Trump Is Right About Screening Out Muslims


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Trump doesn't HAVE any hatred of Muslims. He is simply doing the RESPONSIBLE thing that every president of the US and member of congress is required to do. That is to PROTECT the American people. Right now ISIS is the # 1 threat to America, even worse than in World War II (when nuclear weapons were not in the picture).

Screening immigrants by Muslim category, is not only proper, it is mandatory, and anything less would be irresponsible and crazy. Frankly, I see no reason to currently be having ANY immigration into the US, when the country is badly overpopulated, and immigration is carrying a long list of harms with it, in addition to the possibilty (probability) of terrorism coming into the US, as we've already seen with 9-11 and the San Bernardino attacks.

People need to get off their high horses about discrimination, and start worrying about national SURVIVAL.

Wanna talk about ethnic discrimination ? Sure, How about Affirmative Action against Whites, for 50 years now ? (which I have never lowered myself to be a beneficiary of)
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Trump doesn't HAVE any hatred of Muslims. He is simply doing the RESPONSIBLE thing that every president of the US and member of congress is required to do. That is to PROTECT the American people. Right now ISIS is the # 1 threat to America, even worse than in World War II (when nuclear weapons were not in the picture).

Screening immigrants by Muslim category, is not only proper, it is mandatory, and anything less would be irresponsible and crazy. Frankly, I see no reason to currently be having ANY immigration into the US, when the country is badly overpopulated, and immigration is carrying a long list of harms with it, in addition to the possibilty (probability) of terrorism coming in to the US, as we've already seen with 9-11 and the San Bernardino attacks.

People need to get off their high horses about discrimination, and start worrying about national SURVIVAL.

Wanna talk about this discrimination ? Sure, How about Affirmative Action against Whites, for 50 years now ? (which I have never lowered myself to be a beneficiary of)

Yes, Adolf Trump is right.................................................................................................................................FAR RIGHT.
Trump doesn't HAVE any hatred of Muslims. He is simply doing the RESPONSIBLE thing that every president of the US and member of congress is required to do. That is to PROTECT the American people. Right now ISIS is the # 1 threat to America, even worse than in World War II (when nuclear weapons were not in the picture).

Screening immigrants by Muslim category, is not only proper, it is mandatory, and anything less would be irresponsible and crazy. Frankly, I see no reason to currently be having ANY immigration into the US, when the country is badly overpopulated, and immigration is carrying a long list of harms with it, in addition to the possibilty (probability) of terrorism coming in to the US, as we've already seen with 9-11 and the San Bernardino attacks.

People need to get off their high horses about discrimination, and start worrying about national SURVIVAL.

Wanna talk about this discrimination ? Sure, How about Affirmative Action against Whites, for 50 years now ? (which I have never lowered myself to be a beneficiary of)

As a group Trump has spoken in very prejudicial terms of minorities, "but he has people who love him". Individually he might have friends among minorities, but that does not mean he is not in many ways a bigot. People that prove their worth, fine. People at the bottom become "them" with criminal, terrorist and less than honorable ties.

He might not consider his behavior but the rest of the country is watching. I think many are sick to their eyeballs with the PC police gagging them. We seek to find others not afraid of language. It is a hard road for any politician, especially one that so many want to be real and not canned party approved speeches that all sound the same, insincere.

The fact Trump seem to be teflon despite his mouth is something new and everyone is watching for the crash. Oddly he keeps gaining speed.

It's an interesting show, and everyone is watching. Reality TV hits the political stage. We root for favorites and want to vote others out. Not politics as usual.
Trump doesn't HAVE any hatred of Muslims. He is simply doing the RESPONSIBLE thing that every president of the US and member of congress is required to do. That is to PROTECT the American people. Right now ISIS is the # 1 threat to America, even worse than in World War II (when nuclear weapons were not in the picture).

Screening immigrants by Muslim category, is not only proper, it is mandatory, and anything less would be irresponsible and crazy. Frankly, I see no reason to currently be having ANY immigration into the US, when the country is badly overpopulated, and immigration is carrying a long list of harms with it, in addition to the possibilty (probability) of terrorism coming in to the US, as we've already seen with 9-11 and the San Bernardino attacks.

People need to get off their high horses about discrimination, and start worrying about national SURVIVAL.

