Trump FINALLY Sees His Opportunity Regarding The Wall


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Democrats have staunchly refused to allow President trump to build his wall to secure the US border.

Even when the caravans started coming - thousands of illegals illegally, criminally, violently pushing past Mexican police and military to continue their criminal trek to our SWern border, the President sparred with Democrats 100%-committed to preventing him from getting his wall.

Even after sending troops to defend the US BPAs, DHS, and ICE agents there ... even after the violent illegals attempted to tear down portions of US border fencing, attempted to scale the walls, and attacked US agents... President Trump attempted to work WITH the democrats....

I pointed out WEEKS ago that Trump was missing an opportunity...and he has finally seen it and looks like he may be taking action.

The military that was sent to the border has been putting up Constantia wire and other temp blockades at the border.....WHY?

President Trump, the Commander In Chief of the armed forces, responsible BY LAW / CONSTITUTION for protecting this nation from invasion, having declared the caravans and illegals criminally attempting to force their way into the US while attacking US federal agents, has every bit of legal authority to order the US military TO BUILD HIS WALL for the defense of the United States against the invasion!

....and he does not need Congressional approval or legislation passed to do so!


Trump says military to build border wall if Democrats refuse

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall."

NO legislation needed!
NO more 'Resist' / 100% Committed Obstruction!
No More Democrat-Facilitated Illegal Immigration / Invasion!
NO government shut-down!

It took him a while to get there - he is more patient than I am. Had I been President I would have given the order to the military to build the wall at the same time I gave the order to send the military to the border to help stop the invasion!
The Democrats have staunchly refused to allow President trump to build his wall to secure the US border.

Even when the caravans started coming - thousands of illegals illegally, criminally, violently pushing past Mexican police and military to continue their criminal trek to our SWern border, the President sparred with Democrats 100%-committed to preventing him from getting his wall.

Even after sending troops to defend the US BPAs, DHS, and ICE agents there ... even after the violent illegals attempted to tear down portions of US border fencing, attempted to scale the walls, and attacked US agents... President Trump attempted to work WITH the democrats....

I pointed out WEEKS ago that Trump was missing an opportunity...and he has finally seen it and looks like he may be taking action.

The military that was sent to the border has been putting up Constantia wire and other temp blockades at the border.....WHY?

President Trump, the Commander In Chief of the armed forces, responsible BY LAW / CONSTITUTION for protecting this nation from invasion, having declared the caravans and illegals criminally attempting to force their way into the US while attacking US federal agents, has every bit of legal authority to order the US military TO BUILD HIS WALL for the defense of the United States against the invasion!

....and he does not need Congressional approval or legislation passed to do so!


Trump says military to build border wall if Democrats refuse

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall."

NO legislation needed!
NO more 'Resist' / 100% Committed Obstruction!
No More Democrat-Facilitated Illegal Immigration / Invasion!
NO government shut-down!

It took him a while to get there - he is more patient than I am. Had I been President I would have given the order to the military to build the wall at the same time I gave the order to send the military to the border to help stop the invasion!
The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds. Dems are not obstructing border security they are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar budget for it. They don’t want to waste money on Trumps vision of the wall. Trumps campaign promise was to build a wall AND Mexico will pay for it. He didn’t say he would build a wall with billions of tax payer funds and will shut down the government if he doesn’t get the money.
The Democrats have staunchly refused to allow President trump to build his wall to secure the US border.

Even when the caravans started coming - thousands of illegals illegally, criminally, violently pushing past Mexican police and military to continue their criminal trek to our SWern border, the President sparred with Democrats 100%-committed to preventing him from getting his wall.

Even after sending troops to defend the US BPAs, DHS, and ICE agents there ... even after the violent illegals attempted to tear down portions of US border fencing, attempted to scale the walls, and attacked US agents... President Trump attempted to work WITH the democrats....

I pointed out WEEKS ago that Trump was missing an opportunity...and he has finally seen it and looks like he may be taking action.

The military that was sent to the border has been putting up Constantia wire and other temp blockades at the border.....WHY?

President Trump, the Commander In Chief of the armed forces, responsible BY LAW / CONSTITUTION for protecting this nation from invasion, having declared the caravans and illegals criminally attempting to force their way into the US while attacking US federal agents, has every bit of legal authority to order the US military TO BUILD HIS WALL for the defense of the United States against the invasion!

....and he does not need Congressional approval or legislation passed to do so!


Trump says military to build border wall if Democrats refuse

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall."

