Trump tearing apart national parks

According to you, we should sell our national parks for logging?

The logging interests are leased to logging companies. When they finish with a particular area, the area is replanted for future generations to cut and use and then replant again.

Money is also expended for controlled burns in order to prevent the raging wildfires we now see in California. For decades California refused controlled burns saying it wasn't NATURAL. I didn't have time to look it up and see if that is still their ignorant policy. See California fires today.
Good news. It's about time we start using our own natural resources
Link. Without a link, your claim stands out as an obvious lie and you as an obvious liar, or as a very misinformed fool. Your dopey conspiracy scheme does not even make sense. Under BLM status commercial interest, even the Chinese, would have a chance of obtaining coal from the federal lands. Changing the status to National Monument status took any opportunity to exploit and obtain coal from the lands off the table.
You need to think out your lie a little bit.

As you know, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama prevented the use of Federal land for fracking, coal mining was done by former President Bill Clinton.

President Clinton, nor the Chinese wanted the coal in the Staircase-Escalante monument to be mined at all. It would have been in competition with the same quality coal controlled by the Chinese in the Pacific Rim. This was payback to the Chinese for what they did to assist the Clinton Administration.
I asked for a link and all I have seen posted is a nonsense extremist conspiracy theory from a far-right extremist conspiracy blog.
States don't have the financial resources to maintain the land

There are not any state parks in the state in which you live? I live in Florida and we have many. Small admittance fee and they're doing just great.
Your entire state has 800,000 acres if state parks land. Grand Stair Case and Escalante National Monuments had 1.9 million acres before being reduced to 1.3 million acres. All of it, including the reduced portion, continues to be totally maintained and financed by the federal government.
Dumb ass 'Rump supporters are helping 'Rump give US land and property, resources and wealth to the folks paying him bribes. Legal bribes probably, stuff like golf course memberships, hotel fees, and campaign contributions, but still bribes.
The federal government claims ownership of nearly 64% of the land in Utah. In a contiguous group of eleven western states, the federal government claims ownership of nearly half of the land in those states. There is no good reason why the federal government should be allowed to claim so much of the land that ought to belong to the state or to the people in those states.

The Massive (and Empty) Federal Lands of the American West
Federal land ownership by state - Ballotpedia

Give it to the States & they will sell it off.

States don't have the financial resources to maintain the land.

What you really mean is that states don't have the financial resources to POLICE the land...

Which is part of maintenance.
States don't have the financial resources to maintain the land.

If this land were being put to good use, then it would be creating value, rather than consuming it.

Any level of government taking a loss on the cost of “maintaining” this land is not being a good steward of the land itself, nor of the taxpayer funds and resources that are being wasted to this purpose.

How would you put the land to good use?
Link. Without a link, your claim stands out as an obvious lie and you as an obvious liar, or as a very misinformed fool. Your dopey conspiracy scheme does not even make sense. Under BLM status commercial interest, even the Chinese, would have a chance of obtaining coal from the federal lands. Changing the status to National Monument status took any opportunity to exploit and obtain coal from the lands off the table.
You need to think out your lie a little bit.

As you know, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama prevented the use of Federal land for fracking, coal mining was done by former President Bill Clinton.

President Clinton, nor the Chinese wanted the coal in the Staircase-Escalante monument to be mined at all. It would have been in competition with the same quality coal controlled by the Chinese in the Pacific Rim. This was payback to the Chinese for what they did to assist the Clinton Administration.

What payback was that?
Link. Without a link, your claim stands out as an obvious lie and you as an obvious liar, or as a very misinformed fool. Your dopey conspiracy scheme does not even make sense. Under BLM status commercial interest, even the Chinese, would have a chance of obtaining coal from the federal lands. Changing the status to National Monument status took any opportunity to exploit and obtain coal from the lands off the table.
You need to think out your lie a little bit.

Nonsense, this was in the news and common knowledge at the time. It is not my fault you refused to read anything truthful about the Clintons.

The Utah Coal Lockup: A trillion dollar Lippo payoff?

By: Sarah Foster

When the President signed the Executive Order designating 1.7 million acres of land in southwest Utah as the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, his action placed the area off limits to mineral extraction and

The New York Times reported that the monument encloses the largest coal
field in the nation, the Kaiparowitz Plateau, which contains at least 7
billion tons of coal worth over $1 TRILLION.

Kentucky-based company Andalux Resources, which holds leases on 3,400 acres in the area, was planning to open a huge operation (underground, not strip mining) that would have generated 1,000 jobs, $1 million in annual revenue for Kane County, and at least $10 million a year in state and federal taxes, according to the New York Times. Folks living in the area wore black arm bands the day of the signing - but Clinton didn't see them. He chose to make his announcement in a neighboring state. WHY?

