Trump moves to Eradicate nearly all asylum claims at U.S. southern border

There are thousands of africans crowded at the border waiting for the signal to attack. Who is funding them?
There are now many of them in the US brought here by Barry. Who do you think voted Omar into office?!
What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
I thought they were all being kept in detention until their claims were filed. I thought that was what all the crowding was about. Is there any place that actually gives the straight story on what the hell is going on down there?

You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!
The crisis that didn't exist until several months after tRump insisted it did?

Doesn't that seem suspiciously convenient? Have you heard that there are radio ads urging people to go to America? Suspiciously convenient? Why does no one else notice this?

Are you not suspicious about how the caravans have been funded? About how those people were organized?

Are you not asking yourself how it is that Democrats first claimed that the caravans were nothing more than racist propaganda...and didn't really exist...only to then turn around and declare that we faced a crisis at the border with overcrowding?
What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
These people are not enemies. They are not "using them against us". They just want a chance at a better life.

These people as you describe them are pawns! They're being used by liberal politicians to retain or take power...politicians that could care LESS what happens to those people who seek a better life! AOC is outraged about women having to drink water from toilets (something that she's somehow never been able to prove but boy did it get some great media coverage when she claimed it!) but doesn't give a flying you know what when those women were sexually assaulted on their journey from Central America to our border! It's all kabuki theatre to people like her.
And you're claiming Mexico is "safe?"
What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
I thought they were all being kept in detention until their claims were filed. I thought that was what all the crowding was about. Is there any place that actually gives the straight story on what the hell is going on down there?

You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!
The crisis that didn't exist until several months after tRump insisted it did?

Doesn't that seem suspiciously convenient? Have you heard that there are radio ads urging people to go to America? Suspiciously convenient? Why does no one else notice this?
If what is occurring at The Southern Border is a Manufactured, Imaginary Crisis, then President Trump should issue an EO stating that there is No Immigration Crisis, and there are No Illegal Aliens in The US and he therefore is reducing all Federal Funding for the support of Illegal Aliens down to $0 Dollars, and cutting off all Benefits for them and any organizations receiving Federal Funds since there are actually No Illegal Aliens in The US.

An Imaginary Crisis should only be funded with Imaginary Money.

What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
I thought they were all being kept in detention until their claims were filed. I thought that was what all the crowding was about. Is there any place that actually gives the straight story on what the hell is going on down there?

You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!
I suppose you think I'll get the straight story from one of the alternative right-wing sites instead? LOL
I don't trust much of anyone at this point, but the government sites that have no reason to lie don't seem to be answering those questions.
I hear one thing and then I hear another. It's confusing. I'm perfectly capable of figuring out the bias of an article or report. It is just hard to find anyone to answer questions that doesn't have an agenda.

What aren't you understanding? Do you not understand that our border has been swarmed with tens of thousands of migrants? That our immigration system isn't able to handle what's happened? That we can only hold immigrants for a short period of time and then we're forced to release them into the country? Do you wonder why your Democratic leaders told you over and over again that there was no crisis at the border? Only to turn around and declare that there WAS a crisis at the border?
I understand we are overwhelmed at the border. I did not know that gave the President the right to rewrite laws by himself. Please explain how that works.

DACA and dreamers is an example of Obama ignoring immigration law and fabricating his own immigration policy. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. At least Trump's policies align with immigration LAW unlike Obama's which were in direct conflict with the law.
What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
I thought they were all being kept in detention until their claims were filed. I thought that was what all the crowding was about. Is there any place that actually gives the straight story on what the hell is going on down there?

You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!

Dem's can't muster the votes to change immigration laws so they intentionally trying to overwhelm the borders by encouraging hundreds of thousands of illegals to pour across the border in recent months. You have to remember Dem's are lawless thugs who have no respect for law and order.
Trump can't get an immigration bill through either the senate or the house, and that's why he's changing asylum via a regulatory change. Personally I think the change is good, but his inability to get legislation shows he cannot focus on fixing immigration as a whole.
that's why he's changing asylum via a regulatory change.
The law says there has to be an agreement. I know I don't speak law-ese very well, but how does Trump change that?
I understand we are overwhelmed at the border. I did not know that gave the President the right to rewrite laws by himself. Please explain how that works.
What do you mean you did not know a President could re-write law on his own? Again, BARRY DID IT!


