Trump: 'I am a victim'

The most disgusting type of person, one that victimizes others and then whines about being victimized.

He's a sexual predator. The world knows it now and there is no going back. How anyone can still support this pathetic excuse for a man is one of those mysteries.

No the world does not know it. And i don't even like the man.

You people have nothing better to do? I have never seen anything like this garbage. What do you all think you are going to accomplish?
Yes the world does know it. I am living outside the States and continuously watching international news. The only people who don't believe it are diehard Trump supporters with their heads in the sand. The whole world is laughing at you all.

I don't care what you of ALL people have to say, or where you live. I KNOW what you are. You just won't let bygones be bygones. So be it........../ignore
The most disgusting type of person, one that victimizes others and then whines about being victimized.

He's a sexual predator. The world knows it now and there is no going back. How anyone can still support this pathetic excuse for a man is one of those mysteries.

No the world does not know it. And i don't even like the man.

You people have nothing better to do? I have never seen anything like this garbage. What do you all think you are going to accomplish?
Yes the world does know it. I am living outside the States and continuously watching international news. The only people who don't believe it are diehard Trump supporters with their heads in the sand. The whole world is laughing at you all.

I don't care what you of ALL people have to say, or where you live. I KNOW what you are. You just won't let bygones be bygones. So be it........../ignore
This has nothing to do with anything between you and me. :rolleyes:

UPDATE: 8:05 p.m. ― Trump complained he was “a victim” as he continued defending himself Friday night at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“As you’ve seen, I am a victim of one of the greatest political smear campaigns in the history of our country,” Trump said.

He called firsthand accounts that he sexually assaulted women “wild and ludicrous,” and claimed there was “not a single shred of evidence” to substantiate them. He said his accusers were motivated by “personal fame” or “financial purposes.”

More: Donald Trump Mocks Women Who Accused Him Of Sexual Assault | Huffington Post

Sadly funny. Does anyone feel sorry for him?

He acts like a complete and utter muppet, and complains when people call him a muppet. Seriously? We need super small violins for him.
The most disgusting type of person, one that victimizes others and then whines about being victimized.

He's a sexual predator. The world knows it now and there is no going back. How anyone can still support this pathetic excuse for a man is one of those mysteries.

No the world does not know it. And i don't even like the man.

You people have nothing better to do? I have never seen anything like this garbage. What do you all think you are going to accomplish?
Yes the world does know it. I am living outside the States and continuously watching international news. The only people who don't believe it are diehard Trump supporters with their heads in the sand. The whole world is laughing at you all.

I don't care what you of ALL people have to say, or where you live. I KNOW what you are. You just won't let bygones be bygones. So be it........../ignore
This has nothing to do with anything between you and me. :rolleyes:


Then you should not have quoted me. You could have made your statement without it.

I tried. Many times. Now I give up. YOU certainly are not nice and very much no loss.

The most disgusting type of person, one that victimizes others and then whines about being victimized.

He's a sexual predator. The world knows it now and there is no going back. How anyone can still support this pathetic excuse for a man is one of those mysteries.

No the world does not know it. And i don't even like the man.

You people have nothing better to do? I have never seen anything like this garbage. What do you all think you are going to accomplish?
Yes the world does know it. I am living outside the States and continuously watching international news. The only people who don't believe it are diehard Trump supporters with their heads in the sand. The whole world is laughing at you all.

I don't care what you of ALL people have to say, or where you live. I KNOW what you are. You just won't let bygones be bygones. So be it........../ignore
This has nothing to do with anything between you and me. :rolleyes:


Then you should not have quoted me. You could have made your statement without it.

I tried. Many times. Now I give up. YOU certainly are not nice and very much no loss.



considering that the claims against the Clinton trailer trash have been substantiated, and the claims against Trump have not, I would suggest that Hillary is the one suffering from psychological projection.
but then again, I someone doubt that all of the rapes, groping, national security leaks, tax evasion etc... are leaving them with any undesirable emotions. one would have to have morals for that to happen, and they have no morals.

Funny. Trump has even admitted on Howard Stern (on tape) that he is a "sexual predator".

He was joking. That has been gone over. At that time he was entertaining. Someone teasingly said it to him, and he teasingly said yeah.
How stupid to keep stretching and stretching this garbage.

Yeah, it all a "joke". Does that also apply to things Hillary says?

It's really shameful the way these 'good' people defend the sexual predator that is Trump. He's been doing it for decades and bragging about it on Howard Stern.

