Trump is cleaning up in the polls

Donald Trump will lose the primary, that is certain. However, if the GOP doesn't learn from him, they deserve to lose.

Trump is unapologetic, unintimidated, and says what he means and means what he says. IOW, he's a leader who has a spine and a set of balls. Something lacking in the GOP.

I dont think it has a thing to do with the GOP learning fact it appears to be going as planned.
The GOP screwed us royal after the midterms,and they know it.
There's no mistaking what the voters wanted,yet they totally ignored the people that put them there.
And now they're doing it again.
This time it's even more egregious with the proof of Trumps popularity staring the GOP in the face,yet they still ignore the will of the people.

Right. If the GOP does not pay attention and understand why the people are supporting Trump, then we could end up with the hildebeast. If the american people allow that bitch to sit in the oval office, then this country is over, done, finished.

You guys said that about Obama.

Tell the truth, this country is not over even if Sanders was elected President.

You just want to punish the GOP establishment for something

And look at the damage he's done in six and a half years.
And no it's not about punishment,it's about their total failure to heed the words of their constituents.
Punishment doesnt even enter into the equation.
People are really tired of professional "establishment" politicians who make huge promises, then go to Washington and do absolutely nothing. Trump is tapping in to that frustration (and to a lesser extent so is Berrnie Sanders) Whether he can maintain his momentum remains to be seen, but at this point it's all Trump all the time.

Supporting Donald Trump for president because you're frustrated with professional politicians makes about as much sense as hiring a con man as your financial adviser because you're frustrated with stock brokers. Trump offers nothing but promises, no track record, no experience, no education, and no support from his party.

And how good are his promises? Ask the investors and creditors he screwed in his bankruptcies, his employees that were promised 401Ks, his tenants that sued him, and his ex-wives.

You could also ask his ex-partners in the USFL....
Yes, this is something Trump supporters prefer to ignore. Trump simply lacks creditably. His business relations are about as stable as his marriages. He has had so many law suits, I don't think there is accurate count.

In 2008, Trump supported John McCain to the limit. John McCain could do nothing wrong. Within 4 years, John McCain was dog shit as far Trump was concerned. One day he's praising Paul Ryan, the next day he thinks he should resign. I don't think there is a single congressional leader that would trust Trump and that's really serious because in congress, trust is everything.

You're blinded with fear.

Hillary is the one with the "trust" problem.
Donald Trump will lose the primary, that is certain. However, if the GOP doesn't learn from him, they deserve to lose.

Trump is unapologetic, unintimidated, and says what he means and means what he says. IOW, he's a leader who has a spine and a set of balls. Something lacking in the GOP.

I dont think it has a thing to do with the GOP learning fact it appears to be going as planned.
The GOP screwed us royal after the midterms,and they know it.
There's no mistaking what the voters wanted,yet they totally ignored the people that put them there.
And now they're doing it again.
This time it's even more egregious with the proof of Trumps popularity staring the GOP in the face,yet they still ignore the will of the people.

You are essentially saying the same thing as I am and I totally agree with you. You agree that the GOP needs to grow a set too right?
Donald Trump will lose the primary, that is certain. However, if the GOP doesn't learn from him, they deserve to lose.

Trump is unapologetic, unintimidated, and says what he means and means what he says. IOW, he's a leader who has a spine and a set of balls. Something lacking in the GOP.

I dont think it has a thing to do with the GOP learning fact it appears to be going as planned.
The GOP screwed us royal after the midterms,and they know it.
There's no mistaking what the voters wanted,yet they totally ignored the people that put them there.
And now they're doing it again.
This time it's even more egregious with the proof of Trumps popularity staring the GOP in the face,yet they still ignore the will of the people.

Right. If the GOP does not pay attention and understand why the people are supporting Trump, then we could end up with the hildebeast. If the american people allow that bitch to sit in the oval office, then this country is over, done, finished.

I'm sure it's already too late. Obama pretty much nailed the coffin shut.
Donald Trump will lose the primary, that is certain. However, if the GOP doesn't learn from him, they deserve to lose.

Trump is unapologetic, unintimidated, and says what he means and means what he says. IOW, he's a leader who has a spine and a set of balls. Something lacking in the GOP.

