Trump looks to give the workers a tax break

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Trump Says He Plans to Unveil Middle-Class Tax Cut in Next Year
By Jordan Fabian and Laura Davison

The left loves the workers! so this should be cheered ...right ? :04:
September 12, 2019, 8:22 PM EDT Updated on September 12, 2019, 9:23 PM EDT

He calls it ‘inspirational’ but does not provide details
President Donald Trump said Thursday that he’s planning a tax cut directed at the middle class that will be announced in the next year.

“It will be a very substantial tax cut,” Trump told congressional Republicans at a retreat in Baltimore. He said the tax cut would be “very, very inspirational” without providing details.

Trump spoke a day after deciding against cutting the tax on capital gains by indexing gains to inflation. That decision was announced late Wednesday after a meeting earlier between the president and his economic advisers, who discussed whether to move ahead with the tax break.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
I think this is a wise decision. The Dems are going to try and paint him as only being for the rich, he needs to sell the tax cuts and let everyone know, they will have more liberty under his leadership, and, some more money.

It will help maintain consumption. He can then focus on attacking them for not passing USMCA
I think this is a wise decision. The Dems are going to try and paint him as only being for the rich, he needs to sell the tax cuts and let everyone know, they will have more liberty under his leadership, and, some more money.

It will help maintain consumption. He can then focus on attacking them for not passing USMCA
Just add it to the list of programs that 'are going to happen'. It will go the way of Mexico paying for a wall or NK de-nuking.
I think this is a wise decision. The Dems are going to try and paint him as only being for the rich, he needs to sell the tax cuts and let everyone know, they will have more liberty under his leadership, and, some more money.

It will help maintain consumption. He can then focus on attacking them for not passing USMCA
Just add it to the list of programs that 'are going to happen'. It will go the way of Mexico paying for a wall or NK de-nuking.
Face it...

All of you Democrats will be against it because it links the tax break with a 4 letter word...

Leave it to Trumpy. He'll fix it. When American workers have more money in their pockets, and they aren't forced to pay for illegal alien healthcare and the crazy green new deal, they'll be very happy they voted for Trump.
Leave it to Trumpy. He'll fix it. When American workers have more money in their pockets, and they aren't forced to pay for illegal alien healthcare and the crazy green new deal, they'll be very happy they voted for Trump.
No those voters wont, because Trump cannot survive without pumping your angst into the red zone. If America became all white with 100% employment, Trump would still have to find a scapegoat to keep you on edge thinking only he can save you. It will be gays or the obese or faltering worshippers...something to keep the hate blinding. Otherwise you'd see him as a corrupt self-aggrandizing dirtbag thought of as smart because of his P T Barnum genes.
Leave it to Trumpy. He'll fix it. When American workers have more money in their pockets, and they aren't forced to pay for illegal alien healthcare and the crazy green new deal, they'll be very happy they voted for Trump.
No those voters wont, because Trump cannot survive without pumping your angst into the red zone. If America became all white with 100% employment, Trump would still have to find a scapegoat to keep you on edge thinking only he can save you. It will be gays or the obese or faltering worshippers...something to keep the hate blinding. Otherwise you'd see him as a corrupt self-aggrandizing dirtbag thought of as smart because of his P T Barnum genes.
Get back to us when democrats stop with the racist politics, the division and hatred they are sowing. They hate white people, cops and America. That’s not a winning message.
You get free money and you get free money and you get free money. Everyone gets free money.
You get free money and you get free money and you get free money. Everyone gets free money.
All money is not free some of us worked for it. Now the welfare queens are a different story.
Frankly, as long as I'm getting more money in pocket, I could care less about the debt.
It's never getting repaid. It is never going to go down.
Fuck it, let me keep the money I sweat for.
Pile on the debt.
You must be talking about the green new deal, medicare for all, reparations, debt forgiveness and free college for everyone. Don't worry. Trump isn't going to let that insanity happen and we all know Trump is a man of action
Leave it to Trumpy. He'll fix it. When American workers have more money in their pockets, and they aren't forced to pay for illegal alien healthcare and the crazy green new deal, they'll be very happy they voted for Trump.
No those voters wont, because Trump cannot survive without pumping your angst into the red zone. If America became all white with 100% employment, Trump would still have to find a scapegoat to keep you on edge thinking only he can save you. It will be gays or the obese or faltering worshippers...something to keep the hate blinding. Otherwise you'd see him as a corrupt self-aggrandizing dirtbag thought of as smart because of his P T Barnum genes.
Get back to us when democrats stop with the racist politics, the division and hatred they are sowing. They hate white people, cops and America. That’s not a winning message.
Spare me the victimhood, willow. Your need to justify your hatred in the form of pretending it is the Democrats spewing your mantra of dividing by race, religion and national origin falls short of the facts.
The only people who mention race while campaigning for the Presidency are the rocking democrats! Sucks it up.
The only people who mention race while campaigning for the Presidency are the rocking democrats! Sucks it up.
"The only people who mention race while campaigning for the Presidency are the rocking democrats! Sucks it up."

