Trump verses the Swamp, why I support Trump.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I understand why people don't like Donald Trtump. In fact, before he got into politics I had little interest in him, thinking of him to be a narcissistic man whore who hung around with the Clintons. I get it. He was a man who funneled millions of dollars to democrats like Chuck Schumer to pay them off so they would allow him to do business in New York, just like the mob used to force people to pay for "protection" so their business would be "safe" from bad things happening to them. I could not even stomach to watch his little shows on TV.

But today, Trump is being accused of paying off a whore to keep quiet, even though it was for consensual sex that may have been immoral, but not illegal. It surprises no one. not even me.

However, we have an entire Federal government that is far worse. We have an entire US Congress that hat paid off women over the years to the tune of $17 million dollars for sexual harassment and assault so they would keep quiet, something that is not legal. And to boot, they did not even bother to use their own money to pay these women to keep silent like Trump did. No, they used your money, taxpayer money.

So Congress stole your money to hide their illegal sexual assaults. Trump in comparison, is a saint.

What seems the most odd to me is that this is all out in the open, being reported by CNN, yet we are not allowed to know the names of the wrong doers, nor are we to expect justice from them in any way? End of story? Really?

This is why I support Donald Trump. As miserable as his moral standards have been in the past, it is still head and shoulders above the Swamp, which for me, is as low as the human race can get. They are the ultimate evil.

Whatever bad thing Trump has done in the past, the Swamp has done a hundred times worse.
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I understand why people don't like Donald Trtump. In fact, before he got into politics I had little interest in him, thinking of him to be a narcissistic man whore who hung around with the Clintons. I get it. I could not even stomach to watch his little shows on TV.

But today, Trump is being accused of paying off a whore to keep quiet, even though it was for consensual sex that may have been immoral, but not illegal. It surprises no one. not even me.

However, we have an entire Federal government that is far worse. We have an entire US Congress that hat paid off women over the years to the tune of $17 million dollars for sexual harassment and assault, something that is not legal. And to boot, they did not even bother to use their own money to pay these women to keep silent like Trump did. No, they used your money, taxpayer money.

So Congress stole your money to hide their illegal sexual assaults. Trump in comparison, is a saint.

What seems the most odd to me is that this is all out in the open, being reported by CNN, yet we are not allowed to know the names of the wrong doers, nor are we to expect justice from them in any way? End of story? Really?

This is why I support Donald Trump. As miserable as his moral standards have been in the past, it is still head and shoulders above the Swamp, which for me, is as low as the human race can get. They are the ultimate evil.

Whatever bad thing Trump has done in the past, the Swamp has done a hundred times worse.

There have been a few threads on the topic of the Special Funds in the Capitol for paying off victims. Everybody knows about it and will do nothing to close it down. Even the Congress critters say if the did then there wouldn't be any members.
You are mmissing the point, and parenthetically, the DA is hiding the point. But to clarify...

It is not illegal to pay someone to remain silent about a possibly embarrassing accusation. Nor is it illegal to accept money for one's silence. (Extortion is another matter. Did the Slut demand money to keep quiet? That is extortion, and it is a crime).

The prosecution is founded on one of two bookkeeping discrepancies, both of which are misdemeanors and even if still prosecutable, would only involve payment of a fine. The first would be that the payoff to the Slut (divided into 34 separate payments) was misclassified as a business expense, which is a tax matter. The second theory - much more dubious - is that the sole purpose of the payoff was to benefit Trump's presidential candidacy.

NOBODY is saying that Trump (through Cohen) paying off the slut to stay quiet is a crime.
You are mmissing the point, and parenthetically, the DA is hiding the point. But to clarify...

It is not illegal to pay someone to remain silent about a possibly embarrassing accusation. Nor is it illegal to accept money for one's silence. (Extortion is another matter. Did the Slut demand money to keep quiet? That is extortion, and it is a crime).

The prosecution is founded on one of two bookkeeping discrepancies, both of which are misdemeanors and even if still prosecutable, would only involve payment of a fine. The first would be that the payoff to the Slut (divided into 34 separate payments) was misclassified as a business expense, which is a tax matter. The second theory - much more dubious - is that the sole purpose of the payoff was to benefit Trump's presidential candidacy.

