CDZ Trump tries to borrow a Van Gough....offered a Gold Toilet instead


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
How disrespectful to our President and his family

The Trumps asked to borrow a Van Gogh for the White House. The Guggenheim offered an 18K gold toilet instead.

The emailed response from the Guggenheim's chief curator to the White House was polite but firm: The museum could not accommodate a request to "borrow" a painting by Vincent Van Gogh for President and Melania Trump's private living quarters.

Instead, wrote the curator, Nancy Spector, another piece was available, one that was nothing like "Landscape With Snow," the lovely 1888 Van Gogh rendering of a man in a black hat walking along a path in Arles, France, with his dog.

The curator's alternative: an 18-karat, fully functioning, solid gold toilet — an interactive work titled "America" that critics have described as pointed satire aimed at the excess of wealth in this country.
How insulting to our President to think that he would even consider a solid gold toilet

The emailed response from the Guggenheim's chief curator to the White House was polite but firm: The museum could not accommodate a request to "borrow" a painting by Vincent Van Gogh for President and Melania Trump's private living quarters.
  • Nevermind that VVG was not an American artist -- even the setting of the image isn't in America (I doubt most Americans have even heard of Arles) -- s/he wanted to borrow the painting to put it in the WH residence? That from the "America first" and "MAGA" POTUS? Seriously?


    (VVG, Landscape with Snow)

  • He's a goddamned billionaire. Why the hell doesn't he move some his own collection into the WH residence? Or better yet, buy some art from struggling (or not) American artists and display it in the WH residential quarters?
  • Of all the works of art owned by the United States government and that he could have transferred to the WH -- National Gallery of Art, Freer Gallery, Hirshorn, National Museum of African American History, National Portrait Gallery, and more -- Trump reached out to the Guggenheim for a loan of art? Hell the U.S. government's art galleries and museums have so much art they can't display all of it.
How insulting to our President to think that he would even consider a solid gold toilet


Based on those images, seems as though a gold toilet would have fit well with his decor style.

Judging by the images above, what I've heard about Trump and what I've read about him, he's not into art beyond images of himself.
Below is Trump's depiction of the Empire State Building.


I don't care that he's not into art -- I'd be shocked to learn he even so much as took one art history class while he was in school or even bothered to buy Janson just to have it in his library (Does Trump even have a library containing books he's actually read?) -- other than for whatever bragging rights he may presume it gives him. It's plain as the nose on one's fact that the man never been cultured, as it were. All he's ever done is use his money to affect a veneer of being so, and he mostly does that in as baroquely vulgar a way as possible. The man is nothing other than a very rich prole/pratt. What's shameful is that a man of his wealth and being POTUS would bother pretending to care about it or put on airs about it.
The media should start a new awards show. The Golden Toilets. Awarded to politicians that lie through their teeth to attack the Free Press.
How insulting to our President to think that he would even consider a solid gold toilet


Based on those images, seems as though a gold toilet would have fit well with his decor style.

Judging by the images above, what I've heard about Trump and what I've read about him, he's not into art beyond images of himself.
Below is Trump's depiction of the Empire State Building.

I don't care that he's not into art -- I'd be shocked to learn he even so much as took one art history class while he was in school or even bothered to buy Janson just to have it in his library (Does Trump even have a library containing books he's actually read?) -- other than for whatever bragging rights he may presume it gives him. It's plain as the nose on one's fact that the man never been cultured, as it were. All he's ever done is use his money to affect a veneer of being so, and he mostly does that in as baroquely vulgar a way as possible. The man is nothing other than a very rich prole/pratt. What's shameful is that a man of his wealth and being POTUS would bother pretending to care about it or put on airs about it.
Trumps tastes center on tacky and vulgar
How insulting to our President to think that he would even consider a solid gold toilet


Based on those images, seems as though a gold toilet would have fit well with his decor style.

Judging by the images above, what I've heard about Trump and what I've read about him, he's not into art beyond images of himself.
Below is Trump's depiction of the Empire State Building.

