Trump Is Right!!!

Trump hates any woman who actually stands up to him. He's a textbook misogynist, adoring women until they actually speak and show independent thought. I really hope Carrie Prejean speaks up and exposes Trump for the asshole he really is to women.

I have read that all three of Trumps previous wives were strong willed women who gave him shit on a daily basis and now his daughter Ivanka does as well.

His compliments are a way of placating his women to get them off his back.

You don't see the obvious problem that proves my point?

Yo, I saw your point, but Trump is a BIG BOY, he can take care of himself


Apparently he can't. Apparently he can't even handle a beautiful, blonde news anchor asking him some uncomfortable questions without becoming vindictive and nasty. You're right that he's a "big boy" and that's how I think of him, as an overgrown child. But the Branch Trumpidians will defend him no matter what he does and says. It's the same cultists who supported Ron Paul.
You're wrong. Trump has good POLICIES. Immigration, taxes, trade, guns, safe zone for refugees, etc.
Yo, I think you are mistaken? They see Trump as a True Leader, unlike Obama, who has destroyed parts of the Country and other Countries!!! Can we get more about the blonde who asked questions? And exactly what questions? I`m waiting?

View attachment 53091
She was part of a GOP conspiracy to take Trump out of the Presidential race. Not so much the case anymore with her, but the GOP establishment is just gearing up for it.
Yo, I noticed myself, Megyn has gotten to big for her panties, and thinks she is the Queen of Fox News! I stopped watching her biased show a couple of months ago! Go Trump!!!

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by JOHN NOLTE19 Oct 20151,048

Apparently, the feud between Donald Trump and Fox News has now morphed into one where Trump can say whatever he wants and Fox News will still allow him to come on the network to pitch his case to voters. Case in point: Sunday afternoon, Trump told his supporters to stop watching Megyn Kelly’s primetime show. Nevertheless, the Republican frontrunner still appeared as a much-publicized guest (by phone) on Fox and Friends the next morning:

Trump to Supporters: Stop Watching Megyn Kelly - Breitbart

View attachment 52863


Trump hates any woman who actually stands up to him. He's a textbook misogynist, adoring women until they actually speak and show independent thought. I really hope Carrie Prejean speaks up and exposes Trump for the asshole he really is to women.

I have read that all three of Trumps previous wives were strong willed women who gave him shit on a daily basis and now his daughter Ivanka does as well.

His compliments are a way of placating his women to get them off his back.

You don't see the obvious problem that proves my point?

Yo, I saw your point, but Trump is a BIG BOY, he can take care of himself


Apparently he can't. Apparently he can't even handle a beautiful, blonde news anchor asking him some uncomfortable questions without becoming vindictive and nasty. You're right that he's a "big boy" and that's how I think of him, as an overgrown child. But the Branch Trumpidians will defend him no matter what he does and says. It's the same cultists who supported Ron Paul.
You're wrong. Trump has good POLICIES. Immigration, taxes, trade, guns, safe zone for refugees, etc.

You're wrong. Trump has good POLICIES. Immigration, taxes, trade, guns, safe zone for refugees, etc.....OH OH OH and don't forget a cure for Cancer, global warming, HIV and world hunger and he also has a wonderful bridge outside of Jersey to sell you nuts too.....
Trump hates any woman who actually stands up to him. He's a textbook misogynist, adoring women until they actually speak and show independent thought. I really hope Carrie Prejean speaks up and exposes Trump for the asshole he really is to women.

I have read that all three of Trumps previous wives were strong willed women who gave him shit on a daily basis and now his daughter Ivanka does as well.

His compliments are a way of placating his women to get them off his back.

You don't see the obvious problem that proves my point?

