Trump - Stop sabotaging yourself


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Donald Trump seems to have some pretty good ideas on trade and bringing jobs back to America. He also had some good meetings with the heads of Japan and Canada recently He would help himself a lot to keep these stories in front of the press, rather than attacking judges, the media, liberals, Muslims, and defending his spokesman for telling everyone the decisions of the President on national security "should not be questioned" Donald Trump is hurting his administration with this silly behavior. He's done some good things recently, it's time to focus on those and stop running the White House like the Jerry Springer show.
Donald Trump seems to have some pretty good ideas on trade and bringing jobs back to America. He also had some good meetings with the heads of Japan and Canada recently He would help himself a lot to keep these stories in front of the press, rather than attacking judges, the media, liberals, Muslims, and defending his spokesman for telling everyone the decisions of the President on national security "should not be questioned" Donald Trump is hurting his administration with this silly behavior. He's done some good things recently, it's time to focus on those and stop running the White House like the Jerry Springer show.

So he should continue down the path of status quo saying eloquent things yet never really doing or accomplishing anything? Come on bud...don't be so scared to try a new flavor. You'll be okay...I promise.
He's not trying to win a popularity contest...he already did that to win the election.
Trump's an idiot. Stepping on his dress is his forte'.
Donald Trump seems to have some pretty good ideas on trade and bringing jobs back to America. He also had some good meetings with the heads of Japan and Canada recently He would help himself a lot to keep these stories in front of the press, rather than attacking judges, the media, liberals, Muslims, and defending his spokesman for telling everyone the decisions of the President on national security "should not be questioned" Donald Trump is hurting his administration with this silly behavior. He's done some good things recently, it's time to focus on those and stop running the White House like the Jerry Springer show.

So he should continue down the path of status quo saying eloquent things yet never really doing or accomplishing anything? Come on bud...don't be so scared to try a new flavor. You'll be okay...I promise.
He's not trying to win a popularity contest...he already did that to win the election.

... for Goldman Sachs and Wall Street, same as it ever was.
Donald Trump seems to have some pretty good ideas on trade and bringing jobs back to America. He also had some good meetings with the heads of Japan and Canada recently He would help himself a lot to keep these stories in front of the press, rather than attacking judges, the media, liberals, Muslims, and defending his spokesman for telling everyone the decisions of the President on national security "should not be questioned" Donald Trump is hurting his administration with this silly behavior. He's done some good things recently, it's time to focus on those and stop running the White House like the Jerry Springer show.
The Clinton WH was like the Jerry Springer show, maybe too raunchy for Jerry Springer, but the Trump WH is like an island of rationality in a sea of insanity.
Donald Trump seems to have some pretty good ideas on trade and bringing jobs back to America. He also had some good meetings with the heads of Japan and Canada recently He would help himself a lot to keep these stories in front of the press, rather than attacking judges, the media, liberals, Muslims, and defending his spokesman for telling everyone the decisions of the President on national security "should not be questioned" Donald Trump is hurting his administration with this silly behavior. He's done some good things recently, it's time to focus on those and stop running the White House like the Jerry Springer show.
Look, man. No huckster changes his con as long as there are rubes lined up around the block begging to be hoaxed.

All the Chumps care about are Mexicans and Muslims. You can't expect them to understand the intricacies of trade agreements. They just wait for their marching orders and then bleev what they are told to bleev, and then parrot the manufactured bullshit given to them.
Donald Trump seems to have some pretty good ideas on trade and bringing jobs back to America. He also had some good meetings with the heads of Japan and Canada recently He would help himself a lot to keep these stories in front of the press, rather than attacking judges, the media, liberals, Muslims, and defending his spokesman for telling everyone the decisions of the President on national security "should not be questioned" Donald Trump is hurting his administration with this silly behavior. He's done some good things recently, it's time to focus on those and stop running the White House like the Jerry Springer show.

So he should continue down the path of status quo saying eloquent things yet never really doing or accomplishing anything? Come on bud...don't be so scared to try a new flavor. You'll be okay...I promise.
He's not trying to win a popularity contest...he already did that to win the election.

... for Goldman Sachs and Wall Street, same as it ever was.

