Trump holds indoor campaign rally near Las Vegas

Did Trump win anymore awards at this rally?

Maybe he'll get another fake Time Magazine cover to frame and display at Mar-a-Lago
Because Trump is hitting on all fronts - EVEN TeeVee!! :D

If the Trump crowd breaks windows and starts fires...I'm sure the democrats will be OK with it then.
Geesus, they have been. One shot and killed two people another plowed into a crowd with a vehicle. Two chickens shits. Where have you been.

I guess people didn't learn from Herman Cain dying, but like lemmings falling off the cliff they are going to follow Drump and his sick leadership

You take a risk everytime you leave the house. Have you once mentioned this in realation to the Antifa/BLM rioting? I think not.....
Geesus, they have been. One shot and killed two people. Where have you been.

Two people who appeared to be attacking him. We still don't know what lead up to all of that and whether or not Rittenhouse is at fault or actually was engaging in self-defense.
Geesus, they have been. One shot and killed two people. Where have you been.

Two people who appeared to be attacking him. We still don't know what lead up to all of that and whether or not Rittenhouse is at fault or actually was engaging in self-defense.
A fking idiot parading around with his typical “ look,at me assault style weapon pose. “ he threatened people. They were the ones defending themselves. triggered by masks from the BS MAIL IN VIRUS...............

I've shown the studies time and time again............40 to 60% had limited to immunity to this BS from the 6 corona strains in history........including the common cold.........

To hell with the masks............and they will not care after the election.

The left is constantly harping on the right about "science," but when the actual science, real science, not "computer models," or "consensus reality," and peer review study after study PROVES that government over reaction based on an error, they don't care, it's now become about politics. . .

It isn't about right or wrong, truth or lies, it is all about whose side a person is on. That is all.

View attachment 388637 triggered by masks from the BS MAIL IN VIRUS...............

I've shown the studies time and time again............40 to 60% had limited to immunity to this BS from the 6 corona strains in history........including the common cold.........

To hell with the masks............and they will not care after the election.

The left is constantly harping on the right about "science," but when the actual science, real science, not "computer models," or "consensus reality," and peer review study after study PROVES that government over reaction based on an error, they don't care, it's now become about politics. . .

It isn't about right or wrong, truth or lies, it is all about whose side a person is on. That is all.

View attachment 388637
So right. When we as a nation can’t come together to fight a simple virus, you know we live in a failed state.
A fking idiot parading around with his typical “ look,at me assault style weapon pose. “ he threatened people. They were the ones defending themselves.

Since you apparently were an eye witness I assume you have spoken to the Kenosha PD?

I guess people didn't learn from Herman Cain dying, but like lemmings falling off the cliff they are going to follow Drump and his sick leadership

Because in a "free" country, how dare grown men and women assess that risk for themselves.

I guess then all laws are open to individual assessment then?

It's illegal for trump to have that large rally.

Why do you think that laws are optional?
Yesterday’s TV coverage of President Trump’s big indoor Nevada rally show many supporters behind him wearing masks, but that was staged. The vast majority of his supporters did not wear masks as they shoulder to shoulder shouted “We Love Trump!” and “Lock him (Obama) up!” on cue. In a month or so we should see if Trump’s defiance of the Democratic Governor’s ban on indoor meetings of over 50 people actually results in many unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths among his supporters:

“In open defiance of state regulations and his own administration's pandemic health guidelines, President Trump on Sunday hosted his first indoor rally since June, telling a packed, nearly mask-less crowd in Henderson, Nevada that the nation was ‘making the last turn’ in defeating the virus.

“Eager to project a sense of normalcy in imagery, Mr. Trump soaked up the raucous cheers inside a warehouse. Relatively few in the crowd wore masks... Not since a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that was blamed for a surge of coronavirus infections has he gathered supporters indoors.

“Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, has limited in-person gatherings indoors and outdoors to 50 people since May, a recommendation based on White House reopening guidelines. In a statement released just before the rally began, Sisolak said Mr. Trump was ‘taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada.

"’To put it bluntly: He didn't have the guts to make tough choices,’ Sisolak said of Mr. Trump's handling of the virus. ‘He left that to governors and the states. Now he's decided he doesn't have to respect our state's laws. As usual, he doesn't believe the rules apply to him’.” ...

Trump holds indoor campaign rally near Las Vegas

As the original virus projections were based on an error, the mitigation strategies are no longer really necessary.

. . . so, don't worry about it.

