Trump would be a foreign policy disaster imo

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
The man can not control his temperament AT ALL. He's lose with the tongue and nothing good would ever come from that quality.
He may have other positive attributes that could be helpful to our nation but we need a well rounded president.

If you need any proof just look as his inability to take the high road when he grovels with people like the women from daytime talk shows via the social networks.

Stop supporting this buffoon
The man can not control his temperament AT ALL. He's lose with the tongue and nothing good would ever come from that quality.
He may have other positive attributes that could be helpful to our nation but we need a well rounded president.

If you need any proof just look as his inability to take the high road when he grovels with people like the women from daytime talk shows via the social networks.

Stop supporting this buffoon
He won't be the nominee I suspect after this first debate people will see he really brings nothing to the table and that will be the start of his going away though he will draw it out as long as he can.
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Seriously the man CAN NOT CONTROL his mouth. You can agree with some of the things he says, although he likely held the OPPOSITE opinion just a few years earlier, and still realize what a disaster he would be.

Continued support will only hurt everyone cause when he falls from his pedestal, and he will, he will be under the illusion that he has mass support & likely run 3rd party which will then fuck over any possibility of a conservative winning against the dems.

Kick this idiot to the curb
I'd rather have Trump than Obozo or Hidebeast on foreign policy any day of the week.
You know, I'm starting to wonder whether Trump has just been trolling the shit out of the American people for years now. We know he used to be very much a supporter of Democratic issues and candidates. Are we sure this isn't just his way of trying to sabotage the GOP?
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The man can not control his temperament AT ALL. He's lose with the tongue and nothing good would ever come from that quality.
He may have other positive attributes that could be helpful to our nation but we need a well rounded president.

If you need any proof just look as his inability to take the high road when he grovels with people like the women from daytime talk shows via the social networks.

Stop supporting this buffoon

Not a big Trump fan myself, but nothing - repeat, nothing - could be worse than the "foreign policy" (cue Laff-Trak) forwarded by Barack Obama and his boltnecked puppet.

Where it has not alienated our allies, it has infuriated them, and encouraged our enemies.

His milquetoast approach of Diplomacy Uber Alles has put us in a spot that we may find difficult to get out of without stomping a quarter of the planet in the future.
I strongly disagree. Both Communists/Progressives and Neocons are bitchin about him. That means he's onto something. I'm in. GO TRUMP!!
Conservative politicians are very bad at foreign policy everywhere in the world. Their supporters demand tough talk and saber-rattling and they forget (or don't care) that their words carry to every part of the world. Trump is just ridiculously bad compared to the rest of the diplomatically impaired republicans.
The man can not control his temperament AT ALL. He's lose with the tongue and nothing good would ever come from that quality.
He may have other positive attributes that could be helpful to our nation but we need a well rounded president.

If you need any proof just look as his inability to take the high road when he grovels with people like the women from daytime talk shows via the social networks.

Stop supporting this buffoon

Not a big Trump fan myself, but nothing - repeat, nothing - could be worse than the "foreign policy" (cue Laff-Trak) forwarded by Barack Obama and his boltnecked puppet.

Where it has not alienated our allies, it has infuriated them, and encouraged our enemies.

His milquetoast approach of Diplomacy Uber Alles has put us in a spot that we may find difficult to get out of without stomping a quarter of the planet in the future.
I dislike nearly everything about Obama but this upcoming debate is not about Obama
Seriously the man CAN NOT CONTROL his mouth. You can agree with some of the things he says, although he likely held the OPPOSITE opinion just a few years earlier, and still realize what a disaster he would be.

Continued support will only hurt everyone cause when he falls from his pedestal, and he will, he will be under the illusion that he has mass support & likely run 3rd party which will then fuck over any possibility of a conservative winning against the dems.

Kick this idiot to the curb

He'll never run third party, because running is not his objective, just as politics is not his objective.
His objective is attracting attention to himself, which is why he "announced" now, more than a year out of any election. That way he gets to make noise without having to actually participate in the process.

And making noise is all he has, or ever will have.
We need a President who can face down Iran. We need a President who Iran knows Ain't bluffing when we say don't fuck with us. He'll be awesome on the international front.
Trump would be a foreign policy disaster imo
Depends on what is your definition of "disaster." If we define the foreign policy of present administration as Armageddon or Apocalypse, then I would settle for a "disaster"
The man can not control his temperament AT ALL. He's lose with the tongue and nothing good would ever come from that quality.
He may have other positive attributes that could be helpful to our nation but we need a well rounded president.

If you need any proof just look as his inability to take the high road when he grovels with people like the women from daytime talk shows via the social networks.

Stop supporting this buffoon
Ya think?
The man can not control his temperament AT ALL. He's lose with the tongue and nothing good would ever come from that quality.
He may have other positive attributes that could be helpful to our nation but we need a well rounded president.

If you need any proof just look as his inability to take the high road when he grovels with people like the women from daytime talk shows via the social networks.

Stop supporting this buffoon

Not a big Trump fan myself, but nothing - repeat, nothing - could be worse than the "foreign policy" (cue Laff-Trak) forwarded by Barack Obama and his boltnecked puppet.

Where it has not alienated our allies, it has infuriated them, and encouraged our enemies.

His milquetoast approach of Diplomacy Uber Alles has put us in a spot that we may find difficult to get out of without stomping a quarter of the planet in the future.

If you wanna see foreign policy disaster that infuriates the rest of the world, look no further than the last joke of an administration.

If you missed it, this was the high point:


Now that is fucking embarrassing.
We need a President who can face down Iran. We need a President who Iran knows Ain't bluffing when we say don't fuck with us. He'll be awesome on the international front.
There's more to international relations than escalating tensions and alienating allies. You want to see tough talk? Watch wrasslin'.
Seriously the man CAN NOT CONTROL his mouth. You can agree with some of the things he says, although he likely held the OPPOSITE opinion just a few years earlier, and still realize what a disaster he would be.

Continued support will only hurt everyone cause when he falls from his pedestal, and he will, he will be under the illusion that he has mass support & likely run 3rd party which will then fuck over any possibility of a conservative winning against the dems.

Kick this idiot to the curb

No offense, but you sound like a Communist/Progressive/Neocon pussy. Stop being so PC, and get on board. Trump's a leader. Besides Rand Paul, he's the best candidate out there.

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