Trump To Snub WHCD . . . Again

Everyone knows that the WHCD is nothing but a "roast" where mild good natured barbs are aimed at democrats and vicious insults are directed at republicans so what's the point? If a 68 year old man wearing a MAGA hat can't even get a cup of coffee at Starbucks these days without being verbally assaulted by maniacs what chance does the President have against all that hatred in the media?

You need your safe spaces.
Is that why you hide behind a username?
They frighten donnie too much.
There is no reason whatsoever for him to show up to a clownfest like that
Every other President managed to show

Trump is an orange pussy
All the White House correspondents dinner is, is a bunch of progressive clowns padding each other on the back..... nothing more nothing less
Fat Donnie can’t take a joke at his expense

Look toadface, that is only because their "jokes" are not meant kindly. There is no good nature in their "jokes" just as there is no good nature in your comments. In my lifetime, I've not seen any other president treated with total. absolute contempt. Now you can argue what role Trump played because of things he's said too, but that does not change the fact that they have ZERO respect for the guy and I blame him not one bit for not wanting to go to a room full of people who behind his back call him a dictator and an orange child and call for his beheading and insult his wife and children.
Fat Donnie can dish it out but he can't take it

He loves to mock other people but pouts when others mock him
There is no reason whatsoever for him to show up to a clownfest like that
Every other President managed to show

Trump is an orange pussy
All the White House correspondents dinner is, is a bunch of progressive clowns padding each other on the back..... nothing more nothing less
Fat Donnie can’t take a joke at his expense

Look toadface, that is only because their "jokes" are not meant kindly. There is no good nature in their "jokes" just as there is no good nature in your comments. In my lifetime, I've not seen any other president treated with total. absolute contempt. Now you can argue what role Trump played because of things he's said too, but that does not change the fact that they have ZERO respect for the guy and I blame him not one bit for not wanting to go to a room full of people who behind his back call him a dictator and an orange child and call for his beheading and insult his wife and children.
Fat Donnie can dish it out but he can't take it

He loves to mock other people but pouts when others mock him
What changed from you guys like what you spouted to W. Bush as an example? He never said a word back to you and that was okay. McCain and Romney were terrible candidates against Obama only because McCain did not try and Romney tanked his own campaign. But Romney would have been a better President then Obama even as a RINO. You lie about Trump mocking others. He does most of it as a response to him or to the other political side's agendas.
Trump. You gotta love the guy. There just is no give in this guy.

Once you screw him over, he's got it in for you for life.

Trump to snub White House Correspondents Dinner for third year in a row

Actually. That is one of the worst traits in a human being. No give....Hitler had it. Stalin. Mao. Pol Pot.
That "worst trait" saved the world from being taken over from the Germans twice. It freed the US from the Europeans.
It meant survival when the settlers moved West. 'Humans' would never have survived without the grit and determination to persevere, to survive and to NEVER FORGET who their enemies were.
My policy in life is: "I NEVER FORGET AND I NEVER EVER FORGIVE!!!!!!!!!!" Winston Churchill said the same thing.
That sentiment is one of the greatest human traits.
I have to drive my old ferrari to the airfield this morning. The mechanics are giving my 180 a spring checkup.
Every other President managed to show

Trump is an orange pussy
All the White House correspondents dinner is, is a bunch of progressive clowns padding each other on the back..... nothing more nothing less
Fat Donnie can’t take a joke at his expense

Look toadface, that is only because their "jokes" are not meant kindly. There is no good nature in their "jokes" just as there is no good nature in your comments. In my lifetime, I've not seen any other president treated with total. absolute contempt. Now you can argue what role Trump played because of things he's said too, but that does not change the fact that they have ZERO respect for the guy and I blame him not one bit for not wanting to go to a room full of people who behind his back call him a dictator and an orange child and call for his beheading and insult his wife and children.
Fat Donnie can dish it out but he can't take it

He loves to mock other people but pouts when others mock him
What changed from you guys like what you spouted to W. Bush as an example? He never said a word back to you and that was okay. McCain and Romney were terrible candidates against Obama only because McCain did not try and Romney tanked his own campaign. But Romney would have been a better President then Obama even as a RINO. You lie about Trump mocking others. He does most of it as a response to him or to the other political side's agendas.

Trump mocks political opponents and anyone who disagrees with him

He pouts if someone mocks him

When he mocked a reporter with a disability, what had that reporter said about Trump?
There is no reason whatsoever for him to show up to a clownfest like that
Every other President managed to show

Trump is an orange pussy
All the White House correspondents dinner is, is a bunch of progressive clowns padding each other on the back..... nothing more nothing less
Fat Donnie can’t take a joke at his expense

Look toadface, that is only because their "jokes" are not meant kindly. There is no good nature in their "jokes" just as there is no good nature in your comments. In my lifetime, I've not seen any other president treated with total. absolute contempt. Now you can argue what role Trump played because of things he's said too, but that does not change the fact that they have ZERO respect for the guy and I blame him not one bit for not wanting to go to a room full of people who behind his back call him a dictator and an orange child and call for his beheading and insult his wife and children.
Fat Donnie can dish it out but he can't take it He loves to mock other people but pouts when others mock him

Wrong, Ziltch-breath. Trump has called himself a counter-puncher. If he couldn't "take it," he wouldn't be where he is. What you are really saying and complaining about is that Trump FIGHTS BACK (unlike the usual GOP). He not only fights back, but when hit, he hits back HARDER. He's been knocking the Democrats on their asses now non-stop for almost four years.
Trump. You gotta love the guy. There just is no give in this guy.