Wanna talk about this discrimination ? Sure, How about Affirmative Action against Whites, for 50 years now ? (which I have never lowered myself to be a beneficiary of)

As a group Trump has spoken in very prejudicial terms of minorities, "but he has people who love him". Individually he might have friends among minorities, but that does not mean he is not in many ways a bigot. People that prove their worth, fine. People at the bottom become "them" with criminal, terrorist and less than honorable ties.

He might not consider his behavior but the rest of the country is watching. I think many are sick to their eyeballs with the PC police gagging them. We seek to find others not afraid of language. It is a hard road for any politician, especially one that so many want to be real and not canned party approved speeches that all sound the same, insincere.

The fact Trump seem to be teflon despite his mouth is something new and everyone is watching for the crash. Oddly he keeps gaining speed.

It's an interesting show, and everyone is watching. Reality TV hits the political stage. We root for favorites and want to vote others out. Not politics as usual.
I see no bigotry from Trump, and those who say they do, are lying. It is merely a ploy to try to derail him, and raise their own candidates.
Yes, Adolf Trump is right.................................................................................................................................FAR RIGHT.
HOW ABOUT Adolph Carter who blocked immigration of Iranians during his crises with the Muslim mulah?

Btw. Presidents have a right and obligation to restrict immigration of whomever they need to restrict. Once again, the bigotry comes from your side.
And Drumpf's "plan" is very impressive. What a " idea to just ask them at the border -

Are you Muslim?

If they say yes, don't let them in.

The guy is brilliant.

BTW, our vetting for refugees currently includes more than 19 layers of inquiry and takes up to two years. LyinRyan's vetting "plan" would weaken that.

If only we had Drumpf in the WH - we could just ASK THEM if they're terrorists.

Meanwhile, the RWNJs agree with the NRA/GOP that we should be handing out AR-15s to known and suspected terrorists.

(You RWNJs are just plain stupid.)

Trump tells MSNBC: We’d screen Muslims by asking them, “Are you Muslim?”
Trump doesn't HAVE any hatred of Muslims. He is simply doing the RESPONSIBLE thing that every president of the US and member of congress is required to do. That is to PROTECT the American people. Right now ISIS is the # 1 threat to America, even worse than in World War II (when nuclear weapons were not in the picture).

Screening immigrants by Muslim category, is not only proper, it is mandatory, and anything less would be irresponsible and crazy. Frankly, I see no reason to currently be having ANY immigration into the US, when the country is badly overpopulated, and immigration is carrying a long list of harms with it, in addition to the possibilty (probability) of terrorism coming in to the US, as we've already seen with 9-11 and the San Bernardino attacks.

People need to get off their high horses about discrimination, and start worrying about national SURVIVAL.

Wanna talk about this discrimination ? Sure, How about Affirmative Action against Whites, for 50 years now ? (which I have never lowered myself to be a beneficiary of)

As a group Trump has spoken in very prejudicial terms of minorities, "but he has people who love him". Individually he might have friends among minorities, but that does not mean he is not in many ways a bigot. People that prove their worth, fine. People at the bottom become "them" with criminal, terrorist and less than honorable ties.

He might not consider his behavior but the rest of the country is watching. I think many are sick to their eyeballs with the PC police gagging them. We seek to find others not afraid of language. It is a hard road for any politician, especially one that so many want to be real and not canned party approved speeches that all sound the same, insincere.

The fact Trump seem to be teflon despite his mouth is something new and everyone is watching for the crash. Oddly he keeps gaining speed.

It's an interesting show, and everyone is watching. Reality TV hits the political stage. We root for favorites and want to vote others out. Not politics as usual.
I see no bigotry from Trump, and those who say they do, are lying. It is merely a ploy to try to derail him, and raise their own candidates.

Of course you don't. But then again you also don't believe the Old Testament is part of the Bible.

Trump is an opportunistic bigot- I don't think he believes he believes any of the crap he says to excite bigots like you- but he knows anything he says against Muslims will make you vote for him.

But the bigots love Trump- and they love Trump because they are saying what they want a candidate to say
  • “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. .... They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
And Drumpf's "plan" is very impressive. What a " idea to just ask them at the border -

Are you Muslim?

If they say yes, don't let them in.

The guy is brilliant.

BTW, our vetting for refugees currently includes more than 19 layers of inquiry and takes up to two years. LyinRyan's vetting "plan" would weaken that.

If only we had Drumpf in the WH - we could just ASK THEM if they're terrorists.

