Trump just won the election

Florida is pushing a six week ban. You think Trump bullshit means anything?
So what? Do you live in FL? If so, elect officials to support your desires--BTW, when was the last time you had an abortion? Some Americans believe murder is illegal. I believe the Declaration of Independence is very clear
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
So what? Do you live in FL? If so, elect officials to support your desires--BTW, when was the last time you had an abortion? Some Americans believe murder is illegal. I believe the Declaration of Independence is very clear
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
A lot of blah nlah. Abortion is an issue and women are voting.
A lot of blah nlah. Abortion is an issue and women are voting.
Abortion is an issue--you have gotten that right. However, I'm glad that you've come out and admitted that you think one of the founding documents of this great nation is a lot of blah, blah, blah. No wonder you are a failed mod---you are a failed excuse for an American as well.
Sorry bout that,

1. Chose Life.
2. No one should be able to decide who lives or dies, but G-D.
3. Anyone for any reason, wants to decide who gets life, or who dies, will not be guiltless.
4. Here is a mystery, that mankind, has no understanding.

I am glad to see you understand abortion is the murder of a baby and not a clump of cells so many claim it to be,,
He has always held the Constitutional view that "Reproductive Rights" is for each state to decide. We also know that after Roe v Wade was overturned abortions went UP to a ten year high. Oops, there goes the Democrats' ONLY issue that brings out voters. :113:
Trump has already taken credit for putting the states in charge and the awful decisions the state legislators made...

It is all on tape....

Nobody fucking believes him... He appoints Religious Zealots to the SC and now ye have no way to stop them...

Clarence Thomas now wants to go after Contraception...

Some states have gone for IVF... Banning IVF is on Trump and Co. They are the reason IVF got banned..
Boy, he made a wise choice to leave abortion up to the States. In other terms, get the BS off my plate for good. Now leftists have to look elsewhere. And make up crisis and negativity, they're good at that, but there's only so far they can go with this, such as this link demonstrates. Even Democrats know this is a big loss ("bigly"). 'Slap in the face': Mike Pence blasts Donald Trump for saying abortion restrictions should be up to states

Just one more Trump victory. Remember all the Trump victories, boom boom, bang! Get used to that again.
But that just means abortion will always be available in the US. Has he lost the Right to Life vote?
Boy, he made a wise choice to leave abortion up to the States. In other terms, get the BS off my plate for good. Now leftists have to look elsewhere. And make up crisis and negativity, they're good at that, but there's only so far they can go with this, such as this link demonstrates. Even Democrats know this is a big loss ("bigly"). 'Slap in the face': Mike Pence blasts Donald Trump for saying abortion restrictions should be up to states

Just one more Trump victory. Remember all the Trump victories, boom boom, bang! Get used to that again.
So, you wouldn't worry if the remaining 47 states all put abortion rights referendums on their ballots right next to the choices for president?
So, you wouldn't worry if the remaining 47 states all put abortion rights referendums on their ballots right next to the choices for president?
I guarantee you when you put all of the Prog agendas into reality, after the collapse of the nation we will have coat hanger abortions again. Use common sense with all of the states on this issue.

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