Yo, I saw your point, but Trump is a BIG BOY, he can take care of himself


Apparently he can't. Apparently he can't even handle a beautiful, blonde news anchor asking him some uncomfortable questions without becoming vindictive and nasty. You're right that he's a "big boy" and that's how I think of him, as an overgrown child. But the Branch Trumpidians will defend him no matter what he does and says. It's the same cultists who supported Ron Paul.
You're wrong. Trump has good POLICIES. Immigration, taxes, trade, guns, safe zone for refugees, etc.
We don't know that. Except for taxes, he's been quite taciturn on what he would do overseas. One gets the impression he has no clue how to run foreign policy and is trying to hide his ineptitude.
We don't know that. Except for taxes, he's been quite taciturn on what he would do overseas. One gets the impression he has no clue how to run foreign policy and is trying to hide his ineptitude.

I think Trump has made it clear that he wants to pursue foreign policy goals by using local strong men in the region to maintain control, pretty much like our foreign policy has been up until Obamy took power.
We don't know that. Except for taxes, he's been quite taciturn on what he would do overseas. One gets the impression he has no clue how to run foreign policy and is trying to hide his ineptitude.

I think Trump has made it clear that he wants to pursue foreign policy goals by using local strong men in the region to maintain control, pretty much like our foreign policy has been up until Obamy took power.

No, Trump has not made ANYTHING clear. No clear plan on how to deal with ISIS. In fact, he made a lame excuse for his glaring lack of specificity by saying we shouldn't tip off the enemy by advertising our plans.

He's actually beginning to sound like a politician. How disappointing!
No, Trump has not made ANYTHING clear. No clear plan on how to deal with ISIS. In fact, he made a lame excuse for his glaring lack of specificity by saying we shouldn't tip off the enemy by advertising our plans.

Sure he has.

The Donald Trump doctrine: 'Assad is bad' but US must stop 'nation-building'
Stop nation building efforts and mind our own business, address our own problems and only intervene in the worst cases like ISIS.
Focus on saving money and reducing debt.
Strong support for the state of Israel.
Work with other successful nations and adopt their most successful policies and practices.

Trump on Foreign Affairs
Quite appeasing dictators.
He advocates that we should be deal-makers instead of chess players.
Deal-makers can put our interests first, know when to back off, when to be tough and never settle for less than America deserves.
No more free rides: Trump believes that if countries want our help they should have something to give in return other than vague promises of 'working toward democracy'. They need us more than we need them; we should use our leverage to benefit everyone but especially ourselves.
No, Trump has not made ANYTHING clear. No clear plan on how to deal with ISIS. In fact, he made a lame excuse for his glaring lack of specificity by saying we shouldn't tip off the enemy by advertising our plans.

Sure he has.

The Donald Trump doctrine: 'Assad is bad' but US must stop 'nation-building'
Stop nation building efforts and mind our own business, address our own problems and only intervene in the worst cases like ISIS.
Focus on saving money and reducing debt.
Strong support for the state of Israel.
Work with other successful nations and adopt their most successful policies and practices.

Trump on Foreign Affairs
Quite appeasing dictators.
He advocates that we should be deal-makers instead of chess players.
Deal-makers can put our interests first, know when to back off, when to be tough and never settle for less than America deserves.
No more free rides: Trump believes that if countries want our help they should have something to give in return other than vague promises of 'working toward democracy'. They need us more than we need them; we should use our leverage to benefit everyone but especially ourselves.

You need to extend yourself a little more because you're sounding like a Trump cultist. All you listed is highly generalized criticisms, not an actual plan. In fact, nothing he says is new, Ron Paul has been peddling this crap for years now.

Here's what he did say, precisely what I told you he said:

“What are you going to do about ISIS? What are you going to do against this one? You want to have a certain amount of—uh—you want to have a little guesswork for the enemy,” Trump said, seemingly taking a note from the Nixonian doctrine of foreign policy.

“I just don’t want to be telling people—and this is, by the way—this has nothing to do with lack of knowledge because I know as much about Pakistan as most other people. But I will tell you, I don’t want to broadcast my intentions.”

Donald Trump’s New Foreign Policy: Say Nothing

So no, Trump is not laying out a foreign policy roadmap and yes I was correct in saying he made a lame excuse for not answering specific questions.

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