now, House Democratic leaders are not rising to the moment. Children are dying at the hands of House Democratic leaders own government, thousands are being held indefinitely in cages. They're being forced to sleep on the floor, and denied basic necessities like soap and toothpaste."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said: "I think that politically, this upper-middle class is probably more moderate, but that upper-middle class doesn’t exist anymore in America, and thanks to the continued deregulation of Wall Street, thanks to the continued gutting of working- and middle-class people, we need stronger champions." (referring to Israel)

“These are people that hate our country, They hate our country. They hate it, I think, with a passion.” President Trump said.

If these Congresswomen hate America, why are they even here?
I'm not collecting AOC quotes--she's off the wall so I'm not bothering.
Omar's hyperbole about the children in camps at the border hasn't got the real gut kicking anti-American feel I was looking for though. She is certainly not the only one describing the situation there that way.
I do want to thank you though. You got any more?

I would consider this anti-American.

There are a few things that we can do. One of them is that we can increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities. So, 70 percent, 80 percent, we've had it as high as 90 percent. Ilhan Omar

Somali community, which she talks about A LOT. Not "Americans". Look when you talk about Somalia a LOT, people say, Okay, go back there.

Many in the Somali community are excited to vote and support candidates who have shown an ability to lead with integrity and not use props and gatekeepers to get their votes. Ilhan Omar

What I always emphasize is that I am a representative who happens to be Somali. Ilhan Omar

Read more at Ilhan Omar Quotes

What's wrong with any of that?

Taxing people at 70-90% is a problem.

More pertinent to the OP, talking about being "Somali" is exactly the problem. Leftists don't get it because they don't have the American urge, see. But to Americans, this is very....strange, to say the least. She might be FROM Somali, but she is no longer Somali. She is an American citizen. She could not be in Congress if she were not.

She's allowed to mention Somali. LOL. She said that Somali's are excited to support candidates who show the ability to lead with integrity. There is nothing wrong with that all.

Do you not want to be able to vote for people who lead with integrity? LOL.

Free speech works like this: She's allowed to mention just about whatever she wants, and we can make determinations from there.
I'm not collecting AOC quotes--she's off the wall so I'm not bothering.
Omar's hyperbole about the children in camps at the border hasn't got the real gut kicking anti-American feel I was looking for though. She is certainly not the only one describing the situation there that way.
I do want to thank you though. You got any more?

I would consider this anti-American.

There are a few things that we can do. One of them is that we can increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities. So, 70 percent, 80 percent, we've had it as high as 90 percent. Ilhan Omar

Somali community, which she talks about A LOT. Not "Americans". Look when you talk about Somalia a LOT, people say, Okay, go back there.

Many in the Somali community are excited to vote and support candidates who have shown an ability to lead with integrity and not use props and gatekeepers to get their votes. Ilhan Omar

What I always emphasize is that I am a representative who happens to be Somali. Ilhan Omar

Read more at Ilhan Omar Quotes

What's wrong with any of that?

Taxing people at 70-90% is a problem.

More pertinent to the OP, talking about being "Somali" is exactly the problem. Leftists don't get it because they don't have the American urge, see. But to Americans, this is very....strange, to say the least. She might be FROM Somali, but she is no longer Somali. She is an American citizen. She could not be in Congress if she were not.

She's allowed to mention Somali. LOL. She said that Somali's are excited to support candidates who show the ability to lead with integrity. There is nothing wrong with that all.

Do you not want to be able to vote for people who lead with integrity? LOL.

She has made many anti-American statements. She was elected because her district has a very high Muslim makeup. I guess Democrats are fine with having people from other countries come to our country and instead of assimilating, attempting to change our culture to their home culture. I am not fine with that. Most sane Americans aren't either.
DBA, you should take a look at the link of Omar's quotes that Sue gave me. Omar is not anti-American. That is the propagandists whipping up Trump's base. Some people are letting their imaginations run away with them because she is Muslim.
I would consider this anti-American.

There are a few things that we can do. One of them is that we can increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities. So, 70 percent, 80 percent, we've had it as high as 90 percent. Ilhan Omar

Somali community, which she talks about A LOT. Not "Americans". Look when you talk about Somalia a LOT, people say, Okay, go back there.

Many in the Somali community are excited to vote and support candidates who have shown an ability to lead with integrity and not use props and gatekeepers to get their votes. Ilhan Omar

What I always emphasize is that I am a representative who happens to be Somali. Ilhan Omar

Read more at Ilhan Omar Quotes

What's wrong with any of that?
do you know what fair share is? if so, could you define it here?

I'll need more context. The post I quoted does not mention "fair share" so you'll have to be more specific.
it mentions a 70%, 80% 90% tax rate. so what is fair share? you don't think someone making 1 million pays his/ her fair share of 20% like we do?

The data shows that many of those making that much money are NOT paying that sort of rate. They are using the system to pay a lower percentage than those in the lower and middle class. So to answer your question, no they are NOT paying their fair share.
huh, what does that mean, how can they change their rate? 20% is 20%. how do they avoid that? explain.
Trump's tweet was stupid. It gave the media the excuse to gloss over antifa fire bombing a detention center.