I don't care that he's not into art -- I'd be shocked to learn he even so much as took one art history class while he was in school or even bothered to buy Janson just to have it in his library (Does Trump even have a library containing books he's actually read?) -- other than for whatever bragging rights he may presume it gives him. It's plain as the nose on one's fact that the man never been cultured, as it were. All he's ever done is use his money to affect a veneer of being so, and he mostly does that in as baroquely vulgar a way as possible. The man is nothing other than a very rich prole/pratt. What's shameful is that a man of his wealth and being POTUS would bother pretending to care about it or put on airs about it.
Trumps tastes center on tacky and vulgar
Well, really nobody really gives a damn about his style sense. Everyone who's cultured and has spent time around him knows quite well that Donald Trump is one of those uncultured NOKD sorts. And the fact that he's not cultured, so to speak, isn't the problem. The problem is that he's not cultured and he's vulgar, boorish, and most importantly, dishonest.

Those other qualities could be easily overlooked and deemed "eccentric," which would make him/them cool and endearing actually, were one able to "take his word to the bank," as they say. The only reason folks deride his style sensibilities is because he's of such poor character overall -- most notably the lying and conniving, but also the self-aggrandizing, the need for obsequiousness, the dearth of generosity, the "social climbing," and so on.

Donald Trump is a man meant to be "an island," but he so doesn't want to be one.

Trumps tastes center on tacky and vulgar
To the extent you mean those hotel-ballroom chandeliers [1] inside a private residence, and made-to-fit Aubusson-style rug (Can you say hotel lobby?), and Corinthian buttresses (Who puts buttresses against a window? What's it "holding up?" The window?) inside a room, I completely agree with you.


Ditto that he's got his wife standing while he sits. That is so telling...and so not ignoble. There wouldn't be something to say about it were there lots of public public portraits (not simply photos) of Trump and his wife/family wherein some are seated and some standing, and that one were a one-off, but there aren't and it isn't.











Even Trump's parents had more class than does Donald, and I think his kids do too.



And at times, Trump moves from vulgar to downright creepy. (Click the link for the discussion about the numbered elements in the photo.)


FWIW, Melania, like the rest of Donald's family, seems to have plenty of class and good taste. I guess it's just a good thing for him that he's their "meal ticket." (Hell, Trump doesn't even have pets. How does one be that well off, have a child, and not have pets?)

BTW, unless Melania's interior decorating taste is incredibly masculine, there's no Melania-style in the Trump penthouse rooms pictured.

  1. The reason he has those ballroom chandeliers is clear from the photo: in building the place, he "cut corners" and made the ceilings low (notice that the living room ceilings are mirrored -- that's a standard trick for making a room seem larger than it is) and then decorated the whole place with Rococo/baroque and Empire interior design themes. That'd be fine if the place had 15+ foot ceilings because then period-appropriate chandeliers would fit physically in the room. (Classy folks, wealth notwithstanding, either build the house/room that can accommodate their taste/style or they choose interior design themes they like and that fit the room they have to work with. Trump created Trump Tower, so he really has no excuse.) And, FWIW, the low ceilings are why the place looks so overwrought.

Trumps tastes center on tacky and vulgar
I agree with you, but not because of his personal interior decorating tastes. Rococo, baroque, Empire/rococo revival are legitimate interior design styles for one to enjoy/implement. Trump has the money to decorate that way, so he does. That is what it is. That said, few folks these days, even having the money for it, go full-on "Louis" with it as Trump has. More common among Washingtonians who like traditional decor are, as one might expect, American traditional themes (If one is part of the "cocktail circuit" in D.C., one'll know Federal style inside out. It's everywhere.) rather than European ones, though European pieces get tossed in plenty.
How insulting to our President to think that he would even consider a solid gold toilet


Based on those images, seems as though a gold toilet would have fit well with his decor style.