You might run into a problem viewing the evidence, I did. I posted this elsewhere. . . but the proof as already been revealed.

This is interesting, if only b/c I tried to view it in two different browsers, and the parts I wanted to read, were "redacted."

On RT, the part that was important was redacted from the journal was quoted though.

Here is the paper;

This accepted version of the article may differ from the final published version.
This is an Accepted Manuscript for Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness as part of the Cambridge
Coronavirus Collection DOI: 10.1017/dmp.2020.298
Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation
Ronald B. Brown, PhDSchool of Public Health and Health Systems University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

Pages 3-9 are redacted on FireFox and Edge. . I didn't try with other Browsers figuring there wasn't any point.

The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns

"I don’t expect you or I to get this sort of thing right. But I bloody well expect the experts to do so. They didn’t. They got their IFR and CFR mixed up and multiplied the likely impact of Covid by a factor of ten.

Here’s what the paper, “Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation”,says: “
On March 11, 2020,... based on the data available at the time, Congress was informed that the estimated mortality rate for the coronavirus was ten-times higher than for seasonal influenza, which helped launch a campaign of social distancing, organizational and business lockdowns, and shelter-in-place orders.”

RT? Don't repeat Russian propaganda please.
At this point, COVID deaths are vastly UNDERestimated, underreported by red state governors who opened too soon, and approaching 250,000.
Dr Fauci concurs.

Not Russian Propaganda you stooge. It is a paper from Cambridge University.

I do not know why I cannot view it. I had to go to RT to get the important quote from it. Are you that stupid that you can't think critically?

I have read the other pages of it, and I am reasonably certain that this quote came from that paper. I am also certain with how quickly you responded that you did not read the available pages of the paper from University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON archived at

I am also reasonably certain that you are unaware that Neil Ferguson, that guy from Imperial College in London, who did the original Modeling, and who broke quarantine himself to go meet his lover and got COVID from his girlfriend, subsequently giving it to Boris Johnson, knew that the disease was not as bad as he was lying it to be, and would not cause as many deaths as he said it was. . . IOW, he knew he was a fraud and a liar.



Imperial College scientist who predicted 500K coronavirus deaths in UK adjusts figure to 20K or fewer

LIARS: Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Used Model Now CONFIRMED as a Complete Fraud!

UK coronavirus adviser resigns after reports his lover visited during lockdown

‘Professor Lockdown’ Modeler Resigns in Disgrace

Failures of an Influential COVID-19 Model Used to Justify Lockdowns

UK epidemiologist Neil Ferguson resigns as a government adviser after admitting he broke coronavirus lockdown to meet his married lover
I guess then all laws are open to individual assessment then?

It's illegal for trump to have that large rally.

Why do you think that laws are optional?

Ask your sanctuary cities that question.

Ok, I get it, you don't want to answer my question.

You obviously believe that some people can pick and choose what laws they want to follow. I don't.

Have fun in your hypocrisy.
Yesterday’s TV coverage of President Trump’s big indoor Nevada rally show many supporters behind him wearing masks, but that was staged. The vast majority of his supporters did not wear masks as they shoulder to shoulder shouted “We Love Trump!” and “Lock him (Obama) up!” on cue. In a month or so we should see if Trump’s defiance of the Democratic Governor’s ban on indoor meetings of over 50 people actually results in many unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths among his supporters:

“In open defiance of state regulations and his own administration's pandemic health guidelines, President Trump on Sunday hosted his first indoor rally since June, telling a packed, nearly mask-less crowd in Henderson, Nevada that the nation was ‘making the last turn’ in defeating the virus.

“Eager to project a sense of normalcy in imagery, Mr. Trump soaked up the raucous cheers inside a warehouse. Relatively few in the crowd wore masks... Not since a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that was blamed for a surge of coronavirus infections has he gathered supporters indoors.

“Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, has limited in-person gatherings indoors and outdoors to 50 people since May, a recommendation based on White House reopening guidelines. In a statement released just before the rally began, Sisolak said Mr. Trump was ‘taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada.

"’To put it bluntly: He didn't have the guts to make tough choices,’ Sisolak said of Mr. Trump's handling of the virus. ‘He left that to governors and the states. Now he's decided he doesn't have to respect our state's laws. As usual, he doesn't believe the rules apply to him’.” ...

Trump holds indoor campaign rally near Las Vegas

As the original virus projections were based on an error, the mitigation strategies are no longer really necessary.

