Trump Economy creates 263,000 jobs in April, unemployment falls to 3.6%

This is where the deranged fucking losers who said Trump would plunge us into a recession in his first year, will claim this is all because of the negro skinny negro in chief.

They cannot handle it.

Fuck you losers.
Very nice. With unemployment this low, this probably means that people are still re-entering.

Wage growth, very nice.

Nice, nice, nice.

Well, the labor force participation rate fell from 63% to 62.8%. But, in any event, if you are looking for a job, your prospects for finding a job, any job that is, have never been better since 1969. If the unemployment rate were to fall to 3.3%, that would be the lowest unemployment rate since 1953 during the Korean War. Anyone participating in the labor market in 1953(age 16 or above) would today be over 80.

So people are retiring and others are taking there jobs...
Just Heard it on TV. (No Link yet)

263,000 jobs added.

Unemployment rate has plunged to 3.6 (lowest since 1969)

Wage growth is at 3.2% (Highest since 2008)

Biden will probably give a talk on morality. His nonsense about stagnant wages and China
not being a competitor have already been taken to the trash heap.
But wasn't the crazy left all excited and cheering about the economic disaster that last months numbers preported to show? This is definitely bad. It will dash all hopes of having that bad economy created by Repubcans that only the democrats can fix.

It isn't bad but it isn't necessarily good for Trump's base as most of the gains are in healthcare and professional services. Retail continues to shed jobs and manufacturing barely has a heart beat. Even general labor in construction appears to have only gained around 1K jobs as the rest were in engineering and specialty commercial skills.

Its too easy to order things on Amazon now and have them delivered to the house. You can't prop up a business model like certain retail jobs when people are no longer using it.

I don't dispute that, however, the OP injected politics into the discussion and politically this report just reflects the Tale of Two Cities Economy we have been experiencing for a generation or more and the numbers do not reflect success in the areas the POTUS seems to emphasis in his speeches and policies.
The economy generated a stronger than expected 263,000 new jobs in April, helping to drive down the unemployment rate to a 49-year low of 3.6%.
That's because nearly 1 MILLION dropped out of the labor force, which actually did ALL the driving!
Economists say that many of them are in school, on disability, or in prison. More optimistically, some said that men are more likely to help their spouses with raising children and cleaning the house!.... A bitch when reasoned out that ABNORMALS never think of!
And the worm turns!
All during Obama's terms the lying scum Right said they gave up looking for work and dropped out of the labor force out of frustration. The labor force SHRANK from 162,823,000 to 162,097,000 or 726,000.

And NO economists say they are in prison because REAL economists know the numbers for the labor force are based on the NON-INSTITUTIONALIZED population.
Civilian non-institutional population - Everyone living in the United States who is 16 or older minus inmates of institutions such as prisons, nursing homes, and mental hospitals and minus those on active duty in the Armed Forces.

Obamanomics: 92 Million Americans Not Working
May 2, 2014
RUSH: Have you heard about the great economic news? I mean, this is the most amazing — I’m sorry, folks, I’m going to have to come up with some new descriptors, new descriptives, because I’m running out of them. Most amazing, incredible, unbelievable, stunning, you name it. The US labor force shrunk by more than 800,000 people in April. For those of you in Rio Linda, that means 800,000 people stopped looking for work or quit working.
Economy is booming. Unemployment at levels that haven’t been seen in decades

Usually means automatic reelection for a sitting President

Then there is Trump......

Good point. Because the media is so hateful of President Trump, they are actually advocating for Economic Malaise and against the low-unemployment policies of Trumponomics. You wouldn't see that if there were numbers like this during a Clinton administration.
Economy is booming. Unemployment at levels that haven’t been seen in decades

Usually means automatic reelection for a sitting President

Then there is Trump......

Usually a booming economy means the national debt not skyrocketing and the president not begging for another round of QE...

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Unemployment is two thirds lower than it was under Obama who had some rates OVER 10 per cent, well into two figures.

This is bad news for the libs, tanking the Triumphant Trump Economy and the Donald's tremendous Trumponomics program is becoming very urgent.

Remember though that under Obama, the unemployment rate fell to 4.7%. So unemployment right now under Trump is not that much better than it was in the last months of the Obama administration. Again, your talking 4.7% vs. 3.6%. Certainly better, although it might actually be too low when you ask Employers who can't fill jobs. A labor shortage will eventually hurt the economy. That's why its foolish for Trump to be obsessed with sending immigrants, legal or not, back to Mexico or other places in Latin America. At a time when the United States is starving for workers, it needs the most lenient or relaxed immigration laws and regulations.
Incorrect. At this time, we need, now more than ever, a tightening of immigration -- legal -- and a crackdown on illegal.

The real answer to employers not having a qualified labor force is for them to put some skin in the game and provide resources and direction in education, both pre and post high school.

Vocational Aptitude needs to start early in our education system and our kids should be encouraged toward where their aptitudes and interests lay.

Our education should be focused on what it takes to be a productive citizen and finding meaningful work and should be less focused on the liberal arts, unless a child shows promise as an artist.

The STEM categories need to be pushed and pushed hard. To this end, corporate America has a place, a role, and a duty to provide SOME of the resources.

After all, they're the ones that will benefit in the end.

Most liberal arts major's have good critical thinking skills, know how to write, speak effectively, and are more likely to know a foreign language. Skills the Orange Anus lacks. Many things that people study in STEM will be outdated in 10 years. But critical thinking, writing, speaking well, understanding languages will NEVER be outdated.

Finally, most help wanted signs you see driving around in your local community are not for people with a STEM education.