He should divert his focus to helping the helpless more huh?
You know...Liberal works so well. We have more bottom feeding filth here than ever...ITS AWESOME!
Donald Trump seems to have some pretty good ideas on trade and bringing jobs back to America. He also had some good meetings with the heads of Japan and Canada recently He would help himself a lot to keep these stories in front of the press, rather than attacking judges, the media, liberals, Muslims, and defending his spokesman for telling everyone the decisions of the President on national security "should not be questioned" Donald Trump is hurting his administration with this silly behavior. He's done some good things recently, it's time to focus on those and stop running the White House like the Jerry Springer show.
The Clinton WH was like the Jerry Springer show, maybe too raunchy for Jerry Springer, but the Trump WH is like an island of rationality in a sea of insanity.

Well, if you believe all the fake claims by Alex Jones and Hannity, you could be right. Fortunately, most people don't fall for all of that (at least 3 million more) Trump claiming that it wasn't raining when it was, and refusing to accept the fact that he just didn't have as many spectators at his inauguration as he wanted are perfect examples of the sanity, or lack thereof, coming from the current white house.
Donald Trump seems to have some pretty good ideas on trade and bringing jobs back to America. He also had some good meetings with the heads of Japan and Canada recently He would help himself a lot to keep these stories in front of the press, rather than attacking judges, the media, liberals, Muslims, and defending his spokesman for telling everyone the decisions of the President on national security "should not be questioned" Donald Trump is hurting his administration with this silly behavior. He's done some good things recently, it's time to focus on those and stop running the White House like the Jerry Springer show.
The Clinton WH was like the Jerry Springer show, maybe too raunchy for Jerry Springer, but the Trump WH is like an island of rationality in a sea of insanity.

Well, if you believe all the fake claims by Alex Jones and Hannity, you could be right. Fortunately, most people don't fall for all of that (at least 3 million more) Trump claiming that it wasn't raining when it was, and refusing to accept the fact that he just didn't have as many spectators at his inauguration as he wanted are perfect examples of the sanity, or lack thereof, coming from the current white house.
You're actually in the minority here. A recent poll showed the public trusts President Trump to be truthful more than they trust the news media.

The Trump administration is more trusted than the news media among voters, according to a new Emerson College poll.

The administration is considered truthful by 49 percent of registered voters and untruthful by 48 percent.

But the news media is less trusted than the administration, with 53 percent calling it untruthful and just 39 percent finding it honest.

Trump administration seen as more truthful than news media: poll

Maybe you're just watching too much fake news from CNN or listening to too much propaganda from NPR to understand what is going on in America.
Donald Trump seems to have some pretty good ideas on trade and bringing jobs back to America. He also had some good meetings with the heads of Japan and Canada recently He would help himself a lot to keep these stories in front of the press, rather than attacking judges, the media, liberals, Muslims, and defending his spokesman for telling everyone the decisions of the President on national security "should not be questioned" Donald Trump is hurting his administration with this silly behavior. He's done some good things recently, it's time to focus on those and stop running the White House like the Jerry Springer show.

So he should continue down the path of status quo saying eloquent things yet never really doing or accomplishing anything? Come on bud...don't be so scared to try a new flavor. You'll be okay...I promise.
He's not trying to win a popularity contest...he already did that to win the election.

... for Goldman Sachs and Wall Street, same as it ever was.

He should divert his focus to helping the helpless more huh?
You know...Liberal works so well. We have more bottom feeding filth here than ever...ITS AWESOME!

You can cling to your partisanshithead indoctrination if you like, the reality is that this trend is a half century on now, and utterly bipartisan.
That poll was split along party lines with 90% of republicans saying rump was more truthful. Of course, 2/3 of republicans also think Obama is a Muslim, 41% still believe he was born in Kenya, and 49% don't believe in evolution. Not a really smart group. Other, more recent polls show less trust in Trump

New low for Trump in Gallup tracking poll— 40% approve, 55% disapprove
That poll was split along party lines with 90% of republicans saying rump was more truthful. Of course, 2/3 of republicans also think Obama is a Muslim, 41% still believe he was born in Kenya, and 49% don't believe in evolution. Not a really smart group. Other, more recent polls show less trust in Trump

New low for Trump in Gallup tracking poll— 40% approve, 55% disapprove
But 53% of the general public believe President Trump is truthful and only 39% believe the news media is truthful, so it is not just Republicans who trust the President to be more truthful than the news media. A recent Gallup poll shows that less than one out of three Americans trust the news media.

Thirty-two percent of the respondents in Gallup’s most recent national poll said that they have “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of trust in the mass media, an eight percentage-point drop compared to 2015. It’s the lowest point in Gallup’s polling history, which began asking respondents whether they had trust and confidence in the media in 1972.

Public trust in the media fell among respondents who identified as Democrats, Republicans and independents, but the decline in trust in the media was most pronounced among Republicans, whose confidence in the media dropped from 32 percent in 2015 to 14 percent in 2016.