. . . so, don't worry about it.

You might run into a problem viewing the evidence, I did. I posted this elsewhere. . . but the proof as already been revealed.

This is interesting, if only b/c I tried to view it in two different browsers, and the parts I wanted to read, were "redacted."

On RT, the part that was important was redacted from the journal was quoted though.

Here is the paper;

This accepted version of the article may differ from the final published version.
This is an Accepted Manuscript for Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness as part of the Cambridge
Coronavirus Collection DOI: 10.1017/dmp.2020.298
Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation
Ronald B. Brown, PhDSchool of Public Health and Health Systems University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

Pages 3-9 are redacted on FireFox and Edge. . I didn't try with other Browsers figuring there wasn't any point.

The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns

"I don’t expect you or I to get this sort of thing right. But I bloody well expect the experts to do so. They didn’t. They got their IFR and CFR mixed up and multiplied the likely impact of Covid by a factor of ten.

Here’s what the paper, “Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation”,says: “
On March 11, 2020,... based on the data available at the time, Congress was informed that the estimated mortality rate for the coronavirus was ten-times higher than for seasonal influenza, which helped launch a campaign of social distancing, organizational and business lockdowns, and shelter-in-place orders.”

RT? Don't repeat Russian propaganda please.
At this point, COVID deaths are vastly UNDERestimated, underreported by red state governors who opened too soon, and approaching 250,000.
Dr Fauci concurs.


A perfect example of what I was talking about in post #30.

He's too dumb to understand what is going on. He calls a legitimate study done by a perfectly respectable university in Ontario Canada, collected and archived by Cambridge University . . . "RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA!"

Yesterday’s TV coverage of President Trump’s big indoor Nevada rally show many supporters behind him wearing masks, but that was staged. The vast majority of his supporters did not wear masks as they shoulder to shoulder shouted “We Love Trump!” and “Lock him (Obama) up!” on cue. In a month or so we should see if Trump’s defiance of the Democratic Governor’s ban on indoor meetings of over 50 people actually results in many unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths among his supporters:

“In open defiance of state regulations and his own administration's pandemic health guidelines, President Trump on Sunday hosted his first indoor rally since June, telling a packed, nearly mask-less crowd in Henderson, Nevada that the nation was ‘making the last turn’ in defeating the virus.

“Eager to project a sense of normalcy in imagery, Mr. Trump soaked up the raucous cheers inside a warehouse. Relatively few in the crowd wore masks... Not since a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that was blamed for a surge of coronavirus infections has he gathered supporters indoors.

“Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, has limited in-person gatherings indoors and outdoors to 50 people since May, a recommendation based on White House reopening guidelines. In a statement released just before the rally began, Sisolak said Mr. Trump was ‘taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada.

"’To put it bluntly: He didn't have the guts to make tough choices,’ Sisolak said of Mr. Trump's handling of the virus. ‘He left that to governors and the states. Now he's decided he doesn't have to respect our state's laws. As usual, he doesn't believe the rules apply to him’.” ...

Trump holds indoor campaign rally near Las Vegas

As the original virus projections were based on an error, the mitigation strategies are no longer really necessary.

. . . so, don't worry about it.

You might run into a problem viewing the evidence, I did. I posted this elsewhere. . . but the proof as already been revealed.

This is interesting, if only b/c I tried to view it in two different browsers, and the parts I wanted to read, were "redacted."

On RT, the part that was important was redacted from the journal was quoted though.

Here is the paper;

This accepted version of the article may differ from the final published version.
This is an Accepted Manuscript for Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness as part of the Cambridge
Coronavirus Collection DOI: 10.1017/dmp.2020.298
Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation
Ronald B. Brown, PhDSchool of Public Health and Health Systems University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

Pages 3-9 are redacted on FireFox and Edge. . I didn't try with other Browsers figuring there wasn't any point.

The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns

"I don’t expect you or I to get this sort of thing right. But I bloody well expect the experts to do so. They didn’t. They got their IFR and CFR mixed up and multiplied the likely impact of Covid by a factor of ten.

Here’s what the paper, “Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation”,says: “
On March 11, 2020,... based on the data available at the time, Congress was informed that the estimated mortality rate for the coronavirus was ten-times higher than for seasonal influenza, which helped launch a campaign of social distancing, organizational and business lockdowns, and shelter-in-place orders.”

RT? Don't repeat Russian propaganda please.
At this point, COVID deaths are vastly UNDERestimated, underreported by red state governors who opened too soon, and approaching 250,000.
Dr Fauci concurs.

