Trump is actually a Moderate, but The Dimocrats won't support him.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I also don't understand why they call him a racist when Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have thanked him and given him awards as has the NAACP. And just recently he promoted legislation to overturn Clinton's "Blacks are Super Predators" law.

Inside President Trump's push for criminal justice reform

Can you imagine what President Trump could have gotten done if Never Trumpers and Radical DemNazis had decided to work with him for the good of the country. No president has ever accomplished this much in his first two years. That is a fact.
Trump doesn't actually have any firm political positions that I have seen. The only reason he appears to be "right" is because they are the ones holding the power to lead his agenda and write the Bill's he signs.
His America First positions are not political in nature imo but I whole heartedly support them.
It's hard to support a crazy person. His latest claim that people changed clothes and voted multiple times is a good example of his disconnect with reality.
It makes him America’s president rather than a Republican (RINO) or conservative (cuck).
The RINOs hate him worse than the Democrats while some of the cucks have come around finally...having been suitably impressed by his nonstop winning.
tRump is whatever the last person who spoke to him wanted him to be.
I also don't understand why they call him a racist when Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have thanked him and given him awards as has the NAACP. And just recently he promoted legislation to overturn Clinton's "Blacks are Super Predators" law.

Inside President Trump's push for criminal justice reform

Can you imagine what President Trump could have gotten done if Never Trumpers and Radical DemNazis had decided to work with him for the good of the country. No president has ever accomplished this much in his first two years. That is a fact.

Trump is not a moderate, he is a populist.

He will do and support anything that he thinks will win him praises from the masses.
I also don't understand why they call him a racist when Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have thanked him and given him awards as has the NAACP. And just recently he promoted legislation to overturn Clinton's "Blacks are Super Predators" law.

Inside President Trump's push for criminal justice reform

Can you imagine what President Trump could have gotten done if Never Trumpers and Radical DemNazis had decided to work with him for the good of the country. No president has ever accomplished this much in his first two years. That is a fact.
Progressives view everything through emotion and petty feelings
Does this make him a RINO or a cuck? :dunno:
No but it makes you a cuck.....that....and a troll.

I also don't understand why they call him a racist when Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have thanked him and given him awards as has the NAACP. And just recently he promoted legislation to overturn Clinton's "Blacks are Super Predators" law.

Inside President Trump's push for criminal justice reform

Can you imagine what President Trump could have gotten done if Never Trumpers and Radical DemNazis had decided to work with him for the good of the country. No president has ever accomplished this much in his first two years. That is a fact.

Trump is not a moderate, he is a populist.

He will do and support anything that he thinks will win him praises from the masses.
This is true, but at the same time he does the things he says he’s going to do.
Like nominating judges, blocking the consideration of frivolous gun control laws like so called universal background checks/firearm registration.
A FAIR reading of Trump's ACTIONS while President reveal nothing more than a Chief Executive who wants to enforce existing immigration laws, preserve our national sovereignty, promote our best economic interests, and reign in an out-of-control Federal bureaucracy. There is nothing "radical" about any of this, but between the Leftists in government and the non-Fox Media, they have managed - quite successfully - to portray this President as a right-wing extremist. In fact, although not more than 2% of America's adult population could even hope to define the term, most people would consider Trump a "Fascist" or nearly one.

OTOH, based on his Twitter feed, one could easily conclude that Trump has "issues" dealing with public criticism, and lacks the "filter" that lies between the brain and the mouth of most mature adults.

Nevertheless, Trump is proving to be a wonderful President, one who does his very best to fulfill every single campaign promise, despite opposition from all sides.
Does this make him a RINO or a cuck? :dunno:
No but it makes you a cuck.....that....and a troll.

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I can see you needing that kind of consoling after Trump was elected and then your blue wave was just a puddle.
Like I said, you don't discuss the issues, you troll the issues. If the plunger fits, then shove it up your ass and wear it. :)

My question was quite serious even though it somehow bruised your v-jay. Moderates are pretty looked down upon on this site by many conservatives as RINOs. Since you’ve decided to declare President Trump a moderate, I was wondering if that same standard now applies to him. We both know it suddenly and conveniently won’t, though.

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