Gallup poll: Public confidence in media falls to all-time low

And a current Rasmussen poll shows President Trump's favorable/unfavorable and job approval ratings are at 52%. So clearly, the general public trusts the President more than they do his critics in the news media and the majority of likely voters support the job he is doing.
That poll was split along party lines with 90% of republicans saying rump was more truthful. Of course, 2/3 of republicans also think Obama is a Muslim, 41% still believe he was born in Kenya, and 49% don't believe in evolution. Not a really smart group. Other, more recent polls show less trust in Trump

New low for Trump in Gallup tracking poll— 40% approve, 55% disapprove
But 53% of the general public believe President Trump is truthful and only 39% believe the news media is truthful, so it is not just Republicans who trust the President to be more truthful than the news media. A recent Gallup poll shows that less than one out of three Americans trust the news media.

Thirty-two percent of the respondents in Gallup’s most recent national poll said that they have “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of trust in the mass media, an eight percentage-point drop compared to 2015. It’s the lowest point in Gallup’s polling history, which began asking respondents whether they had trust and confidence in the media in 1972.

Public trust in the media fell among respondents who identified as Democrats, Republicans and independents, but the decline in trust in the media was most pronounced among Republicans, whose confidence in the media dropped from 32 percent in 2015 to 14 percent in 2016.

Gallup poll: Public confidence in media falls to all-time low

And a current Rasmussen poll shows President Trump's favorable/unfavorable and job approval ratings are at 52%. So clearly, the general public trusts the President more than they do his critics in the news media and the majority of likely voters support the job he is doing.

You keep telling yourself that the media is the enemy and Trump is God. Less than 1/4 of America voted for him. His goals will fail.
That poll was split along party lines with 90% of republicans saying rump was more truthful. Of course, 2/3 of republicans also think Obama is a Muslim, 41% still believe he was born in Kenya, and 49% don't believe in evolution. Not a really smart group. Other, more recent polls show less trust in Trump

New low for Trump in Gallup tracking poll— 40% approve, 55% disapprove
But 53% of the general public believe President Trump is truthful and only 39% believe the news media is truthful, so it is not just Republicans who trust the President to be more truthful than the news media. A recent Gallup poll shows that less than one out of three Americans trust the news media.

Thirty-two percent of the respondents in Gallup’s most recent national poll said that they have “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of trust in the mass media, an eight percentage-point drop compared to 2015. It’s the lowest point in Gallup’s polling history, which began asking respondents whether they had trust and confidence in the media in 1972.

Public trust in the media fell among respondents who identified as Democrats, Republicans and independents, but the decline in trust in the media was most pronounced among Republicans, whose confidence in the media dropped from 32 percent in 2015 to 14 percent in 2016.

Gallup poll: Public confidence in media falls to all-time low

And a current Rasmussen poll shows President Trump's favorable/unfavorable and job approval ratings are at 52%. So clearly, the general public trusts the President more than they do his critics in the news media and the majority of likely voters support the job he is doing.

You keep telling yourself that the media is the enemy and Trump is God. Less than 1/4 of America voted for him. His goals will fail.
I know you find it frustrating, but clearly the polls show only one in three Americans trust the news media and most Americans trust the President to be truthful.
Donald Trump seems to have some pretty good ideas on trade and bringing jobs back to America. He also had some good meetings with the heads of Japan and Canada recently He would help himself a lot to keep these stories in front of the press, rather than attacking judges, the media, liberals, Muslims, and defending his spokesman for telling everyone the decisions of the President on national security "should not be questioned" Donald Trump is hurting his administration with this silly behavior. He's done some good things recently, it's time to focus on those and stop running the White House like the Jerry Springer show.

I agree with everything you said except "Donald Trump seems to have some pretty good ideas on trade and bringing jobs back to America."

It's easy to say "I'll make America great again" and "I'll bring millions of jobs back to America" etc..etc...

But so far Trump has ABSOLUTELY NO PLAN to improve trade or to increase employment in America.

Cancelling NAFTA & TPP are just plan stupid and WILL COST MILLIONS OF JOBS, not save them

Talk is cheap...and that's about all Trump has.
Donald Trump seems to have some pretty good ideas on trade and bringing jobs back to America. He also had some good meetings with the heads of Japan and Canada recently He would help himself a lot to keep these stories in front of the press, rather than attacking judges, the media, liberals, Muslims, and defending his spokesman for telling everyone the decisions of the President on national security "should not be questioned" Donald Trump is hurting his administration with this silly behavior. He's done some good things recently, it's time to focus on those and stop running the White House like the Jerry Springer show.