Judging by the images above, what I've heard about Trump and what I've read about him, he's not into art beyond images of himself.
Below is Trump's depiction of the Empire State Building.

I don't care that he's not into art -- I'd be shocked to learn he even so much as took one art history class while he was in school or even bothered to buy Janson just to have it in his library (Does Trump even have a library containing books he's actually read?) -- other than for whatever bragging rights he may presume it gives him. It's plain as the nose on one's fact that the man never been cultured, as it were. All he's ever done is use his money to affect a veneer of being so, and he mostly does that in as baroquely vulgar a way as possible. The man is nothing other than a very rich prole/pratt. What's shameful is that a man of his wealth and being POTUS would bother pretending to care about it or put on airs about it.
Trumps tastes center on tacky and vulgar
Well, really nobody really gives a damn about his style sense. Everyone who's cultured and has spent time around him knows quite well that Donald Trump is one of those uncultured NOKD sorts. And the fact that he's not cultured, so to speak, isn't the problem. The problem is that he's not cultured and he's vulgar, boorish, and most importantly, dishonest.

Those other qualities could be easily overlooked and deemed "eccentric," which would make him/them cool and endearing actually, were one able to "take his word to the bank," as they say. The only reason folks deride his style sensibilities is because he's of such poor character overall -- most notably the lying and conniving, but also the self-aggrandizing, the need for obsequiousness, the dearth of generosity, the "social climbing," and so on.

Donald Trump is a man meant to be "an island," but he so doesn't want to be one.

Trumps tastes center on tacky and vulgar
To the extent you mean those hotel-ballroom chandeliers [1] inside a private residence, and made-to-fit Aubusson-style rug (Can you say hotel lobby?), and Corinthian buttresses (Who puts buttresses against a window? What's it "holding up?" The window?) inside a room, I completely agree with you.


Ditto that he's got his wife standing while he sits. That is so telling...and so not ignoble. There wouldn't be something to say about it were there lots of public public portraits (not simply photos) of Trump and his wife/family wherein some are seated and some standing, and that one were a one-off, but there aren't and it isn't.











Even Trump's parents had more class than does Donald, and I think his kids do too.



And at times, Trump moves from vulgar to downright creepy. (Click the link for the discussion about the numbered elements in the photo.)


FWIW, Melania, like the rest of Donald's family, seems to have plenty of class and good taste. I guess it's just a good thing for him that he's their "meal ticket." (Hell, Trump doesn't even have pets. How does one be that well off, have a child, and not have pets?)

BTW, unless Melania's interior decorating taste is incredibly masculine, there's no Melania-style in the Trump penthouse rooms pictured.

  1. The reason he has those ballroom chandeliers is clear from the photo: in building the place, he "cut corners" and made the ceilings low (notice that the living room ceilings are mirrored -- that's a standard trick for making a room seem larger than it is) and then decorated the whole place with Rococo/baroque and Empire interior design themes. That'd be fine if the place had 15+ foot ceilings because then period-appropriate chandeliers would fit physically in the room. (Classy folks, wealth notwithstanding, either build the house/room that can accommodate their taste/style or they choose interior design themes they like and that fit the room they have to work with. Trump created Trump Tower, so he really has no excuse.) And, FWIW, the low ceilings are why the place looks so overwrought.

Trumps tastes center on tacky and vulgar
I agree with you, but not because of his personal interior decorating tastes. Rococo, baroque, Empire/rococo revival are legitimate interior design styles for one to enjoy/implement. Trump has the money to decorate that way, so he does. That is what it is. That said, few folks these days, even having the money for it, go full-on "Louis" with it as Trump has. More common among Washingtonians who like traditional decor are, as one might expect, American traditional themes (If one is part of the "cocktail circuit" in D.C., one'll know Federal style inside out. It's everywhere.) rather than European ones, though European pieces get tossed in plenty.

Trumps taste in furnishing screams late 19th century SF whorehouse.

Seems a solid gold toilet would fit right in

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