Trump Policy has Given us this Inflation

The point is how much revenue that corporations pay in taxes. corporate taxes was cut from 35% to 21%. So obviously that is less revenue for the government. Then you have federal debt that is rising. Less money coming in and more money being spent.

Currently the federal debt is rising. Is it really that hard to see that if corporate taxes was cut then that is less revenue for the government. Sure you can say spending increased also but less revenue is also a factor.

Now you factor in the Covid 19 issues which increases spending by the government

Now you now have potential government shutdown as they fight over the budget that Trump left behind.

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So if national debt is rising, how smart is it to give corporate tax breaks which obviously will increase debt as there is less income coming in. Corporate income is still only a percentage of income for the government. Guess who benefits from this. Trump family and Donald's lawyers as well as people he has paid off.

The last drop on the chart before it flat lines is the tax break initiated by Trump. For 20 years it was steady.

No, the point is my question. You dodged and answered a question not asked. A common tactic among the far left.

Once again, for your convenience.

Specifically, please. What is the source of every dime paid in taxes by a corporation?
The point is how much revenue that corporations pay in taxes. corporate taxes was cut from 35% to 21%. So obviously that is less revenue for the government. Then you have federal debt that is rising. Less money coming in and more money being spent.

Currently the federal debt is rising. Is it really that hard to see that if corporate taxes was cut then that is less revenue for the government. Sure you can say spending increased also but less revenue is also a factor.

Now you factor in the Covid 19 issues which increases spending by the government

Now you now have potential government shutdown as they fight over the budget that Trump left behind.

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So if national debt is rising, how smart is it to give corporate tax breaks which obviously will increase debt as there is less income coming in. Corporate income is still only a percentage of income for the government. Guess who benefits from this. Trump family and Donald's lawyers as well as people he has paid off.

The last drop on the chart before it flat lines is the tax break initiated by Trump. For 20 years it was steady.

The point is how much revenue that corporations pay in taxes. corporate taxes was cut from 35% to 21%. So obviously that is less revenue for the government.

What if 35% is too high and a corporation left? That would be zero revenue for the government.

The last drop on the chart before it flat lines is the tax break initiated by Trump. For 20 years it was steady.

It was steady for 30 years. And by 2017, it was the highest rate in the first world.
Bad for competition.
No, the point is my question. You dodged and answered a question not asked. A common tactic among the far left.

Once again, for your convenience.

Specifically, please. What is the source of every dime paid in taxes by a corporation?
The point is how much revenue that corporations pay in taxes. corporate taxes was cut from 35% to 21%. So obviously that is less revenue for the government.

What if 35% is too high and a corporation left? That would be zero revenue for the government.

The last drop on the chart before it flat lines is the tax break initiated by Trump. For 20 years it was steady.

It was steady for 30 years. And by 2017, it was the highest rate in the first world.
Bad for competition.
Then why don't you answer your question and I shot a hole in it.

Why is 35% to high? It is your opinion that its to high. The below site is a graph of corporate profit in the US . It shows a steady increase year by year. The previous graphic show the rate was consistent for a 30 years as you mention. So 35% paid was not a factor. Corporation pay wages and provide jobs and they still show a profit. Owners and stock holders still make a profit and became rich.

Corporations can always find cheap labor in some country. Cheap labor just means more profit.

Corporations leave but obvious some stay. yes if the want to have employees and pay them lower wages then they will move. Yet the US should not want to compete with other countries for the lowest wage.

lower wages just means more profit.

In the end it is not about wages, it is about profit. Its about corporate greed.

corporate profit is about 15%. 15% of what? Check out corporate profit and do the math. Check out the wages of executives. Do the math.

Trump's daughter set up a sweatshop in China to make a brand of clothing while Trump was president. When Americans found out they stop buying her brand.

Buy American means something sometimes

Then why don't you answer your question and I shot a hole in it.

Why is 35% to high? It is your opinion that its to high. The below site is a graph of corporate profit in the US . It shows a steady increase year by year. The previous graphic show the rate was consistent for a 30 years as you mention. So 35% paid was not a factor. Corporation pay wages and provide jobs and they still show a profit. Owners and stock holders still make a profit and became rich.

