Trump Saddled With Rap That More Accurately Fits A Corrupt Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Trump Saddled With Rap That More Accurately

Fits A Corrupt Biden

Biden also viewed as 'nice family man' who 'cares' about his troubled son
26 Sep 2023 ~~ By Paul Gottfried

On the basis of a recently conducted Associated Press poll, it seems that 8% more Americans view Trump as corrupt than those who hold the same opinion of Biden. Moreover, while Trump is considered a morally reprehensible figure by more than half the people polled, Biden is mostly seen as “old” and sometimes “confused.” Most polls conducted into last year suggest that Biden was long viewed as “likable” and even “intelligent,” although respondents admitted that he did not display “effective leadership.” Even when talking to neighbors who voted for Trump, I hear variations on the same theme. Although our president is clearly not up to his job, he is a nice family man who cares about his troubled son.
It is hard for me to think of any other national figure who has been as dishonest as Biden during his misnamed “life in public service.” Evidence continues to pile up about Joe’s money laundering as well as that of his son and brother. Our president has been caught repeatedly telling lies about his business dealings with Hunter, regarding how the two have shaken down foreign dignitaries. Biden also tells baldfaced lies about his less than glorious past and has plagiarized the texts of other politicians, a fact that the Democrats and media have certainly avoided playing up. Among his other outrages, he purloined classified documents while still a senator; and some of this information may have been used by him and Hunter in making lucrative deals with foreign governments.
In return his benefactors, at least until a few weeks ago, shielded him from his critics, while vilifying his likely Republican opponent in the next presidential race. This assistance has paid off in a strange way. Biden still seems personally inoffensive to a majority of Americans, even while his administration is crumbling. Those who observe this disaster in progress often look for ways to deplore it without impugning Joe’s character or personality. Although evidence of Biden’s corruption continues to come in, even many who notice it are more focused on his age and senior moments. This may be the result of the reconstruction of Biden carried out by Democrats and their media allies. Thus, Trump has been saddled with a rap that would more accurately fit Biden, who for many remains a well-meaning, bumbling grandfather. Although the myth of a likable Biden is becoming less and less credible with each new revelation about his misdeeds, it may take time before this belief is limited to hardcore Democrats.

The Soros paid quisling propaganda machine has smeared Trump with false accusations, for the last 8 years. With all the investigations he has endured, it’s more likely that he is the most honest man in America.
Remember the 24/7 demands by the paid biased media whores for Trump’s tax-returns?
I’m sure they’ll start demanding Biden’s any minute now.....
With the constant wave of negative publicity about Trump, the 8% figure says a lot more about Biden than it does about Trump.
The Soros paid quisling propaganda machine has smeared Trump with false accusations, for the last 8 years. With all the investigations he has endured, it’s more likely that he is the most honest man in America.
:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :spinner:

Trump was caught stealing from cancer kids, dumbass. And that is just the beginning.

Anyone who supports a gutter piece of shit like that is sick in the head.

All you tards have is an "anonymous source" that not even Trump's FBI found believable.

Meanwhile, every single key player says Joe Biden is innocent.

The only thing piling up is a mountain of manufactured bullshit by Comer.
The WP, the NYT, The Atlantic and countless other left wing rags are famous for anonymous sources. Try again stupid.
:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :spinner:

Trump was caught stealing from cancer kids, dumbass. And that is just the beginning.

Anyone who supports a gutter piece of shit like that is sick in the head.
And Incest Joe caught in the shower with his preteen daughter. Nobody's perfect, but Biden is WHITE TRASH.

Trump Saddled With Rap That More Accurately

Fits A Corrupt Biden

Biden also viewed as 'nice family man' who 'cares' about his troubled son
26 Sep 2023 ~~ By Paul Gottfried

On the basis of a recently conducted Associated Press poll, it seems that 8% more Americans view Trump as corrupt than those who hold the same opinion of Biden. Moreover, while Trump is considered a morally reprehensible figure by more than half the people polled, Biden is mostly seen as “old” and sometimes “confused.” Most polls conducted into last year suggest that Biden was long viewed as “likable” and even “intelligent,” although respondents admitted that he did not display “effective leadership.” Even when talking to neighbors who voted for Trump, I hear variations on the same theme. Although our president is clearly not up to his job, he is a nice family man who cares about his troubled son.
It is hard for me to think of any other national figure who has been as dishonest as Biden during his misnamed “life in public service.” Evidence continues to pile up about Joe’s money laundering as well as that of his son and brother. Our president has been caught repeatedly telling lies about his business dealings with Hunter, regarding how the two have shaken down foreign dignitaries. Biden also tells baldfaced lies about his less than glorious past and has plagiarized the texts of other politicians, a fact that the Democrats and media have certainly avoided playing up. Among his other outrages, he purloined classified documents while still a senator; and some of this information may have been used by him and Hunter in making lucrative deals with foreign governments.
In return his benefactors, at least until a few weeks ago, shielded him from his critics, while vilifying his likely Republican opponent in the next presidential race. This assistance has paid off in a strange way. Biden still seems personally inoffensive to a majority of Americans, even while his administration is crumbling. Those who observe this disaster in progress often look for ways to deplore it without impugning Joe’s character or personality. Although evidence of Biden’s corruption continues to come in, even many who notice it are more focused on his age and senior moments. This may be the result of the reconstruction of Biden carried out by Democrats and their media allies. Thus, Trump has been saddled with a rap that would more accurately fit Biden, who for many remains a well-meaning, bumbling grandfather. Although the myth of a likable Biden is becoming less and less credible with each new revelation about his misdeeds, it may take time before this belief is limited to hardcore Democrats.