Barry PUBLICLY he had no Constitutional / Legal authority to affect US immigration law, became frustrated with the fact that Congress would not give him what he WANTED / DEMANDED, so he violated the Separation of Powers - bypassed Congress and passed his own DACA 'Edict'.
What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
I thought they were all being kept in detention until their claims were filed. I thought that was what all the crowding was about. Is there any place that actually gives the straight story on what the hell is going on down there?

You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!
The crisis that didn't exist until several months after tRump insisted it did?

Doesn't that seem suspiciously convenient? Have you heard that there are radio ads urging people to go to America? Suspiciously convenient? Why does no one else notice this?

Are you not suspicious about how the caravans have been funded? About how those people were organized?

Are you not asking yourself how it is that Democrats first claimed that the caravans were nothing more than racist propaganda...and didn't really exist...only to then turn around and declare that we faced a crisis at the border with overcrowding?
Yes, completely safe. After all, if a DemNazi tells us that all we have is an Imaginary Manufactured Crisis, then Mexico must be completely safe too.
I thought they were all being kept in detention until their claims were filed. I thought that was what all the crowding was about. Is there any place that actually gives the straight story on what the hell is going on down there?

You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!
I suppose you think I'll get the straight story from one of the alternative right-wing sites instead? LOL
I don't trust much of anyone at this point, but the government sites that have no reason to lie don't seem to be answering those questions.
I hear one thing and then I hear another. It's confusing. I'm perfectly capable of figuring out the bias of an article or report. It is just hard to find anyone to answer questions that doesn't have an agenda.

What aren't you understanding? Do you not understand that our border has been swarmed with tens of thousands of migrants? That our immigration system isn't able to handle what's happened? That we can only hold immigrants for a short period of time and then we're forced to release them into the country? Do you wonder why your Democratic leaders told you over and over again that there was no crisis at the border? Only to turn around and declare that there WAS a crisis at the border?
I understand we are overwhelmed at the border. I did not know that gave the President the right to rewrite laws by himself. Please explain how that works.

DACA and dreamers is an example of Obama ignoring immigration law and fabricating his own immigration policy. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. At least Trump's policies align with immigration LAW unlike Obama's which were in direct conflict with the law.
I'm still waiting to learn how forcing Central Americans to claim asylum in Mexico without an agreement is in line with the immigration law that I just put up for you.
I understand we are overwhelmed at the border. I did not know that gave the President the right to rewrite laws by himself. Please explain how that works.
What do you mean you did not know a President could re-write law on his own? Again, BARRY DID IT!


Barry PUBLICLY he had no Constitutional / Legal authority to affect US immigration law, became frustrated with the fact that Congress would not give him what he WANTED / DEMANDED, so he violated the Separation of Powers - bypassed Congress and passed his own DACA 'Edict'.
DACA had an expiration date, so why hasn't the DACA program been terminated?
DACA is not LAW.
I understand we are overwhelmed at the border. I did not know that gave the President the right to rewrite laws by himself. Please explain how that works.
What do you mean you did not know a President could re-write law on his own? Again, BARRY DID IT!


Barry PUBLICLY he had no Constitutional / Legal authority to affect US immigration law, became frustrated with the fact that Congress would not give him what he WANTED / DEMANDED, so he violated the Separation of Powers - bypassed Congress and passed his own DACA 'Edict'.
Well, if you didn't like "Barry" doing what he did (which was a deferment of action, not a change of the law) why is it suddenly lovely for Trump to do it?
I don't think Trump will get away with it--another of his cock and bull ideas that will be shot down by the courts. He's either got really awful lawyers or he is refusing to listen to them. Or maybe by this time, they've just given up trying.
What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
These people are not enemies. They are not "using them against us". They just want a chance at a better life.

