Trump To Kim Jong-un: "I Too Have A Nuclear Button And It's Bigger & More Powerful, And It Works"


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Lol.....this is the best president ever. His trolling of that little North Korean commie is pure gold. He tweeted this out 35 minutes ago.

Donald J. Trump
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
6:49 PM · Jan 2, 2018

MIC DROP: President Trump's Crushing Response to North Korean Rocket Man's Latest Nuclear Threat – True Pundit
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What a child. Like two 3rd graders taunting each other on the jungle gym.
“North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”


The thing with Trump is that he is the president that actually says what we are all thinking and wish our president would say.
True, but it's OUR lives it's messing with.
Kim Jung does all of the saber rattling to keep his socialist slave's minds off of their starvation.
Lol.....this is the best president ever. His trolling of that little North Korean commie is pure gold. He tweeted this out 35 minutes ago.

Donald J. Trump
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
6:49 PM · Jan 2, 2018

MIC DROP: President Trump's Crushing Response to North Korean Rocket Man's Latest Nuclear Threat – True Pundit
Like two children in special ed.

This says it all.
What a child. Like two 3rd graders taunting each other on the jungle gym.
Wrong. KJU is dead serious, while Trump is mocking him.

This is infuriating, humiliating, embarrassing to KJU at home before his own people. Trump is calling him out, but the little fat boy has no stick to back up his bravado. It is a brilliant ploy, Trump is playing him like a fiddle on a lifetime of meeting with people, being able to read them and get inside their head. Trump has the balls of a rhinoceros. If you think most of the other world leaders aren't watching and admitting to themselves Trump has more stones than all of them put together, don't kid yourself. And the rest are realizing that Trump is a man to respect and take seriously. Note to Iran. Little Kim is at wits end with his people on what to say and do next because no one has ever stood up to him before! Kim is a fat little spoiled CHILD and Trump is treating him just like one. Meantime the pressure at home just keeps building and building, especially now that SK has pulled the plug on his oil shipments.

Kim knows he doesn't dare take first blood in this standoff, and the point will be reached soon where internal pressures are going to cause this little fat regime to implode. Trump is just waiting him out on a duel of attrition.
Trump can afford to taunt this NK wacko because he knows that the sanctions are taking a bite now that oil tankers are seized if they attempt off shore ship to ship transfer.
There is no way to keep the NK military going once the oil is cut off !
Nk also does not yet have any missiles that can re-enter without disintegrating nor do they have a nuclear war head to tip their missiles. If they had one they would have been as eager to demonstrate that as they are with all the other arsenal this nut-case keeps bragging about.
That button is about as hilarious as Hillary Clinton`s "reset button" for Russia.
Trump knows that and he also knows that he can jerk around Kim Jong un with his tweets trolling him to eventually fuck up. This nut case will either face a putsch by his own military or grand-stand some time somewhere where a drone can nail his ass along with his entourage.
Observing Trump and the team he picked I am willing to bet that they use every psy-ops option that presents itself regarding NK. And as long as this bastard reacts to Trump`s tweets the psy-ops team will encourage Trump to continue. It has a good chance to get long as nobody from the AGW nut-club will interfere and advise Kim Jong that windmills and solar can negate the oil crisis Trump pushed him into.
Hahaha even this nut case knows better than our domestic nut-cases who freak out over oil & CO2 which they say is bigger threat than the NK nuke program.
Lol.....this is the best president ever. His trolling of that little North Korean commie is pure gold. He tweeted this out 35 minutes ago.

Donald J. Trump
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
6:49 PM · Jan 2, 2018

MIC DROP: President Trump's Crushing Response to North Korean Rocket Man's Latest Nuclear Threat – True Pundit
Amazing what the mentally ill orange sociopath thinks is ok.

And equally amazing is the level of brain dead insanity exhibited by kkkboi
Lol.....this is the best president ever. His trolling of that little North Korean commie is pure gold. He tweeted this out 35 minutes ago.

Donald J. Trump
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
6:49 PM · Jan 2, 2018

MIC DROP: President Trump's Crushing Response to North Korean Rocket Man's Latest Nuclear Threat – True Pundit
Only a true lunatic would try to anger a nuclear power.
What a child. Like two 3rd graders taunting each other on the jungle gym.
Wrong. KJU is dead serious, while Trump is mocking him.

This is infuriating, humiliating, embarrassing to KJU at home before his own people. Trump is calling him out, but the little fat boy has no stick to back up his bravado. It is a brilliant ploy, Trump is playing him like a fiddle on a lifetime of meeting with people, being able to read them and get inside their head. Trump has the balls of a rhinoceros. If you think most of the other world leaders aren't watching and admitting to themselves Trump has more stones than all of them put together, don't kid yourself. And the rest are realizing that Trump is a man to respect and take seriously. Note to Iran. Little Kim is at wits end with his people on what to say and do next because no one has ever stood up to him before! Kim is a fat little spoiled CHILD and Trump is treating him just like one. Meantime the pressure at home just keeps building and building, especially now that SK has pulled the plug on his oil shipments.

Kim knows he doesn't dare take first blood in this standoff, and the point will be reached soon where internal pressures are going to cause this little fat regime to implode. Trump is just waiting him out on a duel of attrition.
It is dangerous reckless and stupid

Like trumpscum
What a child. Like two 3rd graders taunting each other on the jungle gym.
Wrong. KJU is dead serious, while Trump is mocking him.

This is infuriating, humiliating, embarrassing to KJU at home before his own people. Trump is calling him out, but the little fat boy has no stick to back up his bravado. It is a brilliant ploy, Trump is playing him like a fiddle on a lifetime of meeting with people, being able to read them and get inside their head. Trump has the balls of a rhinoceros. If you think most of the other world leaders aren't watching and admitting to themselves Trump has more stones than all of them put together, don't kid yourself. And the rest are realizing that Trump is a man to respect and take seriously. Note to Iran. Little Kim is at wits end with his people on what to say and do next because no one has ever stood up to him before! Kim is a fat little spoiled CHILD and Trump is treating him just like one. Meantime the pressure at home just keeps building and building, especially now that SK has pulled the plug on his oil shipments.

Kim knows he doesn't dare take first blood in this standoff, and the point will be reached soon where internal pressures are going to cause this little fat regime to implode. Trump is just waiting him out on a duel of attrition.
Trump has the brains of a Downs Syndrome child.
Will you idiots be happy when he starts a nuclear war?

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