Trumpery was rejected, but continues to ravage the GOP


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
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After Trump sunk in Georgia and pulled down two Republican Senators with him, intra-potty mayhem has ensued.

‘It’s almost like insanity’: GOP base continues to lash out over Trump’s defeat
There’s no evidence of election fraud in Georgia. Even so, the party rank and file is fixated on it — even if it costs them in the midterms.
MARIETTA, Ga. — Nowhere has the post-Trump era been more painful for the Republican Party than in Georgia, where Trump loyalists’ war on Republican elected officials is still raging, at great cost.
After the presidential election, lost by Republicans in Georgia for the first time since 1992, the party crumpled in the January Senate runoffs. In the Atlanta suburbs, once a citadel of conservatism, Republicans were blown out.
Yet if that was cause for any introspection, it was not readily apparent as Republicans gathered at county conventions in recent days to chart their course for the midterm elections and the next presidential race in 2024.
In Cobb County, the archetype of the GOP’s suburban erosion, Republican activists over the weekend were still re-litigating Trump’s baseless claims of widespread voter fraud while drafting resolutions to rebuke the state’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, and other Republican officials for their unwillingness to overturn Trump’s loss. The Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, has been all but excommunicated.
The once dominant Georgia GOP might be in meltdown in the suburbs, but the rank and file remains obsessed with Trump and the perceived wrongs of the last election.
As party activists vented at their county convention, the chair of the Cobb County Young Republicans, DeAnna Harris, stewed in the parking lot of her local party office.
“Huge mistake,” she said of the hostilities directed at Kemp and the reliving of 2020. “We’ve got to get out of this mindset. It’s almost like insanity.”
Watching the Peach Tree Keystone Cops braining one another with billy clubs, a discrete level of schadenfreude may be permitted.
Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea.
While we were marching through Georgia!
Yet the GOP gained what was it 13-15 house seats? You Marxists are going to get your ass handed to you in the mid terms. The lack of down ballot votes for Dems is all we need to know that it was rigged for Joe and a few Senate seats.
After Trump sunk in Georgia and pulled down two Republican Senators with him, intra-potty mayhem has ensued.

‘It’s almost like insanity’: GOP base continues to lash out over Trump’s defeat
There’s no evidence of election fraud in Georgia. Even so, the party rank and file is fixated on it — even if it costs them in the midterms.
MARIETTA, Ga. — Nowhere has the post-Trump era been more painful for the Republican Party than in Georgia, where Trump loyalists’ war on Republican elected officials is still raging, at great cost.
After the presidential election, lost by Republicans in Georgia for the first time since 1992, the party crumpled in the January Senate runoffs. In the Atlanta suburbs, once a citadel of conservatism, Republicans were blown out.
Yet if that was cause for any introspection, it was not readily apparent as Republicans gathered at county conventions in recent days to chart their course for the midterm elections and the next presidential race in 2024.
In Cobb County, the archetype of the GOP’s suburban erosion, Republican activists over the weekend were still re-litigating Trump’s baseless claims of widespread voter fraud while drafting resolutions to rebuke the state’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, and other Republican officials for their unwillingness to overturn Trump’s loss. The Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, has been all but excommunicated.
The once dominant Georgia GOP might be in meltdown in the suburbs, but the rank and file remains obsessed with Trump and the perceived wrongs of the last election.
As party activists vented at their county convention, the chair of the Cobb County Young Republicans, DeAnna Harris, stewed in the parking lot of her local party office.
“Huge mistake,” she said of the hostilities directed at Kemp and the reliving of 2020. “We’ve got to get out of this mindset. It’s almost like insanity.”
Watching the Peach Tree Keystone Cops braining one another with billy clubs, a discrete level of schadenfreude may be permitted.
Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea.
While we were marching through Georgia!

Trump had nothing to do with the loss in Georgia, it was an angry and disenfranchised voter base. I called both losses soon after the G.E unfolded, you can check my history. The GOP did it to themselves by not fighting harder for election process BEFORE the election, and, for not at least agreeing to an investigation post-election. It's clear that there is a focus by deep Dem pockets to turn Georgia and Texas.

If I were a voter in Georgia and I saw that unfolding I wouldn't vote either. Some people might be blindly loyal to a party, however, I am guessing many are not. In fact, I would rather vote for the Party I normally wouldn't vote for just to spite any politician who I deemed to be cowardly.

Also, what is "Trumpery"? Confronting China after 30 years rather than walking around with your pants at your ankles while allowing the Communists to crush U.S influence?
Watching the Peach Tree Keystone Cops braining one another with billy clubs, a discrete level of schadenfreude may be permitted.
Revel in your rhetoric as much as you like. It changes nothing about Trump's position as a powerbroker in the party. Those like Cheney, for example, who want to openly clash with him are welcome to try. Truth is the establishment Republicans in DC are going to realize, eventually, that they shat the bed and everyone KNOWS IT. Those who are mocking Trump by saying he's marginalized while the GOP moves on, are just simple-minded and they'll make more excuses later for why Trump's supporters are nut cases or cult members. Here's the thing though, Skippy, neither he nor we give a damn what establishment types want or think. One way or another, change is on the way.
The Democrat troll socks use the same blue font. Most Democrat posters are paid trolls. Schools in blue areas haven't produced a student who could read or write well enough to post on forums like this in 20 years.
After Trump sunk in Georgia and pulled down two Republican Senators with him, intra-potty mayhem has ensued.