These people as you describe them are pawns! They're being used by liberal politicians to retain or take power...politicians that could care LESS what happens to those people who seek a better life! AOC is outraged about women having to drink water from toilets (something that she's somehow never been able to prove but boy did it get some great media coverage when she claimed it!) but doesn't give a flying you know what when those women were sexually assaulted on their journey from Central America to our border! It's all kabuki theatre to people like her.
And you're claiming Mexico is "safe?"

Some parts of Mexico are very safe...some are very dangerous! Sort of like the US, Old Lady! The South Side of Chicago is a war zone. Downstate Illinois is bucolic. So should we all move to Canada because the South Side is an arm pit?

I ask the question you not think it's a good idea to have a secure border when you've got a country just to our south that HAS some very dangerous areas and people close to that border?
You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!
I suppose you think I'll get the straight story from one of the alternative right-wing sites instead? LOL
I don't trust much of anyone at this point, but the government sites that have no reason to lie don't seem to be answering those questions.
I hear one thing and then I hear another. It's confusing. I'm perfectly capable of figuring out the bias of an article or report. It is just hard to find anyone to answer questions that doesn't have an agenda.

What aren't you understanding? Do you not understand that our border has been swarmed with tens of thousands of migrants? That our immigration system isn't able to handle what's happened? That we can only hold immigrants for a short period of time and then we're forced to release them into the country? Do you wonder why your Democratic leaders told you over and over again that there was no crisis at the border? Only to turn around and declare that there WAS a crisis at the border?
I understand we are overwhelmed at the border. I did not know that gave the President the right to rewrite laws by himself. Please explain how that works.

DACA and dreamers is an example of Obama ignoring immigration law and fabricating his own immigration policy. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. At least Trump's policies align with immigration LAW unlike Obama's which were in direct conflict with the law.
I'm still waiting to learn how forcing Central Americans to claim asylum in Mexico without an agreement is in line with the immigration law that I just put up for you.
There already is an agreement in place. It's called Mexico's Immigration Laws. Mexico was not enforcing them. Now they have began to. Not to the degree we would like, but they are beginning to wake up to the fact that letting hordes of Brown Latino Slaves to pour in to the US to work on DemNazi Plantations is bad for Mexico, bad for Latin America, and Bad for America.
What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
These people are not enemies. They are not "using them against us". They just want a chance at a better life.

These people as you describe them are pawns! They're being used by liberal politicians to retain or take power...politicians that could care LESS what happens to those people who seek a better life! AOC is outraged about women having to drink water from toilets (something that she's somehow never been able to prove but boy did it get some great media coverage when she claimed it!) but doesn't give a flying you know what when those women were sexually assaulted on their journey from Central America to our border! It's all kabuki theatre to people like her.
And you're claiming Mexico is "safe?"
It's safer than Chicago or any DemNazi Shit Hole Sanctuary City full of Illegal Immigrants Shitting on The Streets.

What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
I thought they were all being kept in detention until their claims were filed. I thought that was what all the crowding was about. Is there any place that actually gives the straight story on what the hell is going on down there?

You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!

Dem's can't muster the votes to change immigration laws so they intentionally trying to overwhelm the borders by encouraging hundreds of thousands of illegals to pour across the border in recent months. You have to remember Dem's are lawless thugs who have no respect for law and order.
Trump can't get an immigration bill through either the senate or the house, and that's why he's changing asylum via a regulatory change. Personally I think the change is good, but his inability to get legislation shows he cannot focus on fixing immigration as a whole.
that's why he's changing asylum via a regulatory change.
The law says there has to be an agreement. I know I don't speak law-ese very well, but how does Trump change that?
As I understand it, the argument by the opponents of the change is that Trump is violating existing laws by making the regulatory change.

