Trump should name

Michael Flynn his National Security Advisor after he wins reelection, he did before and Flynn was railroaded by the deep state and now its payback time. They are SCARED of Flynn! Trump would have nothing to lose he would be in his 2nd term
He needs to dump Pence. If the Republican Party is so pro-black and pro-women, he should have a female black VP candidate for his second term. There are black female conservatives out there and they don't have to be politicians.
A SIMPLE TEST: Would you be upset if the Court said Trump had to disclose his taxes, and they revealed an incredible personal scandal, forcing him to drop out?

2019 me: Yes, very upset.
2020 me: I'm thinking ..
Michael Flynn his National Security Advisor after he wins reelection, he did before and Flynn was railroaded by the deep state and now its payback time. They are SCARED of Flynn! Trump would have nothing to lose he would be in his 2nd term
Losing situation through and through. Flynn is crazy. Enough crazy already.
Michael Flynn his National Security Advisor after he wins reelection, he did before and Flynn was railroaded by the deep state and now its payback time. They are SCARED of Flynn! Trump would have nothing to lose he would be in his 2nd term
because everybody associated with Trump is so clean

Flynn was an unregistered agent of Turkey: he plead guilty twice to avoid prosecution related to Turkey.
Michael Flynn his National Security Advisor after he wins reelection, he did before and Flynn was railroaded by the deep state and now its payback time. They are SCARED of Flynn! Trump would have nothing to lose he would be in his 2nd term
because everybody associated with Trump is so clean

Flynn was an unregistered agent of Turkey: he plead guilty twice to avoid prosecution related to Turkey.
Perfect example of a "justice" system that protects criminals and one that goes after the innocent because of who got elected.
Michael Flynn his National Security Advisor after he wins reelection, he did before and Flynn was railroaded by the deep state and now its payback time. They are SCARED of Flynn! Trump would have nothing to lose he would be in his 2nd term
Nothing like a self confessed felon or the mix. Luckily he would only be there between November and January, until Joe Biden take office, then the clean up will begin.
A SIMPLE TEST: Would you be upset if the Court said Trump had to disclose his taxes, and they revealed an incredible personal scandal, forcing him to drop out?

2019 me: Yes, very upset.
2020 me: I'm thinking ..
The IRS reviews all tax forms, including those of the rich and any unusual dealings they find are dealt via ordering the taxpayer to be audited. The audited person must come in to be audited and/or send the individual or company that prepared the tax form. The most you would find on Trump's taxes would be various deductions and legal loopholes that are allowed and through those, he could pay less taxes than you or I. I have no problem with it. Unlike the left, I'm not jealous of someone that is rich and has a yacht and a couple of mansions and a jet, whether that person worked his/her ass off for it, or inherited it. When I went into the military, my pay was a little over $100 per month. Our responsibility.....sacrifice our lives if necessary, for our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, as well as our government's interests. The rich....not a problem with me then and now. As the saying goes, "the business of America is business," and if people can obtain those riches honestly, best of luck to them. To those that criticize the rich for being just that, tough shit. Stop being a jealous baby. Not everyone can be rich. And, in the case of Marxism/Leninism, the only rich are those at the very top tiers of their corrupt governments.

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