Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together

What a prancing little crybaby the OP is. Waaaa, waaa, waaa, save the child, help the children, think of the children! I say fuck the children. Third world humanoids are incapable of gratitude, morality and any sense of law. That's why they're third world; they never had the values and brains to create a civilized society. Now they want to suck the blood out of ours. Fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em and just for variety, fuck 'em even more.
We won, you lost. Trump caved. Have you had enough winning?

Trump is President....:113: Trump finally changed the inhumane Obama policy of putting kids in cages....:113:
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania has surrendered his program of abusing children and hold them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.
So now you bags of shit say he's a child abuser? What useless bags of meat you are.

The piece of meat would be both you and Trump!


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Trump gut punches Dems, signs EO to detain both the illegal parents and their kids for an extended period of time and his zero tolerance policy will continue, told you so. :auiqs.jpg:
NO abuse has been ended. In fact, the left has just assured the world that child abuse will continue at our southern border.
Sure...putting your children in cages is the accepted form of child rearing for drooling trumpanzees.
How many of those kids are you going to foster?
Step up and be humane since their parents are scum.
Their parents are scum, though? What makes you pass that judgment on all those people you haven't met? There is a refugee crisis happening in Central America and as the best place to go, yes they're trying to come here for some stability and safety and a chance at a better life. Instead of dealing with the exploding violence and drug cartels down there at the source and recognizing it for what it is, our government is calling them animals and accusing them of infesting our country.
Don't you buy that, too, TN. That's not what Americans do.
Yes, they are scum.
Please show me how families are being torn apart from seeking asylum.
I have heard its only from them ILLEGALLY entering the country.
"seeking asylum" seems to be a talking point with no one willing to back it up.
I have honestly asked for a link like 10 times the past week or 2. Never get a response.
You're right. They are taking advantage and it has worked for years, so they come across the border, sometimes directly into the arms of a border patrol agent and sometimes not, but as soon as they are caught, they say the magic word "asylum." Some deliberately cross with border patrol agents waiting and make that claim. That's how asylum seekers have been entering Canada from here, btw. Technically, every one of them has violated the law by "entering" the country illegally, even if it only to stand on our side of the border and tell a border patrol agent they are seeking asylum. Why don't they apply at a port of entry? I don't know. Maybe it takes weeks/months/years for a decision? There aren't enough judges, that's for sure, and Trump doesn't want to hire any, either. He said that straight up yesterday.

I still think we should have a law saying we will not entertain a request for asylum if the immigrant enters illegally. I know we'd need an exception for emergencies like boat people or whatever, but for the most part, a lot of folks from Central America are gaming us.

That doesn't make them scum. That makes them human for wanting a better life.
There was a time that calling someone a "child abuser" was a pretty serious thing.

Now it's just another politically-motivated epithet.

Like "racist".

It used to be locking children in cages was considered child abuse...Then Dear Leader did it and the cultists applauded.

You must be talking about Obama.
Nope, but nice try, cultist.

New statistics: the government is separating 65 children a day from parents at the border
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania has surrendered his program of abusing children and hold them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.
So now you bags of shit say he's a child abuser? What useless bags of meat you are.

The piece of meat would be both you and Trump!View attachment 199897 View attachment 199897 ]
NO abuse has been ended. In fact, the left has just assured the world that child abuse will continue at our southern border.
Sure...putting your children in cages is the accepted form of child rearing for drooling trumpanzees.
How many of those kids are you going to foster?
Step up and be humane since their parents are scum.
Their parents are scum, though? What makes you pass that judgment on all those people you haven't met? There is a refugee crisis happening in Central America and as the best place to go, yes they're trying to come here for some stability and safety and a chance at a better life. Instead of dealing with the exploding violence and drug cartels down there at the source and recognizing it for what it is, our government is calling them animals and accusing them of infesting our country.
Don't you buy that, too, TN. That's not what Americans do.
Yes, they are scum.
Please show me how families are being torn apart from seeking asylum.
I have heard its only from them ILLEGALLY entering the country.
"seeking asylum" seems to be a talking point with no one willing to back it up.
I have honestly asked for a link like 10 times the past week or 2. Never get a response.
You're right. They are taking advantage and it has worked for years, so they come across the border, sometimes directly into the arms of a border patrol agent and sometimes not, but as soon as they are caught, they say the magic word "asylum." Some deliberately cross with border patrol agents waiting and make that claim. That's how asylum seekers have been entering Canada from here, btw. Technically, every one of them has violated the law by "entering" the country illegally, even if it only to stand on our side of the border and tell a border patrol agent they are seeking asylum. Why don't they apply at a port of entry? I don't know. Maybe it takes weeks/months/years for a decision? There aren't enough judges, that's for sure, and Trump doesn't want to hire any, either. He said that straight up yesterday.