The Soros paid quisling propaganda machine has smeared Trump with false accusations, for the last 8 years. With all the investigations he has endured, it’s more likely that he is the most honest man in America.
Remember the 24/7 demands by the paid biased media whores for Trump’s tax-returns?
I’m sure they’ll start demanding Biden’s any minute now.....

Did someone say "election interference"? Another talking point straight from Trump's ass to your mouth.

Let me show you what ACTUAL election interference looks like.







Full List of Trump Fake Electors in Each State And the Charges Against Them

Election interference was Democrats disenfranchising 74 million voters and Big Tech and the MSM running

cover for it. Yeah, if you believe Biden got 81 million votes, you're a fucking idiot.
No one has produced so much as a credible shred of evidence that we did not have a fair and free election.

Look, man. Bannon tipped their hand to the Big Lie BEFORE the election.

The recording of Bannon bragging about the Big Lie Trump was going to create on Election Night and the days which followed is the smoking gun that you rubes were preemptively being set up for the hoax before the election.

If you bleev Trump won, YOU are the fucking idiot.

Election interference was Democrats disenfranchising 74 million voters and Big Tech and the MSM running

cover for it. Yeah, if you believe Biden got 81 million votes, you're a fucking idiot.
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Gosh, if only there was evidence the election was stolen.

The slick New York City grifter led you country bumpkins around by the rings in your noses.

63 court cases brought by Trump and ZERO success!

“Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and Republican congressmen."

Mr. President, we’ll send you the link from WSB.

Trump: I don’t care about the link. I don’t need it.

Trump hired not one, but TWO, research firms to prove his Big Lie.

The TWO firms Trump hired found no fraud.


Trump buried those reports and continued to lie.

The Michigan Republican House Speaker and Republican Senate Majority Leader said there was no fraud and would certify the election. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The US Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

A recount in Wisconsin demanded by Trump found there was no fraud and actually increased Trump's loss by a wider margin. Trump continued to lie.

State and federal courts, including many helmed by Trump appointees, found no proof of fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The Director of National Intelligence informed Trump the election was secure and there was no fraud. Trump ignored him and continued to lie.

The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The senior White House attorneys told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

Senior staffers of Trump's own campaign team told him he had lost! Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

State legislators and secretaries of state all around the country, many of whom were Republicans who had backed Trump's re-election, told Trump there was no fraud and he had lost. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

Trump knew he lost.

With his Big Lie defeated at every turn, Trump drafted illegal fake electors in seven states.
Christ, even during TV interviews, Trump added ten stories to Trump Tower that don't exist.

He tripled the size of his apartment on his SFC's, and he is finally being busted for it.

This man is a pathological fraud. He is literally incapable of speaking the truth.

Those apparent 232 replies cannot be read by we who are not Twitter members. Neither can we verify what else is posted currently with this apparent 23 Aug 2023 Twitter post.

Understandable are these types of fascist protection racket-isms, christianity having prepared us beforehand. Musk's fascism is a French-kiss with religion's fascism: either afraid not to believe or afraid not to belong.
Trump made a point to befriend Rudy Giuliani to help protect him from criminal prosecution.

He also cozied up to Manhattan DA Bob Morgenthau.


When you have high friends in law enforcement, it emboldens you to commit more crimes, knowing the most that will happen is a fine.

Morgenthau realized too late what kind of snake he allowed to crawl into his tent.

Before His Death, I Asked the Manhattan D.A. What His Greatest Fear Was. He Answered: ‘Trump.’

Morgenthau was replaced by Alvin Bragg.

All you tards have is an "anonymous source" that not even Trump's FBI found believable.

Meanwhile, every single key player says Joe Biden is innocent.

The only thing piling up is a mountain of manufactured bullshit by Comer.
This weird fantasy deflection shit is only going to get loonier when Trump's trials begin.

Trump cannot be compared to, or equated with, ANYONE. No male, no female, no adult, no child, no animal. NO ONE behaves like him.
Election interference was Democrats disenfranchising 74 million voters and Big Tech and the MSM running

cover for it. Yeah, if you believe Biden got 81 million votes, you're a fucking idiot.

I believe it. According to polling more than 40% of Biden Voters primary motivation was to vote against Trump. That makes sense when you consider how about half the people would choose Herpes over Trump.
This weird fantasy deflection shit is only going to get loonier when Trump's trials begin.

Trump cannot be compared to, or equated with, ANYONE. No male, no female, no adult, no child, no animal. NO ONE behaves like him.
You can bet your life savings they won't watch the trials or read the transcripts. They will rely on their confirmed lying propagandists to tell them what to say. And not one word will have any connection to the reality.
I believe it. According to polling more than 40% of Biden Voters primary motivation was to vote against Trump. That makes sense when you consider how about half the people would choose Herpes over Trump.
Yep. They just can't believe that so many people don't adore their earthly god like they do.

I'll always resent the GQP for having to vote for Hillary & Biden. If Trump doesn't run, I can go back to voting third party.

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