US: Proposed Asylum Regulation Violates Law

And they may be right that the change to require asylum seekers to not be able to move to the US via a third country other than their own does violate the law. It would be much preferable to amend the law rather than a regulation. But Trump couldn't even accept wall funding for DACA. He just can't make a deal. And Pelosi is not going to make him an offer now.
You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!
I suppose you think I'll get the straight story from one of the alternative right-wing sites instead? LOL
I don't trust much of anyone at this point, but the government sites that have no reason to lie don't seem to be answering those questions.
I hear one thing and then I hear another. It's confusing. I'm perfectly capable of figuring out the bias of an article or report. It is just hard to find anyone to answer questions that doesn't have an agenda.

What aren't you understanding? Do you not understand that our border has been swarmed with tens of thousands of migrants? That our immigration system isn't able to handle what's happened? That we can only hold immigrants for a short period of time and then we're forced to release them into the country? Do you wonder why your Democratic leaders told you over and over again that there was no crisis at the border? Only to turn around and declare that there WAS a crisis at the border?
I understand we are overwhelmed at the border. I did not know that gave the President the right to rewrite laws by himself. Please explain how that works.

DACA and dreamers is an example of Obama ignoring immigration law and fabricating his own immigration policy. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. At least Trump's policies align with immigration LAW unlike Obama's which were in direct conflict with the law.
I'm still waiting to learn how forcing Central Americans to claim asylum in Mexico without an agreement is in line with the immigration law that I just put up for you.
No one is forcing an Illegal Alien to do anything. You leave your country voluntarily and try to enter another illegally, then you belong in a Mexican Prison. You take a risk, then you are to blame when you die in the desert. Sucks to be you, and stupid.
I suppose you think I'll get the straight story from one of the alternative right-wing sites instead? LOL
I don't trust much of anyone at this point, but the government sites that have no reason to lie don't seem to be answering those questions.
I hear one thing and then I hear another. It's confusing. I'm perfectly capable of figuring out the bias of an article or report. It is just hard to find anyone to answer questions that doesn't have an agenda.

What aren't you understanding? Do you not understand that our border has been swarmed with tens of thousands of migrants? That our immigration system isn't able to handle what's happened? That we can only hold immigrants for a short period of time and then we're forced to release them into the country? Do you wonder why your Democratic leaders told you over and over again that there was no crisis at the border? Only to turn around and declare that there WAS a crisis at the border?
I understand we are overwhelmed at the border. I did not know that gave the President the right to rewrite laws by himself. Please explain how that works.

DACA and dreamers is an example of Obama ignoring immigration law and fabricating his own immigration policy. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. At least Trump's policies align with immigration LAW unlike Obama's which were in direct conflict with the law.
I'm still waiting to learn how forcing Central Americans to claim asylum in Mexico without an agreement is in line with the immigration law that I just put up for you.
There already is an agreement in place. It's called Mexico's Immigration Laws. Mexico was not enforcing them. Now they have began to. Not to the degree we would like, but they are beginning to wake up to the fact that letting hordes of Brown Latino Slaves to pour in to the US to work on DemNazi Plantations is bad for Mexico, bad for Latin America, and Bad for America.
It is not an agreement. I'm all for having Mexico enforce their immigration laws--they have been closing their eyes to the constant stream of folks jumping our border for decades. However, trying to dump that problem solely on Mexico is not fair either.
And it is not an agreement such as the law references.
I thought they were all being kept in detention until their claims were filed. I thought that was what all the crowding was about. Is there any place that actually gives the straight story on what the hell is going on down there?

You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!

Dem's can't muster the votes to change immigration laws so they intentionally trying to overwhelm the borders by encouraging hundreds of thousands of illegals to pour across the border in recent months. You have to remember Dem's are lawless thugs who have no respect for law and order.
Trump can't get an immigration bill through either the senate or the house, and that's why he's changing asylum via a regulatory change. Personally I think the change is good, but his inability to get legislation shows he cannot focus on fixing immigration as a whole.
that's why he's changing asylum via a regulatory change.
The law says there has to be an agreement. I know I don't speak law-ese very well, but how does Trump change that?
As I understand it, the argument by the opponents of the change is that Trump is violating existing laws by making the regulatory change.

