Trump just might be the guy I hoped for.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
I was a long standing hardcore "conservative" who railed against "compromise" with the libturds. I still am a Ted Cruz zealot.

I viewed Trump as the sort of moderturd billionaire piece of shit that supported regressive policy more than supported the Constitution.

I stand corrected. even

For years I have bemoaned "compromise" with criminally insane sociopaths, for obvious reasons only to have most people insist "compromise" was the only way to get shit done.

Well.... If half of what you "got done" was detrimental to more people that not, you should not have done it.

I really did figure that a billionaire who gave money to both camps was not the sort of dude who would undo and undermine the leftist agenda. Trump seems to be doing what I hoped and began to unravel the meat puppet faggot's agenda immediately.

To be honest I'm not sure that Ted Cruz would have as aggressive as Trump has been.
I disagree with Pete7469. He's a fuckin' Nazi. Fuckin'... probably hates gays and blacks and stuff. I'm totally unfriending this faggot.
I was a long standing hardcore "conservative" who railed against "compromise" with the libturds. I still am a Ted Cruz zealot.

I viewed Trump as the sort of moderturd billionaire piece of shit that supported regressive policy more than supported the Constitution.

I stand corrected. even

For years I have bemoaned "compromise" with criminally insane sociopaths, for obvious reasons only to have most people insist "compromise" was the only way to get shit done.

Well.... If half of what you "got done" was detrimental to more people that not, you should not have done it.

I really did figure that a billionaire who gave money to both camps was not the sort of dude who would undo and undermine the leftist agenda. Trump seems to be doing what I hoped and began to unravel the meat puppet faggot's agenda immediately.

To be honest I'm not sure that Ted Cruz would have as aggressive as Trump has been.
You people are painfully stupid. I mean there's nothing Trump does that gets through your retard bubble. He is a complete sack of shit and you're all too much of sheep to see it.
I was a long standing hardcore "conservative" who railed against "compromise" with the libturds. I still am a Ted Cruz zealot.

I viewed Trump as the sort of moderturd billionaire piece of shit that supported regressive policy more than supported the Constitution.

I stand corrected. even

For years I have bemoaned "compromise" with criminally insane sociopaths, for obvious reasons only to have most people insist "compromise" was the only way to get shit done.

Well.... If half of what you "got done" was detrimental to more people that not, you should not have done it.

I really did figure that a billionaire who gave money to both camps was not the sort of dude who would undo and undermine the leftist agenda. Trump seems to be doing what I hoped and began to unravel the meat puppet faggot's agenda immediately.

To be honest I'm not sure that Ted Cruz would have as aggressive as Trump has been.

Cruz was a putz. He never would had attacked Hillary and Obama the way Trump did. He never would had gone after the dishonest media like Trump did. He would had been vilified just as much as Trump, and like all GOP saps before him, he would had tried to remain above it by not going low. Trump knew that negative campaigns work, and he knew how to play the media. Ted should never had challenged him. If he didn't, he might of been VP.
I was a long standing hardcore "conservative" who railed against "compromise" with the libturds. I still am a Ted Cruz zealot.

I viewed Trump as the sort of moderturd billionaire piece of shit that supported regressive policy more than supported the Constitution.

I stand corrected. even

For years I have bemoaned "compromise" with criminally insane sociopaths, for obvious reasons only to have most people insist "compromise" was the only way to get shit done.

Well.... If half of what you "got done" was detrimental to more people that not, you should not have done it.

I really did figure that a billionaire who gave money to both camps was not the sort of dude who would undo and undermine the leftist agenda. Trump seems to be doing what I hoped and began to unravel the meat puppet faggot's agenda immediately.

To be honest I'm not sure that Ted Cruz would have as aggressive as Trump has been.
You people are painfully stupid. I mean there's nothing Trump does that gets through your retard bubble. He is a complete sack of shit and you're all too much of sheep to see it.

We can say the same for you people and the way you view Hillary.
I was a long standing hardcore "conservative" who railed against "compromise" with the libturds. I still am a Ted Cruz zealot.

I viewed Trump as the sort of moderturd billionaire piece of shit that supported regressive policy more than supported the Constitution.

I stand corrected. even

For years I have bemoaned "compromise" with criminally insane sociopaths, for obvious reasons only to have most people insist "compromise" was the only way to get shit done.

Well.... If half of what you "got done" was detrimental to more people that not, you should not have done it.

I really did figure that a billionaire who gave money to both camps was not the sort of dude who would undo and undermine the leftist agenda. Trump seems to be doing what I hoped and began to unravel the meat puppet faggot's agenda immediately.

To be honest I'm not sure that Ted Cruz would have as aggressive as Trump has been.
You people are painfully stupid. I mean there's nothing Trump does that gets through your retard bubble. He is a complete sack of shit and you're all too much of sheep to see it.