Corporations can always find cheap labor in some country. Cheap labor just means more profit.

Corporations leave but obvious some stay. yes if the want to have employees and pay them lower wages then they will move. Yet the US should not want to compete with other countries for the lowest wage.

lower wages just means more profit.

In the end it is not about wages, it is about profit. Its about corporate greed.

corporate profit is about 15%. 15% of what? Check out corporate profit and do the math. Check out the wages of executives. Do the math.

Trump's daughter set up a sweatshop in China to make a brand of clothing while Trump was president. When Americans found out they stop buying her brand.

Buy American means something sometimes

Why is 35% to high?

When average G20 rates are in the low 20s, 35% is too high.
Why is 35% to high?

When average G20 rates are in the low 20s, 35% is too high.
You just believe that all countries are equal. They are not

Comoros (50 percent), Puerto Rico (37.5 percent), and Suriname (36 percent) are the jurisdictions with the highest corporate tax rates in the world,

The average top corporate rate among EU27 countries is 21.16 percent, 23.57 percent in OECD countries, and 32 percent in the G7.

So with the lower tax rate has prices in the US gone down? No way Jose

The only benefit is share prices as they not interested in reinvesting but improving their share price.

So did Trump really reform the tax laws that would make improvements by the very definition of reform.

Is there anything in the Trump tax law that requires them to reinvest in the US economy. No they can do whatever they want to do with the increase profits.

Most of the largest corps are international and do business in other countries. So spread the wealth around the world.

While large corporations similar to Trumps got a sweet deal, the mom and pop small business got a smaller rate cut of about 9 percent that will expire in a couple of years from now.

The wealthy get richer and mom and pop companies just get by. They are treated differently

When the rich drain the swamp, you do not want to live near the new dump site.

You just believe that all countries are equal. They are not

Comoros (50 percent), Puerto Rico (37.5 percent), and Suriname (36 percent) are the jurisdictions with the highest corporate tax rates in the world,

The average top corporate rate among EU27 countries is 21.16 percent, 23.57 percent in OECD countries, and 32 percent in the G7.

So with the lower tax rate has prices in the US gone down? No way Jose

The only benefit is share prices as they not interested in reinvesting but improving their share price.

So did Trump really reform the tax laws that would make improvements by the very definition of reform.

Is there anything in the Trump tax law that requires them to reinvest in the US economy. No they can do whatever they want to do with the increase profits.

Most of the largest corps are international and do business in other countries. So spread the wealth around the world.

While large corporations similar to Trumps got a sweet deal, the mom and pop small business got a smaller rate cut of about 9 percent that will expire in a couple of years from now.

The wealthy get richer and mom and pop companies just get by. They are treated differently

When the rich drain the swamp, you do not want to live near the new dump site.

The average top corporate rate among EU27 countries is 21.16 percent, 23.57 percent in OECD countries, and 32 percent in the G7.

Top rate in the G7 used to be the US at 35%.


Now it looks like the average is about 26%.

Then why don't you answer your question and I shot a hole in it.

Why is 35% to high? It is your opinion that its to high. The below site is a graph of corporate profit in the US . It shows a steady increase year by year. The previous graphic show the rate was consistent for a 30 years as you mention. So 35% paid was not a factor. Corporation pay wages and provide jobs and they still show a profit. Owners and stock holders still make a profit and became rich.

Corporations can always find cheap labor in some country. Cheap labor just means more profit.

Corporations leave but obvious some stay. yes if the want to have employees and pay them lower wages then they will move. Yet the US should not want to compete with other countries for the lowest wage.

lower wages just means more profit.

In the end it is not about wages, it is about profit. Its about corporate greed.

corporate profit is about 15%. 15% of what? Check out corporate profit and do the math. Check out the wages of executives. Do the math.

Trump's daughter set up a sweatshop in China to make a brand of clothing while Trump was president. When Americans found out they stop buying her brand.

Buy American means something sometimes
Still dodging, why?

Once again, for your convenience.

