Trump has no path to victory in 2024

Federal indictments accused Michael Sussmann and Igor Danchenko of lying to federal officials.

Ohhh, the Nazi lies, how clever.


Lie some more, Nazi

{Dolan, now a public relations executive and Dolan’s former job, spread rumors to Danchenko. Many of these were later included in the Steele dossier according to the indictment. Sussmann, who was an associate with Perkins Coie until his indictment was representing the Democratic National Committee as well as the Clinton campaign. The firm retained Christopher Steele’s group, which produced the dossier.}

We know you Nazis are scared - laws aren't supposed to apply to the Reich.

Hey, but you can lie about the Reichstag Fire and distract everyone! :thup:
As I said, they lied to the FBI, just like Flynn....your side said lying to the FBI were just process charges, NOTHING BURGERS.... Are you going to continue to deny taking these stances or supporting these stances?

Those two guys charged with telling a lie to the FBI, are nobodies...
When your POTUS SUCKS SOOOO BAD that you have to play Trump who's been out of office for a long time now......

Pants on FIRE!

YOU HAVEN'T SHOWN ANY EVIDENCE, that dead people voted an mass.


That you are utterly without integrity isn't the same as you haven't been exposed to the evidence.

And the 2020 presidential election was rife with mail-in voting irregularities. In Michigan, Republicans led Democrats 41% to 39% in requested mail-in ballots according to NBC News, yet after the final tally, Biden led Trump 69.3% to 29.6% in mail-in votes according to Edison data on the New York Times website.

In Nevada, a lawsuit alleges that 15,000 people voted by mail multiple times—casting ballots both in Nevada and other states. Thousands of mail-in ballots were “cast” by deceased people.

Multiple poll observers testified that many ballots’ signatures didn’t match the ones on file but were still counted. Multiple postal workers claimed that management had told postal employees to backdate late mail-in ballots so that they would count in the election. Record high number of mail-in ballots went through the adjudication process this year, where multiple poll watchers saw ballots altered.}

It's true that you lack even a scintilla of integrity, but you have your Reich - and that's what matters to you.

In fact the only cases found of a person voting in their recently dead mothers place was a REPUBLICAN Trump voter.

Trump claimed 5000 dead people voted in Georgia and audits were done by their secretary of state that showed ZERO dead people voted.

Why do you let yourself be fooled by made up LIES??? Why oh why oh why???

We both know you're outright lying.

We've been through this dozens of times.

  • The state supreme court permitted lax security controls for mail-in ballots, contravening the US constitution 1 2
  • The state’s DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted, and yet 6,962,607 total ballots were cast (a discrepancy of 202,377 votes). 6,931,060 of these were eventually counted in the presidential race (a discrepancy of 170,830). 3 4
  • 882,777 ballots were entered without any independent observation (uninspected), against the law of Pennsylvania - all done in the middle of the night, when Biden was behind by 600,000 votes. 5
  • Significant statistical anomalies. See below for examples.
  • Ballot counts reached impossible numbers, and were later corrected without transparent explanation 1
  • In the early morning hours after election night, the votes for Joe Biden increased by 578,014 while Trump’s only increased 3,290 during that same period (a ratio of 99.5% to Biden, 0.5% to Trump). 5 This has not been explained.
  • A USPS-contracted trucker alleged in a sworn affidavit that he transported about 144,000 to 288,000 completed ballots from New York to Pennsylvania on Oct. 21 and the trailer disappeared. He wasn’t given any notice about his trailer. “The next day, it just got weirder. As I arrived at the Lancaster USPS with my tractor, I went to hook up to my trailer and the trailer was gone,” Jesse Morgan said in a media statement. 6
  • The day prior to the election, ballot records indicated that 2.7 million ballots had been sent out. The day after the election, this number mysteriously increased by 400,000. This also has not been explained. 1
  • So-called “naked ballots”—mail-in/absentee ballots arriving without being sealed in an envelope, as required by law—were a major problem. 3
  • 75,505 ballots were added to the data 12 days after the election, with no explanation 1
  • 154,585 ballots were either dated impossibly early, or mailed too late, and yet were still counted 1
  • 1,573 ballots came from voters over 100 years old 1
  • Attempts by state and federal members to obtain data have been obstructed 1
  • Courts have refused to hear the evidence 5
  • Philadelphia has had the nation’s highest rates of fraud during past elections and deserves critical examination 5}

You'll slink off now, forget who you were talking to, and tell the same fucking lies in a week.
View attachment 565090

That you are utterly without integrity isn't the same as you haven't been exposed to the evidence.

