Trump/Vivek Vivek destroys neocon Nikki

Haley has the best chance against Trump in the primary, imo.

Christie will drop out and throw his support behind Haley.

DeSanctimonious might stay in because he’s not sure what to do to get out of this shit-show he got himself into. If he had waited until 2028, he most likely wins POTUS.

Vivek stays in to run interference for Trump out of spite for Haley. He plans to seek some kind of job under President Trump if he wins.
Vivek who?

Vivek is never going to get the nomination.

Nikki is the strongest GOP candidate, by far. She gets soccer moms, security moms, and Tiger Moms.

Trump loses those groups....again.

Yes, so CNN and the rest of the Democrat media keeps telling your naive arse.
If she is the nominee, Joe wins. No more Neo Cons.


The home for neocons is now the Democrats.

Apparently there's still a few stragglers who don't possess the mental fortitude to see beyond superficial party labels and think Trump was just a bump in the road to a third Bush/Cheney regime.
Yes, so CNN and the rest of the Democrat media keeps telling your naive arse.
If Trump wins the nomination I'm in.

Just saying that Trump has too much baggage and too many crazy enemies. Have you seen Scarborough and Carville?
We're gonna see "pussy grabbin" and "department store rapist", and J6 riot scenes, and Felony explanations, and guilty verdicts, and more J6 riot scenes, and recorded testimonials from Republicans like General Kelly, Bill Barr, Pompeo, Navarro, Bolton, the ones cutting deals in GA, etc.
There will be sooo many anti-Trump Republican commercials people will think he's a convicted felon and unelectable.

Nikki Haley is Snow White by comparison.
She wins against that old evil lying Joe Biden by at least 10-points to be the 1st woman president.

Trump is damaged goods, too risky to put up, too much baggage, especially with women voters.
I like Vivek, he's sharp. He'd be better than what we got now, for sure.

Desantis would too. The other 2? Nah.
DeSantis should have grown a set a few weeks ago & took on Trump. He might be doing better in the polling if he did. Instead he grabbed his ankles & got boned.

But that's what happens to anyone who grabs their ankles for Trump.

Last night he was too gutless to answer a simple yes or no question whether or not Trump is fit for office.

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