Specifically, please. What is the source of every dime paid in taxes by a corporation?
The FED prints the money, and the FED printed substantially more under Trump.

Right now the FED is taking money out of the system, you are just too retarded to even know how the FED/treasury/government work.

How does the fed take money out of the economy? From the banks?
Biden has lowered the deficit substantially from Trump's massive $3T deficit

Fiscal Year-to-Date Comparisons with FY2022

  • The government ran a cumulative deficit of $1.5 trillion through August ($1.6 trillion when adjusted for timing shifts, $641 billion more than during the same period last year*).

Is Biden about to have a $2 trillion deficit?

Without Covid and with his awesome economy?

Why does Biden suck so bad?
How does the fed take money out of the economy? From the banks?
numerous ways, they can just let the shorter term bonds "roll off" and not buy more when they expire, or they can sell bonds they hold on their balance sheet. other more complicated things to. Basically it comes from the banks.
Look at the overnight Repo lending thing, they can use that to pull money out of the system as well.
When the Fed buys bonds, they increase the money supply.
When the Fed sells bonds, they decrease the money supply.
hey retard, don't try to act like you know anything. You have proven yourself stupid beyond all belief.

I hope you enjoyed the incredible inflation data this morning !!! AHAHAHAHAAHAHA !!!
Inflation at a little +0.1% MoM !! The FED will be ready to cut rates in 3-6 months when needed, then the economy will really take off and boom, just like it did in 2021.

This is just the beginning of your whining and crying.
hey retard, don't try to act like you know anything. You have proven yourself stupid beyond all belief.

I hope you enjoyed the incredible inflation data this morning !!! AHAHAHAHAAHAHA !!!
Inflation at a little +0.1% MoM !! The FED will be ready to cut rates in 3-6 months when needed, then the economy will really take off and boom, just like it did in 2021.

This is just the beginning of your whining and crying.

Inflation at a little +0.1% MoM !!

What was PCE MoM?

You need to scrub those toilets better.
Back to work, loser.
Inflation at a little +0.1% MoM !!

What was PCE MoM?

You need to scrub those toilets better.
Back to work, loser.
core PCE, the FED's preferred gauge, was+ 0.1% MoM !!

Obviously you hate that, because you hate America and are a traitor rooting for America to fail like it did under Trump and Bush. I'm sure when you saw the little +0.1% MoM inc you got upset. haha

Inflation has plummeted and the FED will be able to cut rates. haha.
Trump was the king of debt, deficits, fake money, FED stimulus, and handouts. Trump oversaw the largest increase in US debt, deficits, and FED balance sheet increase in US history. Trump policy created the housing bubble, and Trump policy handed $trillions to people.
Trump did this before covid, in 2017 he passed the $5 Trillion stimulus bill that greatly added to our deficits and hand outs. Trump continued this all through out his presidency.
Trump was the handout president, and the debt president, and the deficit president, and the FED fake money printing president.

AND every step of the way Trump begged the FED and Congress for more money.

In 2017, Trump borrowed $ 4.7 trillion to pay for his massive tax cut act
In 2019, Trump borrowed Trillions to and ramped up deficits to pay for all of his new spending bills.
In 2019, Trump attacked Jay Powell for not cutting rates enough and begged for more stimulus:

Trump tweeted, “The Federal Reserve is derelict in its duties if it doesn’t lower the Rate and even, ideally, stimulate.”

In Oct 2019, the FED instituted QE again, because Trump's economy was so weak he needed even more stimulus.
In 2020 Trump broke the bank and borrowed $ trillions to give handouts to all his buddies and caused the housing bubble.

Trump's policy gave us these massive deficts, massive FED fake money balance sheet inc, and massive fake money handouts.

This all happened both before and after covid. Covid is not an excuse at all.
Biden has lowered the annual deficit from the $3T he inherited form Trump and Biden has paid for his spending by other cuts and tax increases on the ultra-wealthy.

Trump policy caused this inflation, Trump policy caused these deficits, and Trump policy caused the biggest FED balance sheet inc in US history, yet all the republicans try to spin and lie to blame Biden.
Watching TOO MUCH MSNBC apparently......

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