So he should continue down the path of status quo saying eloquent things yet never really doing or accomplishing anything? Come on bud...don't be so scared to try a new flavor. You'll be okay...I promise.
He's not trying to win a popularity contest...he already did that to win the election.

... for Goldman Sachs and Wall Street, same as it ever was.

He should divert his focus to helping the helpless more huh?
You know...Liberal works so well. We have more bottom feeding filth here than ever...ITS AWESOME!

You can cling to your partisanshithead indoctrination if you like, the reality is that this trend is a half century on now, and utterly bipartisan.

You're right...let's always do what we've always done...Makes perfect sense...if you're iQ challenged and terrified of aggressive change...Haha
Over the next eight years (two Trump terms) you'll see a major change in our social structure. It will no longer be glamorized and acceptable to steal from hard working Americans. Career low-life's, criminals and bottom feeders will be condemned and treated as the dead-weight drain they are. Some people are smart enough and able to see past their nose to recognize the collision course America is on. Someone wilth courage, a spine and a ball-sack needs to force a change...we may have our guy now. Scares you to think you may have to get your shit right...huh?
That poll was split along party lines with 90% of republicans saying rump was more truthful. Of course, 2/3 of republicans also think Obama is a Muslim, 41% still believe he was born in Kenya, and 49% don't believe in evolution. Not a really smart group. Other, more recent polls show less trust in Trump

New low for Trump in Gallup tracking poll— 40% approve, 55% disapprove
But 53% of the general public believe President Trump is truthful and only 39% believe the news media is truthful, so it is not just Republicans who trust the President to be more truthful than the news media. A recent Gallup poll shows that less than one out of three Americans trust the news media.

Thirty-two percent of the respondents in Gallup’s most recent national poll said that they have “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of trust in the mass media, an eight percentage-point drop compared to 2015. It’s the lowest point in Gallup’s polling history, which began asking respondents whether they had trust and confidence in the media in 1972.

Public trust in the media fell among respondents who identified as Democrats, Republicans and independents, but the decline in trust in the media was most pronounced among Republicans, whose confidence in the media dropped from 32 percent in 2015 to 14 percent in 2016.

Gallup poll: Public confidence in media falls to all-time low

And a current Rasmussen poll shows President Trump's favorable/unfavorable and job approval ratings are at 52%. So clearly, the general public trusts the President more than they do his critics in the news media and the majority of likely voters support the job he is doing.

You keep telling yourself that the media is the enemy and Trump is God. Less than 1/4 of America voted for him. His goals will fail.
I know you find it frustrating, but clearly the polls show only one in three Americans trust the news media and most Americans trust the President to be truthful.

I have no desire or need to convince you otherwise. You are wrong. You have been told. That's enough.
That poll was split along party lines with 90% of republicans saying rump was more truthful. Of course, 2/3 of republicans also think Obama is a Muslim, 41% still believe he was born in Kenya, and 49% don't believe in evolution. Not a really smart group. Other, more recent polls show less trust in Trump

New low for Trump in Gallup tracking poll— 40% approve, 55% disapprove
But 53% of the general public believe President Trump is truthful and only 39% believe the news media is truthful, so it is not just Republicans who trust the President to be more truthful than the news media. A recent Gallup poll shows that less than one out of three Americans trust the news media.

Thirty-two percent of the respondents in Gallup’s most recent national poll said that they have “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of trust in the mass media, an eight percentage-point drop compared to 2015. It’s the lowest point in Gallup’s polling history, which began asking respondents whether they had trust and confidence in the media in 1972.

Public trust in the media fell among respondents who identified as Democrats, Republicans and independents, but the decline in trust in the media was most pronounced among Republicans, whose confidence in the media dropped from 32 percent in 2015 to 14 percent in 2016.

Gallup poll: Public confidence in media falls to all-time low

And a current Rasmussen poll shows President Trump's favorable/unfavorable and job approval ratings are at 52%. So clearly, the general public trusts the President more than they do his critics in the news media and the majority of likely voters support the job he is doing.

You keep telling yourself that the media is the enemy and Trump is God. Less than 1/4 of America voted for him. His goals will fail.
I know you find it frustrating, but clearly the polls show only one in three Americans trust the news media and most Americans trust the President to be truthful.

I have no desire or need to convince you otherwise. You are wrong. You have been told. That's enough.
Ok, so you're still in denial. I'm not holding that against you.

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