Trump Needs To Clarify Businessman

Governmental policy is for the "Common Welfare",

and thats why the entire world is switching to free trade. Only you lack the IQ to understand it.

I noticed you didn't list what I ASKED BEFORE because the US is the ONLY nation that has gone full hog in Trade that is BAD for the overwhelming majority of Americans.
Now provide what I ASKED FOR.

100% stupid if trade was bad we would each have to make everything we consume all by ourselves.

Do you have the IQ to understand that??

Comparative Advantage says that's untrue.
You are an all or nothing dullard.
Sometimes nations need protectionism.

dear, protecting a nation from competition makes it less competitive and more crippled.

want to write that 100 times each day until it sinks in??
I have a thread on this in the economy forums. Go check it out.
Because I am pretty sure when we were using protectionism for 150 years it was our biggest growth in history. Also, see Japan. But take it to my thread :)

idiotic, America was born trading with England and the entire world is now switching to it. ITs seems only America has so many stupid people who lack the IQ to understand something so simple. Here's the golden rule:

the more with whom you trade the richer you get no matter if they are across the street or across the world; the fewer with whom you trade the poorer you get. If you could not trade at all you'd have to make everything yourself and so starve to death or live a subsistence life style. Hence, the more with whom you trade the richer you get no matter if they are across the street or across the world.

Moreover, its exactly as Richard Nixon once said, "our goods have to be world class if we want to be a world class country". Imagine how backward our industry would be if it did not have to compete in the globalized market place? Our cars would be like soviet car were, i.e., you had to use a dip stick to check how much gasoline you had and back them up hill because carburetors were gravity fed. This is what the liberals, in effect, propose because they lack the ability to understand free trade.
You are just spitting republican rhetoric. It isn't that simple. There are conditions where protectionism and free trade are better or worse.
Maye you should read up on a history lesson. Just because you participate in free trade, doesn't mean you aren't protectionist. After all, one of the MAIN points of protectionism is to be able to BOOST international trade.
Governmental policy is for the "Common Welfare",

and thats why the entire world is switching to free trade. Only you lack the IQ to understand it.

I noticed you didn't list what I ASKED BEFORE because the US is the ONLY nation that has gone full hog in Trade that is BAD for the overwhelming majority of Americans.
Now provide what I ASKED FOR.

100% stupid if trade was bad we would each have to make everything we consume all by ourselves.

Do you have the IQ to understand that??
That is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen.
Comparative Advantage says that's untrue.

dear stupid, you forgot to tell us what "that's" means.!!!!!

Comparative Advantage says every nation contributes what it does best at a reasonable cost with no nations suffering economically from the Trade Agreement.
I know that's hard for you to understand when you want the least expensive (aka Totalitarian China) nation to produce everything.
Governmental policy is for the "Common Welfare",

and thats why the entire world is switching to free trade. Only you lack the IQ to understand it.

I noticed you didn't list what I ASKED BEFORE because the US is the ONLY nation that has gone full hog in Trade that is BAD for the overwhelming majority of Americans.
Now provide what I ASKED FOR.

100% stupid if trade was bad we would each have to make everything we consume all by ourselves.

Do you have the IQ to understand that??
That is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen.

EdwardBaiamonte is a synonym for dumb when it comes to economics.
Comparative Advantage says every nation contributes what it does best at a reasonable cost with no nations suffering economically from the Trade Agreement.

100% stupid and mistaken. Comparative advantage says you buy bananas from a country where they grow almost naturally. A stupid liberal would want us to grow our own here in greenhouses and employ millions to do so.
Governmental policy is for the "Common Welfare",

and thats why the entire world is switching to free trade. Only you lack the IQ to understand it.

I noticed you didn't list what I ASKED BEFORE because the US is the ONLY nation that has gone full hog in Trade that is BAD for the overwhelming majority of Americans.
Now provide what I ASKED FOR.

