Trump issues new rule ensuring prayer in schools is protected


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(WT) – President Trump issued updated rules Thursday to ensure that public school students are allowed to engage in constitutionally protected prayer, calling his action “the Right to Pray.” “Government must never stand between the people and God,” the president said during an Oval Office meeting with students of faith from across the country. Mr. Trump warned that there is a “growing totalitarian” bent on the Left against religion. He said blocking prayer in schools “is totally unacceptable.”

Trump issues new rule ensuring prayer in schools is protected


Yaaaay . and I hope you pricks get your panties inn a huge bunch too bahahhaah
(WT) – President Trump issued updated rules Thursday to ensure that public school students are allowed to engage in constitutionally protected prayer, calling his action “the Right to Pray.” “Government must never stand between the people and God,” the president said during an Oval Office meeting with students of faith from across the country. Mr. Trump warned that there is a “growing totalitarian” bent on the Left against religion. He said blocking prayer in schools “is totally unacceptable.”

Trump issues new rule ensuring prayer in schools is protected


Yaaaay . and I hope you pricks get your panties inn a huge bunch too bahahhaah

Honestly, do you even read the articles that you post? Says right in the Washington Times article that the ACLU themselves state the the directive doesn't really change what was implemented under GW in 2003. And let's face it, are we really going to take what the piously humble, God fearing President Trump has to say on religion? You know, the guy who cheated on his wife with porn stars and Playboy models and then paid them off to keep them quiet? Or the guy that bragged about sexually assaulting women and passed it off as locker room talk? That guy?

Seriously, like all things Trump, a lot of bluster but nothing really changes. Story of his presidency. No one is getting their bloomers in a bunch over this.
(WT) – President Trump issued updated rules Thursday to ensure that public school students are allowed to engage in constitutionally protected prayer, calling his action “the Right to Pray.” “Government must never stand between the people and God,” the president said during an Oval Office meeting with students of faith from across the country. Mr. Trump warned that there is a “growing totalitarian” bent on the Left against religion. He said blocking prayer in schools “is totally unacceptable.”
Trump issues new rule ensuring prayer in schools is protected
Yaaaay . and I hope you pricks get your panties inn a huge bunch too bahahhaah

Trump is merely reaffirming what the Constitution already says but which the Progressives are always testing and pushing to the limit:

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE, not separation of Church FROM state!

Put simply, not that state was to be atheistic with no mention, devoid of god, but that the state was to have no say in or influence over how people worshiped their God! And since God and religion is a subject of knowledge, learning and education, it cannot be singularly excluded from the learning environment: SCHOOL.

If the Progs can't handle that, it is time they maybe get out of the business of education, which is a direct conflict of interest that the state has no business being in the first place.

I'm aware of no article of the Constitution that puts the federal government in charge of molding children's minds, attitudes and opinions.
My God lives in little flowers and grows from the ground. I agree with his Trumpybearness "Government must never stand between the me and my God"
(WT) – President Trump issued updated rules Thursday to ensure that public school students are allowed to engage in constitutionally protected prayer, calling his action “the Right to Pray.” “Government must never stand between the people and God,” the president said during an Oval Office meeting with students of faith from across the country. Mr. Trump warned that there is a “growing totalitarian” bent on the Left against religion. He said blocking prayer in schools “is totally unacceptable.”

Trump issues new rule ensuring prayer in schools is protected


Yaaaay . and I hope you pricks get your panties inn a huge bunch too bahahhaah already was.
I am just glad all kids can pray in school the God of his or her choice....


Since Obama had stopped all prayers... Trump has brought prayer back to our country....
Trump can’t decide what is and isn’t constitutional by executive fiat despite Trumpers worshipping Trump as a demi-god and above the Constitution and law.
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