Trump Ignorant About What Is Going On Around Him


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

you sound scared,,,
The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

Minor disagreement: As a result of the behaviors of this man-child, the President of the United States is no longer the leader of the free world.

He and his flock don't care about our standing with the rest of the planet. They say it all the time.
Dana milbank is a liar with no evidence to back up his claims
The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

Minor disagreement: As a result of the behaviors of this man-child, the President of the United States is no longer the leader of the free world.

He and his flock don't care about our standing with the rest of the planet.
tantrum 1.gif
The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

So you are proposing the President of the United States is clueless about what is going on because he was not briefed about a Fake News reported narrative that has yet to be substantiated, one the DOD said has not been proven true yet.

So we now know what the Democratic strategy is for November:

- Keep Joe Biden hidden
- Pick black women for VP and SCOTUS
- Hope COVID-19 kills more people
- Keep everything locked down so the economy tanks
- Let BLM riot and destroy in the name of "equality" and blame every social issue on Trump
- Unleash the MSM who will write lie after lie and hope the voting public is stupid enough to believe it
- Defund police and ignore the black carnage in the inner cities
The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

Minor disagreement: As a result of the behaviors of this man-child, the President of the United States is no longer the leader of the free world.

He and his flock don't care about our standing with the rest of the planet. They say it all the time.
The dereliction of duty guy in full glory.
Dana milbank is a liar with no evidence to back up his claims
That was inevitable. When presented with the truth you deny, deny, deny. It's what TDS, Trump Denial Syndrome is all about.

"White power"........didn't know about it.
COVID coming to US........didn't know about it.
Juneteenth........didn't know about it.
Britain a nuclear power........didn't know about it.
Payment to Stormy Daniels........didn't know about it.
Finland not part of Russia........didn't know about it.

20 people who Trump has personally known and then claimed he didn't
The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

As long as no one has the cojones to say, for the record, that the President was briefed on this, the President is perfectly able to say it didn't happen. More anonymous source stuff that we can only guess at. I know the majors use what they deem to be credible sources, anonymous or not, but it's not provable.

I'm tired of it. If they can't get the Intelligence agency to say, they need to keep their mouths shut, because all it does is open another item for endless bickering.
The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

you sound scared,,,
If the crap trump does or doesn't do doesn't worry you you're not all there
The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

you sound scared,,,
If the crap trump does or doesn't do doesn't worry you you're not all there
I worry about anything a dem or repube does,,,,
both you mother fuckers are a danger to humanity,,,
Dana milbank is a liar with no evidence to back up his claims
That was inevitable. When presented with the truth you deny, deny, deny. It's what TDS, Trump Denial Syndrome is all about.

"White power"........didn't know about it.
COVID coming to US........didn't know about it.
Juneteenth........didn't know about it.
Britain a nuclear power........didn't know about it.
Payment to Stormy Daniels........didn't know about it.
Finland not part of Russia........didn't know about it.

20 people who Trump has personally known and then claimed he didn't
Raped his first wife....didn't know about it
Here is some of the WAPO opinion article by Dana Milbank.
Notice how the press secretary says Trump wasn't briefed.

"If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops."
"But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on."

"McEnany indicated Trump’s advisers didn’t find it “necessary” to brief him.
But “given these reports,” asked Jeff Mason of Reuters, “does the president have a specific message for Moscow?”
“No,” McEnany said, “because he has not been briefed.”

See what happens when you get caught with your pants down?

The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

you sound scared,,,
If the crap trump does or doesn't do doesn't worry you you're not all there
I worry about anything a dem or repube does,,,,
both you mother fuckers are a danger to humanity,,,
White trash get back into your trailer home
The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

As long as no one has the cojones to say, for the record, that the President was briefed on this, the President is perfectly able to say it didn't happen. More anonymous source stuff that we can only guess at. I know the majors use what they deem to be credible sources, anonymous or not, but it's not provable.

I'm tired of it. If they can't get the Intelligence agency to say, they need to keep their mouths shut, because all it does is open another item for endless bickering.
The intelligence agencies admitted the story was leaked... By them.
The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

you sound scared,,,
If the crap trump does or doesn't do doesn't worry you you're not all there
I worry about anything a dem or repube does,,,,
both you mother fuckers are a danger to humanity,,,
White trash get back into your trailer home
typical response when you cant refute a claim,,,
The last few weeks have been an amazing display of how Trump acts as the leader of the free world.
Defending the President has been a huge job whether it's his lack of ability to fulfill his duties or his lying when he should be up front with the U.S. citizens.
Now he is tweeting the Russian bounties is a hoax. His go to phrase. His press secretary says Trump is so informed and reads his daily briefings. Trump said he didn't get the brief.
So what is it? Briefed or not? Is it ignorance?

"In a column for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank explained that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attempt to dismiss allegations that Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounty program targeting U.S. military personnel exposed a presidential weakness that could be used as a contributing factor to destroy his political career."

‘If things weren’t already bad enough for President Trump — economic collapse, botched pandemic response, mass unrest — U.S. intelligence believes Trump’s “friend” Vladimir Putin paid Taliban fighters bounties to kill U.S. troops. But the White House is ready with a defense: The president has no earthly idea what’s going on. Totally in the dark. Not a clue!” Milbank charged."

Quite the bitch fest with Chris Cuomo on CNN about it:


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