NO legislation needed!
NO more 'Resist' / 100% Committed Obstruction!
No More Democrat-Facilitated Illegal Immigration / Invasion!
NO government shut-down!

It took him a while to get there - he is more patient than I am. Had I been President I would have given the order to the military to build the wall at the same time I gave the order to send the military to the border to help stop the invasion!
If we build it, they won't come.
Republicans run everything and yet they still can’t seem to get their wall built.

Are they useless or what?
The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds.
Sorry to break it to you, but there is a special 'pot' of money earmarked for 'combatting terrorism' / 'protecting the US' - the same pot funding our wars in the ME (Afghanistan/Syria/etc...). It can be spent under the justification of 'combatting terrorism' / 'protecting the US' without requiring a specific approval from Congress for things like....ummm, funding the wall.
Maybe the republicans could push through another tax cut and designate the funds from the increased revenues to build The Wall.
The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds.
Sorry to break it to you, but there is a special 'pot' of money earmarked for 'combatting terrorism' / 'protecting the US' - the same pot funding our wars in the ME (Afghanistan/Syria/etc...). It can be spent under the justification of 'combatting terrorism' / 'protecting the US' without requiring a specific approval from Congress for things like....ummm, funding the wall.
Interesting. When Obama went outside the process to get DACA done it was abuse of power but now you promote Trump going outside the lines to get his agenda done. You are so principled
Another example of Trump trying to rule this Nation of Laws as King George III did from 1760 until the Treaty of Paris. Fuck a bunch of King Orange. We threw out that type of governance once and for all in 1789!

There are three (3) co-equal branches of government under our Constitution, but that piece of shit we have for a POTUS believes he commands all three! It's past time he was removed for malfeasance and misfeasance along with willful stupidity!

That display of idiocy one broadcast this AM on TV is absolute proof of the pudding!
Interesting. When Obama went outside the process to get DACA done it was abuse of power but now you promote Trump going outside the lines to get his agenda done. You are so principled
Obama ADMITTED he did not have the Constitutional power to alter / affect existing Immigration Law...and then did it any way. As I pointed out, President Trump HAS the Constitutional / Legal authority to order the military to build a wall in the defense of the United States.
The Democrats have staunchly refused to allow President trump to build his wall to secure the US border.

Even when the caravans started coming - thousands of illegals illegally, criminally, violently pushing past Mexican police and military to continue their criminal trek to our SWern border, the President sparred with Democrats 100%-committed to preventing him from getting his wall.

Even after sending troops to defend the US BPAs, DHS, and ICE agents there ... even after the violent illegals attempted to tear down portions of US border fencing, attempted to scale the walls, and attacked US agents... President Trump attempted to work WITH the democrats....

I pointed out WEEKS ago that Trump was missing an opportunity...and he has finally seen it and looks like he may be taking action.

The military that was sent to the border has been putting up Constantia wire and other temp blockades at the border.....WHY?

President Trump, the Commander In Chief of the armed forces, responsible BY LAW / CONSTITUTION for protecting this nation from invasion, having declared the caravans and illegals criminally attempting to force their way into the US while attacking US federal agents, has every bit of legal authority to order the US military TO BUILD HIS WALL for the defense of the United States against the invasion!

....and he does not need Congressional approval or legislation passed to do so!


Trump says military to build border wall if Democrats refuse

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall."

NO legislation needed!
NO more 'Resist' / 100% Committed Obstruction!
No More Democrat-Facilitated Illegal Immigration / Invasion!
NO government shut-down!

It took him a while to get there - he is more patient than I am. Had I been President I would have given the order to the military to build the wall at the same time I gave the order to send the military to the border to help stop the invasion!
The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds. Dems are not obstructing border security they are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar budget for it. They don’t want to waste money on Trumps vision of the wall. Trumps campaign promise was to build a wall AND Mexico will pay for it. He didn’t say he would build a wall with billions of tax payer funds and will shut down the government if he doesn’t get the money.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.

If Trump tells the Democrats how he plans to make Mexico pay for it some Hawaiian Judge will try to stop him.
Interesting. When Obama went outside the process to get DACA done it was abuse of power but now you promote Trump going outside the lines to get his agenda done. You are so principled
Obama ADMITTED he did not have the Constitutional power to alter / affect existing Immigration Law...and then did it any way. As I pointed out, President Trump HAS the Constitutional / Legal authority to order the military to build a wall in the defense of the United States.
No shit, that’s why it was a directive and not a law. Congress is needed to pass laws. Just imagine if Obama had skirted congress to spend billions on something that he couldn’t get passed through congress.
The Democrats have staunchly refused to allow President trump to build his wall to secure the US border.