Not Russian Propaganda you stooge. It is a paper from Cambridge University.

I do not know why I cannot view it. I had to go to RT to get the important quote from it. Are you that stupid that you can't think critically?

I have read the other pages of it, and I am reasonably certain that this quote came from that paper. I am also certain with how quickly you responded that you did not read the available pages of the paper from University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON archived at

I am also reasonably certain that you are unaware that Neil Ferguson, that guy from Imperial College in London, who did the original Modeling, and who broke quarantine himself to go meet his lover and got COVID from his girlfriend, subsequently giving it to Boris Johnson, knew that the disease was not as bad as he was lying it to be, and would not cause as many deaths as he said it was. . . IOW, he knew he was a fraud and a liar.



Imperial College scientist who predicted 500K coronavirus deaths in UK adjusts figure to 20K or fewer

LIARS: Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Used Model Now CONFIRMED as a Complete Fraud!

UK coronavirus adviser resigns after reports his lover visited during lockdown

‘Professor Lockdown’ Modeler Resigns in Disgrace

Failures of an Influential COVID-19 Model Used to Justify Lockdowns

UK epidemiologist Neil Ferguson resigns as a government adviser after admitting he broke coronavirus lockdown to meet his married lover

Awesome, having been busted on Putin propaganda, you now give me Heritage, National Review, Washington Examiner and TrendingRightWing?

Beautiful man, ALL impeccable sources per usual! :D
I guess then all laws are open to individual assessment then?

It's illegal for trump to have that large rally.

Why do you think that laws are optional?

Ask your sanctuary cities that question.

Ok, I get it, you don't want to answer my question.

You obviously believe that some people can pick and choose what laws they want to follow. I don't.

Have fun in your hypocrisy.

There is NO LAW outlawing campaign rallies for opposition parties.

This isn't North Korea, and Governor Sisolak isn't Kim Jong Fucking Un.

I guess people didn't learn from Herman Cain dying, but like lemmings falling off the cliff they are going to follow Drump and his sick leadership

Because in a "free" country, how dare grown men and women assess that risk for themselves.

I guess then all laws are open to individual assessment then?

It's illegal for trump to have that large rally.

Why do you think that laws are optional?

What law. . . show us that law.
Yesterday’s TV coverage of President Trump’s big indoor Nevada rally show many supporters behind him wearing masks, but that was staged. The vast majority of his supporters did not wear masks as they shoulder to shoulder shouted “We Love Trump!” and “Lock him (Obama) up!” on cue. In a month or so we should see if Trump’s defiance of the Democratic Governor’s ban on indoor meetings of over 50 people actually results in many unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths among his supporters:

“In open defiance of state regulations and his own administration's pandemic health guidelines, President Trump on Sunday hosted his first indoor rally since June, telling a packed, nearly mask-less crowd in Henderson, Nevada that the nation was ‘making the last turn’ in defeating the virus.

“Eager to project a sense of normalcy in imagery, Mr. Trump soaked up the raucous cheers inside a warehouse. Relatively few in the crowd wore masks... Not since a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that was blamed for a surge of coronavirus infections has he gathered supporters indoors.

“Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, has limited in-person gatherings indoors and outdoors to 50 people since May, a recommendation based on White House reopening guidelines. In a statement released just before the rally began, Sisolak said Mr. Trump was ‘taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada.

"’To put it bluntly: He didn't have the guts to make tough choices,’ Sisolak said of Mr. Trump's handling of the virus. ‘He left that to governors and the states. Now he's decided he doesn't have to respect our state's laws. As usual, he doesn't believe the rules apply to him’.” ...

Trump holds indoor campaign rally near Las Vegas

As the original virus projections were based on an error, the mitigation strategies are no longer really necessary.

. . . so, don't worry about it.

You might run into a problem viewing the evidence, I did. I posted this elsewhere. . . but the proof as already been revealed.

This is interesting, if only b/c I tried to view it in two different browsers, and the parts I wanted to read, were "redacted."

On RT, the part that was important was redacted from the journal was quoted though.

Here is the paper;

This accepted version of the article may differ from the final published version.
This is an Accepted Manuscript for Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness as part of the Cambridge
Coronavirus Collection DOI: 10.1017/dmp.2020.298
Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation
Ronald B. Brown, PhDSchool of Public Health and Health Systems University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

Pages 3-9 are redacted on FireFox and Edge. . I didn't try with other Browsers figuring there wasn't any point.