NOBODY is saying that Trump (through Cohen) paying off the slut to stay quiet is a crime.
Even if Trump is guilty as charged, it still means his morality is better.

He sexually assaulted no one and did not use taxpayer money to hide his misdeeds
I understand why people don't like Donald Trtump. In fact, before he got into politics I had little interest in him, thinking of him to be a narcissistic man whore who hung around with the Clintons. I get it. He was a man who funneled millions of dollars to democrats like Chuck Schumer to pay them off so they would allow him to do business in New York, just like the mob used to force people to pay for "protection" so their business would be "safe" from bad things happening to them. I could not even stomach to watch his little shows on TV.

But today, Trump is being accused of paying off a whore to keep quiet, even though it was for consensual sex that may have been immoral, but not illegal. It surprises no one. not even me.

However, we have an entire Federal government that is far worse. We have an entire US Congress that hat paid off women over the years to the tune of $17 million dollars for sexual harassment and assault so they would keep quiet, something that is not legal. And to boot, they did not even bother to use their own money to pay these women to keep silent like Trump did. No, they used your money, taxpayer money.

So Congress stole your money to hide their illegal sexual assaults. Trump in comparison, is a saint.

What seems the most odd to me is that this is all out in the open, being reported by CNN, yet we are not allowed to know the names of the wrong doers, nor are we to expect justice from them in any way? End of story? Really?

This is why I support Donald Trump. As miserable as his moral standards have been in the past, it is still head and shoulders above the Swamp, which for me, is as low as the human race can get. They are the ultimate evil.

Whatever bad thing Trump has done in the past, the Swamp has done a hundred times worse.
He tried to overthrow an election and illegally stay in power.

You are OK with that?

In reality, it was the FBI director making his speach days before the actual election where he definately spoke out of turn and may have told the truth but it wasn't up to him to say it. All the crap aside, this is how Rump won.
I understand why people don't like Donald Trtump. In fact, before he got into politics I had little interest in him, thinking of him to be a narcissistic man whore who hung around with the Clintons. I get it. He was a man who funneled millions of dollars to democrats like Chuck Schumer to pay them off so they would allow him to do business in New York, just like the mob used to force people to pay for "protection" so their business would be "safe" from bad things happening to them. I could not even stomach to watch his little shows on TV.

But today, Trump is being accused of paying off a whore to keep quiet, even though it was for consensual sex that may have been immoral, but not illegal. It surprises no one. not even me.

However, we have an entire Federal government that is far worse. We have an entire US Congress that hat paid off women over the years to the tune of $17 million dollars for sexual harassment and assault so they would keep quiet, something that is not legal. And to boot, they did not even bother to use their own money to pay these women to keep silent like Trump did. No, they used your money, taxpayer money.

So Congress stole your money to hide their illegal sexual assaults. Trump in comparison, is a saint.

What seems the most odd to me is that this is all out in the open, being reported by CNN, yet we are not allowed to know the names of the wrong doers, nor are we to expect justice from them in any way? End of story? Really?

This is why I support Donald Trump. As miserable as his moral standards have been in the past, it is still head and shoulders above the Swamp, which for me, is as low as the human race can get. They are the ultimate evil.

Whatever bad thing Trump has done in the past, the Swamp has done a hundred times worse.
A new depth of bizarre rationalization. Congratulations. The guy pays off a porn star and the best you can do is..."well someone else did it so it's okay"?

Meanwhile back in reality Trump hired, promoted, and has endorsed numerous "swamp" folks.
This is why I support Donald Trump. As miserable as his moral standards have been in the past, it is still head and shoulders above the Swamp, which for me, is as low as the human race can get. They are the ultimate evil.

Whatever bad thing Trump has done in the past, the Swamp has done a hundred times worse.

What you are missing is that he is really part of the swamp. He helped fund it prior to running for office. While in office he removed all most all the outsiders he put in in Admin and replaced them with folks from the swamp. Why would someone against the swamp do such a thing?
Gotcha. Since Trump actually tried to overthrow an election, I'm sure you won't want him back. That makes sense for an American voter.
Democrat swamp gas..😉

Eh .. we all know that was a fully corrupted election and Biden is the booby prize.

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