Trump Gets Smacked Down Again on DACA

Bitching about Guatemalans ? My brother in law is Guatemalan. Came in undocumented many years ago. Now he's a citizen and a hard working, law abiding person, and family man. So are his numerous relatives who are also here.
You mean he came in here ILLEGALLY.

To call an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant", is like calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent." :rolleyes:

PS - I also am of Central American ancestry. My paternal grandparents came to the US in the 1880s, from British Honduras (now called Belize). But they came here LEGALLY.


Likely story. Let's see your papers.......
You should relabel your post to call it “17 lies the right believes about immigration”.

1. Americans don’t “lose jobs” because of immigration, they gain them. Immigrants buy food, clothing, furniture, cars. They go out to restaurants, movies and amusement parks. Setting up a home in a new country means a huge investment in durables, creatingits of jobs for Americans.

2. What wage reductions?

3. That’s not the fault of immigrants. That’s dishonest Anerican employers who should be charged, and fined.

4. It’s their money. They earned it. They can send it back to family if they want.

5. Offset by the immigrants who are paying their taxes. Fewer immigrants are on welfare than Anerican born citizens.

6. Immigrants have much lower crime rates than natural born citizens.

7. Yet another reason why infrastructure spending needs to keep pace with population. Building road would create more jobs too.

8. Speak to Scott Pruitt about that one. He’s the one who’s cutting clean air and water regulations and reducing emissions standards.

9. See item 7. Also, single payer health care will reduce ER visits substantially. People will go to the doctor when they get sick instead of waiting until they’re in crisis tonserk care.

10. 11. 12. Weak. Very weak. But see response 7.

13. Entitlements are paid for with tax dollars. The more immigrants, the more tax dollars are available. So 13 is the opposite of what you said.

14. Cultural erosion?!? No way. Cultural enrichment. I lived in one of the greats immigrant cities in the world for 40 years. A city where white people are a minority. The thing I miss most about living in the city is mixing with people of other cultures. WASPs in large numbers are boring.

15. Again speak to Scott Pruitt. He doesn’t think these things are an issue or need protecting.

16. Immigrants have to be healthy and provide a medical certificate in order to get a visa but nice try.

17. More people have been killed by American born terrorists since 9/11 than have been killed by immigrants.

1. What you said is just the opposite of the truth. Actually, sales in US stores is diminished seriously ($138 Billion/year) by immigrants because of their remittances ($138 Billion/year). All this sales money would have gone to US businesses, if Americans (who don't send out remittances) were in the jobs the immigrants are in.

2. The wage reductions concluded by Harvard Economics professor George Borjas.
  • The nation’s leading immigration economist, George Borjas of Harvard, has done a number of studies in which he found a negative impact from immigration on wages. A 2003 study by Dr. Borjas, for example, estimated that immigration reduced the wages for natives who had not graduated from high school by 7.4 percent.

A 2006 paper by Borjas, Grogger, and Hanson found that immigration significantly reduced both the wages and employment of less-educated, native-born. Furthermore, through this study, the researchers (as scholarly as it gets), using data drawn from the 1960-2000 U.S. Censuses, found a strong correlation between immigration, black wages, black employment rates, and black incarceration rates. As immigrants disproportionately increased the supply of workers in a particular skill group, the wage of black workers in that group fell, their employment rate declined, and their incarceration rate rose. The analysis shows that a 10-percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the black wage by 4.0 percent, lowered the employment rate of black men by 3.5 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate of blacks by almost a full percentage point.

Immigration and African-American Employment Opportunities: The Response of Wages, Employment, and Incarceration to Labor Supply Shocks

Immigration’s Impact on U.S. Workers

3. If employers paid standard American wages, the immigrants wouldn't be in those jobs. Americans would be. Regardless of who is to blame, immigrants working has tax loss, big time. As for the employers, they should be jailed under the IRCA law.

4. And when they do, American business lose $138 Billion/yr in sales, and $138 Billion/yr is lost from the US economy, and reinserted into the economies of the immigrants' countries. ($28 Billion/yr to Mexico alone. (the Vikings would be envious) This is 21st century style imperialism.

5. Not offset by taxes because the immigrants' taxes are LESS that the Americans'. And NO, there are NOT fewer immigrants on welfare than American born citizens. The truth is just the opposite (despite the constant lies from leftist media.
In September 2015, the Center for Immigration Studies published a landmark study of immigration and welfare use, showing that 51 percent of immigrant-headed households used at least one federal welfare program — cash, food, housing, or medical care — compared to 30 percent of native households.

The Cost of Welfare Use By Immigrant and Native Households

6. Legal citizens have a lower crime rate, illegals have a far higher crime rate. But "rate" isn't the issue. ANY increase of population carries with it, some % increase in crime. So all immigration brings with ADDITIONAL CRIME, added to the previous population.

7. Talking infrastructure is deflection. More people is more traffic. Period.

8. More people is more pollution.

9. More people is more hospital rooms occupied. Ever been in a hospital WAITING to get into a room ?

10. 11. 12. Not weak. All immigration produces overcrowding in those things.

13 FALSE again. The more immigrants, the LESS tax dollars, as I explained (due to off books work + lower wages paid) There aren't more jobs, just different people working in them (who pay LESS taxes)

14. So you're a multiculturalist. That's not good thing. People speaking different languages who can't communicate with each other. People being subjected to foreign music that they don't like. People bring foreign cultures here that don't agree with our mores and laws. Just look at Muslims, whose Koran tells them murder, rape, pedophilia, and severe misogyny (all illegal under US laws) are acceptable by the Koran. Multiculturalism is an idiotic disaster,and nothing brings it about more than immigration.