Once you screw him over, he's got it in for you for life.

Trump to snub White House Correspondents Dinner for third year in a row

Actually. That is one of the worst traits in a human being. No give....Hitler had it. Stalin. Mao. Pol Pot.
That "worst trait" saved the world from being taken over from the Germans twice. It freed the US from the Europeans.
It meant survival when the settlers moved West. 'Humans' would never have survived without the grit and determination to persevere, to survive and to NEVER FORGET who their enemies were.
My policy in life is: "I NEVER FORGET AND I NEVER EVER FORGIVE!!!!!!!!!!" Winston Churchill said the same thing.
That sentiment is one of the greatest human traits.
I have to drive my old ferrari to the airfield this morning. The mechanics are giving my 180 a spring checkup.
But it can also lead to catastrophe.
Every other President managed to show

Trump is an orange pussy
All the White House correspondents dinner is, is a bunch of progressive clowns padding each other on the back..... nothing more nothing less
Fat Donnie can’t take a joke at his expense

Look toadface, that is only because their "jokes" are not meant kindly. There is no good nature in their "jokes" just as there is no good nature in your comments. In my lifetime, I've not seen any other president treated with total. absolute contempt. Now you can argue what role Trump played because of things he's said too, but that does not change the fact that they have ZERO respect for the guy and I blame him not one bit for not wanting to go to a room full of people who behind his back call him a dictator and an orange child and call for his beheading and insult his wife and children.
Fat Donnie can dish it out but he can't take it He loves to mock other people but pouts when others mock him

Wrong, Ziltch-breath. Trump has called himself a counter-puncher. If he couldn't "take it," he wouldn't be where he is. What you are really saying and complaining about is that Trump FIGHTS BACK (unlike the usual GOP). He not only fights back, but when hit, he hits back HARDER. He's been knocking the Democrats on their asses now non-stop for almost four years.
Counter puncher?

When he mocked a handicapped reporter, what had that reporter done to deserve a counter punch?
Just because he refused to support the 9-11 lie Trumo was telling?
All the White House correspondents dinner is, is a bunch of progressive clowns padding each other on the back..... nothing more nothing less
Fat Donnie can’t take a joke at his expense

Look toadface, that is only because their "jokes" are not meant kindly. There is no good nature in their "jokes" just as there is no good nature in your comments. In my lifetime, I've not seen any other president treated with total. absolute contempt. Now you can argue what role Trump played because of things he's said too, but that does not change the fact that they have ZERO respect for the guy and I blame him not one bit for not wanting to go to a room full of people who behind his back call him a dictator and an orange child and call for his beheading and insult his wife and children.
Fat Donnie can dish it out but he can't take it

He loves to mock other people but pouts when others mock him
What changed from you guys like what you spouted to W. Bush as an example? He never said a word back to you and that was okay. McCain and Romney were terrible candidates against Obama only because McCain did not try and Romney tanked his own campaign. But Romney would have been a better President then Obama even as a RINO. You lie about Trump mocking others. He does most of it as a response to him or to the other political side's agendas.

Trump mocks political opponents and anyone who disagrees with him

He pouts if someone mocks him

When he mocked a reporter with a disability, what had that reporter said about Trump?
You can not accept he is a New Yorker first. He speaks like many do in that city of all cultures. He is not a hater but he can be insensitive.There are very few Repubs who speak like Prog Socialists. You find it funny when they make their comments. But Trump attacking you is different. You had decades of it being one way. If the handicap person made a comment then Trump is going to attack him. Am I supposed to genuflect to people with disabilities who cost the taxpayer massive resources? They should be thankful. Many are. I know anyone can can become disabled. And respect that. Watch a collapse happen and see resources rationed a bit and you won't be so self rightious. About mocking. Where was that zeal with Obama? I have no concern for any of the progressive socialist shills and their safety. I have no concern for any person who has screwed me over from both sides over my life. And that includes the area they lived in. But I have compassion for those who have oppressed with common sense applied. Ask yourself. Would you support a family member who was the abjact opposite of your political beliefs over a stranger who believed the same as you? That is a test.
A connived lie.
All the White House correspondents dinner is, is a bunch of progressive clowns padding each other on the back..... nothing more nothing less
Fat Donnie can’t take a joke at his expense

Look toadface, that is only because their "jokes" are not meant kindly. There is no good nature in their "jokes" just as there is no good nature in your comments. In my lifetime, I've not seen any other president treated with total. absolute contempt. Now you can argue what role Trump played because of things he's said too, but that does not change the fact that they have ZERO respect for the guy and I blame him not one bit for not wanting to go to a room full of people who behind his back call him a dictator and an orange child and call for his beheading and insult his wife and children.
Fat Donnie can dish it out but he can't take it He loves to mock other people but pouts when others mock him

Wrong, Ziltch-breath. Trump has called himself a counter-puncher. If he couldn't "take it," he wouldn't be where he is. What you are really saying and complaining about is that Trump FIGHTS BACK (unlike the usual GOP). He not only fights back, but when hit, he hits back HARDER. He's been knocking the Democrats on their asses now non-stop for almost four years.
Counter puncher?

When he mocked a handicapped reporter, what had that reporter done to deserve a counter punch?
Just because he refused to support the 9-11 lie Trumo was telling?

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