Trump just announced a National Program to Arm Trained School Personnel

1. Who is going to pay for them?

2. What if they want to unionize and want benefits and Republicans say no. You want to hand them a gun and tell them to go protect the children?

3. What if they hire a crazy who wants to "break the record".

4. What if they shoot a student and then claim they were "scared" of the student?

5. What if they are told to take down a student in the red shirt and shoot every student in a red shirt?

6. Can you pay them enough to be the first "target"?

You could go on and on.

But for the party from the land of tards that know there are already too many guns, all they hear is, "Yea, more guns. That will fix everything".

Oh noooo, what if the world ends tomorrow?
What does that have to do with paying for armed guards.

Republicans want to cut school lunches poor children and food stamps for veterans and healthcare for the elderly. No way they would want to pay for armed guards. How much would that cost for say, half a dozen and the equipment and uniforms they would need as well as Healthcare and other benefits?

Didn't think about that digatard.

Typical Leftist male bovine excrement with out a single link to offer for proof of ANY of it! :lame2:
You don't have Marines and other trained people who work in EVERY school.

I'm not wishing for it to happen, but I KNOW it will happen. We have police officers who are trained in how to use a gun and how to deal with tense situations, that still draw their gun and misuse their power in situations all the time.

This is still one of the best options. It's one hell of a deterrent.

There WILL be another school shooting. Unfortunately I can say that because there are so many lost children.
Have you noticed that these shootings are almost (if not) always Leftists, killing Leftists in Liberal areas?

Why IS that?
i dont think its a deterrent. May even turn out to be an attractant for glory seekers. My only thing is it may save more lives if its armed guards and not armed teachers.

Can you imagine kids who all of a sudden want the glory of pissing off a teacher so much that they get them to pull a gun on them? Or instead of suicide by cop, you get suicide by teacher?

if teachers are that weak wtf are they doing in our schools to begin with
Is there any end to the Orange Buffoons stupidity? What does he do for an encore, employ rapists as guards at his Miss Universe contest?

We understand. Would you like to show us on this doll where Mr Trump touched you inappropriately?

Oh, I know where he touched you. He fucked you up the arse nice and hard, which is probably why you can't stop smiling. Now, if he'd only done it to you, then fair play. But to sane America? Hardly seems fair....

How's that? You're side was the one who lost the election, wasn't it?

I'm not sick of winning yet. :biggrin:
1. Who is going to pay for them?

2. What if they want to unionize and want benefits and Republicans say no. You want to hand them a gun and tell them to go protect the children?

3. What if they hire a crazy who wants to "break the record".

4. What if they shoot a student and then claim they were "scared" of the student?

5. What if they are told to take down a student in the red shirt and shoot every student in a red shirt?

6. Can you pay them enough to be the first "target"?

You could go on and on.

But for the party from the land of tards that know there are already too many guns, all they hear is, "Yea, more guns. That will fix everything".

Oh noooo, what if the world ends tomorrow?
What does that have to do with paying for armed guards.

Republicans want to cut school lunches poor children and food stamps for veterans and healthcare for the elderly. No way they would want to pay for armed guards. How much would that cost for say, half a dozen and the equipment and uniforms they would need as well as Healthcare and other benefits?

Didn't think about that digatard.

Armed school security will supply their own uniforms and weapons. Having badges made and some handheld FRS radios are cheap. Also cheap would be installing a panic switch in the classrooms, that sends an alarm to a central location like the school office. Every teacher would be issued a key for it. The security guard's wages wouldn't cost that much either. I know several veterans who would love making $20-30 thousand dollars a year.

Fer Christ's sake. Most schools budget more than it would cost, in useless programs.
Why would they supply their own uniforms and weapons? Are you serious?

Second thought, they don't really need uniforms. Uniforms are a target. They should blend in.
You don't have Marines and other trained people who work in EVERY school.

I'm not wishing for it to happen, but I KNOW it will happen. We have police officers who are trained in how to use a gun and how to deal with tense situations, that still draw their gun and misuse their power in situations all the time.

This is still one of the best options. It's one hell of a deterrent.

There WILL be another school shooting. Unfortunately I can say that because there are so many lost children.
Have you noticed that these shootings are almost (if not) always Leftists, killing Leftists in Liberal areas?

Why IS that?
i dont think its a deterrent. May even turn out to be an attractant for glory seekers. My only thing is it may save more lives if its armed guards and not armed teachers.

Can you imagine kids who all of a sudden want the glory of pissing off a teacher so much that they get them to pull a gun on them? Or instead of suicide by cop, you get suicide by teacher?

if teachers are that weak wtf are they doing in our schools to begin with

People go into the field of education to... educate, not be school police officers.
You don't have Marines and other trained people who work in EVERY school.

I'm not wishing for it to happen, but I KNOW it will happen. We have police officers who are trained in how to use a gun and how to deal with tense situations, that still draw their gun and misuse their power in situations all the time.

This is still one of the best options. It's one hell of a deterrent.

There WILL be another school shooting. Unfortunately I can say that because there are so many lost children.
Have you noticed that these shootings are almost (if not) always Leftists, killing Leftists in Liberal areas?

