Trump Not Interested In CRAP Intel

Trump hasn't even started and the moonbats on the left are already unglued, unhinged, and irrational.

Wait until he starts slaying their sacred cows....:rofl:

You are right 100%........... You know why? Because he is showing some stupid shit.
Busy tweeting................ SNL, pissing contest with China, continue to spread fake news, controversial reject cabinets. I do not expect him to change when he sits in the Oval Office.

Do you expect the left will just sit back and take it.
Election is over Hillary lost but idiots like you continue the never ending attacks......
Any party that would nominate Hillary as their representative needs to be laughed at. Any individual that supports that bus stop rat bag old hag lying socialist power-hungry incompetent piece of shit should just withdraw from society.

I think you are missing something big.
Hillary received total of 65,437,700 votes.
Trump received total of 62,792,64 votes.

There are more Americans voted against your orange monkey.
Plus number of GOPs that despised this dude.

We are all waiting for his big promises and his tax returns.

If that son-of-a-bitch assumes office and doesn't reveal his tax returns he should be impeached.
Awwww...your Hillary lost,,snowflake.....

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