We know how the media works. They are predictable. This was just stupid.


The media would have found incontrovertible proof that the Antifa punk was actually a caregiver to an old widow walking back from Weekend Prayer Service when the Cops mowed him down for absolutely no reason at all.

The fucker was carrying a fucking rifle you MOROM!
BRILLIANT !!!! Trumps tweet to the anti American squad was absolutely brilliant ! you see now instead of Biden and Pelosi arguing with the radicals now they are defending them ........... many independents and blue dogs are appalled at the anti American and anti Semitic hate speech touted by the squad !!! Trump is now bringing together the radicals in common hateful anti American cause !! many Americans feel the same way Trump does !! now the dem leadership will defend and side with the indefensible !!! costing dems the independent vote !!! TRUMP 20 20 !!
All the Goose Steppers get in line, as usual. Searching the bottom of the barrel. So typical.
I'm not collecting AOC quotes--she's off the wall so I'm not bothering.
Omar's hyperbole about the children in camps at the border hasn't got the real gut kicking anti-American feel I was looking for though. She is certainly not the only one describing the situation there that way.
I do want to thank you though. You got any more?

I would consider this anti-American.

There are a few things that we can do. One of them is that we can increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities. So, 70 percent, 80 percent, we've had it as high as 90 percent. Ilhan Omar

Somali community, which she talks about A LOT. Not "Americans". Look when you talk about Somalia a LOT, people say, Okay, go back there.

Many in the Somali community are excited to vote and support candidates who have shown an ability to lead with integrity and not use props and gatekeepers to get their votes. Ilhan Omar

What I always emphasize is that I am a representative who happens to be Somali. Ilhan Omar

Read more at Ilhan Omar Quotes

What's wrong with any of that?

Taxing people at 70-90% is a problem.

More pertinent to the OP, talking about being "Somali" is exactly the problem. Leftists don't get it because they don't have the American urge, see. But to Americans, this is very....strange, to say the least. She might be FROM Somali, but she is no longer Somali. She is an American citizen. She could not be in Congress if she were not.

She's allowed to mention Somali. LOL. She said that Somali's are excited to support candidates who show the ability to lead with integrity. There is nothing wrong with that all.

Do you not want to be able to vote for people who lead with integrity? LOL.

She has made many anti-American statements. She was elected because her district has a very high Muslim makeup. I guess Democrats are fine with having people from other countries come to our country and instead of assimilating, attempting to change our culture to their home culture. I am not fine with that. Most sane Americans aren't either.

If their "home culture" means electing people with integrity then I'm all for it.

You're acting as if our shit doesn't stink, all while supporting a used car salesman who ran on a slogan of "Make America Great Again". If bringing integrity back into our government isn't making it great, I don't know what is.
do you know what fair share is? if so, could you define it here?

I'll need more context. The post I quoted does not mention "fair share" so you'll have to be more specific.
it mentions a 70%, 80% 90% tax rate. so what is fair share? you don't think someone making 1 million pays his/ her fair share of 20% like we do?
Yeah, but those super high taxes were only for income over a certain number of millions--not the whole thing of course. No one would even work if the gov took 90% of it. It doesn't seem fair to me that anyone no matter how rich would be taxed that much. There has to be a better way.

And the only people who think that the rich would be taxed for 90% of all of their money are people who don't understand how tax brackets work or listen to too much Fox News.
I still think it's obscene to have tax rates that high for any amount of money.
Maybe it is, but no one is truly proposing that at this point.
I'm not collecting AOC quotes--she's off the wall so I'm not bothering.
Omar's hyperbole about the children in camps at the border hasn't got the real gut kicking anti-American feel I was looking for though. She is certainly not the only one describing the situation there that way.
I do want to thank you though. You got any more?

I would consider this anti-American.

There are a few things that we can do. One of them is that we can increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities. So, 70 percent, 80 percent, we've had it as high as 90 percent. Ilhan Omar

Somali community, which she talks about A LOT. Not "Americans". Look when you talk about Somalia a LOT, people say, Okay, go back there.

Many in the Somali community are excited to vote and support candidates who have shown an ability to lead with integrity and not use props and gatekeepers to get their votes. Ilhan Omar

What I always emphasize is that I am a representative who happens to be Somali. Ilhan Omar

Read more at Ilhan Omar Quotes

What's wrong with any of that?

Taxing people at 70-90% is a problem.

More pertinent to the OP, talking about being "Somali" is exactly the problem. Leftists don't get it because they don't have the American urge, see. But to Americans, this is very....strange, to say the least. She might be FROM Somali, but she is no longer Somali. She is an American citizen. She could not be in Congress if she were not.

She's allowed to mention Somali. LOL. She said that Somali's are excited to support candidates who show the ability to lead with integrity. There is nothing wrong with that all.

Do you not want to be able to vote for people who lead with integrity? LOL.

Free speech works like this: She's allowed to mention just about whatever she wants, and we can make determinations from there.

Exactly. So what she said is hardly Anti-American.

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