100% stupid if trade was bad we would each have to make everything we consume all by ourselves.

Do you have the IQ to understand that??
That is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen.

EdwardBaiamonte is a synonym for dumb when it comes to economics.

dear, stupid that would make all the economists on both political sides all over the world dumb since the entire world is switching to free trade!! Feel stupid??
]. After all, one of the MAIN points of protectionism is to be able to BOOST international trade.
too stupid!!! protection inhibits international trade. Simple to a child just not to a liberal.
I am no liberal you fuckin idiot.
You don't know shit about this.
Protectionism establishes FAIR international trade for a country.
BTW, you ignorant hack, free trade = open borders
AGAIN labor ISNT mobile. Do you know what that means?
and thats why the entire world is switching to free trade. Only you lack the IQ to understand it.

I noticed you didn't list what I ASKED BEFORE because the US is the ONLY nation that has gone full hog in Trade that is BAD for the overwhelming majority of Americans.
Now provide what I ASKED FOR.

100% stupid if trade was bad we would each have to make everything we consume all by ourselves.

Do you have the IQ to understand that??
That is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen.

EdwardBaiamonte is a synonym for dumb when it comes to economics.

dear, stupid that would make all the economists on both political sides all over the world dumb since the entire world is switching to free trade!! Feel stupid??

You really have to stop reading the Wall Street Journal.
Did you ever notice that Pro-Big-Business economists are the ones published in Pro-Big-Business publications?
You didn't catch that, did you.

As a dropling of information for you, Free Trade as defined by Ricardo would be GREAT.
As I have posted several times already for your hard to penetrate greedy mind, the US is violating 2 of the 7 points of Free Trade.
and thats why the entire world is switching to free trade. Only you lack the IQ to understand it.

I noticed you didn't list what I ASKED BEFORE because the US is the ONLY nation that has gone full hog in Trade that is BAD for the overwhelming majority of Americans.
Now provide what I ASKED FOR.

100% stupid if trade was bad we would each have to make everything we consume all by ourselves.

Do you have the IQ to understand that??
That is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen.

EdwardBaiamonte is a synonym for dumb when it comes to economics.

dear, stupid that would make all the economists on both political sides all over the world dumb since the entire world is switching to free trade!! Feel stupid??
YES! They just start trading with the world without establishing a domestic manufacturing base. Dumbass.
]. After all, one of the MAIN points of protectionism is to be able to BOOST international trade.
too stupid!!! protection inhibits international trade. Simple to a child just not to a liberal.
I am no liberal you fuckin idiot.
You don't know shit about this.
Protectionism establishes FAIR international trade for a country.
BTW, you ignorant hack, free trade = open borders
AGAIN labor ISNT mobile. Do you know what that means?[/QUOTE]

Ever notice that EB is talking out of his ass?
He can't back anything up from actual economic theory or reality.
I noticed you didn't list what I ASKED BEFORE because the US is the ONLY nation that has gone full hog in Trade that is BAD for the overwhelming majority of Americans.
Now provide what I ASKED FOR.

100% stupid if trade was bad we would each have to make everything we consume all by ourselves.

Do you have the IQ to understand that??
That is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen.

EdwardBaiamonte is a synonym for dumb when it comes to economics.

dear, stupid that would make all the economists on both political sides all over the world dumb since the entire world is switching to free trade!! Feel stupid??

You really have to stop reading the Wall Street Journal.
Did you ever notice that Pro-Big-Business economists are the ones published in Pro-Big-Business publications?
You didn't catch that, did you.

