Trump, Modi to address 50,000 Indian-Americans at 'Howdy Modi' mega event in Houston

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Well there goes 50,000 votes that the ABNORMALS were counting on....Trump has got this political reelection thing down PAT!!!!

US President Donald Trump will be joining PM Narendra Modi at a mega event in Houston named "Howdy, Modi!". The September 22 event will be the first time a US president and Indian Prime Minister will be addressing a joint rally.

Amid speculation if Trump would join PM Modi at the Houston event, White House issued a statement to confirm that he would attend the rally. This is the third successive meeting between Trump and PM Modi within the span of a few weeks after the G20 and G7 summits.

More than 50,000 Indian-Americans from across the US have registered for the September 22 mega "Howdy, Modi! Shared Dreams, Bright Futures" event to be held at the sprawling NRG Stadium in Houston.

"Howdy", short for 'How do you do?', is a friendly greeting commonly used in southwestern United States and the event has been designed as a greeting to PM Modi.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

But...but...minorities are supposed to hate Trump.

The fake legacy media told me so...
I guess he is not a good guy because he is so much like trump. He has been investigated and not indicted, just like trump. He has done much to improve economic conditions as well as health conditions. What is most important is that India is a counterweight to China and as is always the case we sometimes have to ally with what some would call unsavory characters. India will soon be the largest population in the world and not meeting with them is typical liberal head in the sand reactions. And you know coyote, I am sure you are more connected than the people of India with the prime minister and know what is best for them, but modi enjoys approval ratings politicians can only dream about. Once again, your partisanship will not let facts get in the way.

pproval ratings

Modi interacting with the school children after delivering his address on Independence Day in New Delhi, 15 August 2017
As a Prime Minister, Modi has received consistently high approval ratings; at the end of his first year in office, he received an overall approval rating of 87% in a Pew Research poll, with 68% of people rating him "very favorably" and 93% approving of his government.[292] His approval rating remained largely consistent at around 74% through his second year in office, according to a nationwide poll conducted by instaVaani.[293] At the end of his second year in office, an updated Pew Research poll showed Modi continued to receive high overall approval ratings of 81%, with 57% of those polled rating him "very favorably."[294][295] At the end of his third year in office, a further Pew Research poll showed Modi with an overall approval rating of 88%, his highest yet, with 69% of people polled rating him "very favorably."[296] A poll conducted by The Times of India in May 2017 showed 77% of the respondents rated Modi as "very good" and "good".[297] In early 2017, a survey from Pew Research Center showed Modi to be the most popular figure in Indian politics.[298
Well there goes 50,000 votes that the ABNORMALS were counting on....Trump has got this political reelection thing down PAT!!!!

US President Donald Trump will be joining PM Narendra Modi at a mega event in Houston named "Howdy, Modi!". The September 22 event will be the first time a US president and Indian Prime Minister will be addressing a joint rally.

Amid speculation if Trump would join PM Modi at the Houston event, White House issued a statement to confirm that he would attend the rally. This is the third successive meeting between Trump and PM Modi within the span of a few weeks after the G20 and G7 summits.

More than 50,000 Indian-Americans from across the US have registered for the September 22 mega "Howdy, Modi! Shared Dreams, Bright Futures" event to be held at the sprawling NRG Stadium in Houston.

"Howdy", short for 'How do you do?', is a friendly greeting commonly used in southwestern United States and the event has been designed as a greeting to PM Modi.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

But...but...minorities are supposed to hate Trump.

The fake legacy media told me so...

"Howdy Modi". LOL. Great
Your assumption that Trump will be getting 50,000 votes out of this gambit is highly laughable. Many of the people there to see Modi don't have citizenship and aren't eligible to vote. And that's just for starters.

You fools seem to think that those who are eligible to vote are as stupid as your typical Trump voter, and will be so dazzled by his lies and his racism, that they will be converted to the cult of Donald Trump.
Socialism is evil, except when Dotard Trump uses socialism.......

Except he doesn't, liar

Oh but he does. Trump changed the government subsidy program for renters except the program which pays millions to his family apartment buildings in New York City. Since the Trump Family was benefitting from that socialist program, Trump didn't change it.

Trump is also giving his friends in the "for-profit" sector millions of tax dollars while violating the constitutional rights of these prisoners.

He's also offering your socialist army to the Saudis in their hour of need - even though he doesn't have any authority to do so.

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