I still think we should have a law saying we will not entertain a request for asylum if the immigrant enters illegally. I know we'd need an exception for emergencies like boat people or whatever, but for the most part, a lot of folks from Central America are gaming us.

That doesn't make them scum. That makes them human for wanting a better life.

Nobody is calling them 'scum.' BTW we DO have a law and Trump was ENFORCING it!! 0 tolerance. You cross the border without due process you are doing an illegal act.
NO abuse has been ended. In fact, the left has just assured the world that child abuse will continue at our southern border.
Sure...putting your children in cages is the accepted form of child rearing for drooling trumpanzees.
How many of those kids are you going to foster?
Step up and be humane since their parents are scum.
Their parents are scum, though? What makes you pass that judgment on all those people you haven't met? There is a refugee crisis happening in Central America and as the best place to go, yes they're trying to come here for some stability and safety and a chance at a better life. Instead of dealing with the exploding violence and drug cartels down there at the source and recognizing it for what it is, our government is calling them animals and accusing them of infesting our country.
Don't you buy that, too, TN. That's not what Americans do.
Yes, they are scum.
Please show me how families are being torn apart from seeking asylum.
I have heard its only from them ILLEGALLY entering the country.
"seeking asylum" seems to be a talking point with no one willing to back it up.
I have honestly asked for a link like 10 times the past week or 2. Never get a response.
You're right. They are taking advantage and it has worked for years, so they come across the border, sometimes directly into the arms of a border patrol agent and sometimes not, but as soon as they are caught, they say the magic word "asylum." Some deliberately cross with border patrol agents waiting and make that claim. That's how asylum seekers have been entering Canada from here, btw. Technically, every one of them has violated the law by "entering" the country illegally, even if it only to stand on our side of the border and tell a border patrol agent they are seeking asylum. Why don't they apply at a port of entry? I don't know. Maybe it takes weeks/months/years for a decision? There aren't enough judges, that's for sure, and Trump doesn't want to hire any, either. He said that straight up yesterday.

I still think we should have a law saying we will not entertain a request for asylum if the immigrant enters illegally. I know we'd need an exception for emergencies like boat people or whatever, but for the most part, a lot of folks from Central America are gaming us.

That doesn't make them scum. That makes them human for wanting a better life.
Plenty of places for them to create a better life other than the United States.

I have zero tolerance for people who say, "it takes too long". That is a lot of what is wrong with the people in this country.

I want it. I want it right now!
What a prancing little crybaby the OP is. Waaaa, waaa, waaa, save the child, help the children, think of the children! I say fuck the children. Third world humanoids are incapable of gratitude, morality and any sense of law. That's why they're third world; they never had the values and brains to create a civilized society. Now they want to suck the blood out of ours. Fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em and just for variety, fuck 'em even more.

There it is. Vampires.

Only a couple of ways to dispose of Vampires donchaknow?
Trump gut punches Dems, signs EO to detain both the illegal parents and their kids for an extended period of time and his zero tolerance policy will continue, told you so. :auiqs.jpg:
That's fine as long as they're together.
NO abuse has been ended. In fact, the left has just assured the world that child abuse will continue at our southern border.
Sure...putting your children in cages is the accepted form of child rearing for drooling trumpanzees.
How many of those kids are you going to foster?
Step up and be humane since their parents are scum.
Their parents are scum, though? What makes you pass that judgment on all those people you haven't met? There is a refugee crisis happening in Central America and as the best place to go, yes they're trying to come here for some stability and safety and a chance at a better life. Instead of dealing with the exploding violence and drug cartels down there at the source and recognizing it for what it is, our government is calling them animals and accusing them of infesting our country.
Don't you buy that, too, TN. That's not what Americans do.
Yes, they are scum.
Please show me how families are being torn apart from seeking asylum.
I have heard its only from them ILLEGALLY entering the country.
"seeking asylum" seems to be a talking point with no one willing to back it up.
I have honestly asked for a link like 10 times the past week or 2. Never get a response.
You're right. They are taking advantage and it has worked for years, so they come across the border, sometimes directly into the arms of a border patrol agent and sometimes not, but as soon as they are caught, they say the magic word "asylum." Some deliberately cross with border patrol agents waiting and make that claim. That's how asylum seekers have been entering Canada from here, btw. Technically, every one of them has violated the law by "entering" the country illegally, even if it only to stand on our side of the border and tell a border patrol agent they are seeking asylum. Why don't they apply at a port of entry? I don't know. Maybe it takes weeks/months/years for a decision? There aren't enough judges, that's for sure, and Trump doesn't want to hire any, either. He said that straight up yesterday.