Meanwhile, the RWNJs agree with the NRA/GOP that we should be handing out AR-15s to known and suspected terrorists.

(You RWNJs are just plain stupid.)

Trump tells MSNBC: We’d screen Muslims by asking them, “Are you Muslim?”
Take your chill pills. No matter who is president it will be worked out how to keep Muslims from coming in. Nothing is 100% perfect, but we can do a lot to protect ourselves. It's simple. Don't let ANYONE in. Why should we ? We're already grossly overpopulated. Last thing we need is more people clogging our congested highways, schoolrooms, hospitals, etc. And giving us more pollution, crime, foreign diseases. And using up more of our scarce resources (jobs, food, fresh water, oil, minerals, electricity, etc)

:chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill:
Of course you don't. But then again you also don't believe the Old Testament is part of the Bible.

Trump is an opportunistic bigot- I don't think he believes he believes any of the crap he says to excite bigots like you- but he knows anything he says against Muslims will make you vote for him.

But the bigots love Trump- and they love Trump because they are saying what they want a candidate to say
  • “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. .... They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
I'm not a bigot. Trump's not a bigot. And there's obviously nothing bigoted about the quote you posted. And you're not a very good liar.
Trump doesn't HAVE any hatred of Muslims. He is simply doing the RESPONSIBLE thing that every president of the US and member of congress is required to do. That is to PROTECT the American people. Right now ISIS is the # 1 threat to America, even worse than in World War II (when nuclear weapons were not in the picture).

Screening immigrants by Muslim category, is not only proper, it is mandatory, and anything less would be irresponsible and crazy. Frankly, I see no reason to currently be having ANY immigration into the US, when the country is badly overpopulated, and immigration is carrying a long list of harms with it, in addition to the possibilty (probability) of terrorism coming into the US, as we've already seen with 9-11 and the San Bernardino attacks.

People need to get off their high horses about discrimination, and start worrying about national SURVIVAL.

Wanna talk about ethnic discrimination ? Sure, How about Affirmative Action against Whites, for 50 years now ? (which I have never lowered myself to be a beneficiary of)

He didn't say "screening", he said all.
Trump doesn't HAVE any hatred of Muslims. He is simply doing the RESPONSIBLE thing that every president of the US and member of congress is required to do. That is to PROTECT the American people. Right now ISIS is the # 1 threat to America, even worse than in World War II (when nuclear weapons were not in the picture).

Screening immigrants by Muslim category, is not only proper, it is mandatory, and anything less would be irresponsible and crazy. Frankly, I see no reason to currently be having ANY immigration into the US, when the country is badly overpopulated, and immigration is carrying a long list of harms with it, in addition to the possibilty (probability) of terrorism coming into the US, as we've already seen with 9-11 and the San Bernardino attacks.

People need to get off their high horses about discrimination, and start worrying about national SURVIVAL.

Wanna talk about ethnic discrimination ? Sure, How about Affirmative Action against Whites, for 50 years now ? (which I have never lowered myself to be a beneficiary of)

So all Muslims pose a threat to the US?

Should the US do whatever it takes to deal with anyone who is a potential threat to any American?

Wait, that would be gun owners, they're all a "potential threat" and therefore should be locked up in concentration camps.

That's basically the "logic" coming from this.
Of course you don't. But then again you also don't believe the Old Testament is part of the Bible.

Trump is an opportunistic bigot- I don't think he believes he believes any of the crap he says to excite bigots like you- but he knows anything he says against Muslims will make you vote for him.

But the bigots love Trump- and they love Trump because they are saying what they want a candidate to say
  • “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. .... They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
I'm not a bigot. Trump's not a bigot. And there's obviously nothing bigoted about the quote you posted. And you're not a very good liar.

Trump's not a bigot, he's just trying really hard to get the votes of bigots by saying bigoted things.
So all Muslims pose a threat to the US?

Should the US do whatever it takes to deal with anyone who is a potential threat to any American?

Wait, that would be gun owners, they're all a "potential threat" and therefore should be locked up in concentration camps.

That's basically the "logic" coming from this.
No, that's your liberal, backasswards, twisted illogic. It's just the opposite. The law-abiding, permit carrying gun owners are your PROTECTION from those who are a threat. If they would have been in the social services center in San Bernardino, or in the concert hall in Paris when the terrorists struck, the damage would have been very limited, as the terroists would have gone down immediatley, in a hail of hollow point bullets.

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