The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns

"I don’t expect you or I to get this sort of thing right. But I bloody well expect the experts to do so. They didn’t. They got their IFR and CFR mixed up and multiplied the likely impact of Covid by a factor of ten.

Here’s what the paper, “Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation”,says: “
On March 11, 2020,... based on the data available at the time, Congress was informed that the estimated mortality rate for the coronavirus was ten-times higher than for seasonal influenza, which helped launch a campaign of social distancing, organizational and business lockdowns, and shelter-in-place orders.”

RT? Don't repeat Russian propaganda please.
At this point, COVID deaths are vastly UNDERestimated, underreported by red state governors who opened too soon, and approaching 250,000.
Dr Fauci concurs.

Not Russian Propaganda you stooge. It is a paper from Cambridge University.

I do not know why I cannot view it. I had to go to RT to get the important quote from it. Are you that stupid that you can't think critically?

I have read the other pages of it, and I am reasonably certain that this quote came from that paper. I am also certain with how quickly you responded that you did not read the available pages of the paper from University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON archived at

I am also reasonably certain that you are unaware that Neil Ferguson, that guy from Imperial College in London, who did the original Modeling, and who broke quarantine himself to go meet his lover and got COVID from his girlfriend, subsequently giving it to Boris Johnson, knew that the disease was not as bad as he was lying it to be, and would not cause as many deaths as he said it was. . . IOW, he knew he was a fraud and a liar.



Imperial College scientist who predicted 500K coronavirus deaths in UK adjusts figure to 20K or fewer

LIARS: Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Used Model Now CONFIRMED as a Complete Fraud!

UK coronavirus adviser resigns after reports his lover visited during lockdown

‘Professor Lockdown’ Modeler Resigns in Disgrace

Failures of an Influential COVID-19 Model Used to Justify Lockdowns

UK epidemiologist Neil Ferguson resigns as a government adviser after admitting he broke coronavirus lockdown to meet his married lover

Awesome, having been busted on Putin propaganda, you now give me Heritage, National Review, Washington Examiner and TrendingRightWing?

Beautiful man, ALL impeccable sources per usual! :D

I guess you missed the CNN and Telegraph in there. . . :heehee:
Yesterday’s TV coverage of President Trump’s big indoor Nevada rally show many supporters behind him wearing masks, but that was staged. The vast majority of his supporters did not wear masks as they shoulder to shoulder shouted “We Love Trump!” and “Lock him (Obama) up!” on cue. In a month or so we should see if Trump’s defiance of the Democratic Governor’s ban on indoor meetings of over 50 people actually results in many unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths among his supporters:

“In open defiance of state regulations and his own administration's pandemic health guidelines, President Trump on Sunday hosted his first indoor rally since June, telling a packed, nearly mask-less crowd in Henderson, Nevada that the nation was ‘making the last turn’ in defeating the virus.

“Eager to project a sense of normalcy in imagery, Mr. Trump soaked up the raucous cheers inside a warehouse. Relatively few in the crowd wore masks... Not since a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that was blamed for a surge of coronavirus infections has he gathered supporters indoors.

“Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, has limited in-person gatherings indoors and outdoors to 50 people since May, a recommendation based on White House reopening guidelines. In a statement released just before the rally began, Sisolak said Mr. Trump was ‘taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada.

"’To put it bluntly: He didn't have the guts to make tough choices,’ Sisolak said of Mr. Trump's handling of the virus. ‘He left that to governors and the states. Now he's decided he doesn't have to respect our state's laws. As usual, he doesn't believe the rules apply to him’.” ...

Trump holds indoor campaign rally near Las Vegas

As the original virus projections were based on an error, the mitigation strategies are no longer really necessary.

. . . so, don't worry about it.

You might run into a problem viewing the evidence, I did. I posted this elsewhere. . . but the proof as already been revealed.

This is interesting, if only b/c I tried to view it in two different browsers, and the parts I wanted to read, were "redacted."

On RT, the part that was important was redacted from the journal was quoted though.

Here is the paper;

This accepted version of the article may differ from the final published version.
This is an Accepted Manuscript for Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness as part of the Cambridge
Coronavirus Collection DOI: 10.1017/dmp.2020.298
Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation
Ronald B. Brown, PhDSchool of Public Health and Health Systems University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

Pages 3-9 are redacted on FireFox and Edge. . I didn't try with other Browsers figuring there wasn't any point.