I dont think it has a thing to do with the GOP learning fact it appears to be going as planned.
The GOP screwed us royal after the midterms,and they know it.
There's no mistaking what the voters wanted,yet they totally ignored the people that put them there.
And now they're doing it again.
This time it's even more egregious with the proof of Trumps popularity staring the GOP in the face,yet they still ignore the will of the people.

You are essentially saying the same thing as I am and I totally agree with you. You agree that the GOP needs to grow a set too right?

hell yes! Republicans have to stop apologizing for being conservative.
People are really tired of professional "establishment" politicians who make huge promises, then go to Washington and do absolutely nothing. Trump is tapping in to that frustration (and to a lesser extent so is Berrnie Sanders) Whether he can maintain his momentum remains to be seen, but at this point it's all Trump all the time.

Yes. I agree that 'people are really tired of professional 'establishment' politicians' - especially the scions of Political Family Dynasties (Bush, Clinton, Romney, et al).

And I agree that Sanders is also benefiting (to some appreciable extent) from the same Voter Exhaustion (Digust?) syndrome.

Political hacks on both sides of the aisle really don't "get it".

Meanwhile, the nation's favorite Big Mouth continues to make inroads in the polls.

Trump's rise will probably not last... he'll put his foot in his mouth again, soon enough, in an even worse way than he did with McSame, I'm sure.

But, while he lasts, he teaches the rest of the Clown Car - on both sides of the aisle - a couple of important lessons.

1. Americans are goddamned sick-and-tired of our wussbag approach to dealing with Illegal Aliens and pandering or vote-whoring to Hispanics over it

2. Americans, at present, want and need somebody who will take off the gloves, and cut the bullshit, and tell things like they are, in a way Americans want to hear

Mind you, few - if any- of the gutless, nutless wonders we now have up for consideration, are capable of manifesting those attributes, in an inspiring manner.

But, just as (Ney? Bonaparte?) said that a Marshall's baton may lie lurking within a private's knapsack... perhaps one of these Gutless Wonders (on either side) will surprise us.

We can always hope.
Yup, any of the other 'clowns.' Well said. But that includes all Democratic clowns as well. Besides maybe Rand Paul, he's the best candidate out there. Period.
People are really tired of professional "establishment" politicians who make huge promises, then go to Washington and do absolutely nothing. Trump is tapping in to that frustration (and to a lesser extent so is Berrnie Sanders) Whether he can maintain his momentum remains to be seen, but at this point it's all Trump all the time.

Supporting Donald Trump for president because you're frustrated with professional politicians makes about as much sense as hiring a con man as your financial adviser because you're frustrated with stock brokers. Trump offers nothing but promises, no track record, no experience, no education, and no support from his party.

And how good are his promises? Ask the investors and creditors he screwed in his bankruptcies, his employees that were promised 401Ks, his tenants that sued him, and his ex-wives.

You could also ask his ex-partners in the USFL....
Yes, this is something Trump supporters prefer to ignore. Trump simply lacks creditably. His business relations are about as stable as his marriages. He has had so many law suits, I don't think there is accurate count.

In 2008, Trump supported John McCain to the limit. John McCain could do nothing wrong. Within 4 years, John McCain was dog shit as far Trump was concerned. One day he's praising Paul Ryan, the next day he thinks he should resign. I don't think there is a single congressional leader that would trust Trump and that's really serious because in congress, trust is everything.

You're blinded with fear.

Hillary is the one with the "trust" problem.

Oh...okay. LOL.
People are really tired of professional "establishment" politicians who make huge promises, then go to Washington and do absolutely nothing. Trump is tapping in to that frustration (and to a lesser extent so is Berrnie Sanders) Whether he can maintain his momentum remains to be seen, but at this point it's all Trump all the time.

Yes. I agree that 'people are really tired of professional 'establishment' politicians' - especially the scions of Political Family Dynasties (Bush, Clinton, Romney, et al).

And I agree that Sanders is also benefiting (to some appreciable extent) from the same Voter Exhaustion (Digust?) syndrome.

Political hacks on both sides of the aisle really don't "get it".

