Trump pulls back from ban he once supported on flavored e-cigarettes


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
On again--same old story--Trump's word means nothing--he refuses to sign regulation banning flavored e-cigs----in the fear that it might cost him a vote or two:

Trump backs off flavored vape ban he once touted

"Everything seemed ready to go: President Trump’s ban on most flavored e-cigarettes had been cleared by federal regulators. Officials were poised to announce they would order candy, fruit and mint flavors off the market within 30 days — a step the president had promised almost two months earlier to quell a youth vaping epidemic that had ensnared 5 million teenagers.
One last thing was needed: Trump’s sign-off. But on Nov. 4, the night before a planned morning news conference, the president balked. Briefed on a flight to a Lexington, Ky., campaign rally, he refused to sign the one-page “decision memo,” saying he didn’t want to move forward with a ban he had once backed, primarily at his wife’s and daughter’s urging, because he feared it would lead to job losses, said a Trump adviser who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal internal deliberations.

As he had done so many times before, Trump reversed course — this time on a plan to address a major public health problem because of worries that apoplectic vape shop owners and their customers might hurt his reelection prospects, said White House and campaign officials. He also believed job losses tied to the ban would cost him as he sought to trumpet economic growth. It was the latest example of the chaotic way policy is made — and sometimes unmade — in a White House where the ultimate decider often switches gears after making a controversial vow, whether on combating gun violence, pulling troops from Syria or promising to deliver an Obamacare replacement plan.

Officials said the blowback to Trump’s vow to ban most flavored e-cigarettes had rattled him. In an aggressive social media campaign — #IVapeIVote — advocates claimed the ban would shut down thousands of shops, eliminating jobs and sending vapers back to cigarettes. The president saw protesters at events and read critical articles. His campaign manager, Brad Parscale, privately warned the ban could hurt him in battleground states, said a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. Trump was now upset with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who had taken the lead in rolling out the plan, said three officials familiar with the discussions.
“He didn’t know much about the issue and was just doing it for Melania and Ivanka,” said a senior administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share the discussions."
On again--same old story--Trump's word means nothing--he refuses to sign regulation banning flavored e-cigs----in the fear that it might cost him a vote or two:

Trump backs off flavored vape ban he once touted

"Everything seemed ready to go: President Trump’s ban on most flavored e-cigarettes had been cleared by federal regulators. Officials were poised to announce they would order candy, fruit and mint flavors off the market within 30 days — a step the president had promised almost two months earlier to quell a youth vaping epidemic that had ensnared 5 million teenagers.
One last thing was needed: Trump’s sign-off. But on Nov. 4, the night before a planned morning news conference, the president balked. Briefed on a flight to a Lexington, Ky., campaign rally, he refused to sign the one-page “decision memo,” saying he didn’t want to move forward with a ban he had once backed, primarily at his wife’s and daughter’s urging, because he feared it would lead to job losses, said a Trump adviser who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal internal deliberations.

As he had done so many times before, Trump reversed course — this time on a plan to address a major public health problem because of worries that apoplectic vape shop owners and their customers might hurt his reelection prospects, said White House and campaign officials. He also believed job losses tied to the ban would cost him as he sought to trumpet economic growth. It was the latest example of the chaotic way policy is made — and sometimes unmade — in a White House where the ultimate decider often switches gears after making a controversial vow, whether on combating gun violence, pulling troops from Syria or promising to deliver an Obamacare replacement plan.

Officials said the blowback to Trump’s vow to ban most flavored e-cigarettes had rattled him. In an aggressive social media campaign — #IVapeIVote — advocates claimed the ban would shut down thousands of shops, eliminating jobs and sending vapers back to cigarettes. The president saw protesters at events and read critical articles. His campaign manager, Brad Parscale, privately warned the ban could hurt him in battleground states, said a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. Trump was now upset with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who had taken the lead in rolling out the plan, said three officials familiar with the discussions.
“He didn’t know much about the issue and was just doing it for Melania and Ivanka,” said a senior administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share the discussions."
On again--same old story--Trump's word means nothing--he refuses to sign regulation banning flavored e-cigs----in the fear that it might cost him a vote or two:

Trump backs off flavored vape ban he once touted

"Everything seemed ready to go: President Trump’s ban on most flavored e-cigarettes had been cleared by federal regulators. Officials were poised to announce they would order candy, fruit and mint flavors off the market within 30 days — a step the president had promised almost two months earlier to quell a youth vaping epidemic that had ensnared 5 million teenagers.
One last thing was needed: Trump’s sign-off. But on Nov. 4, the night before a planned morning news conference, the president balked. Briefed on a flight to a Lexington, Ky., campaign rally, he refused to sign the one-page “decision memo,” saying he didn’t want to move forward with a ban he had once backed, primarily at his wife’s and daughter’s urging, because he feared it would lead to job losses, said a Trump adviser who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal internal deliberations.

