Trump predicted it: Chicago clergy calling to remove statues of G. Washington cuz he was slave owner

Did Trump accurately predict this slippery slope?

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If our history of discrimination is erased, then monuments to Rosa Parks and MLK may as well come down, too. The civil rights activists of the '60s will no longer have had a cause.
Rosa Parks was a communist. MLK was an alcoholic whoremonger who was a plagiarist and probably the embezzler Rev. Abernathy thought he was. MKL was an evil evil man. The Confederates for all that they lost, were decent honorable men who believed (correctly) the south was being financially raped by a rapacious north.
This is no different then the asinine trip claiming that the founders were horrible people because they were slave owners and rapists.

I care not who MLK was personally - hero worship of past figures is an asinine concept.

They were all people and fallible as such. What matters is the mark that they left on history. For that, MLK is monumental.

Statues of both historical figures and movements and events should remain. However, if you want to start attacking one side, then the other side is going to want to attack theirs as well.
Bishop James Dukes email:
[email protected]

The email I just sent him:

To Bishop James Dukes,

Come on, don't give fuel to fascist enemies of America. George Washington was a founder of this country. No creation is ever perfect. It always takes tweaks and changes to make it better.

George Washington and other founders laid the foundation so this country could be great.

For instance, how many pastors such as yourself fights for equal rights for one group but calls for violence against another group, like gay people as an example. Because they are wrong to hate gays doesn't mean they are wrong about equality for other groups.

If it weren't for Washington and others founding this country and putting into place a nation that can grow morally, would you even have a platform? Don't cut off nose to spite face and don't help the Nazi's.

Think man, just think.

My name
If our history of discrimination is erased, then monuments to Rosa Parks and MLK may as well come down, too. The civil rights activists of the '60s will no longer have had a cause.
Rosa Parks was a communist. MLK was an alcoholic whoremonger who was a plagiarist and probably the embezzler Rev. Abernathy thought he was. MKL was an evil evil man. The Confederates for all that they lost, were decent honorable men who believed (correctly) the south was being financially raped by a rapacious north.
This is no different then the asinine trip claiming that the founders were horrible people because they were slave owners and rapists.

I care not who MLK was personally - hero worship of past figures is an asinine concept.

They were all people and fallible as such. What matters is the mark that they left on history. For that, MLK is monumental.
Hero worship or learning from their insight and legacy? MLK great because of what he said, not who he fukked.
Some guy named Golfing Gator voted no without comment on thread. Paid liberal troll.

Because the poll was stupid. And man do I wish I got paid to post on internet forums! That would be the life. And I can guarantee that you are further left than I am, which is why you lick the ass of Trump, who is a liberal.

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