Meanwhile, the nation's favorite Big Mouth continues to make inroads in the polls.

Trump's rise will probably not last... he'll put his foot in his mouth again, soon enough, in an even worse way than he did with McSame, I'm sure.

But, while he lasts, he teaches the rest of the Clown Car - on both sides of the aisle - a couple of important lessons.

1. Americans are goddamned sick-and-tired of our wussbag approach to dealing with Illegal Aliens and pandering or vote-whoring to Hispanics over it

2. Americans, at present, want and need somebody who will take off the gloves, and cut the bullshit, and tell things like they are, in a way Americans want to hear

Mind you, few - if any- of the gutless, nutless wonders we now have up for consideration, are capable of manifesting those attributes, in an inspiring manner.

But, just as (Ney? Bonaparte?) said that a Marshall's baton may lie lurking within a private's knapsack... perhaps one of these Gutless Wonders (on either side) will surprise us.

We can always hope.

Wrong. Basically, as Graham said, Trump is an accident on the highway everyone is looking at. A few miles down the road, nobody will remember it's virtues and everyone will be going 10 miles over the speed limit again.

Illegal Immigration (before Trump) polls at about 3% in terms of what is most important to Americans according to Gallup. As for "telling things like they are", I hope you were going for comedy. Basically, he's just insulted people in the same way a stand-up comedian has. He hasn't stated one thing he would do differently that has any practical application in the real world. "The way things are" are like that for a reason; we (as a people) want more government than we are willing to pay for. He has zero idea on how to square that circle (not that anyone else does either).

Telling people what they want to hear is also a good political move. I don't know how you think that "telling people what they want to hear" is "cutting through the bullshit" but that's your deal.
...Wrong. Basically, as Graham said, Trump is an accident on the highway everyone is looking at. A few miles down the road, nobody will remember it's virtues and everyone will be going 10 miles over the speed limit again...
Well said. Wtong, but very well said. I stand by my observation that people are tired of pussy-footing around with Illegals.

...Illegal Immigration (before Trump) polls at about 3% in terms of what is most important to Americans according to Gallup...
And there's the key, mine good colleague.


As in... people had forgotten just how pissed off they were over such things, until a genuine shit-stirrer showed-up and stirred the pot again. You and I don't differ all that much with respect to the trigger or prime mover in this (Trump), but we do differ with respect to the reliability of polls regarding Illegal Aliens and the depth of negativity felt on that topic.

...As for "telling things like they are", I hope you were going for comedy. Basically, he's just insulted people in the same way a stand-up comedian has. He hasn't stated one thing he would do differently that has any practical application in the real world. "The way things are" are like that for a reason; we (as a people) want more government than we are willing to pay for. He has zero idea on how to square that circle (not that anyone else does either)...
Oh, I'm not saying that he has viable solutions... merely that he's turning a spotlight on various problems and not pulling any punches like the rest of the bipartisan clown car is.

...Telling people what they want to hear is also a good political move. I don't know how you think that "telling people what they want to hear" is "cutting through the bullshit" but that's your deal.
Hmmmmm... perhaps it might better be expressed as: "A politician willing to step outside the box and cut through the bullshit and PC is what folks have been thirsting for."

Bottom line... I think Trump is a dangerous joke and would be a nightmare as President, but... while he lasts... he provides great theater, and performs a Grand Public Service by highlighting various problems in non-PC acidic verbiage and forcing the rest (more viable elements) of the bipartisan clown car to consider a more straightforward approach, too.
People are really tired of professional "establishment" politicians who make huge promises, then go to Washington and do absolutely nothing. Trump is tapping in to that frustration (and to a lesser extent so is Berrnie Sanders) Whether he can maintain his momentum remains to be seen, but at this point it's all Trump all the time.

Supporting Donald Trump for president because you're frustrated with professional politicians makes about as much sense as hiring a con man as your financial adviser because you're frustrated with stock brokers. Trump offers nothing but promises, no track record, no experience, no education, and no support from his party.

And how good are his promises? Ask the investors and creditors he screwed in his bankruptcies, his employees that were promised 401Ks, his tenants that sued him, and his ex-wives.