As he had done so many times before, Trump reversed course — this time on a plan to address a major public health problem because of worries that apoplectic vape shop owners and their customers might hurt his reelection prospects, said White House and campaign officials. He also believed job losses tied to the ban would cost him as he sought to trumpet economic growth. It was the latest example of the chaotic way policy is made — and sometimes unmade — in a White House where the ultimate decider often switches gears after making a controversial vow, whether on combating gun violence, pulling troops from Syria or promising to deliver an Obamacare replacement plan.

Officials said the blowback to Trump’s vow to ban most flavored e-cigarettes had rattled him. In an aggressive social media campaign — #IVapeIVote — advocates claimed the ban would shut down thousands of shops, eliminating jobs and sending vapers back to cigarettes. The president saw protesters at events and read critical articles. His campaign manager, Brad Parscale, privately warned the ban could hurt him in battleground states, said a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. Trump was now upset with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who had taken the lead in rolling out the plan, said three officials familiar with the discussions.
“He didn’t know much about the issue and was just doing it for Melania and Ivanka,” said a senior administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share the discussions."
You want to impeach for this? Kinda drastic, don't ya think? ROTFLMAO!

I guess it would be way too much for you to actually address the OP? Do you think it's bad, good..indifferent?
On again--same old story--Trump's word means nothing--he refuses to sign regulation banning flavored e-cigs----in the fear that it might cost him a vote or two:

Trump backs off flavored vape ban he once touted

"Everything seemed ready to go: President Trump’s ban on most flavored e-cigarettes had been cleared by federal regulators. Officials were poised to announce they would order candy, fruit and mint flavors off the market within 30 days — a step the president had promised almost two months earlier to quell a youth vaping epidemic that had ensnared 5 million teenagers.
One last thing was needed: Trump’s sign-off. But on Nov. 4, the night before a planned morning news conference, the president balked. Briefed on a flight to a Lexington, Ky., campaign rally, he refused to sign the one-page “decision memo,” saying he didn’t want to move forward with a ban he had once backed, primarily at his wife’s and daughter’s urging, because he feared it would lead to job losses, said a Trump adviser who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal internal deliberations.

As he had done so many times before, Trump reversed course — this time on a plan to address a major public health problem because of worries that apoplectic vape shop owners and their customers might hurt his reelection prospects, said White House and campaign officials. He also believed job losses tied to the ban would cost him as he sought to trumpet economic growth. It was the latest example of the chaotic way policy is made — and sometimes unmade — in a White House where the ultimate decider often switches gears after making a controversial vow, whether on combating gun violence, pulling troops from Syria or promising to deliver an Obamacare replacement plan.

Officials said the blowback to Trump’s vow to ban most flavored e-cigarettes had rattled him. In an aggressive social media campaign — #IVapeIVote — advocates claimed the ban would shut down thousands of shops, eliminating jobs and sending vapers back to cigarettes. The president saw protesters at events and read critical articles. His campaign manager, Brad Parscale, privately warned the ban could hurt him in battleground states, said a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. Trump was now upset with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who had taken the lead in rolling out the plan, said three officials familiar with the discussions.
“He didn’t know much about the issue and was just doing it for Melania and Ivanka,” said a senior administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share the discussions."
You want to impeach for this? Kinda drastic, don't ya think? ROTFLMAO!

I guess it would be way too much for you to actually address the OP? Do you think it's bad, good..indifferent?
I think the point is that you're trying to invent wrongdoing by the president instead of looking for solutions to the problem.
Everything doesn't have to do with Trump.

