Trump Not Interested In CRAP Intel

Nice to see you're adapting well to the post-fact future. You've adopted the orange orangutan's admitted lies, and spout them as fact. There isn't a single thing in your post that's true, and you even believe that Obama was born in Kenya.

No wonder you voted for Trump.

Refute a single thing I said ya sleazy witch.....bring it.
What makes you think that Flynn and Mattis have better Intel? Because you happen to like the words that spill from their mouths?
the pizzagate peddling flynn? that guy?

he has great intel; U DECIDE!, lol

General Flynn ‏@GenFlynn
U decide - NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes w Children, etc...MUST READ! …
What makes you think that Flynn and Mattis have better Intel? Because you happen to like the words that spill from their mouths?
the pizzagate peddling flynn? that guy?

he has great intel; U DECIDE!, lol

General Flynn ‏@GenFlynn
U decide - NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes w Children, etc...MUST READ! …

"lol"? Michael Thomas "Mike" Flynn is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who last served as the 18th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, from July 22, 2012 to August 7, 2014
What makes you think that Flynn and Mattis have better Intel? Because you happen to like the words that spill from their mouths?
the pizzagate peddling flynn? that guy?

he has great intel; U DECIDE!, lol

General Flynn ‏@GenFlynn
U decide - NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes w Children, etc...MUST READ! …

"lol"? Michael Thomas "Mike" Flynn is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who last served as the 18th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, from July 22, 2012 to August 7, 2014
yes, lol. awesome intel sharer, that guy. seems perfect for the trump cabinet. he knows how to twit around. U DECIDE!!!
Nice to see you're adapting well to the post-fact future. You've adopted the orange orangutan's admitted lies, and spout them as fact. There isn't a single thing in your post that's true, and you even believe that Obama was born in Kenya.

No wonder you voted for Trump.

Refute a single thing I said ya sleazy witch.....bring it.

I make a point of never engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed man, and you clearly haven't even half a brain.

You believe Obama was born in Kenya, even though your Trumpenfuhrer says he was lying to you. The problem with you Trumpbots is that you have no idea what's real and what's fake. You believe stuff that never happened, and you act as if it did.

You don't fact check, because truth and facts don't matter.

The world is laughing at you. Just wait until your orange clown takes office and the rest of the world opening ignores his idiocy.
We're great again, not to worry.

Would you trust Intel from the group that said, "Yes Hillary is a criminal but she didn't intend to be a criminal on 40,000 separate occasions"?

The FBI doesn't give intel briefings - the CIA does.

No wonder you elected Donald Trump. You don't even have the most basic clue how your government works.
I make a point of never engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed man, and you clearly haven't even half a brain.

You believe Obama was born in Kenya, even though your Trumpenfuhrer says he was lying to you. The problem with you Trumpbots is that you have no idea what's real and what's fake. You believe stuff that never happened, and you act as if it did.

You don't fact check, because truth and facts don't matter.

The world is laughing at you. Just wait until your orange clown takes office and the rest of the world opening ignores his idiocy.

So in other words you can't refute a single thing I said. :lol:
The chattering-class, who this morning consists mostly of bitter leftists, is trying to demean the President-Elect for not caring much for the present CIA's intel briefings. What they purposely ignore is how bad Barry's CIA has been at providing either helpful background or actionable information in time for it to be relevant. Never before has the CIA had so little human-resourced data, depending instead on signal-intel, drones, and satellites click click clicking pictures from outer space. A perfect example is how little we knew about ISIS or the intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood's temporary takeover of Egypt. Of course some of that information was probably ignored by the muslim dickhead in our White House who'd touted the "Arab Spring" while ignoring a rebellion in Iran that could have toppled the mullahs.

Further; Trump has Flynn and Mattis around him, two guys who know what's really going on around the world while CIA director Brennan clinks martini glasses with the Washington elite. He probably gave up on Barry the Fairy having any real interest in anything but avoiding action by "leading from behind". A good example of the Obama CIA being politicized like the rest of our federal agencies was the declaration that the Russians were behind Podesta's email swipe. Wikileak's Assage laughed at that assertion knowing full-well it was DNC staffer Seth Rich who hacked Podesta and got murdered for it by a Clinton mechanic. Trump should base his foreign policy actions on a CIA staffed by an Obama hack? don't think so. Dubya made a catastrophic mistake by keeping George Tenet on at Langley for "continuity" between administrations and it got the World Trade Center knocked down.

You forgot to mention that the lying, orange faced asshole sucks!
We're great again, not to worry.

Would you trust Intel from the group that said, "Yes Hillary is a criminal but she didn't intend to be a criminal on 40,000 separate occasions"?

The FBI doesn't give intel briefings - the CIA does.

No wonder you elected Donald Trump. You don't even have the most basic clue how your government works.

Yes, but they all work for Obama, so they're part of the same "ISIS as JV" and throw the Middle East over to Jihadists group
Pitiful projection of the slime you little commie cowards have had to endure from us Cons.

Snowflake, I'm not sorry that I make you bawl. You need to toughen up. Think of the humiliation that we pile on you as tough love on our part.

Now, if you ever manage to locate your 'nads, try to explain why can't you muster the courage to simply refuse to lie for TheParty. Is it that you're terrified that your fellow party apparatchiks might cast you out of TheParty, which would be like death sentence to a mindless herd animal like you? Or do you actually get off on lying?
Maybe you should share your resume with us for comparison.

As I've never peddled lies about supposedly secret pedophile tunnels in a pizza joint, my resume obviously crushes his. Any resume that says "not a retard" crushes his.

Yet you want to put that addled conspiracy-peddling squealer in a position of power. It's no longer a question of _if_ you hate America. It's only a question of how much you hate America.
Pitiful projection of the slime you little commie cowards have had to endure from us Cons.

Snowflake, I'm not sorry that I make you bawl. You need to toughen up. Think of the humiliation that we pile on you as tough love on our part.

Now, if you ever manage to locate your 'nads, try to explain why can't you muster the courage to simply refuse to lie for TheParty. Is it that you're terrified that your fellow party apparatchiks might cast you out of TheParty, which would be like death sentence to a mindless herd animal like you? Or do you actually get off on lying?

Translation: "I hate Tom Horn so much I'll mimic what he says to me although I'm horrible at it and most everything else. Anybody got some tofu so I can lube up my ass for my date with Guano tonight ?"
Maybe you should share your resume with us for comparison.

As I've never peddled lies about supposedly secret pedophile tunnels in a pizza joint, my resume obviously crushes his. Any resume that says "not a retard" crushes his.

Yet you want to put that addled conspiracy-peddling squealer in a position of power. It's no longer a question of _if_ you hate America. It's only a question of how much you hate America.

Translation: "I'm mentally ill....really ill...maybe I'll have a sex-change...yeah, that's the ticket!"

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