You could also ask his ex-partners in the USFL....
Yes, this is something Trump supporters prefer to ignore. Trump simply lacks creditably. His business relations are about as stable as his marriages. He has had so many law suits, I don't think there is accurate count.

In 2008, Trump supported John McCain to the limit. John McCain could do nothing wrong. Within 4 years, John McCain was dog shit as far Trump was concerned. One day he's praising Paul Ryan, the next day he thinks he should resign. I don't think there is a single congressional leader that would trust Trump and that's really serious because in congress, trust is everything.

You're blinded with fear.

Hillary is the one with the "trust" problem.

Oh...okay. LOL.

The polls are the polls. Sorry that they don't agree with your bias. She is untrustworthy and it's only getting worse.

More find Hillary Clinton untrustworthy in new poll - MarketWatch
POLL Hillary Clinton dishonest untrustworthy - Washington Times
Hillary Clinton s honesty perception problem - Business Insider

People are really tired of professional "establishment" politicians who make huge promises, then go to Washington and do absolutely nothing. Trump is tapping in to that frustration (and to a lesser extent so is Berrnie Sanders) Whether he can maintain his momentum remains to be seen, but at this point it's all Trump all the time.

Supporting Donald Trump for president because you're frustrated with professional politicians makes about as much sense as hiring a con man as your financial adviser because you're frustrated with stock brokers. Trump offers nothing but promises, no track record, no experience, no education, and no support from his party.

And how good are his promises? Ask the investors and creditors he screwed in his bankruptcies, his employees that were promised 401Ks, his tenants that sued him, and his ex-wives.

You could also ask his ex-partners in the USFL....
Yes, this is something Trump supporters prefer to ignore. Trump simply lacks creditably. His business relations are about as stable as his marriages. He has had so many law suits, I don't think there is accurate count.

In 2008, Trump supported John McCain to the limit. John McCain could do nothing wrong. Within 4 years, John McCain was dog shit as far Trump was concerned. One day he's praising Paul Ryan, the next day he thinks he should resign. I don't think there is a single congressional leader that would trust Trump and that's really serious because in congress, trust is everything.

You're blinded with fear.

Hillary is the one with the "trust" problem.
I think anyone with any sense has to be a bit fearful, not of Trump actually being elected but of his supporters who have become so disillusioned with the government that they're ready to accept a bully and dictator as president. That's pretty scary.
Donald Trump will lose the primary, that is certain. However, if the GOP doesn't learn from him, they deserve to lose.

Trump is unapologetic, unintimidated, and says what he means and means what he says. IOW, he's a leader who has a spine and a set of balls. Something lacking in the GOP.
His balls need a toupee
I think he might be! Nothing he can say can affect him. He is unstoppable!

i have read rumors he may go third party.., i just hope and pray he does NOT do that. :up:
He said he is mulling a third-party presidential run, and says the chances of him launching one would increase if he feels the committee treats him unfairly during the primaries. There is no way, Trump won't fell he's being treating unfairly if he doesn't get the nomination. I think Trump is going all the way this time. He's been blasted so many times for being a quitter, he's going down in history as a presidential nominee of some party. His ego demands it even if his pocketbook doesn't.

Donald Trump Says He May Run As a Third-Party Candidate Mother Jones
People are really tired of professional "establishment" politicians who make huge promises, then go to Washington and do absolutely nothing. Trump is tapping in to that frustration (and to a lesser extent so is Berrnie Sanders) Whether he can maintain his momentum remains to be seen, but at this point it's all Trump all the time.

Yes. I agree that 'people are really tired of professional 'establishment' politicians' - especially the scions of Political Family Dynasties (Bush, Clinton, Romney, et al).

And I agree that Sanders is also benefiting (to some appreciable extent) from the same Voter Exhaustion (Digust?) syndrome.

Political hacks on both sides of the aisle really don't "get it".

Meanwhile, the nation's favorite Big Mouth continues to make inroads in the polls.

Trump's rise will probably not last... he'll put his foot in his mouth again, soon enough, in an even worse way than he did with McSame, I'm sure.

But, while he lasts, he teaches the rest of the Clown Car - on both sides of the aisle - a couple of important lessons.