Why IS that?
i dont think its a deterrent. May even turn out to be an attractant for glory seekers. My only thing is it may save more lives if its armed guards and not armed teachers.

Can you imagine kids who all of a sudden want the glory of pissing off a teacher so much that they get them to pull a gun on them? Or instead of suicide by cop, you get suicide by teacher?

if teachers are that weak wtf are they doing in our schools to begin with

People go into the field of education to... educate, not be school police officers.

no one is forced the fuck to do so ya idiot

they also do not go to school to helplessly watch a whacko mow down a bunch of kids and teachers

just because you are to afraid does not mean all teachers feel like you
You don't have Marines and other trained people who work in EVERY school.

I'm not wishing for it to happen, but I KNOW it will happen. We have police officers who are trained in how to use a gun and how to deal with tense situations, that still draw their gun and misuse their power in situations all the time.

This is still one of the best options. It's one hell of a deterrent.

There WILL be another school shooting. Unfortunately I can say that because there are so many lost children.
Have you noticed that these shootings are almost (if not) always Leftists, killing Leftists in Liberal areas?

Why IS that?

That's not true, and Cruz hated Blacks and was a Trump supporter.

Get real. If he was a racist, he sure sucked at it. I don't see a single black face in the list of victims..

These are the victims of the Florida school shooting - CNN

His adopted parents caught him writing I hate the "N" word on his back pack. He was often spotted wearing a MAGA Trump hat... in his shooting he was just trying to kill as many people as possible, not just certain students.

You attempted to make an argument, and failed miserably.

You're saying that in a school whose racial makeup consists of 11.5% blacks, he couldn't find a single black person to shoot?

Were they all playing hooky for Black History Month or something?
This is still one of the best options. It's one hell of a deterrent.

There WILL be another school shooting. Unfortunately I can say that because there are so many lost children.
Have you noticed that these shootings are almost (if not) always Leftists, killing Leftists in Liberal areas?

Why IS that?
i dont think its a deterrent. May even turn out to be an attractant for glory seekers. My only thing is it may save more lives if its armed guards and not armed teachers.

Can you imagine kids who all of a sudden want the glory of pissing off a teacher so much that they get them to pull a gun on them? Or instead of suicide by cop, you get suicide by teacher?

if teachers are that weak wtf are they doing in our schools to begin with

People go into the field of education to... educate, not be school police officers.

no one is forcing the fuck to do so ya idiot

they also do not go to school to helplessly watch a whacko mow down a bunch of kids and teachers

just because you are to afraid does not mean all teachers feel like you

Step away form the keyboard, and some back when you can post a coherent statement.

Teachers go to school to become educators. If they wanted to be police officer or in the military, then they probably would have chosen that career. Is that too difficult for you to understand?
No stupid. They (the states) are part of the US. Any executive order Obama would issue would need to be in line with the constitution.

Dude, please. Obama had very little respect for the constitution, and violated it more than several times. But he was a rank amateur at getting anything of substance done.

Donald Trump will show that rank amateur how to President, just watch him. :biggrin:
Dont deflect from your asinine comment. Tell us again how states passing stricter gun control has anything to do with Obama passing an executive order? What kind of retard are you? :rolleyes:

So tell me: Just what firearms legislation did Obama get passed? Executive orders? Memos? Anything?

Are you saying that he respected the Second Amendment and gun rights so much, that he didn't do anything?
I thought you could read? Didnt you read my first reply on the subject?

Just watch. Trump will show your goobers how it's done.
Oh...he's gonna be a mall cop?
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.

Awesome! Common Sense!
I know this is going to be radical but my feelings are to restrict access to the campus to begin with. We do it at airports and government buildings. Why not schools?

Yes, there are firearms that metal detectors cannot see but they are single shot and would eliminate the kind of slaughters we have seen.

A fence, controlled entrances, and armed guards are one hell of a lot less expensive than the life of one innocent child.
You don't have Marines and other trained people who work in EVERY school.

I'm not wishing for it to happen, but I KNOW it will happen. We have police officers who are trained in how to use a gun and how to deal with tense situations, that still draw their gun and misuse their power in situations all the time.

This is still one of the best options. It's one hell of a deterrent.

There WILL be another school shooting. Unfortunately I can say that because there are so many lost children.
Have you noticed that these shootings are almost (if not) always Leftists, killing Leftists in Liberal areas?

Why IS that?
i dont think its a deterrent. May even turn out to be an attractant for glory seekers. My only thing is it may save more lives if its armed guards and not armed teachers.

Can you imagine kids who all of a sudden want the glory of pissing off a teacher so much that they get them to pull a gun on them? Or instead of suicide by cop, you get suicide by teacher?

if teachers are that weak wtf are they doing in our schools to begin with
Weak? Seriously? How long have you been a teacher, Brave Sir Robin?
1. Who is going to pay for them?

2. What if they want to unionize and want benefits and Republicans say no. You want to hand them a gun and tell them to go protect the children?