Even when the caravans started coming - thousands of illegals illegally, criminally, violently pushing past Mexican police and military to continue their criminal trek to our SWern border, the President sparred with Democrats 100%-committed to preventing him from getting his wall.

Even after sending troops to defend the US BPAs, DHS, and ICE agents there ... even after the violent illegals attempted to tear down portions of US border fencing, attempted to scale the walls, and attacked US agents... President Trump attempted to work WITH the democrats....

I pointed out WEEKS ago that Trump was missing an opportunity...and he has finally seen it and looks like he may be taking action.

The military that was sent to the border has been putting up Constantia wire and other temp blockades at the border.....WHY?

President Trump, the Commander In Chief of the armed forces, responsible BY LAW / CONSTITUTION for protecting this nation from invasion, having declared the caravans and illegals criminally attempting to force their way into the US while attacking US federal agents, has every bit of legal authority to order the US military TO BUILD HIS WALL for the defense of the United States against the invasion!

....and he does not need Congressional approval or legislation passed to do so!


Trump says military to build border wall if Democrats refuse

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall."

NO legislation needed!
NO more 'Resist' / 100% Committed Obstruction!
No More Democrat-Facilitated Illegal Immigration / Invasion!
NO government shut-down!

It took him a while to get there - he is more patient than I am. Had I been President I would have given the order to the military to build the wall at the same time I gave the order to send the military to the border to help stop the invasion!
The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds. Dems are not obstructing border security they are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar budget for it. They don’t want to waste money on Trumps vision of the wall. Trumps campaign promise was to build a wall AND Mexico will pay for it. He didn’t say he would build a wall with billions of tax payer funds and will shut down the government if he doesn’t get the money.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.

If Trump tells the Democrats how he plans to make Mexico pay for it some Hawaiian Judge will try to stop him.
It’s been two years, how much wall funding has Trump raised from Mexico? Why is he threatening to shut down the government if he doesn’t get tax payer funds to pay for the wall? I don’t remember him campaigning about that, do you?
No shit, that’s why it was a directive and not a law. Congress is needed to pass laws. [/QUOTE

Obama - a self-professed Constitutional Scholar, declared he did not have the authority to do ANYTHING to affect existing Immigration Law...

:wtf: Who the hell are you trying to fool / convince with that BS. There are no 'Gruber-snowflakes' here listening to you. Obama by-passed Congress to impose his own EDICT - 'Obamalaw'. He imposed ObamaDACA, a CLEAR violation of the US Constitution, one that he admitted before he did it.

Just imagine if Obama had skirted congress to spend billions on something that he couldn’t get passed through congress.
Skirted Congress.... You mean like:

Violating the Constitution to Make Illegal Recess Appointments

By-Passing Congress to make his own Illegal TREATY with Iran then taking it straight to the UN, by-passing Congress again, to get it ratified by the UN before allowing the US govt to even read it 1st (exposing the POS as not only a rogue President who had just violated the Constitution AGAIN but as a GLOBALIST who respected / remained loyal to a World Govt ideology than to his own system of Govt at home)


Obama vi9lated both Constitution and Rule of Law (Found in violation of court orders - Contempt of Court - twice) several times as President.
It’s been two years, how much wall funding has Trump raised from Mexico? Why is he threatening to shut down the government if he doesn’t get tax payer funds to pay for the wall? I don’t remember him campaigning about that, do you?
Thinking things through is NOT your strong-suit.....

The President could easily fund the wall by cutting off the annual foreign aid of Mexico, Venezuela, etc....except to do that he would need Congressional approval / legislation to do so - none of which is in his power to do it is to order the military to build the wall. As stated, the Democrats are damn good at 100% commitment to Obstruction and 100% commitment to facilitating Illegal Immigration, election fraud, and preventing keeping the US safe....
The Democrats have staunchly refused to allow President trump to build his wall to secure the US border.

Even when the caravans started coming - thousands of illegals illegally, criminally, violently pushing past Mexican police and military to continue their criminal trek to our SWern border, the President sparred with Democrats 100%-committed to preventing him from getting his wall.

Even after sending troops to defend the US BPAs, DHS, and ICE agents there ... even after the violent illegals attempted to tear down portions of US border fencing, attempted to scale the walls, and attacked US agents... President Trump attempted to work WITH the democrats....

I pointed out WEEKS ago that Trump was missing an opportunity...and he has finally seen it and looks like he may be taking action.

