Trump tells the marines in San Diego: In 2019 we want to give the largest raise in OVER A DECADE!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
the marines went wild when he said that!

he also said: "Very soon we're going to Mars. You wouldn't have been going to Mars if my opponent won."
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Yea, we are giving you a raise and then sending you to Mars.

Wow, and they cheered? I would be scared.
“We should have a new force called the Space Force. It’s like the Army and the Navy, but for space, because we’re spending a lot of money on space.”

Yes, this moron said this too! :abgg2q.jpg:
He's already starting to campaign against Oprah..."...and YOU get a car, and YOU get a car...EVERYONE gets a car!!!"
How is it going to pay for a raise?
By sending illegal alien welfare recipients back home and emptying our federal prisons of the illegal alien criminals too....just removing illegal aliens from the welfare rolls in CA would save enough money to build the wall a study reported today...we have problems folks...time to fix them and stop talking about them...
How is it going to pay for a raise?
By sending illegal alien welfare recipients back home and emptying our federal prisons of the illegal alien criminals too....just removing illegal aliens from the welfare rolls in CA would save enough money to build the wall a study reported today...we have problems folks...time to fix them and stop talking about them...

Let me guess, you're a WeakWhyte Jim Crow supporter who thinks he gets the shaft from Affirmative Actions Laws. Your racist slant and schtick is showing. :113:
"...and free puppies for everyone...and I'm taking you all to the zoo...and balloons...lots of balloons..the most balloons ever...more than Hillary or Obama would ever give many ballons that you'll be sick of'll say "‘Please, Mr. President, we beg you sir, we don’t want any more balloons. It’s too much. It’s not fair to everybody else.’”....“And I’m going to say ‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to keep getting more balloons, balloons, balloons.”
How is it going to pay for a raise?
By sending illegal alien welfare recipients back home and emptying our federal prisons of the illegal alien criminals too....just removing illegal aliens from the welfare rolls in CA would save enough money to build the wall a study reported today...we have problems folks...time to fix them and stop talking about them...

We actually don't need to, Mexico is paying for the wall. Rump said so.
You mean they are not actually paying for it like Rump said. So no cash or check from the Mexican treasury
Of course they are paying for it by taking their undesirables back you realize what that will save the nation and the states? only a lib could think there is only one way to pay...
You mean they are not actually paying for it like Rump said. So no cash or check from the Mexican treasury
Of course they are paying for it by taking their undesirables back you realize what that will save the nation and the states? only a lib could think there is only one way to pay...

So they are NOT paying for the wall. And they ARE liking not paying for the wall. At least Rump got it half right.
"Trump's coming here. To California. He didn't want to. but this is where the porn stars are" - Supercilious Bill Maher
How is it going to pay for a raise?
By sending illegal alien welfare recipients back home and emptying our federal prisons of the illegal alien criminals too....just removing illegal aliens from the welfare rolls in CA would save enough money to build the wall a study reported today...we have problems folks...time to fix them and stop talking about them...

We agree about illegals, where we differ is the wall. The wall is nothing but a distraction away from the real problem which is criminal employers that hire illegal aliens.

IOW, why should we spend hundreds of billions to build a wall when we're already pay for those that can find and prosecute/jail employers that break the law. This would cut-off the money chain for which illegals come.

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