We can say the same for you people and the way you view Hillary.
See this is what I mean by retard bubble. You cons deflect to Hillary anytime any liberal points out Trump's obvious bullshit. For one thing, I don't like Hillary. Secondly, and more importantly, she is now completely IRRELEVANT. She's done. She is no longer in the picture. Stop bringing her up. Trump is now president. A completely moronic, narcissistic fucking douche bag is now president. Right now most Americans would prefer ANY other politician to be president instead. Hell I personally would take GW Bush over this idiot and that says A LOT.
Why is it that all Trump supporters have such a poor grasp of the English language?

Aw, I offended a grammar Nazi.
Next time you say "might have," or "would have," or "could have," I will be proud of you.

But then again, you're a Trump supporter. So maybe I should be glad that you're able to type at all.

Ok, "I haz hoisted it".
I did. Now where did you register as conservative, and would you "of" done it again?
Why is it that all Trump supporters have such a poor grasp of the English language?

Aw, I offended a grammar Nazi.
Next time you say "might have," or "would have," or "could have," I will be proud of you.

But then again, you're a Trump supporter. So maybe I should be glad that you're able to type at all.

Ok, "I haz hoisted it".
I did. Now where did you register as conservative, and would you "of" done it again?

I registered here. What black flag did you hoist? ISIS?
I still am a Ted Cruz zealot.

Are doing something to alter that? Not that Ted Cruz part, but rather the zealotry. The Ted part isn't really a problem; that just is what it is. There's ample reason to be a devotee of his. It's allowing oneself to indulge in zealotous adherence -- to anything -- that's problematic, for you and everyone else.

Would that more people were zealots of reason and careful deliberation.....
Lots of people at the inauguration shared their love with Trump
Why is it that all Trump supporters have such a poor grasp of the English language?

Aw, I offended a grammar Nazi.
Next time you say "might have," or "would have," or "could have," I will be proud of you.

But then again, you're a Trump supporter. So maybe I should be glad that you're able to type at all.

Ok, "I haz hoisted it".
I did. Now where did you register as conservative, and would you "of" done it again?

I registered here. What black flag did you hoist? ISIS?
Would it make you orgasm if I said yes?
I was a long standing hardcore "conservative" who railed against "compromise" with the libturds. I still am a Ted Cruz zealot.

I viewed Trump as the sort of moderturd billionaire piece of shit that supported regressive policy more than supported the Constitution.

I stand corrected. even

For years I have bemoaned "compromise" with criminally insane sociopaths, for obvious reasons only to have most people insist "compromise" was the only way to get shit done.

Well.... If half of what you "got done" was detrimental to more people that not, you should not have done it.

I really did figure that a billionaire who gave money to both camps was not the sort of dude who would undo and undermine the leftist agenda. Trump seems to be doing what I hoped and began to unravel the meat puppet faggot's agenda immediately.

To be honest I'm not sure that Ted Cruz would have as aggressive as Trump has been.

Trump doesn't have anything to lose the way most politicians do. He isn't looking to make politics a career. He gave up a cushy life of playing golf or whatever he wanted to do in order to serve the people. He doesn't need to make more money. He is taking no salary and vowed to hand over profits from his overseas hotels to the treasury.

He does have an ego, as do most. He will want to be considered a good president and he knows he needs to do right by the people for that to happen.

He is not beholden to campaign donors. No one owns him.

Those are some good things that set him apart from the rest.

He's already said that gay marriage issue is settled so people can stop worrying about that.

He's already showing he can convince companies to keep jobs here. We need that.

He's already taking steps to ease the pain of Obamacare for many. I would love to see the fine go away right now so people aren't punished again at tax time.

He's never been my favorite person and I was never impressed by anything I've seen of him on television. That doesn't mean he won't be good as president.

We've had a lot of guys who seemed nice but screwed us while smiling into the camera and lying their asses off. We don't need that anymore. That is why I didn't want Hillary. She admitted to Wall Street execs that she told people one thing to appease them and did the opposite behind closed doors. Most politicians do that because they know that honesty would be the death of their careers.

Trump is brash, but honest. I'd rather have that than be lied to all the time.
Leftists get to sniffle about Trump this or Trump that. Policy will be generally favorable for business going forward. Social engineering never made sense but many on the left buy it. I'll leave them to their delusions. I do love it that those people are so angry. Please say nasty mean things as much as possible for me I get happy when I think of your blood pressure rising and the dread overcoming your mood and ruining the day. I like to think you are drinking and smoking and sitting around moaping. So sweet little snowflakes... put on some music and smoke some if you got em Buck up cause the Supreme Court nominee Will probably make ginsburgs brain shrivel up so it matches her face. You know she put off retirement so hillary could choose her replacement. How bitter is her last few years going to be. Love it and I don't mind if you call me bad things and maybe if you get real creative I will respond but, you better be ready cause I'll be in a happy place.

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