Trumpian hissy-fit over the Huffington Post


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
The Huffington Post, in a deliberate, but perhaps correct adjustment, has decided to post anything Trumpian under "Entertainment" and not "politics".

Not to be out-trolled by anyone on this planet, the Don himself trolled back. Behold:


So, let's be adults about this, although he is not being an adult.

He is mad at the Huffington Post (which has a huge following) and decides it's unimportant. Well, ok.

But for a guy who is so focused on his campaign, she sure spent some time trolling back, nöööö?

Now, imagine this dude as POTUS and late one evening, Putin insults him.

Ok. It could go something like this:

"Donald Trump official response to unimportant Putin

The unimportant Russians have decided to insult us great Americans, whom I am making greater because I'm rich, I'm really rich. And I'm smart. And I can file lawsuits.

If you have read previous messages from Pres. Trump, you will know that he is no fan of that loser Putin or those pussy Russians.

So, tonight, Pres. Trump is nuking Russia.

God Bless American

Oh, and don't forget: I'm rich."


Now, if I were crazy enough to want to be a Republican, I would be hammering at the Don over this mercilessly. Of course, we all know how often Pres. Obama sends out press releases stating how unimportant his critics are, right?

Oh, wait. Our President (Obama, that is) doesn't do that.


Donald Trump. The gift that just keeps giving. I wonder if he has set a personal goal of insulting every person on the planet before he is done....

Your thoughts?
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My thoughts.

Trump is being crazy like a fox.

He knows the base GOP voter hates the Huffington Post and Arianna in particular for being a turncoat.

So he gets publicity and more support by doing so.

I guess you have to wonder, how seriously is he taking his own run. Is he really serious about being president, or is he just trolling Jeb Bush?
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My thoughts.

Trump is being crazy like a fox.

He knows the base GOP voter hates the Huffington Post and Arianna in particular for being a turncoat.

So he gets publicity and more support by doing so.

I guess you have to wonder, how seriously is he taking his own run. Is he really serious about being president, or is he just trolling Jeb Bush?

At this point in time, I'm just not so sure.

One thing, however, is sure: Trump has enough money to run this thing all the way to the end, if he wants, without one single donor.
Now, if I were crazy enough to want to be a Republican, I would be hammering at the Don over this mercilessly.
I do like your hypothetical scenario. Of course you would hammer him considering your present/real ideology. The truth is that you are terrified about Trump's populist message resonating on a high frequency with non-ideological Average Joes.
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Now, if I were crazy enough to want to be a Republican, I would be hammering at the Don over this mercilessly.
I do like your hypothetical scenario. Of course you would hammer him considering your present/real ideology. The truth is that you are terrified about Trump's populist message resonating on a high frequency with non-ideological Average Joes.

Not so sure about that, amigo.

I, as a Democrat, am THRILLED that the Don is doing what he is doing.

By all means, he should continue.

Now, if I were crazy enough to want to be a Republican, I would be hammering at the Don over this mercilessly.
I do like your hypothetical scenario. Of course you would hammer him considering your present/real ideology. The truth is that you are terrified about Trump's populist message resonating on a high frequency with non-ideological Average Joes.

Not so sure about that, amigo.

I, as a Democrat, am THRILLED that the Don is doing what he is doing.

By all means, he should continue.

I thought I was Chuvak…
Reverse psychology… being thrilled, huh?
The GOP has had a contentious relationship with the press for a long time and it is getting worse everyday. You often see threads here where so-and-so "smacks down" some journalist for asking a tough question. It's why they have their own media outlet that will only toss softballs. As for Trump, even he must know that he's a joke and this frontrunner status is only temporary, like a summer romance with bigotry that will end as soon as the weather turns cold. By this Nov. he will be yapping around the heels of the serious candidates wondering what the hell happened.
Now, if I were crazy enough to want to be a Republican, I would be hammering at the Don over this mercilessly.
I do like your hypothetical scenario. Of course you would hammer him considering your present/real ideology. The truth is that you are terrified about Trump's populist message resonating on a high frequency with non-ideological Average Joes.

Not so sure about that, amigo.

I, as a Democrat, am THRILLED that the Don is doing what he is doing.

By all means, he should continue.

I thought I was Chuvak…
Reverse psychology… being thrilled, huh?

Today you are a Khavver, Chuvak. Is that ok with you, Amigo?

trump is who the republican racist base want as president.

the republican party is in big big trouble.
Oh, here it is...

Speaking at the Iowa Freedom Summit in January, Trump said ObamaCare is a catastrophe that must be repealed and replaced. In 2011, Trump suggested that the health insurance industry have more ability to cross state lines. In "The America We Deserve" Trump wrote that he supported universal healthcare and a system that would mirror Canada's government-run healthcare service.
Donald Trump on Health Care

Pretty hard to argue with really. He's starting to look like a substantial candidate.
Trump isn’t a serious candidate, he has no intent of wining the nomination, much less the presidency.

What’s telling and amusing, of course, is a majority of republicans polled believe he is a serious candidate.
Trump isn’t a serious candidate, he has no intent of wining the nomination, much less the presidency.

What’s telling and amusing, of course, is a majority of republicans polled believe he is a serious candidate.

Man, they are going to be sending someone over from the SPCA to investigate you for beating that same old dead horse ....................
Trump is a Dim plant.

Instead of talking about such issues as the Iran nuke deal which will turn the entire Middle East into nuke arms race and the beginning of Armageddon, he is talking about the Huffington post and being a birther.

Dims must be proud.

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