Trump fires Secretary of Defense Mark Esper

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See ya dopey............................................

Now he can run for Congress as a democrap
Fired for talking sense..a cardinal Trumpland:

Recently, there have been reports that Esper could be removed from his post or could be preparing resignation letters, but some members of his staff believed that he would remain through inauguration.
Esper's firing comes five months after he said he did "not support invoking the Insurrection Act," amid nationwide protests over the summer. He has not held a press conference in the Pentagon briefing room since July.

"The option to use active-duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort and only in the most urgent and dire situations," Esper said in June. "We are not in one of those situations now. I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act."
Once Esper refused to betray the Constitution and send the military to assault US civilians, he went on Trump's enemies list.

In general, anyone who defends the Constitution goes on the Republican enemies list
Dunno about the Republicans list--many, if not most of the Republicans support the Constitution....but on Trump's list..for sure.

See ya dopey............................................

Now he can run for Congress as a democrap
Not like Mark Esper wasn't leaving anyway. He had been planning to quit trump for days. Apparently the Secretary of Defense was only loyal to the Constitution and the United States of American. He is a good guy and a straight arrow. You can take the Lieutenant out of West Point after Graduation, but you can't take the West Point out of the Lieutenant Colonel, especially if make him Secretary of Defense. Hard to forget those military oaths to the constitution and the country. Trump just never understood the bond of an Officer to the Oath.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper reportedly readies resignation letter amid push to rename bases
By Steven Nelson
November 5, 2020 | 4:57pm
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See ya dopey............................................

Now he can run for Congress as a democrap
Not like Mark Esper wasn't leaving anyway. He had been planning to quit trump for days. Apparently the Secretary of Defense was only loyal to the Constitution and the United States of American. He is a good guy and a straight arrow. You can take the Lieutenant out of West Point after Graduation, but you can't take the West Point out of the Lieutenant Colonel, especially if make him Secretary of Defense. Hard to forget those military oaths to the constitution and the country. Trump just understood the bond of an Officer to the Oath.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper reportedly readies resignation letter amid push to rename bases
By Steven Nelson
November 5, 2020 | 4:57pm
hmmm, sounds like Esper did the right thing, and got the door for it!


See ya dopey............................................

Now he can run for Congress as a democrap
Not like Mark Esper wasn't leaving anyway. He had been planning to quit trump for days. Apparently the Secretary of Defense was only loyal to the Constitution and the United States of American. He is a good guy and a straight arrow. You can take the Lieutenant out of West Point after Graduation, but you can't take the West Point out of the Lieutenant Colonel, especially if make him Secretary of Defense. Hard to forget those military oaths to the constitution and the country. Trump just understood the bond of an Officer to the Oath.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper reportedly readies resignation letter amid push to rename bases
By Steven Nelson
November 5, 2020 | 4:57pm
Esper's only oath was to China

Now he will lobby for another fake war that will serve only to blow off legs
Trump fired him because he spoke out against the posse comitatus act and insurrection act being used on protesters....said it did not rise to the level of use the acts required.

Trump fired him, so he could sick the Military and federal agents, on to us..... is what it appears Trump is setting up!
Once Esper refused to betray the Constitution and send the military to assault US civilians, he went on Trump's enemies list.
i musta missed that one......?

Yes. You missed it Sparky. Esper sided with the joint chief against putting US Army troops into the cities to quell protests. It is why the 82nd Airborne guys were sent back home without ever hitting the streets after being called to Washington, the day of Donnie's little photo op after gassing protestors in Lafayette Square. Founding father never wanted active army troops to be used against the citizens so they it in the constitution. Same Constitution, military officer swear an oath to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Trump fired him because he spoke out against the posse computations act and insurrection act being used on protesters....said it did not rise to the level of use the acts required.

Trump fired him, so he could sick the Military and federal agents, on to us..... is what it appears Trump is setting up!
Lame Duck Trump....probably won't try any such thing..and if he does...he'll get his tailfeathers singed!
It's adiós to the crooked lawyers. A final adieu to Deomocrat shysters who charge money to represent conservatives, the quiet majority of the American people who actually voted for Trump, but whose votes were altered, lost, stolen, or miscounted.
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