3. What if they hire a crazy who wants to "break the record".

4. What if they shoot a student and then claim they were "scared" of the student?

5. What if they are told to take down a student in the red shirt and shoot every student in a red shirt?

6. Can you pay them enough to be the first "target"?

You could go on and on.

But for the party from the land of tards that know there are already too many guns, all they hear is, "Yea, more guns. That will fix everything".

Oh noooo, what if the world ends tomorrow?
What does that have to do with paying for armed guards.

Republicans want to cut school lunches poor children and food stamps for veterans and healthcare for the elderly. No way they would want to pay for armed guards. How much would that cost for say, half a dozen and the equipment and uniforms they would need as well as Healthcare and other benefits?

Didn't think about that digatard.

Armed school security will supply their own uniforms and weapons. Having badges made and some handheld FRS radios are cheap. Also cheap would be installing a panic switch in the classrooms, that sends an alarm to a central location like the school office. Every teacher would be issued a key for it. The security guard's wages wouldn't cost that much either. I know several veterans who would love making $20-30 thousand dollars a year.

Fer Christ's sake. Most schools budget more than it would cost, in useless programs.
Why would they supply their own uniforms and weapons? Are you serious?

Second thought, they don't really need uniforms. Uniforms are a target. They should blend in.
Look at you....all 21 Jump Street. :auiqs.jpg:
This is still one of the best options. It's one hell of a deterrent.

There WILL be another school shooting. Unfortunately I can say that because there are so many lost children.
Have you noticed that these shootings are almost (if not) always Leftists, killing Leftists in Liberal areas?

Why IS that?

That's not true, and Cruz hated Blacks and was a Trump supporter.

Get real. If he was a racist, he sure sucked at it. I don't see a single black face in the list of victims..

These are the victims of the Florida school shooting - CNN

His adopted parents caught him writing I hate the "N" word on his back pack. He was often spotted wearing a MAGA Trump hat... in his shooting he was just trying to kill as many people as possible, not just certain students.

You attempted to make an argument, and failed miserably.

You're saying that in a school whose racial makeup consists of 11.5% blacks, he couldn't find a single black person to shoot?

Were they all playing hooky for Black History Month or something?

So when did you stop beating off in the closet?
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.
Trump is an idiot.

This proposal is idiotic.

Not only will it fail to keep students safe, but it will result in more student deaths, shot by armed teachers who have no idea what they’re doing – regardless the ‘training.’

Just don't give guns to the liberal teachers.

Liberal teachers won't touch them for fear that they will become conservatives on contact.
1. Who is going to pay for them?

2. What if they want to unionize and want benefits and Republicans say no. You want to hand them a gun and tell them to go protect the children?

3. What if they hire a crazy who wants to "break the record".

4. What if they shoot a student and then claim they were "scared" of the student?

5. What if they are told to take down a student in the red shirt and shoot every student in a red shirt?

6. Can you pay them enough to be the first "target"?

You could go on and on.

But for the party from the land of tards that know there are already too many guns, all they hear is, "Yea, more guns. That will fix everything".

Oh noooo, what if the world ends tomorrow?
What does that have to do with paying for armed guards.

Republicans want to cut school lunches poor children and food stamps for veterans and healthcare for the elderly. No way they would want to pay for armed guards. How much would that cost for say, half a dozen and the equipment and uniforms they would need as well as Healthcare and other benefits?

Didn't think about that digatard.

Armed school security will supply their own uniforms and weapons. Having badges made and some handheld FRS radios are cheap. Also cheap would be installing a panic switch in the classrooms, that sends an alarm to a central location like the school office. Every teacher would be issued a key for it. The security guard's wages wouldn't cost that much either. I know several veterans who would love making $20-30 thousand dollars a year.

Fer Christ's sake. Most schools budget more than it would cost, in useless programs.

At 30K a year, they would be making more than some teachers!
I know this is going to be radical but my feelings are to restrict access to the campus to begin with. We do it at airports and government buildings. Why not schools?

Yes, there are firearms that metal detectors cannot see but they are single shot and would eliminate the kind of slaughters we have seen.

A fence, controlled entrances, and armed guards are one hell of a lot less expensive than the life of one innocent child.

Winner! It's painfully evident that the left really doesn't care about the lives of school children. When you offer suggestions, they claim "It's too expensive" to implement those protective measures.

Yet they never consider how much more expensive hospital bills, funerals, and broken lives are. If anyone is to blame for these school shootings, it would be the left for their rabid and irrational anti-gun stance.
You don't have Marines and other trained people who work in EVERY school.

I'm not wishing for it to happen, but I KNOW it will happen. We have police officers who are trained in how to use a gun and how to deal with tense situations, that still draw their gun and misuse their power in situations all the time.

This is still one of the best options. It's one hell of a deterrent.

There WILL be another school shooting. Unfortunately I can say that because there are so many children not getting the family environment and care they need.
Have you noticed that these shootings are almost (if not) always Leftists, killing Leftists in Liberal areas?

Why IS that?

False assumption.

Western KY is not a liberal utopia but has seen two school shootings.

Today, at the middle school next door to where I used to teach at the high school, a 14 year-old was arrested with a large knife after he admitted that he brought it to school to kill his fellow students.

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