And the 2020 presidential election was rife with mail-in voting irregularities. In Michigan, Republicans led Democrats 41% to 39% in requested mail-in ballots according to NBC News, yet after the final tally, Biden led Trump 69.3% to 29.6% in mail-in votes according to Edison data on the New York Times website.

In Nevada, a lawsuit alleges that 15,000 people voted by mail multiple times—casting ballots both in Nevada and other states. Thousands of mail-in ballots were “cast” by deceased people.

Multiple poll observers testified that many ballots’ signatures didn’t match the ones on file but were still counted. Multiple postal workers claimed that management had told postal employees to backdate late mail-in ballots so that they would count in the election. Record high number of mail-in ballots went through the adjudication process this year, where multiple poll watchers saw ballots altered.}

It's true that you lack even a scintilla of integrity, but you have your Reich - and that's what matters to you.

We both know you're outright lying.

We've been through this dozens of times.

  • The state supreme court permitted lax security controls for mail-in ballots, contravening the US constitution 1 2
  • The state’s DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted, and yet 6,962,607 total ballots were cast (a discrepancy of 202,377 votes). 6,931,060 of these were eventually counted in the presidential race (a discrepancy of 170,830). 3 4
  • 882,777 ballots were entered without any independent observation (uninspected), against the law of Pennsylvania - all done in the middle of the night, when Biden was behind by 600,000 votes. 5
  • Significant statistical anomalies. See below for examples.
  • Ballot counts reached impossible numbers, and were later corrected without transparent explanation 1
  • In the early morning hours after election night, the votes for Joe Biden increased by 578,014 while Trump’s only increased 3,290 during that same period (a ratio of 99.5% to Biden, 0.5% to Trump). 5 This has not been explained.
  • A USPS-contracted trucker alleged in a sworn affidavit that he transported about 144,000 to 288,000 completed ballots from New York to Pennsylvania on Oct. 21 and the trailer disappeared. He wasn’t given any notice about his trailer. “The next day, it just got weirder. As I arrived at the Lancaster USPS with my tractor, I went to hook up to my trailer and the trailer was gone,” Jesse Morgan said in a media statement. 6
  • The day prior to the election, ballot records indicated that 2.7 million ballots had been sent out. The day after the election, this number mysteriously increased by 400,000. This also has not been explained. 1
  • So-called “naked ballots”—mail-in/absentee ballots arriving without being sealed in an envelope, as required by law—were a major problem. 3
  • 75,505 ballots were added to the data 12 days after the election, with no explanation 1
  • 154,585 ballots were either dated impossibly early, or mailed too late, and yet were still counted 1
  • 1,573 ballots came from voters over 100 years old 1
  • Attempts by state and federal members to obtain data have been obstructed 1
  • Courts have refused to hear the evidence 5
  • Philadelphia has had the nation’s highest rates of fraud during past elections and deserves critical examination 5}

You'll slink off now, forget who you were talking to, and tell the same fucking lies in a week.
Aww. Poor, butthurt Fruitcake. :itsok:

Those aren't voting irregularities... that's just you hallucinating.

Michigan? That state went blue 7 out of the last 8 elections. And the one time during that period it went red, Trump barely won it, winning by 2 10ths of one percent. Trump was the irregularity. And the reason there were more Democrats mailing in ballots is because Trump told his acolytes to vote in person and most obeyed him.

Nevada? That claim of people voting more than once, and that dead people voted, was thrown out of court due to lack of merit when the plaintiff couldn't demonstrate in court it actually happened. They literally went to court with voter rolls that contained the names of deceased registered voters and THAT was their "evidence" of dead people voting. The judge dismissed the case based on the defendant’s motion to dismiss when the plaintiff admitted in court he didn't actually have any evidence that any votes were cast with those names. Just that they hadn't been removed from the voter rolls.

Pennsylvania? That story about trucking in hundreds of thousand of ballots was bullshit. The county were he purportedly dropped them off had a total of 116K votes cast, which was far fewer than that ghost hunter/convicted forgerer claimed he dropped of, and the 116K matched their voter rolls.

You don't have evidence of voter fraud -- you have evidence that you're fucked in the head and believe in fairy tales.

Says the fucker with a picture of an attempted lynching victim as it's avatar.

You're a sick pile of shit, even for an Iranian.
Cries the sick freak who thinks about people sucking camel dick.

