Trump says Paris Agreement is wrong... and he is right!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So if EVEN the experts can't figure out how many trees cover the earth... see above, how can we believe they know what they are saying when the world is coming to the
End all because Trump questions their figures???
this is a "science" rooted in predicting the future. its really laughable.
personally, i want all the carbon dioxide my lungs can breathe, it's necessary for life.
Meh, the big story here is that we are spending trillions and trillions now, to fix something that takes place hundreds of years into the future, and doesn't even have an expected cost of the same proportion!

It's a complete economic suicide, also known as scam.


While you're working on that.....


The signatures are listed alphabetically. Look who's under "T".

YUP! Donald Trump also donated millions to the Democrat party... again out of misinformation because I don't think Trump knew about this:

Another Obama Legacy: Americans Will Pay Billions for a Useless Climate Agreement

Greatly affected, according to gushing accounts in the press, will be the president’s “legacy.” Unaffected, according to math, will be the threat of climate change. And left holding the bill, as seems to happen with each new acquisition for the Obama presidential library, will be the American people.
To further grease the skids of international diplomacy, he committed the United States to lead the transfer of $100 billion in annual “climate finance” from the developed world to the developing countries that are pledging nothing.

The poor, for whom energy represents a major expense, will feel most of the pinch. The Clean Power Plan and oil fee taken together would have an effect comparable to a $30-per-ton carbon tax, which would cost households in the lowest income quintile $20 billion annually. That is equivalent to raising their federal tax burden more than 160 percent.

Read more at: Another Obama Legacy: Americans Will Pay Billions for a Useless Climate Agreement

NOW he knows that this was another USELESS effort by Obama to build his "legacy"!
I mean you Obama gushers never considered Obama would LIE!
But you didn't read enough about Obama..


While you're working on that.....


The signatures are listed alphabetically. Look who's under "T".
Let me guess...

The Dumbest Mofo Alive?

So you were deeply and thoroughly informed about this?
nother Obama Legacy: Americans Will Pay Billions for a Useless Climate Agreement

Greatly affected, according to gushing accounts in the press, will be the president’s “legacy.” Unaffected, according to math, will be the threat of climate change. And left holding the bill, as seems to happen with each new acquisition for the Obama presidential library, will be the American people.
To further grease the skids of international diplomacy, he committed the United States to lead the transfer of $100 billion in annual “climate finance” from the developed world to the developing countries that are pledging nothing.

The poor, for whom energy represents a major expense, will feel most of the pinch. The Clean Power Plan and oil fee taken together would have an effect comparable to a $30-per-ton carbon tax, which would cost households in the lowest income quintile $20 billion annually. That is equivalent to raising their federal tax burden more than 160 percent.

Read more at: Another Obama Legacy: Americans Will Pay Billions for a Useless Climate Agreement

NOW he knows that this was another USELESS effort by Obama to build his "legacy"!

China and the US are responsible for some 40 percent of the world's emissions and experts warn is vital for both to remain in the Paris agreement if it is to succeed.
EU, China seek to save Paris deal amid furore over Trump pullout
What you are reading is the BIASED MSM at work again!
List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions - Wikipedia
What a scam!
Wow... between China and USA 40%!
That's terrible.

BUT WAIT.... why aren't they showing the actual C02 emissions % rather then Lump with China?
FACT: China is 200% more then the USA. Twice the amount!
The USA is 14% NOT as the biased MSM again making the USA the bad guy lumping together!
30% China! 14% USA... NO where equals but what did the MSM do? Lump together!
And please explain the ignorance of the "experts" who can't seem to figure out that there are 3 times the number of trees NOW then needed to
take care of all the CO2 currently emitted!
this is a "science" rooted in predicting the future. its really laughable.
personally, i want all the carbon dioxide my lungs can breathe, it's necessary for life.

Amazes me that people are so ignorant about co2. Are you aware that you breathe as much to blow off co2 as to take in o2? And, ever hear of photosynthesis?

This is from memory so could be off but an increase of 1% co2 makes you drowsy, 2% drunk, 5% hard to stay conscious, 8% leads to death.

