"trump LOST" billboards popping up in Texas...funded by GOP

Also seen in PA: {from "PENNLIVE/Patriot-News"


That particular billboard was funded by these people:


My gosh! Is sanity beginning to creep into the repub party....awakening the real GOP? The Big Lie is about to be one year old. Maybe it is time the Big Lie died....
Uh-huh, funded by “Republicans”.
This group is 5 inside washington swamp rats who have been anti trump all along

nothing to see here that we havent seen already

About Us - Defending Democracy Together

William Kristol​

Bill Kristol is editor-at-large of The Bulwark. He was a founder of The Weekly Standard, and is a regular guest on leading political commentary shows. Prior to his work at The Weekly Standard, Kristol led the Project for the Republican Future, an organization that helped shape the strategy that produced the 1994 Republican congressional victory. From 1985 to 1993, Kristol served as chief of staff to Education Secretary William Bennett in the Reagan Administration and as chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle in the George H. W. Bush administration. Before coming to Washington, Kristol taught politics at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard University.
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Mona Charen​

Mona Charen is policy editor of The Bulwark, a nationally syndicated columnist, and the author of two New York Timesbestsellers: Useful Idiots and Do-Gooders. Her new book, Sex Matters, was released in June. Charen began her career writing for National Review, and she served as a speechwriter for Nancy Reagan before joining President Reagan’s staff in the White House Office of Public Liaison and in the Office of Communications. Her work has been featured in over 200 newspapers and websites, and she is a regular guest on public affairs programs.
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Linda Chavez​

Linda Chavez was the highest-ranking woman in President Ronald Reagan’s White House when she served as Director of the Office of Public Liaison. She is the of chair and founder of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a senior fellow at the Niskanen Center, and was a syndicated columnist for over 30 years. She has served on two Fortune 500 company boards and is the author of three books. In 2000, the Library of Congress honored Chavez as a Living Legend.

Sarah Longwell​

Sarah Longwell is the President and CEO of Longwell Partners, a full-service communications firm in Washington, D.C. Sarah is a Co-Founder of the organization Defending Democracy Together and spokeswoman for its project, Republicans for the Rule of Law. She is also the Publisher of The Bulwark and Chief Strategist for Republic Affairs, a nonprofit dedicated to strengthening our country’s core values and institutions. A long-time Republican strategist and former national board chair of the Log Cabin Republicans, Sarah launched Longwell Partners to engage in issues beyond partisan politics and focus on solving some of the country’s most intractable problems through cross-partisan coalitions. She lives in Washington, D.C. with her family and is a graduate of Kenyon College.

Tim Miller​

Tim Miller is The Bulwark’s Writer-at-Large and a communications consultant. He previously served as senior advisor to the anti-Trump Our Principles PAC, communications director for Jeb Bush, and spokesman for the Republican National Committee.

Barry Rubin​

Barry Rubin is director of video production at Defending Democracy Together. Barry started making videos at the age of 13, when he guilted his mother into allowing him to use his bar mitzvah money to buy a video camera and editing equipment. Barry holds a B.A. in film production from Arizona State University.
Really? This is who's doing it? Bill Kristol?

Lolol !!! :p

Gotta love that bio, whitewash all mention of Neo-Cons and the PNAC, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy and everything else.


I mean, it's not funny. The Neo-Cons are still around. Trying to hide their true natures. Still pretending they're conservatives.

My my, what a tangled web we weave.
This group is 5 inside washington swamp rats who have been anti trump all along

nothing to see here that we havent seen already

About Us - Defending Democracy Together

William Kristol​

Bill Kristol is editor-at-large of The Bulwark. He was a founder of The Weekly Standard, and is a regular guest on leading political commentary shows. Prior to his work at The Weekly Standard, Kristol led the Project for the Republican Future, an organization that helped shape the strategy that produced the 1994 Republican congressional victory. From 1985 to 1993, Kristol served as chief of staff to Education Secretary William Bennett in the Reagan Administration and as chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle in the George H. W. Bush administration. Before coming to Washington, Kristol taught politics at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard University.
Twitter Website

