Trump pulling out of Syria


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
It is amazing how the Left has lambasted the "neo-cons" for waging war in the Middle East, but yet refuse to give Trump for wanting to pull out of Syria and begin to pull out of Afghanistan.

In fact, Trump is the first President in about 50 years or so that has not started a war.

So what gives? Why is Trump still the Hitler that the Left so desperately wanted us to believe he was? In fact, them arguing that the US needs to stay in Syria seems to indicate that they really were in favor of war in the Middle East all along.

But it does not end there. Both "W" and Obama supported and helped pass the NDAA, legislation that gives the government the right to arrest American citizens without due process indefinitely, only on the premise of suspected terrorism. This is clearly unconstitutional and "Hitlerian", yet Trump is worse how?
All part of the game. SOMEONE has to play Devil's advocate.

Na, there are enough devils running round and they have full control of the media who regards border security as hate speech and the government whom they praise, except maybe Trump.

The reality is, border security has zero to do with immigration, other than having voters in control of who gets in or out.

It's a discussion we desperately need to have, but there is no need to have it until the border is secured.
Trump should be pulling out of Melania, he has enough retarded kids.
And hopefully Iraq soon too.....Enough is enough.

And hopefully Iraq soon too.....Enough is enough.

I genuinely doubt that Trump is doing this for troop's sake. But this morning it occurred to me that Republicans are using the same rationale I ardently used years ago about leaving Iraq during GWB. I objected to even invading Iraq. Now I find myself on the opposite side just as ardently objecting to a withdrawal in Syria. It is a couple of things for me now. The betrayal to the Kurds who rely on our support and probably wouldn't have been so involved without us, and the treatment of Yemenis by the Russia/Syrian coalition. Additionally, our President caving to Erdogan is enough to gag a maggot off a garbage truck.

But I have to admit that I've done a 180, and I'm picking apart my thoughts on the issue.
5 US military personnel have been killed in Syria.
39 in Afghanistan since 2015.

I'll grant you, that is 44 lives too many, but let's be real here.
5 US military personnel have been killed in Syria.
39 in Afghanistan since 2015.

I'll grant you, that is 44 lives too many, but let's be real here.

You want "real"....okay here's real...

As of June 29, 2016, according to the U.S. Department of Defense casualty website, there were 4,424 total deaths (including both killed in action and non-hostile) and 31,952 wounded in action (WIA) as a result of the Iraq War.

As of July 27, 2018, there have been 2,372 U.S. military deaths in the War in Afghanistan. 1,856 of these deaths have been the result of hostile action. 20,320 American servicemembers have also been wounded in action during the war. In addition, there were 1,720 U.S. civilian contractor fatalities.
Trump is pulling out of Syria because of a phone call from Erdogan and out of Afghanistan because of a critical statement/dare from Putin
And hopefully Iraq soon too.....Enough is enough.

I genuinely doubt that Trump is doing this for troop's sake. But this morning it occurred to me that Republicans are using the same rationale I ardently used years ago about leaving Iraq during GWB. I objected to even invading Iraq. Now I find myself on the opposite side just as ardently objecting to a withdrawal in Syria. It is a couple of things for me now. The betrayal to the Kurds who rely on our support and probably wouldn't have been so involved without us, and the treatment of Yemenis by the Russia/Syrian coalition. Additionally, our President caving to Erdogan is enough to gag a maggot off a garbage truck.

But I have to admit that I've done a 180, and I'm picking apart my thoughts on the issue.

At least Trump acts in what he believes to be America's interest (unlike his predecessor).
And hopefully Iraq soon too.....Enough is enough.

I genuinely doubt that Trump is doing this for troop's sake. But this morning it occurred to me that Republicans are using the same rationale I ardently used years ago about leaving Iraq during GWB. I objected to even invading Iraq. Now I find myself on the opposite side just as ardently objecting to a withdrawal in Syria. It is a couple of things for me now. The betrayal to the Kurds who rely on our support and probably wouldn't have been so involved without us, and the treatment of Yemenis by the Russia/Syrian coalition. Additionally, our President caving to Erdogan is enough to gag a maggot off a garbage truck.

But I have to admit that I've done a 180, and I'm picking apart my thoughts on the issue.

At least Trump acts in what he believes to be America's interest (unlike his predecessor).

Doubtful that he gives two shits about America’s interests. I think he doesn’t want to make the phone calls to the parents anymore. Not because their daughter or son just died in service to their nation—something he will never understand-- but because making the phone call as the CIC of the strongest military ever assembled…. it hurts his ego.

Whatever the reason; he’s doing the right thing and for me, that is the bottom line. Well done Mr. President.
Trump is pulling out of Syria because of a phone call from Erdogan and out of Afghanistan because of a critical statement/dare from Putin

And some people think Jehovahs Witnesses have a lock on believing annoying, ridiculous nonsense.
I genuinely doubt that Trump is doing this for troop's sake. But this morning it occurred to me that Republicans are using the same rationale I ardently used years ago about leaving Iraq during GWB. I objected to even invading Iraq. Now I find myself on the opposite side just as ardently objecting to a withdrawal in Syria. It is a couple of things for me now. The betrayal to the Kurds who rely on our support and probably wouldn't have been so involved without us, and the treatment of Yemenis by the Russia/Syrian coalition. Additionally, our President caving to Erdogan is enough to gag a maggot off a garbage truck.

But I have to admit that I've done a 180, and I'm picking apart my thoughts on the issue.

Trump is doing this only for the Troop's sake....he's the one who writes the letters to the Gold Star families. The Kurds fought for themselves when ISIS attacked them. The hatred the Turks have for them is somewhat well-founded...they've commited terrorist acts in Turkey throughout the years. Their leadership is communist. And they could join their brethren in northern Iraq and be safe. I'm tired of hearing about "abandoning" the's bullshit.
Human loss aside, how much have these fiascos cost us over the last 17 years?

And how much of the national debt is attributable to these lost causes?
Human loss aside, how much have these fiascos cost us over the last 17 years?

And how much of the national debt is attributable to these lost causes?

$5.6T is the latest estimate and then you figure in the mental costs of the mounting suicides from the horror they've done and seen.
Human loss aside, how much have these fiascos cost us over the last 17 years?

And how much of the national debt is attributable to these lost causes?

$5.6T is the latest estimate and then you figure in the mental costs of the mounting suicides from the horror they've done and seen.

Think of the magnificent wall Trumpy could have built with that money.
What, because it forces Orange Crash to go out in the rain? After the 92-year-old Q of E showed him how it's done?

Why not just admit the cartoonish hatred you have for Trump is really how you feel about yourself?
5 US military personnel have been killed in Syria.
39 in Afghanistan since 2015.

I'll grant you, that is 44 lives too many, but let's be real here.

All drunk driving accidents

More people die in Chicago in one day that, Trump is making the same mistake Obama did


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