As a dropling of information for you, Free Trade as defined by Ricardo would be GREAT.
As I have posted several times already for your hard to penetrate greedy mind, the US is violating 2 of the 7 points of Free Trade.
I think Ricardo was a VERY smart man. But, like I told the dummy, labor isn't mobile. In order for him to be an economic god, we would have to be globalist with open borders everywhere. Untill then, economists that argue him have the upper hand IMO
That didn't answer the question. You conflated Business people with "parasites who feed on tax dollars". Okay, you can probably google search and come up with a name but tell me, what significant employer in your town, your county, in your state is a long term net negative tax payer? I've never met such a business owner. (but I'd like to be).
To Jomama: Instead of demanding answers make your case by justifying the XVI Amendment. Until you can do that you should not be talking about business or anything else connected to the economy.
You really have to stop reading the Wall Street Journal.

Dear, the entire world is switching to free trade, not just the WSJ . China's biggest trading partner is uber liberal Europe. Clinton and Obama brought us NAFTA and TPP. They are extreme anti business liberals, dummy!

Now do you understand??
100% stupid if trade was bad we would each have to make everything we consume all by ourselves.

Do you have the IQ to understand that??
That is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen.

EdwardBaiamonte is a synonym for dumb when it comes to economics.

dear, stupid that would make all the economists on both political sides all over the world dumb since the entire world is switching to free trade!! Feel stupid??

You really have to stop reading the Wall Street Journal.
Did you ever notice that Pro-Big-Business economists are the ones published in Pro-Big-Business publications?
You didn't catch that, did you.

As a dropling of information for you, Free Trade as defined by Ricardo would be GREAT.
As I have posted several times already for your hard to penetrate greedy mind, the US is violating 2 of the 7 points of Free Trade.
I think Ricardo was a VERY smart man. But, like I told the dummy, labor isn't mobile. In order for him to be an economic god, we would have to be globalist with open borders everywhere. Untill then, economists that argue him have the upper hand IMO

A Lesson on Comparative Advantage

The most important conclusion from the Ricardian model is that advantages from trade do not disappear just because another country has lower wages; nor do they disappear just because another country is more productive in everything. Ricardo demonstrated that by specializing in producing the products that one has a comparative advantage (which MAY NOT be ones in which the country has an absolute advantage) the world can expand total world output with the same quantity of resources. The expansion of output is the realization of increased economic efficiency that economists always talk about. Finally, given the expanded output, international trade can assure that all countries in the model gain from the surplus that’s created. In other words, without raising the quantity of resources, the world economy would be able to produce greater output and generate higher living standards for everyone. Economic efficiency will rise both internationally and nationally. This is how all nations can benefit from free trade.
That is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen.

EdwardBaiamonte is a synonym for dumb when it comes to economics.

dear, stupid that would make all the economists on both political sides all over the world dumb since the entire world is switching to free trade!! Feel stupid??

You really have to stop reading the Wall Street Journal.
Did you ever notice that Pro-Big-Business economists are the ones published in Pro-Big-Business publications?
You didn't catch that, did you.

As a dropling of information for you, Free Trade as defined by Ricardo would be GREAT.
As I have posted several times already for your hard to penetrate greedy mind, the US is violating 2 of the 7 points of Free Trade.
I think Ricardo was a VERY smart man. But, like I told the dummy, labor isn't mobile. In order for him to be an economic god, we would have to be globalist with open borders everywhere. Untill then, economists that argue him have the upper hand IMO

A Lesson on Comparative Advantage

The most important conclusion from the Ricardian model is that advantages from trade do not disappear just because another country has lower wages; nor do they disappear just because another country is more productive in everything. Ricardo demonstrated that by specializing in producing the products that one has a comparative advantage (which MAY NOT be ones in which the country has an absolute advantage) the world can expand total world output with the same quantity of resources. The expansion of output is the realization of increased economic efficiency that economists always talk about. Finally, given the expanded output, international trade can assure that all countries in the model gain from the surplus that’s created. In other words, without raising the quantity of resources, the world economy would be able to produce greater output and generate higher living standards for everyone. Economic efficiency will rise both internationally and nationally. This is how all nations can benefit from free trade.

The Ricardian Model does not call for destroying one's own economy to the benefit of less than 10% of one's nation.
Mix it any way you want, you're full of sh!t.

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