Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

The statute says nothing about intent.
Post it. And then i will post the precedents. And you will understand why you are on the wrong side of it.

Fair enough. No mention of "intent".

46 CFR 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information.

(p) Any person having access to and possession of classified information is responsible for protecting it from persons not authorized access to it, to include securing it in approved equipment or facilities, whenever it is not under the direct supervision of authorized persons.

(q) Employees of the Commission shall be subject to appropriate sanctions, which may include reprimand, suspension without pay, removal, termination of classification authority, loss or denial of accessto classified information, or other sanctions in accordance with applicable law and agency regulation, if they:

(1) Knowingly, willfully, or negligently disclose to unauthorizedpersons information properly classified under Executive Order 13526or predecessor orders;

(2) Knowingly and willfully classify or continue the classification of information in violation of Executive Order 13526 or any implementing directive; or

(3) Knowingly and willfully violate any other provision of Executive Order 13526 or implementing directive.
And yet not one such person who investigated or reviewed the investigation agrees. A rational person would, at this point, question his own reason, which is what you should do.

You don't agree that Hillary was, at least, "grossly negligent" in her handling of classified materials?
lets cut to the chase -

Goldilocks could shit on his drones birthday cake and they would fight to the death to lick the icing.

saluting communist bastards
lying every breath
pissing on the 10 commandments
etc etc etc

BE DAMNED ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

THEY SIMPLY DONT F'N CARE what the old lard ass sob does.


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Lakhota is like the little twat that yells names at other kids from the safety of his second-story, bedroom window. He's too much of a pussy to come out and man up. Typical liberal.
The statute says nothing about intent.
Post it. And then i will post the precedents. And you will understand why you are on the wrong side of it.

Fair enough. No mention of "intent".

46 CFR 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information.

(p) Any person having access to and possession of classified information is responsible for protecting it from persons not authorized access to it, to include securing it in approved equipment or facilities, whenever it is not under the direct supervision of authorized persons.

(q) Employees of the Commission shall be subject to appropriate sanctions, which may include reprimand, suspension without pay, removal, termination of classification authority, loss or denial of accessto classified information, or other sanctions in accordance with applicable law and agency regulation, if they:

(1) Knowingly, willfully, or negligently disclose to unauthorizedpersons information properly classified under Executive Order 13526or predecessor orders;

(2) Knowingly and willfully classify or continue the classification of information in violation of Executive Order 13526 or any implementing directive; or

(3) Knowingly and willfully violate any other provision of Executive Order 13526 or implementing directive.
"Knowingly and will fully"...there is where "intent" is found, in precedents.

"Negligently"...standard for prosecution was simply not met.
Lakhota The most honest statement that you could make would be that you don't care that Hillary engaged in criminally felonious behavior. Instead of hiding under your bed like a little twat, just admit the truth.
And yet not one such person who investigated or reviewed the investigation agrees. A rational person would, at this point, question his own reason, which is what you should do.

You don't agree that Hillary was, at least, "grossly negligent" in her handling of classified materials?
No, because they were actually pretty careful, as the small amount of classified info was generally labeled "classified" after the fact. It was simply a trend in the government (as Colin powell will attest) that our old laws had not been well deaigned to address. We fix it, and move on.

This is why Comey recommended no criminal case. He spelled it out.
FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Hillary DID transmit and receive classified materials to and from her private server. Each transmission is at least one felony.
Wrong. 100% wrong. Intent or criminal negligence must be proven in a court. Comey specifically said no evidence of either was found. How can you not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding this?

Before any investigation. :rolleyes:
Trump has committed all manner of impeachable offenses – offenses that warrant his removal from office consistent with Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.

Impeachment is a political – not legal – process; a president can be removed from office via the impeachment process absent alleged criminal wrongdoing; because he's doing a poor job as president, such as Trump.

But that will never happen.

Democrats don’t want Pence as president.

A conviction in the Republican Senate would be impossible.

And the American people would never support removing a president from office absent alleged criminal wrongdoing, as most Americans incorrectly believe that a president must have committed a crime to be impeached.

Indeed, Trump benefits from Americans’ ignorance.

I have read COTUS many times, and have taken ConLaw. No where doe it state, imply or even suggest that the President cannot be served a subpoena and be forced to testify under oath.

We are a nation of laws, if the President refuses the subpoena, we would face a Constitutional crisis. If in fact the Supreme Court decides the President is above the law, for any reason, and their decision is to not force him to testify under oath we will be known as the last free generation.

Says only a Progressive pretend to be. You don't know shit.

Your conclusion is correct, we have never met.

I prefer the folks I associate with to actually be able to think for themselves.
An objective non-partisan person who looks at the evidence against both Trump and Hillary should conclude that the DOJ and FBI were in the tank for Hillary.
And yet not one such person who investigated or reviewed the investigation agrees. A rational person would, at this point, question his own reason, which is what you should do.

Not one such person like McCabe, Comey, Rosenstein, Strzok, Ohr, investigated themselves for conspiracy. Comey had no authority to decide on Hillary's "intent". The DOJ makes that call based on the "evidence" of her deliberate mishandling classified information on her illegal bathroom server, not to mention the destruction of evidence. Congress is looking into the Hillary/FBI/DOJ wrongdoing, stay tuned...
Why No Investigation Into FBI, Justice Dept. Collusion With Democrats To Spy On Trump? Turns Out, There Is One | Investor's Business Daily
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FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Hillary DID transmit and receive classified materials to and from her private server. Each transmission is at least one felony.
Wrong. 100% wrong. Intent or criminal negligence must be proven in a court. Comey specifically said no evidence of either was found. How can you not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding this?

