Trump set to make major policy changes in first hours of presidency


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I wish he would take all of obongo's executive orders and shoves them into the white house fire place on TV and sends the ashes in an urn to obongo at his new house...
Trump set to make major policy changes in first hours of presidency

Baltimore Sun
John Fritze
3 hrs ago

Once the parade winds down and the spectators leave the National Mall on Friday, incoming President Donald J. Trump is set to use his first hours in office to reverse some of his predecessor's highest-profile policies.

Even before he begins dismantling the Affordable Care Act and building a wall on the border with Mexico, Trump has promised to immediately roll back executive actions signed by President Barack Obama to shield immigrants from deportation and impose a hiring freeze on the federal government.

Conservative and business groups hope the Republican goes even further by repealing a number of Obama-era orders and agency regulations that affect how much federal contractors must pay employees and whether they must disclose labor law violations.

"I think his priority will be to roll back some of the regulatory executive orders that have just crippled our business expansion," said Rep. Andy Harris, a Baltimore County Republican.

"Rolling back rules and regulations can take longer," he added, "but hopefully they will get started quickly."

Trump will take the oath of office Friday at a time when the nation is deeply divided about its future, and its future president. About one-third of Americans held a favorable view of Trump in a Monmouth University Poll released on Tuesday - the same as in the days leading up to the election - and 20 percent said they are withholding judgment.

The incoming president has dismissed those polls, saying that surveys in battleground states misread the election. He reiterated the point Tuesday, calling the polling "phony."

It is not uncommon for new presidents to use executive orders on their first day to claim quick victories on campaign promises. Obama, within days of his inauguration, used executive orders to close overseas prisons run by the Central Intelligence Agency and ban so-called enhanced interrogation techniques.

Democrats are girding for some of the changes that Trump can make with the stroke of his pen in part because Obama implemented them through executive actions rather than by moving legislation through Congress.

Throughout the campaign, Trump promised to "cancel every unconstitutional executive action" signed by his predecessor.


Trump set to make major policy changes in first hours of presidency
Whoever wrote that piece has no clue about how hard it is to reverse Executive Orders.

He also has problems with his "esses," doesn't he, Precious.
Whoever wrote that piece has no clue about how hard it is to reverse Executive Orders.

He also has problems with his "esses," doesn't he, Precious.

an idiot wrote it for the sake of other idiots.

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