Mona Charen​

Mona Charen is policy editor of The Bulwark, a nationally syndicated columnist, and the author of two New York Timesbestsellers: Useful Idiots and Do-Gooders. Her new book, Sex Matters, was released in June. Charen began her career writing for National Review, and she served as a speechwriter for Nancy Reagan before joining President Reagan’s staff in the White House Office of Public Liaison and in the Office of Communications. Her work has been featured in over 200 newspapers and websites, and she is a regular guest on public affairs programs.
Twitter Website

Linda Chavez​

Linda Chavez was the highest-ranking woman in President Ronald Reagan’s White House when she served as Director of the Office of Public Liaison. She is the of chair and founder of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a senior fellow at the Niskanen Center, and was a syndicated columnist for over 30 years. She has served on two Fortune 500 company boards and is the author of three books. In 2000, the Library of Congress honored Chavez as a Living Legend.

Sarah Longwell​

Sarah Longwell is the President and CEO of Longwell Partners, a full-service communications firm in Washington, D.C. Sarah is a Co-Founder of the organization Defending Democracy Together and spokeswoman for its project, Republicans for the Rule of Law. She is also the Publisher of The Bulwark and Chief Strategist for Republic Affairs, a nonprofit dedicated to strengthening our country’s core values and institutions. A long-time Republican strategist and former national board chair of the Log Cabin Republicans, Sarah launched Longwell Partners to engage in issues beyond partisan politics and focus on solving some of the country’s most intractable problems through cross-partisan coalitions. She lives in Washington, D.C. with her family and is a graduate of Kenyon College.

Tim Miller​

Tim Miller is The Bulwark’s Writer-at-Large and a communications consultant. He previously served as senior advisor to the anti-Trump Our Principles PAC, communications director for Jeb Bush, and spokesman for the Republican National Committee.

Barry Rubin​

Barry Rubin is director of video production at Defending Democracy Together. Barry started making videos at the age of 13, when he guilted his mother into allowing him to use his bar mitzvah money to buy a video camera and editing equipment. Barry holds a B.A. in film production from Arizona State University.
So if the GOP nominates him in 2024, when he is asked in the debate who won the 2020 presidential election, what is his answer gonna be? Voters don't like whiners.
Trump's exact words...

“If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in ’22 or ’24,”
trump never cared for the repub party. His only concern is his own orange ass. Until the real GOP understands that, they will be lead like a neutered sheep by the Liar in Chief.
Energy prices are going through the roof which brings prices up on everything. The U.S. seems incapable of dealing with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and democrats focus on a freaking Trump billboard in San Antonio Texas. What does that tell you? Democrats would rather focus on the former president than deal with the reality of an incompetent fool in the W.H.
And hundreds of thousands are chanting FUCK JOE BIDEN.

Yeah, sure, xiden didn't win anything.
Thinking people know that.
yes, the trump cult numbers about that.
Energy prices are going through the roof which brings prices up on everything. The U.S. seems incapable of dealing with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and democrats focus on a freaking Trump billboard in San Antonio Texas. What does that tell you? Democrats would rather focus on the former president than deal with the reality of an incompetent fool in the W.H.
Tell TFG that he lost and to shut up...and Dems will stop using his nauseating name.
Outta the park, excalibur. Fortunately, the nation with its Constitution can overcome those who reject it. It took love and consideration by the founders to set a new standard through through the Lord that all of us are equals and deserving to vote for those we choose to. Goodnight, and may we find common ground as we debate the future of this nation! :huddle:
You mean "lard", right......trump is your lard and master.
So if the GOP nominates him in 2024, when he is asked in the debate who won the 2020 presidential election, what is his answer gonna be? Voters don't like whiners.
The same as mine

there is fraud in out sloppy stupid anything goes election system

its not always easy to prove fraud even when it happens

My gosh! Is sanity beginning to creep into the repub party....awakening the real GOP? The Big Lie is about to be one year old. Maybe it is time the Big Lie died....


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