15. Another deflection. You want to blame Scott Pruitt, but you're OK with loading up the US population with millions of more consumers of fresh water, oil, minerals, etc. Get real.

16. Nice try yourself. For years, it has been known that legal immigrants are rubber stamped in, without hardly a look inside their mouth and say AHH. As for the illegal ones, they've been bringing in all sorts of foreign diseases for years, and even causing epidemics like the Entero 68 virus in Colorado, some years back.. And look at all the trouble the US medical system had to go through when Obama moronically let those Ebola sick people in from Africa.

17. FALSE!

Illegal Aliens Murder at a Much Higher Rate Than US Citizens Do

The idea that "More people have been killed by American born terrorists since 9/11 than have been killed by immigrants" is misleading. Some American born terrorists are Muslim jihadists, who are the children of immigrants from Muslim countries . Examples are Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood shooter), Omar Mateen (Pulse club), Syen Farook (San Bernardino killer.),

Many others are immigrants themselves, like Ahmed Mohammed Hadayet (LAX shooter), Mohammed Abulazeez (Chattanooga recruiting center), Tashfeen Malik (San Bernarddino killer).

Still other "American" terrorists are the result of foreign Muslim terrorist ideology. like Kori Ali Muhammad (Fresno shooter), Alton Nolen (Moore,OK beheader), John Allen Muhammad (beltway sniper)

Other so-called "American' terrorists, with no motive whatsoever to mass-kill, are thought to have been manipulated by mind control techniques by jihadists who DO have the motive, to commit their crimes -ex. Stephen Paddock (Las Vegas shooter, Adan Lanza (Newtown shooter), et al.
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1. By asking that question you're confirming your ignorance about the Constitution. The articles of the Constitution clearly specify responsibilities of the each government branch. Barry, in his own words, had no constitutional power to issue DACA EO. That would be the job of the Congress. Therefore DACA is unconstitutional, and I am talking about EO, not the conten

1. No, President Obama did not say that he did not have the authority Obama hedged but didn't say he lacked legal right on DACA

2. I was responding to the assertion that all EO are unconstitutional which is which is absurd since every president Washington used them.

3. While EOs are not specifically mentioned .......

The constitutional basis for the executive order is the President’s broad power to issue executive directives. According to the Congressional Research Service, there is no direct “definition of executive orders, presidential memoranda, and proclamations in the U.S. Constitution, there is, likewise, no specific provision authorizing their issuance.”

But Article II of the U.S. Constitution vests executive powers in the President, makes him the commander in chief, and requires that the President “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” Laws can also give additional powers to the President. Executive Orders 101: What are they and how do Presidents use them? - National Constitution Center

4. A better question then is ....Is this EO unconstitutional or otherwise unlawful and why?

Is that clear?
1 The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a group with one mission: to severely limit immigration into the United States. Although FAIR maintains a veneer of legitimacy that has allowed its principals to testify in Congress and lobby the federal government, this veneer hides much ugliness.Federation for American Immigration Reform

2.Founded in 1985 by John Tanton, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has gone on to become the go-to think tank for the anti-immigrant movement with its reports and staffers often cited by media and anti-immigrant politicians. CIS’s much-touted tagline is “low immigration, pro-immigrant,” but the organization has a decades-long history of circulating racist writers, while also associating with white nationalists. Center for Immigration Studies

3 AllSides rates The Hill’s coverage of Washington news as center biased. This rating is consistent with the website’s aim of offering non-partisan and objective coverage of the capitol. Out of more than 300 community members, a slim majority agreed with our center AllSides Bias Rating™. Among 11 of those who disagreed, The Hill received an average bias rating of 40.9, barely inside the boundary between a center and a lean right bias. The Hill
Typical leftist tactic regarding a thorough, quality organization like FAIR. When they can't defeat FAIR's message, they attack FAIR. It they can't defeat the message, they attack the messenger.

Actually, in many of FAIR's report's, they cite leftist groups' reports, as source for their contentions, such as The Nation, Harper's, and the Montgomery Advertiser, in their condemnation of the scamming, money-sucking Southern Poverty Law Center.
How do they pay less taxes? Do you really think that there are a substantial number of employers who pay them under the table? There fact is that they have taxes deducted, but cannot claim a refund and must forgo many services as well. You are still posting unsubstantiated opinions
I already explained the answerS to this question. Are you reading the thread ?
You managed to regurgitate literally every myth about immigration and immigrants

Yay You! :rolleyes:
Now let's see you try to substantiate that - for ANY one of the items on the list. Or is hot air more your speed ?
Is that what you spend your old white fart afternoons doing?
Don't you realize we don't bother reading your drivel?
Heard of the philosopher "sorry I didn't have time to make my letter shorter"
Just trying to help.
Try 5 liners
So THIS makes your day ? >>>

Harms of Immigration

Americans lose jobs.

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists (Ex. ISIS tucked in with "Syrian refugees")

You managed to regurgitate literally every myth about immigration and immigrants

Yay You! :rolleyes:
Our brave old white fart maybe doesn't know a Muslim invented his iPhone
Heard of "projection"?
Accusing people of what you are doing?
You are the very definition of hot air and can't see it
So let's apply what I posted before, to you.Accusing people of what you are doing? Let's see YOU show one example of where anything on the Harms of immigration list is not valid.

OK. You got anything besides hot air ? Show it.

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