Trump Losing all Minority Voter Blocs to a Third Party Candidates!!!

Trump, many people say, yeah, lots of folks, say Trump is a loser. What it is. Many people.
Fox News Latino poll: Clinton holds 46-point lead over Trump among Hispanics

Gary Johnson Beating Trump Among African-Americans, Neck-and-Neck Among Millennials, in New Battleground State Poll

Hispanics: Hilliary has a 45 point lead, but what is telling is Johnson has 16% to Trumps 17%

Black: Trump is losing to Johnson for the Black vote.

Asians: There are no polls I can find, but I bet he is losing the Asian vote.

Not a big surprise. "The Donald" has gone out of his way to insult and trash talk almost everyone, except older conservative christian gun owners.
He's losing the "People who understand what Apps are" vote too as well as the "People who dont have AOL email" vote

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