BTW Nothing that Bill Clinton has been accused of, other than consensual relationships with Flowers and Lewinsky, has been proven. There are only accusations, some of which have been recanted in legal documents. Whereas, Trump has admitted to being a sexual predator and sexually assaulting women
Sexual predator?

Funny thing.....

I thought in America we are all innocent until proven guilty. If someone doesn't think the timing of this is a pile of bullshit...well....then just ask the fly that landed on Clinton's head.
It can't be denied that he is being smeared. Just like Herman Cain was. Anyone notice that after Cain dropped out, all those women went back in the woodwork?

This election is in the sewer......all the way around.

Cain didn't let it go and proved the allegations were false. These women have no intention of ever backing up what they say. There have already been things that contradict them. Trump flying commercial is suspect. Arm rests that lift up in first class?

I bet they are being paid well to make these claims and it's a matter of getting it out there on the heels of the released tape of his lewd talk to get more mileage out of it. And it's timed to counter the leaked emails, which is far worse for the country.

Bad behavior is inexcusable and Hillary should be called on hers.

The fact that there is a liberal media blackout of Hillary damning emails and too much coverage over Trump's words from 11 years ago does indeed show that he is a target of the media. It means they no longer care about reporting facts and are merely interested in spreading propaganda to help Hillary. That makes them dangerous to all of us. Trump and anyone who disagrees with the radical agenda of the left are definitely victims.

Biggest consideration is what is best for the country and Hillary will sell us down the river if she gets in. Open borders, more unvetted Muslims, one world government.

We have a choice between sleazebags, like we do every election. Face it, decent people get chewed up and spit out by our system. Bottom line is what sleazebag will benefit us most. It's not Hillary because she, like Obama, hates this country and seeks to change it into something it was never meant to be. Hillary thinks a central government, led by the U.N., should have total control over America. I cringe at the thought of some U.N. people who are the worst violators of human rights suddenly having say over our rights. They already want to disarm us, control all energy, food and healthcare. One big fucked up commie planet. If Hillary wins, this could end up being the last U.S. Presidential election if she abuses her power and hands control over to a central world government. Her leaked emails prove that is what she wants.

It's serious, folks. Choose your sleazebag carefully.
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It can't be denied that he is being smeared. Just like Herman Cain was. Anyone notice that after Cain dropped out, all those women went back in the woodwork?

This election is in the sewer......all the way around.

Cain didn't let it go and proved the allegations were false. These women have no intention of ever backing up what they say. There have already been things that contradict them. Trump flying commercial is suspect. Arm rests that lift up in first class?

I bet they are being paid well to make these claims and it's a matter of getting it out there on the heels of the released tape of his lewd talk to get more mileage out of it. And it's timed to counter the leaked emails, which is far worse for the country.

Bad behavior is inexcusable and Hillary should be called on hers.

The fact that there is a liberal media blackout of Hillary damning emails and too much coverage over Trump's words from 11 years ago does indeed show that he is a target of the media. It means they no longer care about reporting facts and are merely interested in spreading propaganda to help Hillary. That makes them dangerous to all of us. Trump and anyone who disagrees with the radical agenda of the left are definitely victims.

Biggest consideration is what is best for the country and Hillary will sell us down the river if she gets in. Open borders, more unvetted Muslims, one world government.

We have a choice between sleazebags, like we do every election. Face it, decent people get chewed up and spit out by our system. Bottom line is what sleazebag will benefit us most. It's not Hillary because she, like Obama, hates this country and seeks to change it into something it was never meant to be. Hillary thinks a central government, led by the U.N., should have total control over America. I cringe at the thought of some U.N. people who are the worst violators of human rights suddenly having say over our rights. They already want to disarm us, control all energy, food and healthcare. One big fucked up commie planet. If Hillary wins, this could end up being the last U.S. Presidential election if she abuses her power and hands control over to a central world government. Her leaked emails prove that is what she wants.

It's serious, folks. Choose your sleazebag carefully.

Someone that gets it! I totally agree, and yes, I know that Cain proved his case, but it was after he had dropped out. I follow him on FB so I saw all of that. I read him daily. I know what he thinks of all this. He's a good man, and did not deserve to be smeared that way.

But of couse one will come along and say we have our heads in the sand, when in fact THEY do. Kinda funny.
UPDATE: 8:05 p.m. ― Trump complained he was “a victim” as he continued defending himself Friday night at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“As you’ve seen, I am a victim of one of the greatest political smear campaigns in the history of our country,” Trump said.

He called firsthand accounts that he sexually assaulted women “wild and ludicrous,” and claimed there was “not a single shred of evidence” to substantiate them. He said his accusers were motivated by “personal fame” or “financial purposes.”