US: Proposed Asylum Regulation Violates Law

And they may be right that the change to require asylum seekers to not be able to move to the US via a third country other than their own does violate the law. It would be much preferable to amend the law rather than a regulation. But Trump couldn't even accept wall funding for DACA. He just can't make a deal. And Pelosi is not going to make him an offer now.
That's a complete Lie.

Trump offered DACA Amnesty to The DemNazis in exchange for Immigration Reform and Border Security, and Dirty Tom Daschle and The DemNazis refused it, because they wanted to keep immigration as a campaign issue for the next 4 years and try to use that as a wedge issue to divide America and oust Trump from Office.
Well, if you didn't like "Barry" doing what he did (which was a deferment of action, not a change of the law) why is it suddenly lovely for Trump to do it?
The issue / problem is NOT what I like or don't like. The problem / issue / FACT is that Barry intentionally, knowingly publicly violated both Constitution and Rule of Law and PsOS Liberal a*holes like you KNEW IT and ALLOWED it to happen without 1 word of condemnation or call for him to be Impeached.....and now you hypocritically piss, moan, whine, and wail when Trump even considers doing what Barry DID do!

Considering your 'silent tolerance' for Barry violating the Separation of Powers / Law THEN, pardon me if I say to you NOW, 'STFU, HYPOCRITE!'

You're a 'day late and a dollar short', snowflake. You have already proven that its not the Constitution / law being broken that bothers you - its WHO does it and WHY. As long as it is the criminal assholes YOU support and for a cause YOU agree with, you're fine with it.
What aren't you understanding? Do you not understand that our border has been swarmed with tens of thousands of migrants? That our immigration system isn't able to handle what's happened? That we can only hold immigrants for a short period of time and then we're forced to release them into the country? Do you wonder why your Democratic leaders told you over and over again that there was no crisis at the border? Only to turn around and declare that there WAS a crisis at the border?
I understand we are overwhelmed at the border. I did not know that gave the President the right to rewrite laws by himself. Please explain how that works.

DACA and dreamers is an example of Obama ignoring immigration law and fabricating his own immigration policy. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. At least Trump's policies align with immigration LAW unlike Obama's which were in direct conflict with the law.
I'm still waiting to learn how forcing Central Americans to claim asylum in Mexico without an agreement is in line with the immigration law that I just put up for you.
There already is an agreement in place. It's called Mexico's Immigration Laws. Mexico was not enforcing them. Now they have began to. Not to the degree we would like, but they are beginning to wake up to the fact that letting hordes of Brown Latino Slaves to pour in to the US to work on DemNazi Plantations is bad for Mexico, bad for Latin America, and Bad for America.
It is not an agreement. I'm all for having Mexico enforce their immigration laws--they have been closing their eyes to the constant stream of folks jumping our border for decades. However, trying to dump that problem solely on Mexico is not fair either.
And it is not an agreement such as the law references.

Nobody gives a shit about Fair, and Certainly NOT the Democrat party. The Illegal Alien Crisis should be Dumped on Mexico because they are not enforcing their own laws. That is their issue then.

The Democrats don't even want The US to enforce Existing Immigration Laws let alone have Mexico enforce theirs.

The Democrats attacked an ICE Detention Center, tried to burn it down, defiled an American Flag, and Hoisted a Mexican Flag. One dead ANTIFA Fascist was the result. Those are your Nazi Brethren. Multicultural Anti-American Nazis.

Exactly how can your party be Wrong 24\7 365 days of the year, be Anti-American and still stay in business?

You can't so you have to pander to Anti-American, Radical Forces, Illegal Immigrants, and Criminals, and Elitist Leftist who are dependent on Brown Latino Slaves to run their Plantations and Sweat Shops. Then you have to ask America to finance your Slave Trade by giving Illegals Free Food, Free Housing, Free Education and Free Healthcare, while you work them to death for below Minimum Wage, sewing your clothes, and mowing your lawns, and building and maintaining your mansions, and businesses.

Your Party has never broken it's addiction to slavery and hatred and oppression of minorities, and it never will.
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