1. Americans are goddamned sick-and-tired of our wussbag approach to dealing with Illegal Aliens and pandering or vote-whoring to Hispanics over it

2. Americans, at present, want and need somebody who will take off the gloves, and cut the bullshit, and tell things like they are, in a way Americans want to hear

Mind you, few - if any- of the gutless, nutless wonders we now have up for consideration, are capable of manifesting those attributes, in an inspiring manner.

But, just as (Ney? Bonaparte?) said that a Marshall's baton may lie lurking within a private's knapsack... perhaps one of these Gutless Wonders (on either side) will surprise us.

We can always hope.

Wrong. Basically, as Graham said, Trump is an accident on the highway everyone is looking at. A few miles down the road, nobody will remember it's virtues and everyone will be going 10 miles over the speed limit again.

Illegal Immigration (before Trump) polls at about 3% in terms of what is most important to Americans according to Gallup. As for "telling things like they are", I hope you were going for comedy. Basically, he's just insulted people in the same way a stand-up comedian has. He hasn't stated one thing he would do differently that has any practical application in the real world. "The way things are" are like that for a reason; we (as a people) want more government than we are willing to pay for. He has zero idea on how to square that circle (not that anyone else does either).

Telling people what they want to hear is also a good political move. I don't know how you think that "telling people what they want to hear" is "cutting through the bullshit" but that's your deal.
Trump is an entertainer. He loves being the center attraction of everything, TV, Radio, Movies, and he hopes to extend that to include the US government. He's a member of the Screen Actors Guild and receives $110,000 a year pension. Recently he was paid $450,000 for three separate speeches.
Supporting Donald Trump for president because you're frustrated with professional politicians makes about as much sense as hiring a con man as your financial adviser because you're frustrated with stock brokers. Trump offers nothing but promises, no track record, no experience, no education, and no support from his party.

And how good are his promises? Ask the investors and creditors he screwed in his bankruptcies, his employees that were promised 401Ks, his tenants that sued him, and his ex-wives.

You could also ask his ex-partners in the USFL....
Yes, this is something Trump supporters prefer to ignore. Trump simply lacks creditably. His business relations are about as stable as his marriages. He has had so many law suits, I don't think there is accurate count.

In 2008, Trump supported John McCain to the limit. John McCain could do nothing wrong. Within 4 years, John McCain was dog shit as far Trump was concerned. One day he's praising Paul Ryan, the next day he thinks he should resign. I don't think there is a single congressional leader that would trust Trump and that's really serious because in congress, trust is everything.

You're blinded with fear.

Hillary is the one with the "trust" problem.

Oh...okay. LOL.

The polls are the polls. Sorry that they don't agree with your bias. She is untrustworthy and it's only getting worse.

More find Hillary Clinton untrustworthy in new poll - MarketWatch
POLL Hillary Clinton dishonest untrustworthy - Washington Times
Hillary Clinton s honesty perception problem - Business Insider


No question,she has some work to do.

Context matters though. You'll learn that next year; apparently you didn't learn your lesson in 2012
You could also ask his ex-partners in the USFL....
Yes, this is something Trump supporters prefer to ignore. Trump simply lacks creditably. His business relations are about as stable as his marriages. He has had so many law suits, I don't think there is accurate count.

In 2008, Trump supported John McCain to the limit. John McCain could do nothing wrong. Within 4 years, John McCain was dog shit as far Trump was concerned. One day he's praising Paul Ryan, the next day he thinks he should resign. I don't think there is a single congressional leader that would trust Trump and that's really serious because in congress, trust is everything.

You're blinded with fear.

Hillary is the one with the "trust" problem.

Oh...okay. LOL.

The polls are the polls. Sorry that they don't agree with your bias. She is untrustworthy and it's only getting worse.

More find Hillary Clinton untrustworthy in new poll - MarketWatch
POLL Hillary Clinton dishonest untrustworthy - Washington Times
Hillary Clinton s honesty perception problem - Business Insider


No question,she has some work to do.

Context matters though. You'll learn that next year; apparently you didn't learn your lesson in 2012

And you Hillary supporters didn't learn yours in 2008.

Hillary is untrustworthy and unlikeable.

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