Also STEM is nothing new, it was pushed hard in the 1950s after the Russians put Sputnik in Space. The fact is though, STEM specific jobs only make up a fraction of all jobs that exist currently. Your never going to have more engineers than burger flippers.

The fact is, 67% of people out there don't even have a college degree. Their working in jobs that don't require one.
Economy is booming. Unemployment at levels that haven’t been seen in decades

Usually means automatic reelection for a sitting President

Then there is Trump......

Usually a booming economy means the national debt not skyrocketing and the president not begging for another round of QE...

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Our Democrat Friends are bitchin' about the national debt, but really haven't emphasized their "solution" to it, 70% (or higher) tax rates.
Just Heard it on TV. (No Link yet)

263,000 jobs added.

Unemployment rate has plunged to 3.6 (lowest since 1969)

Wage growth is at 3.2% (Highest since 2008)

Biden will probably give a talk on morality. His nonsense about stagnant wages and China
not being a competitor have already been taken to the trash heap.
But wasn't the crazy left all excited and cheering about the economic disaster that last months numbers preported to show? This is definitely bad. It will dash all hopes of having that bad economy created by Repubcans that only the democrats can fix.

It isn't bad but it isn't necessarily good for Trump's base as most of the gains are in healthcare and professional services. Retail continues to shed jobs and manufacturing barely has a heart beat. Even general labor in construction appears to have only gained around 1K jobs as the rest were in engineering and specialty commercial skills.
So you are somehow claiming that only those who voted for Trump are not gaining from the created jobs?

You have to be either crazy or just completely self centered. There are people from every walk of life that voted for Trump and will probably vote for him again.

You can assume whatever you want, but this report is not good for rustbelt areas that swung the election in his favor by very thin margins. Ohio, for instance, has been losing manufacturing jobs by the boatload the last couple years, as has Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Michigan.
Nice to see an April rebound. And wages increasing.. I hope we can continue this positive trend.
What's causing wages to increase?
Deregulation, lower taxes, more investments. Trump is God’s son

So why is he borrowing $1.3 trillion next year...

With borrowing this high you have problems...

Almost available everyone is working and you still can't pay your bills...

The secret is Labour Force is dropping... Less people actually working...

Can someone explain what is Trump's policy when it hits a recession?
Economy is booming. Unemployment at levels that haven’t been seen in decades

Usually means automatic reelection for a sitting President

Then there is Trump......

Usually a booming economy means the national debt not skyrocketing and the president not begging for another round of QE...

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Our Democrat Friends are bitchin' about the national debt, but really haven't emphasized their "solution" to it, 70% (or higher) tax rates.

The Dems have no desire to decrease the debt, most like the Repubs do not. None of them give a shit because people like you will keep voting them into office not matter what

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Economy is booming. Unemployment at levels that haven’t been seen in decades

Usually means automatic reelection for a sitting President

Then there is Trump......

Usually a booming economy means the national debt not skyrocketing and the president not begging for another round of QE...

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Well its not skyrocketing in the sense that the GDP to debt ratio lately has been more stable.
Very nice. With unemployment this low, this probably means that people are still re-entering.
Typically WRONG!
The number not in labor force INCREASED from 95,714,000 to 96,596,000 or 882,000.
the labor force DECREASED from 162,823,000 to 162,097,000 or 726,000.
Economy is booming. Unemployment at levels that haven’t been seen in decades

Usually means automatic reelection for a sitting President

Then there is Trump......

Usually a booming economy means the national debt not skyrocketing and the president not begging for another round of QE...

Sent from my iPhone using

Our Democrat Friends are bitchin' about the national debt, but really haven't emphasized their "solution" to it, 70% (or higher) tax rates.

The Dems have no desire to decrease the debt, most like the Repubs do not. None of them give a shit because people like you will keep voting them into office not matter what

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Republicans ran on the debt in the past, and they ended up losing. Its the people, as a whole, that don't have a problem with it.
The economy generated a stronger than expected 263,000 new jobs in April, helping to drive down the unemployment rate to a 49-year low of 3.6%.
That's because nearly 1 MILLION dropped out of the labor force, which actually did ALL the driving!
Economists say that many of them are in school, on disability, or in prison. More optimistically, some said that men are more likely to help their spouses with raising children and cleaning the house!.... A bitch when reasoned out that ABNORMALS never think of!
And the worm turns!
All during Obama's terms the lying scum Right said they gave up looking for work and dropped out of the labor force out of frustration. The labor force SHRANK from 162,823,000 to 162,097,000 or 726,000.

And NO economists say they are in prison because REAL economists know the numbers for the labor force are based on the NON-INSTITUTIONALIZED population.
Civilian non-institutional population - Everyone living in the United States who is 16 or older minus inmates of institutions such as prisons, nursing homes, and mental hospitals and minus those on active duty in the Armed Forces.

Obamanomics: 92 Million Americans Not Working
May 2, 2014
RUSH: Have you heard about the great economic news? I mean, this is the most amazing — I’m sorry, folks, I’m going to have to come up with some new descriptors, new descriptives, because I’m running out of them. Most amazing, incredible, unbelievable, stunning, you name it. The US labor force shrunk by more than 800,000 people in April. For those of you in Rio Linda, that means 800,000 people stopped looking for work or quit working.
And under the Surrender Monkey that was true.... Thanks for reminding us NINETY TWO MILLION NOT WORKING UNDER THE MENTAL MIDGET!!!
Very nice. With unemployment this low, this probably means that people are still re-entering.
Typically WRONG!
The number not in labor force INCREASED from 95,714,000 to 96,596,000 or 882,000.
the labor force DECREASED from 162,823,000 to 162,097,000 or 726,000.

Please see post 54.

Or don't.