Trump inadvertently hurts his own lawsuit against John Bolton's book


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Donald Trump is suing against the release of John Bolton's book on the grounds that it's based on classified information.
But Trump just said that Bolton's book is fake news. Full of lies. Bolton is just making shit up, he says.

But lies cannot be classified. Trump isn't in court arguing that Bolton' is dishonest.
If Bolton is spreading lies, he isn't spreading classified information.
The judge in this case will have some tough questions for the plaintiff.
Donald Trump is suing against the release of John Bolton's book on the grounds that it's based on classified information.
But Trump just said that Bolton's book is fake news. Full of lies. Bolton is just making shit up, he says.

But lies cannot be classified. Trump isn't in court arguing that Bolton' is dishonest.
If Bolton is spreading lies, he isn't spreading classified information.
The judge in this case will have some tough questions for the plaintiff.

Who in the fuck advised President Trump to hire that disgusting, lying, neocon POS should be fired. He was essentially neocon, Deep State traitor John McCain reincarnated. :cool-45:
Both are 2 peas in the same pod, they both think only of themselves.

So if the book is full of lies, I don't see how it could contain classified info. :rolleyes:
Realistically, no one can unseat Deplorable Don from the #1 position of most despicable Repubs. The damage he has done to the country is literally immeasurable.
Solidly in second place comes Mitch McTreason, who has turned the once venerated Senate in to a vehicle for confirming unqualified right wing ideologues to the federal bench........and not much else. Susan Collins opposes Trump's pick to the D.C. Circuit
But looking at the big picture, one must give Bolton strong consideration for being in the top 5.

He is one of the more odiously immoral people ever to ascend to power. He is at least in part responsible for the Trump admin's monumental failure to deal with preparations for and the outbreak of COVID since was the person who dismantled the WH pandemic response unit. We will never know how many unnecessary deaths that decision caused, but it's in the thousands.

He famously advocated for the unjustified invasion of Iraq leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings........not to mention costing the US trillions of dollars and irreparably harming our international standing as a broker for peace in the ME. A chaotic situation ensued there, which in turn caused the refugee crisis that precipitated the rise of xenophobic, right wing extremists in Europe bearing a resemblance to our own Bigot-in-Chief. Fallout from which the world will be dealing with for decades.

Finally, he chose to keep what he knew about the worst president in history a secret so he could make money selling a book. He refused to testify during Individual 1's impeachment, thereby withholding information that would have bolstered the House manager's overwhelming case. His book details a number of other impeachable offenses he could have and should have gone public with. Instead, he decided to cash in on the betrayal of his country by signing a $2M deal.

It is the silence of people like Bolton, people in a position to see the utter moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the admin up close yet said nothing, who have enabled this horrific, poor excuse for a man to wreak so much havoc on our nation.

People involved in national security matters effecting the US are first and foremost supposed to be patriots who put their country first. How unfortunate it is that a POS like Bolton had the opportunity to help his country but rather chose to pad his bank account.
Donald Trump is suing against the release of John Bolton's book on the grounds that it's based on classified information.
But Trump just said that Bolton's book is fake news. Full of lies. Bolton is just making shit up, he says.

But lies cannot be classified. Trump isn't in court arguing that Bolton' is dishonest.
If Bolton is spreading lies, he isn't spreading classified information.
The judge in this case will have some tough questions for the plaintiff.

If he's spreading lies he's damaging the Whitehouse and the way this country is perceived.

That's giving aid and comfort to the enemy in my book.
Donald Trump is suing against the release of John Bolton's book on the grounds that it's based on classified information.
But Trump just said that Bolton's book is fake news. Full of lies. Bolton is just making shit up, he says.

But lies cannot be classified. Trump isn't in court arguing that Bolton' is dishonest.
If Bolton is spreading lies, he isn't spreading classified information.
The judge in this case will have some tough questions for the plaintiff.

Too late. The publisher has already printed hundreds of thousands of copies and they have been sent to retailers in the US and abroad plus hundreds of pre-release copies that have been sent to the media and reviewers. Regardless what the court does, the cats is out of the bag and there's no way to put it back.

The turnover rate in Trump's A team, his closest advisors is the highest for any president in last 40 years, 88%. Getting the big "You're Fired" from Trump seems to be more of a badge of honor than a disgrace.
If Trumps says they are all lies, where is his evidence showing Bolton is making stuff up?
U.S. judge declines to block release of book by former national security adviser John Bolton

A federal judge Saturday rejected the Justice Department’s emergency request to block publication of John Bolton’s White House memoir, but said the former Trump national security adviser’s actions raised “grave national security concerns.”

U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth of Washington, D.C., denied the Trump administration’s request for a restraining order on the book, due for publication Tuesday, citing its publisher’s declaration that hundreds of thousands of copies have already shipped for sale.

But Lamberth noted that it appeared Bolton failed to complete a pre-publication review and get written authority that his manuscript contained no classified information before publishing.
U.S. judge declines to block release of book by former national security adviser John Bolton

A federal judge Saturday rejected the Justice Department’s emergency request to block publication of John Bolton’s White House memoir, but said the former Trump national security adviser’s actions raised “grave national security concerns.”

U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth of Washington, D.C., denied the Trump administration’s request for a restraining order on the book, due for publication Tuesday, citing its publisher’s declaration that hundreds of thousands of copies have already shipped for sale.

But Lamberth noted that it appeared Bolton failed to complete a pre-publication review and get written authority that his manuscript contained no classified information before publishing.
3 loses in court in one week. Maybe he should start listening to his lawyers rather explaining to them his version of the law.

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