As far as my avatar, this is the face you make when you look in the mirror and realize what you're looking at...

View attachment 565090

That you are utterly without integrity isn't the same as you haven't been exposed to the evidence.

And the 2020 presidential election was rife with mail-in voting irregularities. In Michigan, Republicans led Democrats 41% to 39% in requested mail-in ballots according to NBC News, yet after the final tally, Biden led Trump 69.3% to 29.6% in mail-in votes according to Edison data on the New York Times website.

In Nevada, a lawsuit alleges that 15,000 people voted by mail multiple times—casting ballots both in Nevada and other states. Thousands of mail-in ballots were “cast” by deceased people.

Multiple poll observers testified that many ballots’ signatures didn’t match the ones on file but were still counted. Multiple postal workers claimed that management had told postal employees to backdate late mail-in ballots so that they would count in the election. Record high number of mail-in ballots went through the adjudication process this year, where multiple poll watchers saw ballots altered.}

It's true that you lack even a scintilla of integrity, but you have your Reich - and that's what matters to you.

We both know you're outright lying.

We've been through this dozens of times.

  • The state supreme court permitted lax security controls for mail-in ballots, contravening the US constitution 1 2
  • The state’s DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted, and yet 6,962,607 total ballots were cast (a discrepancy of 202,377 votes). 6,931,060 of these were eventually counted in the presidential race (a discrepancy of 170,830). 3 4
  • 882,777 ballots were entered without any independent observation (uninspected), against the law of Pennsylvania - all done in the middle of the night, when Biden was behind by 600,000 votes. 5
  • Significant statistical anomalies. See below for examples.
  • Ballot counts reached impossible numbers, and were later corrected without transparent explanation 1
  • In the early morning hours after election night, the votes for Joe Biden increased by 578,014 while Trump’s only increased 3,290 during that same period (a ratio of 99.5% to Biden, 0.5% to Trump). 5 This has not been explained.
  • A USPS-contracted trucker alleged in a sworn affidavit that he transported about 144,000 to 288,000 completed ballots from New York to Pennsylvania on Oct. 21 and the trailer disappeared. He wasn’t given any notice about his trailer. “The next day, it just got weirder. As I arrived at the Lancaster USPS with my tractor, I went to hook up to my trailer and the trailer was gone,” Jesse Morgan said in a media statement. 6
  • The day prior to the election, ballot records indicated that 2.7 million ballots had been sent out. The day after the election, this number mysteriously increased by 400,000. This also has not been explained. 1
  • So-called “naked ballots”—mail-in/absentee ballots arriving without being sealed in an envelope, as required by law—were a major problem. 3
  • 75,505 ballots were added to the data 12 days after the election, with no explanation 1
  • 154,585 ballots were either dated impossibly early, or mailed too late, and yet were still counted 1
  • 1,573 ballots came from voters over 100 years old 1
  • Attempts by state and federal members to obtain data have been obstructed 1
  • Courts have refused to hear the evidence 5
  • Philadelphia has had the nation’s highest rates of fraud during past elections and deserves critical examination 5}

You'll slink off now, forget who you were talking to, and tell the same fucking lies in a week.


NO, masses of dead people did not vote....a handful of REPUBLICANS voted twice, for themselves and for their dead mothers and another yesterday convicted of voting for his dead wife, who claimed on all the right wing media sites it was proof that dems voted for his dead wife....wel, well, well, turns out HE, the Trumper, WAS CONVICTED for being the one who voted in his wife's spot, yesterday.

Any decisions by the supreme court or any court, are the rules democrats followed.....repubs sued, they LOST THEIR SUITS.....the elections in each state followed the court decisions......that's NOT FRAUD or an irregularity... That's following the law.

President Trump TOLD HIS VOTERS TO VOTE IN PERSON, and not via absentee. Democrats told their supporters to stay safe from covid, and use absentee ballots. Repubs that were going to vote absentee, followed Trumps commands to vote in person.

You don't have any proof of voters voting twice in different states. IF YOU HAD PROOF, the names of these double voters would be shown and these people would be prosecuted for voting twice. Your claims mean shit, without proof..... And in Michigan and Pennsylvania you would need hundreds of thousands of citizens there to have voted twice, and according to you they would all have to be democrats and not republicans, when so far, all election fraud was committed by Trumpers, repubs.

