Trump WON South Carolina!

Trump Cheated Bigly

I am truly mystified by this "race." Haley has nothing to gain. Any illusion she may have had about being "Plan B" is long since extinguished. DeSantis left the race because, policy-wise, he was indistinguishable from The Donald, and it made no sense for them to be harping against one another. Hence, he remains as Plan B.

Haley is quickly becoming as popular among Republicans as that Cheney woman.
Nikki ain’t gonng anywhere.

She keeps saying Trump can’t beat Biden and she’s gonna hang around till the rest of you realize it

She'll hang around till the commiecrat donors dry up, all she's doing is destroying any political future she might have had. Trump could die tomorrow and she still won't be the nominee.

Your favorite President just won SC! I wonder if Nicky will drop our or keep going? Awesome President Trump! :)

under Trump the average cost of a home was half of what it is now under Biden. Under Trump the interest rates on loans were around 2% compared to around 7% under Biden today.

That’s what we have under Biden and economic crisis for the middle-class^

Stocks aren’t really technically booming. A small percentage of the S&P 500 has made a ton of money in the past year or two. They’re basically carrying the weight of the entire S&P 500.
Your favorite President just won SC! I wonder if Nicky will drop our or keep going? Awesome President Trump! :)

So, we assume the election wasn't stolen as you got the result you wanted, then?

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