BTW, nobody cares about this manufactured crisis.
On again--same old story--Trump's word means nothing--he refuses to sign regulation banning flavored e-cigs----in the fear that it might cost him a vote or two:

Trump backs off flavored vape ban he once touted

"Everything seemed ready to go: President Trump’s ban on most flavored e-cigarettes had been cleared by federal regulators. Officials were poised to announce they would order candy, fruit and mint flavors off the market within 30 days — a step the president had promised almost two months earlier to quell a youth vaping epidemic that had ensnared 5 million teenagers.
One last thing was needed: Trump’s sign-off. But on Nov. 4, the night before a planned morning news conference, the president balked. Briefed on a flight to a Lexington, Ky., campaign rally, he refused to sign the one-page “decision memo,” saying he didn’t want to move forward with a ban he had once backed, primarily at his wife’s and daughter’s urging, because he feared it would lead to job losses, said a Trump adviser who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal internal deliberations.

As he had done so many times before, Trump reversed course — this time on a plan to address a major public health problem because of worries that apoplectic vape shop owners and their customers might hurt his reelection prospects, said White House and campaign officials. He also believed job losses tied to the ban would cost him as he sought to trumpet economic growth. It was the latest example of the chaotic way policy is made — and sometimes unmade — in a White House where the ultimate decider often switches gears after making a controversial vow, whether on combating gun violence, pulling troops from Syria or promising to deliver an Obamacare replacement plan.

Officials said the blowback to Trump’s vow to ban most flavored e-cigarettes had rattled him. In an aggressive social media campaign — #IVapeIVote — advocates claimed the ban would shut down thousands of shops, eliminating jobs and sending vapers back to cigarettes. The president saw protesters at events and read critical articles. His campaign manager, Brad Parscale, privately warned the ban could hurt him in battleground states, said a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. Trump was now upset with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who had taken the lead in rolling out the plan, said three officials familiar with the discussions.
“He didn’t know much about the issue and was just doing it for Melania and Ivanka,” said a senior administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share the discussions."
You want to impeach for this? Kinda drastic, don't ya think? ROTFLMAO!

I guess it would be way too much for you to actually address the OP? Do you think it's bad, good..indifferent?
I think the point is that you're trying to invent wrongdoing by the president instead of looking for solutions to the problem.
Everything doesn't have to do with Trump.

BTW, nobody cares about this manufactured crisis.
Oh...I think the industry reps for the vaping industry..they cared..quite a bit! I didn't care about the ban..I think cigs and drugs and irresponsible behavior are all just Darwin at work on the human genome..weeding out the stupid.

My comment is all about the whimsical reversals of a person that, ideally, whose word should be worth more than a used ciggie butt.
E-cigs have been around for years without the recent health problems. IMHO the problem lies with black market fluids/oils now often sold to young people. Banning flavored e-cigs will do nothing but exasperate the problem.
E-cigs have been around for years without the recent health problems. IMHO the problem lies with black market fluids/oils now often sold to young people. Banning flavored e-cigs will do nothing but exasperate the problem.

That's not entirely true. These flavor bans make our political masters and the "we'll save you from yourself" crowd feel better. Other than that...
He knee jerked.
All these cases are not nicotine related. People are putting liquid vitamins in black market juice.
I mean duh! Vaping has been around for a while now and all of a sudden people start getting real sick and some dying. Hmmmmmm
Even if, its nanny state bullshit. What someone puts in their own body is up to them. The amount of statism it takes it to even argue that is disgusting.
Good, it was nothing more than nanny state bullshit from the get go.

Or maybe someone explained to him that the current issue with people getting sick from vaping is from something in ILLEGAL vapes, not the legal ones.

Does anyone know if the vitamin E oil is being added intentionally for a specific purpose, or if it's a contaminant?
E-cigs have been around for years without the recent health problems. IMHO the problem lies with black market fluids/oils now often sold to young people. Banning flavored e-cigs will do nothing but exasperate the problem.

What it shows is that the anti-smoking people are actually anti-nicotine people, because people went out and invented an improved method of nicotine delivery that removed all the combustion products from the process, and they still rail against it.
I thought they had been linked to black market thc vials or what ever they call it.
He reversed it because the data does not point to nicotine based products. The cases are pretty much restricted to THC based ones. This is a pragmatic...unemotional approach.