More: Donald Trump Mocks Women Who Accused Him Of Sexual Assault | Huffington Post

Sadly funny. Does anyone feel sorry for him?
Trump is actually doing what he accuses Hillary of having done!!!!!
Trump is both rapist and enabler.

Can you prove that??
Can you prove it about, you really can''s all conjectures from right wingers and people trying to make a buck or two or millions, off of the Clintons, as many have done for the past 40 years...regurgitated unproven, derogatory, and defamatory accusations that grow bigger and badder with every repeat... :rolleyes:

but but but...that's all A-OK, eh?

I never said Hillary was a rapist, or sexual predator.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Someone posted the link in another thread, in an interview with Trump, with his daughter sitting next to him, Howard Stern calls Trump a sexual predator and Trump SMILE and appears to approve of the monicker. While sitting next to his daughter. I'm sorry, all this is his own doing.
considering that the claims against the Clinton trailer trash have been substantiated, and the claims against Trump have not, I would suggest that Hillary is the one suffering from psychological projection.
but then again, I someone doubt that all of the rapes, groping, national security leaks, tax evasion etc... are leaving them with any undesirable emotions. one would have to have morals for that to happen, and they have no morals.

Funny. Trump has even admitted on Howard Stern (on tape) that he is a "sexual predator".

He was joking. That has been gone over. At that time he was entertaining. Someone teasingly said it to him, and he teasingly said yeah.
How stupid to keep stretching and stretching this garbage.

Yeah, it all a "joke". Does that also apply to things Hillary says?

It's really shameful the way these 'good' people defend the sexual predator that is Trump. He's been doing it for decades and bragging about it on Howard Stern.

BTW Nothing that Bill Clinton has been accused of, other than consensual relationships with Flowers and Lewinsky, has been proven. There are only accusations, some of which have been recanted in legal documents. Whereas, Trump has admitted to being a sexual predator and sexually assaulting women
you sound dumb bc all these are accusations too not a shred of proof and men talk this way when there together get real u know it so do i
It can't be denied that he is being smeared. Just like Herman Cain was. Anyone notice that after Cain dropped out, all those women went back in the woodwork?

This election is in the sewer......all the way around.

Yes, they're using his own words to smear him. How awful of them.

These women are just coming forward and confirming what Trump himself said in these tapes: That he gropes women without their permission and gets away with it because he's a "star". These women are proving that Trump was telling the truth.

Now Trump claims to be a "victim". Why? Because these women are confirming his stories?

Maybe Trump shouldn't have invited Gennifer Flowers to that first debate. Trump, who is supposedly so smart, so unbelievably smart, that he is singlehandedly going to make America great again, can't even defeat his opponent in a debate of the issues. Can't psyche her out with insults like he did Cruz or Rubio, can't intimidate her like he did the guys in the Republican clown car.

And now he's whining like a bitch. It's rigged. They're smearing him. (Ask Hillary Clinton what it's really like to really be for 25 years with lies and innuendo.) The media hates him. No, they don't. They were perfectly happy to make money off him when it was just the Republican clown car falling down laughing at his antics.

But as his antics became increasingly dark and angry; when he refused to disavow David Duke and his Nazi/white supremecist friends, when he threatened to prosecute members of the Obama administration for crimes against the state, when he threatened to have a religious test for admittance into the United States, when he threatened deportation without due process, in violation of the Constitution, when he talks about shackling the press with onerous libel laws to take away their right of free speech, or yes, when he says things that are disrespectful to women, blacks, Muslims or Hispanics, he ceased to be in any way funny or entertaining.

When he talks about cosying up to Putin, he sounds downright dangerous.
Sexual predator?

Funny thing.....

I thought in America we are all innocent until proven guilty. If someone doesn't think the timing of this is a pile of bullshit...well....then just ask the fly that landed on Clinton's head.

Trump told Howard Stern and Bill Bush that he was a sexual predator, and these ladies have all confirmed it. He confessed, before any of these women came forward.

Now he's calling them all liars. Including the Miss Teen USA contestants? Including the Miss Universe contestants he walked in on while they were changing.

Trump and Bush certainly behaved in a very entitled manner with the actress who came to the bus to greet them, complaining when she didn't kiss Trump on greeting. Is that the usual business introduction between strangers?

It's also his continuing behaviour towards Alicia Machado, Rosie O'Donnell, Meagyn Kelly, and his own daughters, the are the reason why women will never vote for him in any appreciable numbers.

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