The military that was sent to the border has been putting up Constantia wire and other temp blockades at the border.....WHY?

President Trump, the Commander In Chief of the armed forces, responsible BY LAW / CONSTITUTION for protecting this nation from invasion, having declared the caravans and illegals criminally attempting to force their way into the US while attacking US federal agents, has every bit of legal authority to order the US military TO BUILD HIS WALL for the defense of the United States against the invasion!

....and he does not need Congressional approval or legislation passed to do so!


Trump says military to build border wall if Democrats refuse

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall."

NO legislation needed!
NO more 'Resist' / 100% Committed Obstruction!
No More Democrat-Facilitated Illegal Immigration / Invasion!
NO government shut-down!

It took him a while to get there - he is more patient than I am. Had I been President I would have given the order to the military to build the wall at the same time I gave the order to send the military to the border to help stop the invasion!

Hoax 1: I am going to build a big, beautiful sexy wall. And Mexico will pay for it.

Fallback Hoax 2: Okay, so Mexico isn't going to pay for the wall. I was just kidding. But I will shut down the government if Congress won't fund the wall.

Fallback Hoax 3: Okay, so I'm not shutting down the government. I was just kidding. I'll use the military to build the wall. Yeah, that's it...

You STILL haven't caught on. :lol:


Would you believe prison convicts will build the wall?
The Democrats have staunchly refused to allow President trump to build his wall to secure the US border.

Even when the caravans started coming - thousands of illegals illegally, criminally, violently pushing past Mexican police and military to continue their criminal trek to our SWern border, the President sparred with Democrats 100%-committed to preventing him from getting his wall.

Even after sending troops to defend the US BPAs, DHS, and ICE agents there ... even after the violent illegals attempted to tear down portions of US border fencing, attempted to scale the walls, and attacked US agents... President Trump attempted to work WITH the democrats....

I pointed out WEEKS ago that Trump was missing an opportunity...and he has finally seen it and looks like he may be taking action.

The military that was sent to the border has been putting up Constantia wire and other temp blockades at the border.....WHY?

President Trump, the Commander In Chief of the armed forces, responsible BY LAW / CONSTITUTION for protecting this nation from invasion, having declared the caravans and illegals criminally attempting to force their way into the US while attacking US federal agents, has every bit of legal authority to order the US military TO BUILD HIS WALL for the defense of the United States against the invasion!

....and he does not need Congressional approval or legislation passed to do so!


Trump says military to build border wall if Democrats refuse

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall."

NO legislation needed!
NO more 'Resist' / 100% Committed Obstruction!
No More Democrat-Facilitated Illegal Immigration / Invasion!
NO government shut-down!

It took him a while to get there - he is more patient than I am. Had I been President I would have given the order to the military to build the wall at the same time I gave the order to send the military to the border to help stop the invasion!
The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds. Dems are not obstructing border security they are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar budget for it. They don’t want to waste money on Trumps vision of the wall. Trumps campaign promise was to build a wall AND Mexico will pay for it. He didn’t say he would build a wall with billions of tax payer funds and will shut down the government if he doesn’t get the money.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.

If Trump tells the Democrats how he plans to make Mexico pay for it some Hawaiian Judge will try to stop him.
It’s been two years, how much wall funding has Trump raised from Mexico? Why is he threatening to shut down the government if he doesn’t get tax payer funds to pay for the wall? I don’t remember him campaigning about that, do you?
It's been 10 years since Obama promised to close GITMO
It's been 10 years since Obama promised to close GITMO
It was NOT for lack of trying. In the middle of the war in Afghanistan he freed the top 5 Enemy Leaders - THE tribal war chiefs, the Taliban 5 - in his attempt to keep that campaign promise!
The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds.
Sorry to break it to you, but there is a special 'pot' of money earmarked for 'combatting terrorism' / 'protecting the US' - the same pot funding our wars in the ME (Afghanistan/Syria/etc...). It can be spent under the justification of 'combatting terrorism' / 'protecting the US' without requiring a specific approval from Congress for things like....ummm, funding the wall.
Interesting. When Obama went outside the process to get DACA done it was abuse of power but now you promote Trump going outside the lines to get his agenda done. You are so principled
yep.going outside of process is what presidents do now cause congress and the senate are too "scared" for lack of a better term to take on the issue and upset one side or the other.

i didn't like it when obama EO'd his will around and i hate it when trump does. he shouldn't and it doesn't matter what obama did because "he did it first" is not an excuse adult should use.


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