The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns

"I don’t expect you or I to get this sort of thing right. But I bloody well expect the experts to do so. They didn’t. They got their IFR and CFR mixed up and multiplied the likely impact of Covid by a factor of ten.

Here’s what the paper, “Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation”,says: “
On March 11, 2020,... based on the data available at the time, Congress was informed that the estimated mortality rate for the coronavirus was ten-times higher than for seasonal influenza, which helped launch a campaign of social distancing, organizational and business lockdowns, and shelter-in-place orders.”

RT? Don't repeat Russian propaganda please.
At this point, COVID deaths are vastly UNDERestimated, underreported by red state governors who opened too soon, and approaching 250,000.
Dr Fauci concurs.


A perfect example of what I was talking about in post #30.

He's too dumb to understand what is going on. He calls a legitimate study done by a perfectly respectable university in Ontario Canada, collected and archived by Cambridge University . . . "RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA!"


Of course they do............they are pushing a narrative.......truth doesn't matter to them.
Yesterday’s TV coverage of President Trump’s big indoor Nevada rally show many supporters behind him wearing masks, but that was staged. The vast majority of his supporters did not wear masks as they shoulder to shoulder shouted “We Love Trump!” and “Lock him (Obama) up!” on cue. In a month or so we should see if Trump’s defiance of the Democratic Governor’s ban on indoor meetings of over 50 people actually results in many unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths among his supporters:

“In open defiance of state regulations and his own administration's pandemic health guidelines, President Trump on Sunday hosted his first indoor rally since June, telling a packed, nearly mask-less crowd in Henderson, Nevada that the nation was ‘making the last turn’ in defeating the virus.

“Eager to project a sense of normalcy in imagery, Mr. Trump soaked up the raucous cheers inside a warehouse. Relatively few in the crowd wore masks... Not since a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that was blamed for a surge of coronavirus infections has he gathered supporters indoors.

“Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, has limited in-person gatherings indoors and outdoors to 50 people since May, a recommendation based on White House reopening guidelines. In a statement released just before the rally began, Sisolak said Mr. Trump was ‘taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada.

"’To put it bluntly: He didn't have the guts to make tough choices,’ Sisolak said of Mr. Trump's handling of the virus. ‘He left that to governors and the states. Now he's decided he doesn't have to respect our state's laws. As usual, he doesn't believe the rules apply to him’.” ...

Trump holds indoor campaign rally near Las Vegas

As the original virus projections were based on an error, the mitigation strategies are no longer really necessary.

. . . so, don't worry about it.

You might run into a problem viewing the evidence, I did. I posted this elsewhere. . . but the proof as already been revealed.

This is interesting, if only b/c I tried to view it in two different browsers, and the parts I wanted to read, were "redacted."

On RT, the part that was important was redacted from the journal was quoted though.

Here is the paper;

This accepted version of the article may differ from the final published version.
This is an Accepted Manuscript for Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness as part of the Cambridge
Coronavirus Collection DOI: 10.1017/dmp.2020.298
Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation
Ronald B. Brown, PhDSchool of Public Health and Health Systems University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

Pages 3-9 are redacted on FireFox and Edge. . I didn't try with other Browsers figuring there wasn't any point.

The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns

"I don’t expect you or I to get this sort of thing right. But I bloody well expect the experts to do so. They didn’t. They got their IFR and CFR mixed up and multiplied the likely impact of Covid by a factor of ten.

Here’s what the paper, “Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation”,says: “
On March 11, 2020,... based on the data available at the time, Congress was informed that the estimated mortality rate for the coronavirus was ten-times higher than for seasonal influenza, which helped launch a campaign of social distancing, organizational and business lockdowns, and shelter-in-place orders.”

RT? Don't repeat Russian propaganda please.
At this point, COVID deaths are vastly UNDERestimated, underreported by red state governors who opened too soon, and approaching 250,000.
Dr Fauci concurs.


A perfect example of what I was talking about in post #30.

He's too dumb to understand what is going on. He calls a legitimate study done by a perfectly respectable university in Ontario Canada, collected and archived by Cambridge University . . . "RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA!"


Of course they do............they are pushing a narrative.......truth doesn't matter to them.

Yeah, I know.

. . . and any intelligent, non-partisan, critical thinking, impartial observer can clearly see that Dr. Love. . .


Is drowning, and all I'm doing is describing the water for him. . . :auiqs.jpg:

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