Why did he do it? Why lock up $1 trillion worth of coal?

An obvious explanation is he was hoping to secure the environmentalist vote. Though that was no doubt part of his reasoning, he had surely achieved such an objective earlier this summer when he declared the huge area outside Yellowstone National Park a World Heritage Area. Let'' look further.

In the weeks prior to the past election, revelations surfaced almost daily regarding donations from foreign sources to the Democratic Party and Clinton's past campaigns. At the center of the controversy was another set of people to whom Clinton owes a few favors: the Lippo Group, a powerful $5 billion Indonesian conglomerate, founded and owned by the Riady family who, it turned out, had raised and funneled millions of dollars into campaign coffers.


The Utah Coal Lockup: A trillion dollar Lippo payoff?

So we should sell-off our natural resources so the rich can get richer?
Link. Without a link, your claim stands out as an obvious lie and you as an obvious liar, or as a very misinformed fool. Your dopey conspiracy scheme does not even make sense. Under BLM status commercial interest, even the Chinese, would have a chance of obtaining coal from the federal lands. Changing the status to National Monument status took any opportunity to exploit and obtain coal from the lands off the table.
You need to think out your lie a little bit.

Nonsense, this was in the news and common knowledge at the time. It is not my fault you refused to read anything truthful about the Clintons.

The Utah Coal Lockup: A trillion dollar Lippo payoff?

By: Sarah Foster

When the President signed the Executive Order designating 1.7 million acres of land in southwest Utah as the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, his action placed the area off limits to mineral extraction and

The New York Times reported that the monument encloses the largest coal
field in the nation, the Kaiparowitz Plateau, which contains at least 7
billion tons of coal worth over $1 TRILLION.

Kentucky-based company Andalux Resources, which holds leases on 3,400 acres in the area, was planning to open a huge operation (underground, not strip mining) that would have generated 1,000 jobs, $1 million in annual revenue for Kane County, and at least $10 million a year in state and federal taxes, according to the New York Times. Folks living in the area wore black arm bands the day of the signing - but Clinton didn't see them. He chose to make his announcement in a neighboring state. WHY?

Why did he do it? Why lock up $1 trillion worth of coal?

An obvious explanation is he was hoping to secure the environmentalist vote. Though that was no doubt part of his reasoning, he had surely achieved such an objective earlier this summer when he declared the huge area outside Yellowstone National Park a World Heritage Area. Let'' look further.

In the weeks prior to the past election, revelations surfaced almost daily regarding donations from foreign sources to the Democratic Party and Clinton's past campaigns. At the center of the controversy was another set of people to whom Clinton owes a few favors: the Lippo Group, a powerful $5 billion Indonesian conglomerate, founded and owned by the Riady family who, it turned out, had raised and funneled millions of dollars into campaign coffers.


The Utah Coal Lockup: A trillion dollar Lippo payoff?

So we should sell-off our natural resources so the rich can get richer?

Why not? Conservatives are telling us that the more money that the rich get, the more will trickle down to the middle class and poor.
I'm against anyone that continues to screw the middle class. So yes.

So when you see the tax cuts go mainly to the middle-class worker, you'll vote for President Trump in 2020! GREAT, glad to have you!

How is the raise in standard deduction with the elimination of personal deductions a good thing?

What middle-class workers need is a raise, a BIG raise.
According to you, we should sell our national parks for logging?

The logging interests are leased to logging companies. When they finish with a particular area, the area is replanted for future generations to cut and use and then replant again.

Money is also expended for controlled burns in order to prevent the raging wildfires we now see in California. For decades California refused controlled burns saying it wasn't NATURAL. I didn't have time to look it up and see if that is still their ignorant policy. See California fires today.

I see the lack of rain due to warming as a bigger problem than controlled burns. Unfortunately, California will have to step-up their controlled burns.

It's December 14th, golf in Vegas was GREAT today (70 degrees). What's wrong with that picture?
get rid of some of these park rangers/$$$ spent on parks
jesus christ--when a company is in debt/losing $$$--they lay off and some go under
the US is in HUGE debt !!!!!!!
Our public lands should be controlled solely by the people who live on or near them. The whole concept of "those resources belong to ALL of us" is complete claptrap. The feds stole those lands from the Indians, after promising them access to them... then they sold them to, and stole them from, the next generation of people who lived on them...after promising never to interfere with the access and proit... It was illegal when they did it, and it's illegal for them to continue to hold those lands, or restrict ANY access to them or the withdrawal/sale of ANY resource or asset that comes off them.

The first step is to obliterate the Forest Service. Then the Dept. of the Interior.

Everything will work itself out once you do that. It doesn't matter who sells what to whom...the only thing that matters is that THOSE LANDS DON'T BELONG TO THE FEDS.

They belong to the people and the people are going to take them back.

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