I still think we should have a law saying we will not entertain a request for asylum if the immigrant enters illegally. I know we'd need an exception for emergencies like boat people or whatever, but for the most part, a lot of folks from Central America are gaming us.

That doesn't make them scum. That makes them human for wanting a better life.
Kids are coming to the border ALONE.
They are scum.
'President Donald Trump said Wednesday he plans to sign an executive action designed to keep families together during detention on the U.S.-Mexico border.

"I'll be signing something in a little while that's going to do that," he told reporters during a White House event after saying he wanted families to be kept together. "I'll be doing something that's somewhat pre-emptive and ultimately will be matched by legislation I'm sure."

The action is expected to allow families to be housed together even while adults in the family are being detained or prosecuted for crossing the U.S. border illegally or for seeking asylum at the border outside of a designated border entry point.'

Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together


First - great news for those poor children.
Second - it's great to see Trump cave like the big, fat, bone-spurred, thin-skinned wimp that he is. He could have done this days ago - but instead he tried to blame others.
Now he sees NO ONE who is sane (including those in his own party) is with him on his policy.
So he caved.


Trumpbots? Let the spinning begin....
Musta been the Pope's statement.

This is hopeful; there has been plenty of protesting about this and that but it is the first time public opinion has actually changed the guy's mind.

He saw some of his electroplating was flaking off.

President Trump seems to be saying more and more things that aren’t true

“It’s extraordinary how he is completely indifferent to truth. There’s just no relationship between his statements — anything he utters — and the actual truth of the matter,” said Thomas Murray, president emeritus of the Hastings Center, the founding institution in the field of bioethics. “As far as I can tell, the best way to understand anything he says is what will best serve his interests in the moment. It’s irrespective to any version of the truth.”
/-----/ More made up anti Trump rants from the Sore Loser Brigade.
hysterical liberal.jpg
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania has surrendered his program of abusing children and hold them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.
So now you bags of shit say he's a child abuser? What useless bags of meat you are.

The piece of meat would be both you and Trump!View attachment 199897 View attachment 199897 ]
Sure...putting your children in cages is the accepted form of child rearing for drooling trumpanzees.
How many of those kids are you going to foster?
Step up and be humane since their parents are scum.
Their parents are scum, though? What makes you pass that judgment on all those people you haven't met? There is a refugee crisis happening in Central America and as the best place to go, yes they're trying to come here for some stability and safety and a chance at a better life. Instead of dealing with the exploding violence and drug cartels down there at the source and recognizing it for what it is, our government is calling them animals and accusing them of infesting our country.
Don't you buy that, too, TN. That's not what Americans do.
Yes, they are scum.
Please show me how families are being torn apart from seeking asylum.
I have heard its only from them ILLEGALLY entering the country.
"seeking asylum" seems to be a talking point with no one willing to back it up.
I have honestly asked for a link like 10 times the past week or 2. Never get a response.
You're right. They are taking advantage and it has worked for years, so they come across the border, sometimes directly into the arms of a border patrol agent and sometimes not, but as soon as they are caught, they say the magic word "asylum." Some deliberately cross with border patrol agents waiting and make that claim. That's how asylum seekers have been entering Canada from here, btw. Technically, every one of them has violated the law by "entering" the country illegally, even if it only to stand on our side of the border and tell a border patrol agent they are seeking asylum. Why don't they apply at a port of entry? I don't know. Maybe it takes weeks/months/years for a decision? There aren't enough judges, that's for sure, and Trump doesn't want to hire any, either. He said that straight up yesterday.

I still think we should have a law saying we will not entertain a request for asylum if the immigrant enters illegally. I know we'd need an exception for emergencies like boat people or whatever, but for the most part, a lot of folks from Central America are gaming us.

That doesn't make them scum. That makes them human for wanting a better life.