Righto! Real racists NEVER mention the word. We all know the code.
The only people who mention race while campaigning for the Presidency are the rocking democrats! Sucks it up.
"The only people who mention race while campaigning for the Presidency are the rocking democrats! Sucks it up."

Righto! Real racists NEVER mention the word. We all know the code.
How many times did they bring race up last night? Moron.
Trump Says He Plans to Unveil Middle-Class Tax Cut in Next Year
By Jordan Fabian and Laura Davison

The left loves the workers! so this should be cheered ...right ? :04:
September 12, 2019, 8:22 PM EDT Updated on September 12, 2019, 9:23 PM EDT

He calls it ‘inspirational’ but does not provide details
President Donald Trump said Thursday that he’s planning a tax cut directed at the middle class that will be announced in the next year.

“It will be a very substantial tax cut,” Trump told congressional Republicans at a retreat in Baltimore. He said the tax cut would be “very, very inspirational” without providing details.

Trump spoke a day after deciding against cutting the tax on capital gains by indexing gains to inflation. That decision was announced late Wednesday after a meeting earlier between the president and his economic advisers, who discussed whether to move ahead with the tax break.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Banning worker visas and a realistic federal minimum wage would be much better.
Trump Says He Plans to Unveil Middle-Class Tax Cut in Next Year
By Jordan Fabian and Laura Davison

The left loves the workers! so this should be cheered ...right ? :04:
September 12, 2019, 8:22 PM EDT Updated on September 12, 2019, 9:23 PM EDT

He calls it ‘inspirational’ but does not provide details
President Donald Trump said Thursday that he’s planning a tax cut directed at the middle class that will be announced in the next year.

“It will be a very substantial tax cut,” Trump told congressional Republicans at a retreat in Baltimore. He said the tax cut would be “very, very inspirational” without providing details.

Trump spoke a day after deciding against cutting the tax on capital gains by indexing gains to inflation. That decision was announced late Wednesday after a meeting earlier between the president and his economic advisers, who discussed whether to move ahead with the tax break.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
He said after the election. That way he can pretend he’s willing to give one and at the same time he won’t have to give one. He did the same thing when he signed contracts for people to do work on his properties and then refused to pay them. He’ll do it to farmers to, giving them billions of dollars and then once he’s elected fuck him he’ll never help him again.
Trump Says He Plans to Unveil Middle-Class Tax Cut in Next Year
By Jordan Fabian and Laura Davison

The left loves the workers! so this should be cheered ...right ? :04:
September 12, 2019, 8:22 PM EDT Updated on September 12, 2019, 9:23 PM EDT

He calls it ‘inspirational’ but does not provide details
President Donald Trump said Thursday that he’s planning a tax cut directed at the middle class that will be announced in the next year.

“It will be a very substantial tax cut,” Trump told congressional Republicans at a retreat in Baltimore. He said the tax cut would be “very, very inspirational” without providing details.

Trump spoke a day after deciding against cutting the tax on capital gains by indexing gains to inflation. That decision was announced late Wednesday after a meeting earlier between the president and his economic advisers, who discussed whether to move ahead with the tax break.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Banning worker visas and a realistic federal minimum wage would be much better.

a realistic federal minimum wage would be much better.

I agree, $5 sounds reasonable.

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