Before any investigation. :rolleyes:
Nah,that's just Trumpkin sour grapes. You guys always throw the same little baby fit whenever something doesn't go exactly the way you want it.
The statute says nothing about intent.
Post it. And then i will post the precedents. And you will understand why you are on the wrong side of it.

Fair enough. No mention of "intent".

46 CFR 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information.

(p) Any person having access to and possession of classified information is responsible for protecting it from persons not authorized access to it, to include securing it in approved equipment or facilities, whenever it is not under the direct supervision of authorized persons.

(q) Employees of the Commission shall be subject to appropriate sanctions, which may include reprimand, suspension without pay, removal, termination of classification authority, loss or denial of accessto classified information, or other sanctions in accordance with applicable law and agency regulation, if they:

(1) Knowingly, willfully, or negligently disclose to unauthorizedpersons information properly classified under Executive Order 13526or predecessor orders;

(2) Knowingly and willfully classify or continue the classification of information in violation of Executive Order 13526 or any implementing directive; or

(3) Knowingly and willfully violate any other provision of Executive Order 13526 or implementing directive.
"Knowingly and will fully"...there is where "intent" is found, in precedents.

"Negligently"...standard for prosecution was simply not met.

In other words, government employees should be able to scan and send classified materials through their Yahoo account, right? As long as they don't "intend" to do anything bad, then it's ok, right? LOL.

If what Hillary did isn't, at minimum, "negligent", then nothing is.
Comey had no authority to decide on Hillary's "intent"
Sure he did, that is part of exactly what he was asked to do. You are ill informed. The DOJ makes the final decision. And they did. And Trump tried to abuse his power in the opposite direction. Again, i don't think the trump cultists realize how serious this is.

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?

Sounds like Trey Gowdy should be prosecuted for trying to frame Hillary.

In a bombshell revelation, the Central Intelligence Agency reached out to Democrats serving on the Select Committee on Benghazi on Saturday, October 17, 2015 to confirm that Chairman Trey Gowdy had altered documents provided to the committee by Hillary Clinton.

CIA: Trey Gowdy Altered Documents To Frame Hillary Clinton

Comey testified that Hillary Lied, that she had emailed/ received classified data, that there were official docs, etc....

...and you are still trying to spew bullshit.


Comey DID not testify that Hillary lied. Not even close. In fact, when Trey Gordy was weasel wording his questions on Hillary’s email Comey made a point of saying she DID NOT LIE. In his press conference Comey said he found her truthful throughout her interview.

Stupid Russians.

Lib please Hillary is a big fat liar and everyone knows it. So is Bill. So is Obama. Its hilarious watching you people try defending them.
Back in the day, Jimmy Carter(the guy who said the world would run out of oil by 2011) with his liberal compassion, enacted a law that wanted mentally ill people to no longer be in mental institution but be in the care of the family. Then when all the insane asylums were emptied by this law, Ronald Reagan closed them up, because it was money wasted with no inmates, and now all those crazy people, have fucked like bunny rabbits and are todays Democrat party. How else could Mad Maxine Waters , Guan is sinking Hank Johnson elected and what is worse, bat shit crazy Nan from San Fran, Nancy Blinkie Pelosi is going to be the leader of the Democrat held Congress.....AGAIN??? Didnt learn the 1st time she took the gavel, now you have to be reminded again...2020 is going to be butt hurt liberals again..Cities will burn and women punched...

In other words, government employees should be able to scan and send classified materials through their Yahoo account, right?
No, that is not what i stated or implied. Please dont intentionally represent me, you discredit yourself to do so. In fact, I clearly said this had to be fixed in our legal code. And it was, if you noticed.
FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Hillary DID transmit and receive classified materials to and from her private server. Each transmission is at least one felony.
Wrong. 100% wrong. Intent or criminal negligence must be proven in a court. Comey specifically said no evidence of either was found. How can you not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding this?

100% wrong. Comey had tons of evidence, including the destruction thereof. Comey made the call that there was no "intent" instead of letting the DOJ indict her or let a grand jury examine the evidence. Who paid for the Steele Dossier? Who authorized the spying on US citizens and the Trump campaign? Who lied to the FISA coourt? Etc.
Why No Investigation Into FBI, Justice Dept. Collusion With Democrats To Spy On Trump? Turns Out, There Is One | Investor's Business Daily
If what Hillary did isn't, at minimum, "negligent", then nothing is.
To the standard of criminal prosecution? It wasn't. The investigation found this. And you don't like that, because you hate Hillary. Period. Not much else to say.
In other words, government employees should be able to scan and send classified materials through their Yahoo account, right?
No, that is not what i stated or implied. Please dont intentionally represent me, you discredit yourself to do so. In fact, I clearly said this had to be fixed in our legal code. And it was, if you noticed.

The law is very specific and in black and white. If a mid-level State Department staffer had been caught doing what Hillary did, they would have been prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned for many years. Hell, Hillary didn't even get charged with being "grossly negligent". If she wasn't negligent, then nobody has EVER been negligent in the handling of classified materials.

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