Trump Russia 2016 "Collusion" Began in 2012


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
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  1. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
    'the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers'"
Among his many lies Trump obfuscates his timeline concerning when he decided to run for POTUS in 2016.

Can you guess who found out first?

"Donald Trump applied for a trademark on his campaign slogan, 'Make America Great Again,' just six days after the 2012 presidential election."

Russian Support Of Donald Trump For President Began In 2012, Trump Already Knew He Would Run, Reports Say

"At the same time that Trump was apparently first plotting his 2016 presidential bid, by trademarking his campaign slogan, Russians close to that country’s president Vladimir Putin were beginning to discuss how they could support him — according to Kremlin propagandist Konstantin Rykov, who formerly held a seat in Russia’s parliament as a member of Putin’s United Russia Party...."

"In his post, which may be viewed at this link, Rykov said that after the 'disaster' of an Obama victory on November 6, 2012, he had his cohorts had 'four years and two days' to put into place the mechanisms to create a Trump victory."

Trump first appeared on Russian (Soviet) radar 35 years earlier when he found his first bride in Czechoslovakia.

He's been their useful idiot (at least) since that time.

What additional damage will he do before November 2020?
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How many angels can stand on the head of a pin?
WTF is the OP whining about?
I don't see any proof of when Trump decided to run, he was switching parties to get any kind of advantage he could in NYC deals.
Maybe he saw a lack of quality GOP candidates? Romney and McCain got their asses handed to them, and he saw that the country was on a bad track.

Political positions of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
"In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic. In September 2009, Trump changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent). In April 2012, Trump again returned to the Republican Party."

Why should Trump bribe pols when it might be easier beating them?
How many angels can stand on the head of a pin?
WTF is the OP whining about?
I don't see any proof of when Trump decided to run, he was switching parties to get any kind of advantage he could in NYC deals.
Maybe he saw a lack of quality GOP candidates? Romney and McCain got their asses handed to them, and he saw that the country was on a bad track.

Political positions of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
"In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic. In September 2009, Trump changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent). In April 2012, Trump again returned to the Republican Party."

Why should Trump bribe pols when it might be easier beating them?
Why should Trump bribe pols when it might be easier beating them?
Is that another way of saying Trump's a crony-capitalist who cut out the middleman?

Trump's "collusion" with elements of the Russian government in pursuit of his 2016 campaign began years before he "decided" to run:

"Donald Trump applied for a trademark on his campaign slogan, 'Make America Great Again,' just six days after the 2012 presidential election...."
"When Trump applied for the trademark, he listed the purpose of the slogan as 'fundraising in the field of politics.'

"At the same time that Trump was apparently first plotting his 2016 presidential bid, by trademarking his campaign slogan, Russians close to that country’s president Vladimir Putin were beginning to discuss how they could support him — according to Kremlin propagandist Konstantin Rykov, who formerly held a seat in Russia’s parliament as a member of Putin’s United Russia Party

"Remarkably, Rykov posted a narrative of the plot to support Trump on his own Facebook page just days after Trump emerged victorious, despite losing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by nearly 3 million votes.

"In his post, which may be viewed at this link, Rykov said that after the 'disaster' of an Obama victory on November 6, 2012, he had his cohorts had 'four years and two days' to put into place the mechanisms to create a Trump victory.

"'It was necessary to get into the brain and seize all possible means of mass perception of reality,' Rykov recounted. 'Ensure Donald’s victory in the U.S. President’s election. Then create a political union between the United States, France, Russia (and other states) and establish a new world order.'

"Rykov said that he was encouraged by the fact that on that 2012 election night, Trump sent him a direct message — a photo of himself, Trump, making his signature 'thumbs up' gesture. Rykov took the texted photo as an indication that the plan should proceed.

"About a week later, Trump applied for the 'Make America Great Again' trademark."

Trump and the New (MAGA) World Order?

Russian Support Of Donald Trump For President Began In 2012, Trump Already Knew He Would Run, Reports Say

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