‘It’s almost like insanity’: GOP base continues to lash out over Trump’s defeat
There’s no evidence of election fraud in Georgia. Even so, the party rank and file is fixated on it — even if it costs them in the midterms.
MARIETTA, Ga. — Nowhere has the post-Trump era been more painful for the Republican Party than in Georgia, where Trump loyalists’ war on Republican elected officials is still raging, at great cost.
After the presidential election, lost by Republicans in Georgia for the first time since 1992, the party crumpled in the January Senate runoffs. In the Atlanta suburbs, once a citadel of conservatism, Republicans were blown out.
Yet if that was cause for any introspection, it was not readily apparent as Republicans gathered at county conventions in recent days to chart their course for the midterm elections and the next presidential race in 2024.
In Cobb County, the archetype of the GOP’s suburban erosion, Republican activists over the weekend were still re-litigating Trump’s baseless claims of widespread voter fraud while drafting resolutions to rebuke the state’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, and other Republican officials for their unwillingness to overturn Trump’s loss. The Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, has been all but excommunicated.
The once dominant Georgia GOP might be in meltdown in the suburbs, but the rank and file remains obsessed with Trump and the perceived wrongs of the last election.
As party activists vented at their county convention, the chair of the Cobb County Young Republicans, DeAnna Harris, stewed in the parking lot of her local party office.
“Huge mistake,” she said of the hostilities directed at Kemp and the reliving of 2020. “We’ve got to get out of this mindset. It’s almost like insanity.”
Watching the Peach Tree Keystone Cops braining one another with billy clubs, a discrete level of schadenfreude may be permitted.
Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea.
While we were marching through Georgia!
Trying to communicate with these people can be like trying to communicate with someone who's on some kind of drug, or like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed jihadi on the streets of Damascus. You just realize they're really not there. Even Republicans know it.

It's awfully tempting to extrapolate out and assume that this madness has put the GOP on a path to ruin, but I'd warn against that. First, this is not an insignificant number of people. Second, there is huge leverage in politics, where a relatively small number of people can have outsized influence. And third, the Democratic Party continues to do what it can to make itself unattractive on its own.

Living in historic times is weird. I wish I could fast-forward and see how this all turns out.
Democrats won the election but they can't let go of their hatred. We have Russia on the verge of invasion of Ukraine, hoards of illegals on the border, cities burning and the president wanders around the W.H. with a black face mask wondering what day it is. Meanwhile the only political issue the nut cases on the left can come up with is "Trumpisms".
Watching the Peach Tree Keystone Cops braining one another with billy clubs, a discrete level of schadenfreude may be permitted.
Revel in your rhetoric as much as you like. It changes nothing about Trump's position as a powerbroker in the party. Those like Cheney, for example, who want to openly clash with him are welcome to try. Truth is the establishment Republicans in DC are going to realize, eventually, that they shat the bed and everyone KNOWS IT. Those who are mocking Trump by saying he's marginalized while the GOP moves on, are just simple-minded and they'll make more excuses later for why Trump's supporters are nut cases or cult members. Here's the thing though, Skippy, neither he nor we give a damn what establishment types want or think. One way or another, change is on the way.
Of course, the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer who lost his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate in his single term remains a factor in Republican politics, Sunshine - even after he incited his goons to attack the Capitol to prevent the Vice President and Congress from certifying the democratic verdict.

The blatant political cannibalism in Georgia is ample confirmation of that.

Meanwhile, the ten Republicans the Loser denounced are all suffering the consequences:

House Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump See Fundraising Boost
[House Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump See Fundraising Boost]
Watching the Peach Tree Keystone Cops braining one another with billy clubs, a discrete level of schadenfreude may be permitted.
Revel in your rhetoric as much as you like. It changes nothing about Trump's position as a powerbroker in the party. Those like Cheney, for example, who want to openly clash with him are welcome to try. Truth is the establishment Republicans in DC are going to realize, eventually, that they shat the bed and everyone KNOWS IT. Those who are mocking Trump by saying he's marginalized while the GOP moves on, are just simple-minded and they'll make more excuses later for why Trump's supporters are nut cases or cult members. Here's the thing though, Skippy, neither he nor we give a damn what establishment types want or think. One way or another, change is on the way.
Of course, the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer who lost his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate in his single term remains a factor in Republican politics, Sunshine - even after he incited his goons to attack the Capitol to prevent the Vice President and Congress from certifying the democratic verdict.

The blatant political cannibalism in Georgia is ample confirmation of that.

Meanwhile, the ten Republicans the Loser denounced are all suffering the consequences:

House Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump See Fundraising Boost
[House Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump See Fundraising Boost]

Yes. The Democrats tend to fund their own, Captain Obvious.
Yet the GOP gained what was it 13-15 house seats? You Marxists are going to get your ass handed to you in the mid terms. The lack of down ballot votes for Dems is all we need to know that it was rigged for Joe and a few Senate seats.

Yea, sure it was, dumb ass.
From the link:

To traditionalist Republicans in Georgia, the infighting between fervent Trump supporters and the establishment wing of the party has become increasingly alarming as the midterm elections come into focus. The GOP is desperate to regain its footing in the suburbs after Trump’s collapse there. But it was moderate Republicans and independent voters, not Trump loyalists, who abandoned Trump in November, and the party’s fixation on the former president may only alienate them further, with potentially disastrous consequences for 2022 and beyond.

The predicament for Republicans is that while many suburban voters, especially women, recoiled from Trump, he dramatically expanded the party elsewhere, pulling more working-class whites into the GOP and making inroads with Latinos. Now, for Republican Party organizers, the question hanging over the midterm elections is how to hold on to Trump’s base while recovering the moderate voters he lost to now-President Biden in November.

Two issues at work for the Republican Party to ruminate over...

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