Nobody is calling them 'scum.' BTW we DO have a law and Trump was ENFORCING it!! 0 tolerance. You cross the border without due process you are doing an illegal act.
Yeah, TN was calling them scum.
Maybe in awhile Trump's zero tolerance policy will actually slow down the ridiculous influx at the border, but probably not by much. Too many of these people have nothing left to lose.
Trump gut punches Dems, signs EO to detain both the illegal parents and their kids for an extended period of time and his zero tolerance policy will continue, told you so. :auiqs.jpg:
That's fine as long as they're together.

Dem's will freak out. The entire purpose of the 1990's law Trump is now breaking was to force the government to release both the illegal parents and their kids after only 20 days. Why did Dem's want this? So that the illegals could escape into America and never show up for their deportation hearing, which is exactly what happens. Trump is now detaining them until their hearing then deporting them.
Sure...putting your children in cages is the accepted form of child rearing for drooling trumpanzees.
How many of those kids are you going to foster?
Step up and be humane since their parents are scum.
Their parents are scum, though? What makes you pass that judgment on all those people you haven't met? There is a refugee crisis happening in Central America and as the best place to go, yes they're trying to come here for some stability and safety and a chance at a better life. Instead of dealing with the exploding violence and drug cartels down there at the source and recognizing it for what it is, our government is calling them animals and accusing them of infesting our country.
Don't you buy that, too, TN. That's not what Americans do.
Yes, they are scum.
Please show me how families are being torn apart from seeking asylum.
I have heard its only from them ILLEGALLY entering the country.
"seeking asylum" seems to be a talking point with no one willing to back it up.
I have honestly asked for a link like 10 times the past week or 2. Never get a response.
You're right. They are taking advantage and it has worked for years, so they come across the border, sometimes directly into the arms of a border patrol agent and sometimes not, but as soon as they are caught, they say the magic word "asylum." Some deliberately cross with border patrol agents waiting and make that claim. That's how asylum seekers have been entering Canada from here, btw. Technically, every one of them has violated the law by "entering" the country illegally, even if it only to stand on our side of the border and tell a border patrol agent they are seeking asylum. Why don't they apply at a port of entry? I don't know. Maybe it takes weeks/months/years for a decision? There aren't enough judges, that's for sure, and Trump doesn't want to hire any, either. He said that straight up yesterday.

I still think we should have a law saying we will not entertain a request for asylum if the immigrant enters illegally. I know we'd need an exception for emergencies like boat people or whatever, but for the most part, a lot of folks from Central America are gaming us.

That doesn't make them scum. That makes them human for wanting a better life.
Kids are coming to the border ALONE.
They are scum.
The kids?
How many of those kids are you going to foster?
Step up and be humane since their parents are scum.
Their parents are scum, though? What makes you pass that judgment on all those people you haven't met? There is a refugee crisis happening in Central America and as the best place to go, yes they're trying to come here for some stability and safety and a chance at a better life. Instead of dealing with the exploding violence and drug cartels down there at the source and recognizing it for what it is, our government is calling them animals and accusing them of infesting our country.
Don't you buy that, too, TN. That's not what Americans do.
Yes, they are scum.
Please show me how families are being torn apart from seeking asylum.
I have heard its only from them ILLEGALLY entering the country.
"seeking asylum" seems to be a talking point with no one willing to back it up.
I have honestly asked for a link like 10 times the past week or 2. Never get a response.
You're right. They are taking advantage and it has worked for years, so they come across the border, sometimes directly into the arms of a border patrol agent and sometimes not, but as soon as they are caught, they say the magic word "asylum." Some deliberately cross with border patrol agents waiting and make that claim. That's how asylum seekers have been entering Canada from here, btw. Technically, every one of them has violated the law by "entering" the country illegally, even if it only to stand on our side of the border and tell a border patrol agent they are seeking asylum. Why don't they apply at a port of entry? I don't know. Maybe it takes weeks/months/years for a decision? There aren't enough judges, that's for sure, and Trump doesn't want to hire any, either. He said that straight up yesterday.

I still think we should have a law saying we will not entertain a request for asylum if the immigrant enters illegally. I know we'd need an exception for emergencies like boat people or whatever, but for the most part, a lot of folks from Central America are gaming us.

That doesn't make them scum. That makes them human for wanting a better life.
Kids are coming to the border ALONE.
They are scum.
The kids?
The kids arent scum, the parents are.
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania, has surrendered his program of abusing children and holding them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.

The Left will celebrate as more children are dragged through Mexico and placed into the hands of sex traffickers.
NO abuse has been ended. In fact, the left has just assured the world that child abuse will continue at our southern border.

So all of those migrating to the US to find a better life (including your ancestors) were child abusers?

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