Trump lost BIG, BIG, BIG TIME, in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

You have no proof or evidence on any of your fake news claims.... You present nothing but speculation.....speculation means nothing legally..... You must have PROOF of the claims you and others make. What part of that, do you not understand?

Last edited:
What a dumb question. You don't just "see" affidavits. They are in the hands of the law. What an idiot you are.
Another dumb comment. There is loads of proof. You just don't want to see it and YOU voted for a walking, talking disaster. Congrats.

No mass voter fraud took place, that would change Joe Biden's win. None, zip, zero!
Even given the remote chance that he can get 270 Electoral Votes in 2024, Kamala Harris can just overturn those states that voted for Trump

Trump has made it clear that that is within the Constitutional Powers of the Vice President. He has no grounds to complain.

I doubt Trump will run. He's got too many legal problems and owes 1.2 billion in foreign loans. Ivanka and Jarrod have distance themselves from him since Jan 6th.


This is why no one takes you seriously, you're just not quite sane,

You're literally Faun level fucked in the brain.


NO, masses of dead people did not vote....a handful of REPUBLICANS voted twice, for themselves and for their dead mothers and another yesterday convicted of voting for his dead wife, who claimed on all the right wing media sites it was proof that dems voted for his dead wife....wel, well, well, turns out HE, the Trumper, WAS CONVICTED for being the one who voted in his wife's spot, yesterday.

Yes, you have your talking points that you trot out mindlessly.

We have MASSIVE irregularities, including the state of Pennsylvania openly and flagrantly violating their own constitution.

But you don't give a fuck, you have your Reich.

Any decisions by the supreme court or any court, are the rules democrats followed.....repubs sued, they LOST THEIR SUITS.....the elections in each state followed the court decisions......that's NOT FRAUD or an irregularity... That's following the law.

President Trump TOLD HIS VOTERS TO VOTE IN PERSON, and not via absentee. Democrats told their supporters to stay safe from covid, and use absentee ballots. Repubs that were going to vote absentee, followed Trumps commands to vote in person.

You don't have any proof of voters voting twice in different states. IF YOU HAD PROOF, the names of these double voters would be shown and these people would be prosecuted for voting twice. Your claims mean shit, without proof..... And in Michigan and Pennsylvania you would need hundreds of thousands of citizens there to have voted twice, and according to you they would all have to be democrats and not republicans, when so far, all election fraud was committed by Trumpers, repubs.

Trump lost BIG, BIG, BIG TIME, in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

You have no proof or evidence on any of your fake news claims.... You present nothing but speculation.....speculation means nothing legally..... You must have PROOF of the claims you and others make. What part of that, do you not understand?

Voters SHOULD vote in person. Mail in is an open invitation for fraud.

Virginia shows the impact of fraud. 2021 had every zeroed in, and you Nazis lost. 2020 had people too scared from the Bioweapon you and your Chinese masters unleashed, and, well, we saw what you did.
Not his fault no Judge wanted to see the proof. Oh and if you think your boy Bidung got 80 million votes its just shows how gullible you are.

Its a moot point though as the country is stuck with that walking, talking incompetent ass for another three years. Hope the country can survive.

This is why no one takes you seriously, you're just not quite sane,

You're literally Faun level fucked in the brain.

Yes, you have your talking points that you trot out mindlessly.

We have MASSIVE irregularities, including the state of Pennsylvania openly and flagrantly violating their own constitution.

But you don't give a fuck, you have your Reich.

Voters SHOULD vote in person. Mail in is an open invitation for fraud.

Virginia shows the impact of fraud. 2021 had every zeroed in, and you Nazis lost. 2020 had people too scared from the Bioweapon you and your Chinese masters unleashed, and, well, we saw what you did.
The voters, citizens of this nation, exercised their constitutional right to vote, CHOSE their president, and it wasn't Trump....

Any rules or modification in rules that republicans objected to and are calling irregularities, had their day in court, and republicans lost in their objections, for the most part....

The state election officials, followed those final court decisions when running their elections.

No fraud took place by any citizen, they followed the rules they were given....and constitutionally, picked their president.

Your bull shit, don't fly!
Not his fault no Judge wanted to see the proof. Oh and if you think your boy Bidung got 80 million votes its just shows how gullible you are.

Its a moot point though as the country is stuck with that walking, talking incompetent ass for another three years. Hope the country can survive.
Dumbfuck, I said nothing about judges. I asked you if YOU saw them. Clearly you didn't. So you don't even know if they all even exist.

As far as the election, you have no proof you're not hallucinating about massive election fraud.

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