The CDC Identifies the Likely Culprit of Vape-Related Lung Illnesses | The Motley Fool
So his initial decision to ban them was emotional??
No, it was practical. If you don't know the data and there could be a threat you pause and take a safe stance. Then, once the information is available you take the appropriate steps.
You know...pragmatism and all??...?????
Good, it was nothing more than nanny state bullshit from the get go.

Or maybe someone explained to him that the current issue with people getting sick from vaping is from something in ILLEGAL vapes, not the legal ones.

Does anyone know if the vitamin E oil is being added intentionally for a specific purpose, or if it's a contaminant?
I heard it makes it thicker, which makes it convect slower.
It's like using baby powder to cut cocaine except the vitamin e is coating the lungs.
I did read where one guy that died got his stash tested, and it contained cyanide. CYANIDE
On again--same old story--Trump's word means nothing--he refuses to sign regulation banning flavored e-cigs----in the fear that it might cost him a vote or two:

Trump backs off flavored vape ban he once touted

"Everything seemed ready to go: President Trump’s ban on most flavored e-cigarettes had been cleared by federal regulators. Officials were poised to announce they would order candy, fruit and mint flavors off the market within 30 days — a step the president had promised almost two months earlier to quell a youth vaping epidemic that had ensnared 5 million teenagers.
One last thing was needed: Trump’s sign-off. But on Nov. 4, the night before a planned morning news conference, the president balked. Briefed on a flight to a Lexington, Ky., campaign rally, he refused to sign the one-page “decision memo,” saying he didn’t want to move forward with a ban he had once backed, primarily at his wife’s and daughter’s urging, because he feared it would lead to job losses, said a Trump adviser who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal internal deliberations.

As he had done so many times before, Trump reversed course — this time on a plan to address a major public health problem because of worries that apoplectic vape shop owners and their customers might hurt his reelection prospects, said White House and campaign officials. He also believed job losses tied to the ban would cost him as he sought to trumpet economic growth. It was the latest example of the chaotic way policy is made — and sometimes unmade — in a White House where the ultimate decider often switches gears after making a controversial vow, whether on combating gun violence, pulling troops from Syria or promising to deliver an Obamacare replacement plan.

Officials said the blowback to Trump’s vow to ban most flavored e-cigarettes had rattled him. In an aggressive social media campaign — #IVapeIVote — advocates claimed the ban would shut down thousands of shops, eliminating jobs and sending vapers back to cigarettes. The president saw protesters at events and read critical articles. His campaign manager, Brad Parscale, privately warned the ban could hurt him in battleground states, said a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. Trump was now upset with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who had taken the lead in rolling out the plan, said three officials familiar with the discussions.
“He didn’t know much about the issue and was just doing it for Melania and Ivanka,” said a senior administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share the discussions."
Typical Trump

He takes a hard line and then backs off once he learns his buddies will lose money

That is the worst sin to him
Good, it was nothing more than nanny state bullshit from the get go.

Or maybe someone explained to him that the current issue with people getting sick from vaping is from something in ILLEGAL vapes, not the legal ones.

Does anyone know if the vitamin E oil is being added intentionally for a specific purpose, or if it's a contaminant?
I heard it makes it thicker, which makes it convect slower.
It's like using baby powder to cut cocaine except the vitamin e is coating the lungs.
I did read where one guy that died got his stash tested, and it contained cyanide. CYANIDE

Not surprised. when you buy illegal manufactured or processed drugs you are relying on the producer to get everything right without any legit QA/QC or oversight. one bad step in the reaction or separation process and you could get too much of a wrong compound making it to the finished product.
E-cigs have been around for years without the recent health problems. IMHO the problem lies with black market fluids/oils now often sold to young people. Banning flavored e-cigs will do nothing but exasperate the problem.

What it shows is that the anti-smoking people are actually anti-nicotine people, because people went out and invented an improved method of nicotine delivery that removed all the combustion products from the process, and they still rail against it.
If it is killing people, it needs to be railed against
E-cigs have been around for years without the recent health problems. IMHO the problem lies with black market fluids/oils now often sold to young people. Banning flavored e-cigs will do nothing but exasperate the problem.

What it shows is that the anti-smoking people are actually anti-nicotine people, because people went out and invented an improved method of nicotine delivery that removed all the combustion products from the process, and they still rail against it.
If it is killing people, it needs to be railed against
Yep. I hope vehicles are next.

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