Trump says he keeps cash on hand so he can leave tips


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

And he doesnā€™t carry a wallet. No credit cards and he doesnā€™t drive. And I doubt anyone has IDā€™d him in decades.

Trump said he carries a wad of cash in his back pocket so he can leave tips.

He said he keeps the bills ready because he hasnā€™t ā€œhad to use a credit card in a long time ā€ so thereā€™s no need to carry a wallet.

ā€œ I do like leaving tips to the hotel. I like to carry a little something. I like to give tips to the hotel. Iā€™m telling you, maybe a presidentā€™s not supposed to do it, but I like to leave a tip for the hotel, etc., etc.,ā€ he told reporters aboard Air Force One as he returned to Washington, DC, from California late Wednesday.

He leaves tips? That doesnā€™t sound like the cold-hearted brte the Dims and the media want you to believe he is.

I wonder if any other recent president has ever left tips.

Love how the tie matches his lustrous, shimmering orange hue. Orange Blob Worshippers will be so pleased. Maybe they will start a GoFundMe account to raise money to put his statue on Ellis Island.
Love how the tie matches his lustrous, shimmering orange hue. Orange Blob Worshippers will be so pleased. Maybe they will start a GoFundMe account to raise money to put his statue on Ellis Island.

You need a teenage girl's shoulder to cry on.
Can you imagine Barry leaving anyone a tip? LOL. Neither can I. Barry is only generous with your money, not his.
"Here's a 20. Thank you for your service."

"Sir, this is a KFC."

"Good point. Here's another 20."
Love how the tie matches his lustrous, shimmering orange hue. Orange Blob Worshippers will be so pleased. Maybe they will start a GoFundMe account to raise money to put his statue on Ellis Island.
you, also, definitely have TDS

And he doesnā€™t carry a wallet. No credit cards and he doesnā€™t drive. And I doubt anyone has IDā€™d him in decades.

Trump said he carries a wad of cash in his back pocket so he can leave tips.

He said he keeps the bills ready because he hasnā€™t ā€œhad to use a credit card in a long time ā€ so thereā€™s no need to carry a wallet.

ā€œ I do like leaving tips to the hotel. I like to carry a little something. I like to give tips to the hotel. Iā€™m telling you, maybe a presidentā€™s not supposed to do it, but I like to leave a tip for the hotel, etc., etc.,ā€ he told reporters aboard Air Force One as he returned to Washington, DC, from California late Wednesday.

He leaves tips? That doesnā€™t sound like the cold-hearted brte the Dims and the media want you to believe he is.

I wonder if any other recent president has ever left tips.


He uses it to tip strippers at titty bars
Of all the shit in the world I could have imagined that could be framed as a "scandal", God Emperor leaving cash tips to service employees didn't even register in the wildest of wild fantasies.

The loony left has finally taken leave of any shred of sense they may have had with anyone possessing an IQ above 70.
Our beloved Pres.Trump is a man of the people and cares greatly about the common man.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him as our ruler. ... :thup:

He is NOT "our ruler".

He's the President and he is doing a good job as an executive.

If you want to be ruled may I suggest Saudi Arabia?

Love how the tie matches his lustrous, shimmering orange hue. Orange Blob Worshippers will be so pleased. Maybe they will start a GoFundMe account to raise money to put his statue on Ellis Island.
I love how President Trump launches left wingers into orbit every day
Does anyone really believe Trump will give away money? If anyone does they can reach me at 1 (800) LEM MING as I have an orange colored bridge for sale, connecting SF with Marin.
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If Trump tips the way he treats those who do contract labor for him, we are in trouble
Does anyone really believe Trump will give away money? If anyone does they can reach me at 1 (800) LEM MING as I have an orange colored bridge for sale, connecting SF with Marin.

Is that like anyone believes liberals give to charity?
Does anyone really believe Trump will give away money? If anyone does they can reach me at 1 (800) LEM MING as I have an orange colored bridge for sale, connecting SF with Marin.

Is that like anyone believes liberals give to charity?

Liberals give time and money to good causes. Conservatives give to the NRA for nefarious causes.

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