Be careful what you wish for.

As to the OP - trump's owners, Russia and China are thrilled.


While you're working on that.....


The signatures are listed alphabetically. Look who's under "T".
Let me guess...

The Dumbest Mofo Alive?

So you were deeply and thoroughly informed about this?
nother Obama Legacy: Americans Will Pay Billions for a Useless Climate Agreement

Greatly affected, according to gushing accounts in the press, will be the president’s “legacy.” Unaffected, according to math, will be the threat of climate change. And left holding the bill, as seems to happen with each new acquisition for the Obama presidential library, will be the American people.
To further grease the skids of international diplomacy, he committed the United States to lead the transfer of $100 billion in annual “climate finance” from the developed world to the developing countries that are pledging nothing.

The poor, for whom energy represents a major expense, will feel most of the pinch. The Clean Power Plan and oil fee taken together would have an effect comparable to a $30-per-ton carbon tax, which would cost households in the lowest income quintile $20 billion annually. That is equivalent to raising their federal tax burden more than 160 percent.

Read more at: Another Obama Legacy: Americans Will Pay Billions for a Useless Climate Agreement

NOW he knows that this was another USELESS effort by Obama to build his "legacy"!

China and the US are responsible for some 40 percent of the world's emissions and experts warn is vital for both to remain in the Paris agreement if it is to succeed.
EU, China seek to save Paris deal amid furore over Trump pullout
What you are reading is the BIASED MSM at work again!
List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions - Wikipedia
What a scam!
Wow... between China and USA 40%!
That's terrible.

BUT WAIT.... why aren't they showing the actual C02 emissions % rather then Lump with China?
FACT: China is 200% more then the USA. Twice the amount!
The USA is 14% NOT as the biased MSM again making the USA the bad guy lumping together!
30% China! 14% USA... NO where equals but what did the MSM do? Lump together!
And please explain the ignorance of the "experts" who can't seem to figure out that there are 3 times the number of trees NOW then needed to
take care of all the CO2 currently emitted!
View attachment 130348
once again millions of tax dollars for new research that they said was a consensus two decades ago. i would think "no more discussion" would mean no more research needed. hoist by their own petard. climate change is an arena of ever changing myths and facts, science steered by politics.
this is a "science" rooted in predicting the future. its really laughable.
personally, i want all the carbon dioxide my lungs can breathe, it's necessary for life.

Amazes me that people are so ignorant about co2. Are you aware that you breathe as much to blow off co2 as to take in o2? And, ever hear of photosynthesis?

This is from memory so could be off but an increase of 1% co2 makes you drowsy, 2% drunk, 5% hard to stay conscious, 8% leads to death.

Be careful what you wish for.

As to the OP - trump's owners, Russia and China are thrilled.

Wow your comment is so timely! I was just going to add this:
The average human exhales about 2.3 pounds of carbon dioxide on an average day. (The exact quantity depends on your activity level—a person engaged in vigorous exercise produces up to eight times as much CO2 as his sedentary brethren.)Aug 13, 2009
Are you heating the planet when you breathe?

Has anyone calculated that the population growth of the world has also contributed to CO2 levels?
Let's get some facts...
. Between 1900 and 2000 the increase in world population was three times greater than the entire previous history of humanity– an increase from 1.5 to 6.1 billion in just 100 years. World Population Growth
So in 1900 population was 1.5 billion at average 2.3 pounds CO2 per day or in 1900 that was 630 million tons from humans.
So population in 2017 is 7.5 billion or today adding 3,158,906,250 tons from humans today.
Conclusion: Global warming evangelistas wanting to reduce CO2 emissions are in favor of genocide of non-essential people! Bring the population back to 1900!
Now we also haven't calculated what the additional affect of 6 billion more people eating food that generates CO2 in production. That's not been calculated.
The simplest way of calculating is divide the 38.2 billion of CO2 by 7.5 billion works out to 5 tons per human.
Doing what Global warming believers want then dropping the population by 6 billion works out to reduction of 30 billion tons per year!
There we go solution in place. Eliminate according to the Global Warming believers 6 billion people and leave the world to ???????

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